Institutional Planning and Budget Council Meeting Notes Attending

Institutional Planning and Budget Council
Meeting Notes
Wednesday, July 21, 2005
Jane Church, Dale Wagoner, Rachel LePell, Vanessa Cormier, Catherine Powell, Tom Clark, Melinda Matsuda,
Carolyn Arnold, Jessica Vernieri, Brenda Carr, Sally Jahnke. Jessica Vernieri was introduced as our new grants
coordinator. Vanessa Cormier told the committee that she needs to resign, as her workload with the new grant is
too heavy this year.
Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes of the 6/23/05 meeting were read and approved by consensus. Some changes were made to the list
of areas that need to do unit plans. An updated list is attached to the minutes of this meeting.
2005-06 Schedule for IPBC
Members of IPBC studied a partial chart of a proposed 2005-06 schedule for IPBC. They moved around post-its
to create a more updated schedule. Rachel LePell summarized this chart. It appears as an attachment to these
SLOAC Committee
IPBC will appoint a SLOAC subcommittee, which will be a subcommittee of this group. Rachel LePell will
lead the group. Each Dean should appoint a faculty member to the group. This group will assure that SLOAC’s
actually happen in each division. The first focus in development of SLOAC’s will be on the classroom. Student
Services folks will work with Melinda Matsuda to develop their SLOAC’s. The SLOAC Committee could
appoint other people to their committee as needed.
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee is a subcommittee of the IPBC. When Dr. Carlson and Sally spoke, it was agreed that
one way we could assure that there was collaboration between the groups was to appoint the Budget Committee
to IPBC. Also, Budget Committee members should be invited to our retreat.
Commitment to the Cause
Sally Jahnke asked all members to commit to IPBC to move us forward. It’s important to come to the meetings
and do any assigned homework.
Meeting dates for 2005-06
IPBC will meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 3 pm in 1814.
Date for September Retreat
September 23, 2005 was chosen. It seems not to conflict with other activities already scheduled for September.
The primary activity for the retreat is to go over the 2005-08 strategic plan and update it to become the 20062009 strategic plan. This updated 3-year plan will then be used to generate the 2006-07 Strategic Plan. This plan
will consist of 4-5 major goals to be worked on in 06-07. The October meetings of IPBC will be used to develop
this plan. It will be released to the college at large for comment and refinement in early November. The final
plan will be ready in mid-November.