M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
December 12, 2007 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
IPBC Membership
Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Debra Howell
Joe Kuwabara
Linda Rhodes
Cristina Ruggiero
Wanda Wong
Rachel Ugale
Yvonne Wu Craig
Norma Ambriz
Robert Carlson
Marcia Corcoran
Rosemary Delia
Heidi Finberg
Farhad Javaheripour
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Ron Taylor
M i n u t e s
Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn
Arnold, Mike Absher, Chad Mark Glen, Debra Howell, Gerald
Shimada, Ron Taylor, Marcia Corcoran, Norma Ambriz
Members Absent: Joe Kuwabara, Farhad Javaheripour, Linda
Rhodes, Wanda Wong, Rachel Ugale, Robert Carlson, Rosemary
Delia, Heidi Finberg, Melinda Matsuda
Reviewed and Approved Minutes from Nov. 28
• Grants Committee Report
Yvonne is in the process of applying for the Title 3 grant. There will
be a few meetings needed to prepare for the February/March
deadline. Title 3 is a strengthening institution program for federal
funds that fund institution wide projects. With Title 3 funds a
college is able to do construction, setting up of endowments, and a
variety of other projects. Several people have attended the meetings. The
benchmark for the Title 3 grant is merely eligibility. Carolyn’s office takes care of the
eligibility requirements. Key outcome measures for the grant project are: increasing
persistence, enrollment, and graduation rates. In the proposal measures are:
persistence, success, retention, and learning. The timeline is $250,000 to $350,000
per year for three years. However, year-to-year funding is based upon progress
towards grant goals.
Norma stated that there should be integration between Title 3 and Title 5 without
duplication of services.
Yvonne also reported on a GEAR UP grant that is in partnership with San Leandro
Unified School District. The San Leandro Unified School District is the leading and
writing partner with Chabot to provide support to student services. Norma
mentioned that if Chabot is planning to offer classes off campus, the discipline(s) and
faculty members should be notified if they will be affected. However, Yvonne
mentioned that this partnership is for college readiness and to prepare students for a
college culture and does not involve providing off-site classes.
• Division/Area Overview Presented to Deans
The Division/Area Overview was presented at the Dean’s meeting. The Deans are
aware of what is expected of them.
Discussion Items:
• Aligning Program Review with Strategic Planning Process
Tom DeWit and Wayne Phillips both attended the meeting to discuss Program
Review. Both Yvonne and Cristina had met with Tom DeWit before the IPBC meeting
to understand the Program Review process better. Tom distributed copies of lat
year’s Program Review timeline. Yvonne asked how the college can integrate the
process better. Cristina mentioned that in creating a new Strategic Plan, information
is gathered and Program Review should be a part of that. What are the goals and
plans of Program Review and how does it capture trends, themes, particulars of what
different disciplines are working on? What should IPBC look at, and what should
they not look at? Tom responded that the question brings up timing: How does
Program Review fit into the planning time line? Is it going to be annually? When it
is time to write a new Strategic Plan, etc.? Ron mentioned that IPBC should think
about what processes Program Review’s information would affect.
Tom mentioned that Program Review gives programs a lot of room. JoAnn
suggested to make Program Review findings part of the Strategic Plan, and this way
there would not be a disconnect. She does not see programs institutionalizing things
that. Tom replied that there are two levels: 1) What people do with it in their
divisions, and 2) Feeding it into the institutional place. There is a disconnect
because IPBC wasn’t able to handle that in previous years. Carolyn stated that the
Accreditation team would be delighted by the Program Review process, and that it is
now easier to make the link between Program Review and Unit Plan. Tom stated
that some people do not believe in the Unit Plan enough since some people have
asked for some things several times, and they are burnt out. Cristina stated that the
Unit Plan is a snapshot of the unit, and that Program Review is a deeper process, but
they should both be connected to each other.
Cristina asked in terms of what programs produce in Program Review, what trends
can IPBC trace across programs? Where are the commonalities? Tom stated that
this could be tricky to do, but that Program Review could be charged with that. Mike
said that it all revolves around resources. People are being encouraged to come up
with a charge to create a plan in Program Review that doesn’t require additional
funding. Grants are the only funding available right now, and there aren’t any extra
JoAnn stated that having been through the Program Review process, she still did a
Unit Plan. Her program review work helped provide the rationalization for her
resources requests and in setting goals in her Unit Plan. She also noted, that the
value of the Program Review forum was to think outside the box, yet there is an
understanding that the results of Program Review have to go ‘into the box’ at some
point. Wayne mentioned that as Program Review develops into an ongoing process,
there will be examples for other programs to follow.
One issue that arises is how to wedge Unit Plan requests into Chabot’s budget.
Debra brought up the fact that there is growth in areas such as Biology and Dental
Hygiene, which may get more FTEF, however, there is no money for supplies for
those courses. Mike brought up the point that once you submit requests for new
items the oft heard response is that there is no money. People get frustrated when
the effort is made to fill out the paperwork; however, nothing ever changes, because
of budget issues. The Budget Committee only allocates a small percentage of the
Chabot’s complete budget. Tom responded that Program Review, the Unit Plan, and
Budget are all college-wide processes, and IPBC needs to pull all of them together to
be complementary.
Marcia stated that sometimes the people who play a role in other processes aren’t
always aware of what the results are from Program Review. There was a suggestion
made to have IPBC synthesize the process where IPBC would get the information
from Program Review, IPBC could distribute the findings to the correct committee.
Tom agreed that Program Review committee would synthesize the findings of
Program review across programs, and identify trends and themes in program goals
and resource allocation needs. They would also let IPBC know of pressing budgetary
needs/concerns of programs.
• Setting IPBC Committee Goals for Spring Semester
IPBC has accomplished all of the goals which were established for Fall 2007. There
was a discussion on setting goals for Spring 2008. IPBC would like to begin
reporting trends and gathering data. Gerald mentioned that IPBC has evolved
substantially from prior years. The timing is good for building this process and for
IPBC to move it forward. There is a need to align budget with the planning process.
Carolyn brought up a discussion about presenting environmental scan information.
Environmental scan information consists of both internal (student success and
outcome data) and external (population, community changing, income) information.
Ron mentioned that he will need about 15 minutes on a future agenda to conduct a
report on a couple of programs—program revitalization/discontinuance.
IPBC needs to play a role in Basic Skills planning. Mike brought up the discussion
that he feels as though Chabot College needs to better market what is done in this
college. The Marketing Committee says that they are lacking funds. Mike feels that
Chabot is not doing enough marketing. Carolyn mentioned that IPBC should spend
time thinking about how to prioritize competing needs; there may be a need for an
outside person to come in and train/facilitate IPBC on how to prioritize.
JoAnn mentioned that there is still a disconnect between planning and budgeting.
Yvonne mentioned that Budget Committee has limited resources. IPBC will have the
new President of Chabot College in an upcoming IPBC as soon as possible. Ron
mentioned to also invite the Chancellor to see what the plans are for Chabot College.
Mike would like to know why LPC is allocated more money per student for the same
class that is offered at Chabot College. Ron mentioned that we should ask the
Chancellor these types of questions.
• Approved Cover Letter for Unit Plan and Budget Addition
The links will be made live on the IPBC website soon.
Next Meeting(s):
February 13, 2007
• Accreditation Report (Chad Mark Glen)