Regular Meeting March 12, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 Minutes IPBC Membership 2007-08 Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Debra Howell Joe Kuwabara Donald Plondke Linda Rhodes Cristina Ruggiero Wanda Wong Classified Rachel Ugale Yvonne Wu Craig Administrators Norma Ambriz Celia Barberena Marcia Corcoran Rosemary Delia Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu Craig, Celia Barberena, Matthew Kritscher, Carolyn Arnold, Chad Mark Glen, Joe Kuwabara, Donald Plondke, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Gerald Shimada, Linda Rhodes, Rosemary Delia, Melinda Matsuda, Ron Taylor, Sally Jahnke, Donald Plondke Members Absent: Wanda Wong, Rachel Ugale, Norma Ambriz, Mike Absher, JoAnn Galliano, Debra Howell Agenda Items st • Question/Discussion with Chancellor Kinnamon (1 hour) Chancellor Joel Kinnamon was invited to the meeting to discuss coordination, planning, and budgeting with the District. The Chancellor had received a list of the questions from IPBC. He distributed responses to these questions during the meeting and there was a discussion on the responses. Question #1: Is the District Strategic Plan easily accessible to the colleges? The community? The District Strategic Plan is located on the intranet. Once additional documents are produced, they will also be added to the intranet. Chancellor has found that people prefer hard copies of documents. It was presented at the last board workshop, however, it is used as an internal document. There will also be an annual report to give the general public. With Accreditation self-study in full swing at Chabot, it was asked, “Where’s the evidence?” It was suggested to have a hard copy at the library. Question #2: How does (or should) the District’s Strategic Plan guide the redevelopment of the College Strategic Plan? We can look at what has already been created. The Chancellor mentioned that the Board policy is the best place for all of us to start. One can learn about the board policies and procedures. With issues that are struggled with on a day to day basis, decision makers often go back to the board policy. There are three policies in particular that are a good reference for IPBC. These consist of 0005 “District Mission Statement,” 0010 “Philosophy and objectives to Chabot College,” and 2012 “Relationship of Colleges with the District.” The policy was established at the district at some point in time. Need to revisit and have a discussion on it. Could have had challenges in areas that we are unsure about. Policies are not reviewed and updated often enough. Relationship to planning at Chabot to planning at the District. The Chancellor’s interpretation could be different than IPBC’s interpretation. As the Strategic Plan is developed, we need to check if we are in accordance with policies we have in place. There is a need to maintain the integrity of the original plan, yet merge it with the Chancellor’s goals. The Board develops their goals and the Chancellor’s goals will reflect the Board goals. IPBC is setting priority objectives and creating a new Strategic Plan for the next year. IPBC needs some idea with where we are operating from and we can focus some attention there. IPBC needs guidance and hints on how to develop Chabot’s Strategic Plan. The Chancellor has a duty to the Board, community, and State Chancellor’s office. He speaks about the programs and how they are effective. However, it is even more effective when they see items of evidence from the programs. On page 25, Goal #1 is already expressing what it is. Does it drive or express what is being done at the college level? It is the CEMC saying to DEMC that we have $10K and this is how we are going to use it. The President stated that there is an organic relationship between the college and the district. And there is great comfort in knowing that the District is also interested in financial stability. She also feels comforted by other similarities that she sees in the district strategic plan and the college’s goals. The Chancellor does not need to decide or get into what the college is doing. The college understands its’ community, and the Chancellor does not need to interject between Chabot and its’ President. Gerald asked “How do you envision the implementation of some of these visions?” Response from Chancellor: To review where we have been and where the President and Chabot are successful in accomplishments. If we need to be doing something the Chancellor is progressive. The timeline for a process can be lengthy. If there is an item that you value, it enriches the planning process and there is a positive outcome, it is critical to see movement. There is a need to be progressive in our thinking. Gerald noted that many IPBC members have been on the committee for a long time. They have included a lot of information on documents that have been submitted. The challenge is still trying to get budget and planning to merge. Question #3: What are the basic components of the District’s Strategic Plan development/planning cycle? Who is involved in developing the District’s Strategic Plan? Within the document timelines are established for all department activities. Some activities are short-term, some are long-term and some ongoing. On page 3 of the “Educational Excellence” document distributed, it talks about the history of the Strategic Plan. The Chancellor’s Council, college administrators, department managers were all included in the process. President Barberena mentioned that fiscal stability is basic to implementation. Need to have concepts with how we align Chabot with the District Strategic Plan. The goals of procedures, connection and communication all tie into the culture and the relationship that Chabot wishes to have with the District. The Chancellor responded that different district department set their own goals. Individuals would evaluate their job duties and descriptions and their roles within their jobs and incorporate that into the document. The Strategic Plan is supposed to take you to where you would like to be, and things come up along the way. Question #4: Is goal setting being done yearly? What is the process? Does the district have priority objectives? If yes, what are they? If no, what is allocation/funding based on? There is a plan created and updated yearly. Priority Objectives – some departments have multi on-going things. Allocation and funding – Chancellor’s Cabinet and Council review the Strategic Plan’s financial implications and make recommendations to the Chancellor. The Chancellor referred to page 61 of the “Educational Excellence” document. Question #5: