IPBC Membership 2009-10 JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Debra Howell Joe Kuwabara Linda Rhodes Mark Schaeffer Ken Williams Stephanie Zappa Classified Catherine Powell Rajinder Samra Yvonne Wu Craig Administrators Celia Barberena Gary Carter Matthew Kritscher Melinda Matsuda George Railey Gerald Shimada ASCC Rep Theresa Pedrosa Regular Meeting February 10, 2009 – 3:15 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 Minutes Present: JoAnn Galliano, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn Arnold, Chad Mark Glen, Rajinder Samra, Celia Barberena, Gary Carter, George Railey, Matthew Kritscher, Yulian Ligioso Review and approve minutes ‐ Minutes from prior meeting were not yet available; Matt Kritscher will provide for next meeting. ‐ Yulian Ligioso volunteered to take minutes of this meeting Standing Reports ‐ Budget Committee (BC) Vice President Ligioso reported on last week’s BC meeting where he provided that group with a State budget update and the potential impact on the Chabot College budget for FY 10/11. Next year’s budget, expected to remain flat, will encounter pressures due to step/columns movements and increases in health and welfare, providing additional operational challenges. Ligioso added that the Supplemental Early Retirement Plan (SERP) would yield some savings. Mr. Ligioso also provided a college expenditure update as of 12/31/09, which he expects to come within budget. Cost reductions strategies included a reduced spring 2010 offering, reducing discretionary spending, reducing the summer offering and shifting the bulk of the related summer expenditures into next year by shifting the start of the session from mid June to the end of June. He noted that this deferral not only reduced costs this year but also gave the college additional flexibility for next year’s offerings and the potential to maintain and/or broaden the fall/spring offerings. For 09/10 the SERP will provide net savings after accounting for the cost of the annuity. Potential charges affecting the college’s (unrestricted) general fund budget included the Performing Arts Center, Facilities rentals, Community Education, Foundation, Bookstore and Childcare. o BC also covered the 10/11 budget development calendar which Mr. Ligioso distributed at IPBC; ensuing discussions included synchronization, integration and overlay of the unit planning process onto this cycle. Given timing of upcoming flex activities and the desire to integrate program reviews into this process there was discussion and a recommendation to move the unit plan due date to March 26th, for improved alignment of the flex day schedule with the unit plan completion. Ms. JoAnn Galliano will overlay unit plan and program review schedules onto the budget development calendar. Ms. Wu Craig will email/disseminate the updated information to the program review participants. ‐ Grants Subcommittee o Ms. Wu Craig reported on the impending application of the Summer Youth Sports Program (SYSP) grant (due in March), a partnership with the YMCA, to offer summer youth sports programs. This program, in place for about 9 years, started with NCAA funding but has since expanded to include other community partners, including the Chabot College Foundation, Kaiser, Cal Trust, etc. At its pinnacle this outreach program served about 250 students, ages 9 to 17 from Hayward, San Leandro and Union City and was offered completely free of charge. Last year it costs $30 per person with an enrollment of about 150 students. The college would like to expand and add a stronger academic component to this program. If the funding is not obtained, Chabot can only serve about 50 students this summer. National Institutes for Health (NIH) was mentioned as a potential additional funding source, however, ruled out because of the agency’s research orientation. Ms. Wu Craig also noted that she continues to work on HSI initiatives. Discussion/Decision Items ‐ Accreditation Report Debriefing o President Barberena noted that Chabot received the letter from the Accrediting Commission the week prior and that the Commission reaffirmed Chabot’s accreditation. President Barberena commended everyone on a job well done, and in particular, extended thanks to the accreditation chairs, Chad Mark Glen and Jim Matthews and the sub‐groups for their hard work. She called our attention and focus to Recommendation #2 – that the college develop processes that more clearly and effectively combine the results of program review with unit planning, student learning outcomes and assessments, and institutional planning and budgeting. The college must complete that follow‐up report addressing the above noted recommendation by October 15, 2010. Dr. Barberena also emphasized the need for the college to finalize and codify the program review schedule and model, to be reviewed/approved by the Academic Senate. Vice President Railey provided a briefing on the March 19 flex workshop where discussion topics will cover defining the program review 3‐year cycle with annual unit plan updates, integrating Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) that SLO assessments are replacing the “rock” process and what to do with the assessment data. He also noted that additional follow up to the flex activity would be required. Accreditation Co‐Chair Mr. Chad Mark Glen agreed to bring the accreditation re‐affirmation and recommendation to the Academic Senate and also speak to the revised program review model. Mr. Glen also commended the college on a marvelous job well done, that in this climate of accreditation, and added that the work now begins. There was additional discussion on other recommendations affecting IPBC, such as in technology, and past comments (integrating planning and budgeting), assessing campus governance, how voices of faculty and staff are reflected, how the governance structure is doing, how the college uses this process and assessing its effectiveness as a model of governance. Mr. Glen added that we have descriptions of what the model does and what we do, however, that it does not address how effective the model is and that we now need to evaluate its effectiveness. Additional discussion ensued on how to evaluate the model, develop criteria to be used, and determine desired outcomes. President Barberena suggested we consider getting a facilitator on governance models to help shepherd us through the process rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. She added that addressing these items and other recommendation were good ones that we will begin exploring them in the fall. Dr. Barberena emphasized that we need to focus on #2, due by October 15. Our sister college’s accreditation too was re‐affirmed, receiving two recommendations. ‐ ‐ Fostering Governance chairs’ involvement in planning and budgeting o Previous suggestions for greater involvement of other committees in the planning and budgeting had not come to fruition, so a recommendation was made to invite committee chairs to at least once meeting per year, to make the process more inclusive. Ms. Wu Craig offered to plan but also stated that she would need buy‐in from the chairs. She was willing to revisit the strategic plan, priorities and objectives, meet with committee chairs to improve understanding of their needs, and provide clear guidance. IPBC will dedicate the September meeting with all shared governance committee chairs. Feedback mechanism for unit planning and budgeting o Vice President Railey elaborated on the program review cycle and noted two additional meetings (Feb 22 & 24) to firm up the model and timelines and also stressed that we needed Academic Senate representation. This last cycle deans and managers summarized program review/unit plan information then forward to IPBC for review and comments. What came out of the discussions on this process was that more clarity and guidance was needed; examples noted – executive summary or more in depth write ups; extent of discipline details; identification and prioritization of needs; extent of budget focus. Mr. Glen noted that more dialogue particularly with faculty is needed and Vice President Railey added that we need to include feedback from faculty as to how the process worked: were priorities addressed, and how can we improve the process. Dr. Barberena stated that she would also like to see communications back to divisions as to what requests were funded; this is already happening in selected areas but should occur in all divisions. For planning process – Deans will discuss format and process with their respective faculty to determine the best format. IPBC decided that would utilize the format that worked best for their division instead of providing a set format. Summaries are expected by end of April. Next meeting: March 10, 2010, 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room Respectfully submitted, Yulian Ligioso