How does allocation model impact planning and budget? What is their relationship? The allocation model between Chabot, Las Positas and the District will remain the same. As there are things that you want to see accomplished, the question is, how do you augment that to align resources? The Chancellor would like to start moving towards more sources of funds, such as appropriation request to Pete Stark to support the Nursing Program. There are bills out there that would serve for Chabot to have resources. There are currently four requests out right now. This is something that we have not done in the past, and would like to get aggressive with in the future. Chad asked if there is an allocation document that everyone could view. The Chancellor stated that he is willing to share these documents. Farhad responded that the model was established for two years ago. SB361 – institutions are paid a flat fee for FTES. Now, there are many components to be paid on. For simplicity, the state changed that and that is how district are funded. However, Chabot still uses old factors, and we are still funding based on that. We need to examine what it is and what is was to bridge the two. We have a large rate of new employees in the District who do not have a background on the history. However, there needs to be an awareness of the institutional needs for each segment of the institution. Question #6: What is the relationship between the planning we do at Chabot and your planning at the District? How do you envision college planning integrating with district planning? What amount of independence do you see Chabot having? The response to Question #6 was covered in the discussions for Questions #3 & #4. Question #7: How are modifications/revisions to the District Strategic Plan done? Is planning and subsequent revisions/improvements a ground-up process or top-down process? The response to Question #7 was covered in the discussions for Questions #3 & #4. Question #8: In the District Strategic Plan, it does not list the membership of the Chancellor’s Council. What representatives make up the Chancellor’s Council? Groups are working together district wide. The Chancellor referred to the Administrative Rules and Procedures (2015). The collaborative governance model fits into the Council with anything that is done. There have been guideline changes at the state level, and the procedure is out of sync. There is a lengthy process to make the changes. The process does not always work perfectly, however, it is a helpful process. Question #9: You cite the Chancellor’s Council, DEMC and the District Curriculum Committee as the methodology for successful collaboration and informed decision making. How do these three committees work together? What role does collaborative governance play in decision making? It was discussed that the district plan percolates up from the disciplines. Institutions have different cultures and must write their plan to match their culture. It was mentioned that IPBC should know about district planning in a timely manner in order to include it in their college planning. It was mentioned that there is a Strategic Plan for the operations of the District Office, but is there a Strategic Plan for the District as a whole? LPC has their “Red Book,” and it seems that Chabot is trying to create a Strategic Plan in isolation without input from a broader district vision. Why there is not a District Strategic Plan that looks at the broader vision and plan taking into account the priorities for both colleges? There was a discussion about this and the Chancellor and some members of IPBC concurred that this could not happen from the top down without diluting the priorities and individuality of each college. Questions for IPBC from the Chancellor. • In regards to Standard 4 of Accreditation – Look at it especially page 27. These items are very important as we are looking at our plan. The plan speaks to what people are requesting. • What are IPBC’s hopes for the planning committee and the district? IPBC hopes that this is the first of many steps in increasing communication and transparency with the District Office. The President asked if the Chancellor would be willing to attend meetings on campus regularly. The Chancellor would like to come to committees and would like to engage in discussion spontaneously. nd • Program Revitalization/Discontinuance-Ron (2 hour) Ron distributed the “Instruction and Educational Program” handout. This handout will be discussed in more detail at the April 9th meeting. nd • Process Mapping exercise (2 hour) Donald Plondke created a process map that was distributed and discussed during the meeting. He created the map using the committee websites to identify processes. The arrows on the map represent flows of data between the processes. The flows are incomplete and some flows need to be added. The circles represent the various components. The size of the shapes and arrows is meaningless. Continuous improvement is an effective term used in process mapping. He stated that in process mapping a hierarchy does not exist. It is often helpful to separate into subsets where there is one overall graphic and several smaller more detailed graphics. The process map was helpful. There was a discussion on whether to have one map, or to break it up. It is obvious that Strategic Planning goes to all processes. The question is, “How do we implement the Strategic Plan?” People are asked to align their goals with the Strategic Plan. Enrollment planning has been a part of the planning in the past and the budget is also an important part of the plan. Budgeting has input and outputs. There needs to be a description of each process. There was a discussion on adding arrows or flows in the graphic. The main flow between components needs to be identified, as well as the two way flows. There can be multiple flows in different categories. There was a discussion on developing the process map further. It is useful to describe what how the processes actually operate, not what “should” happen. Edits will be made to the map in order to better understand the process of finding out how decisions are made. Subcommittees will complete a rough draft detailing and defining the various processes displayed on the process map. The rough draft should be completed by May 1st. This will serve to help IPBC in its charge to evaluate the planning process. Items will be added to the process map as time goes on. Next Meeting(s): April 9th, 2008 • Create list of resource documents for strategic planning/update on priority objectives-accomplishments report and assigned member duties to collect them.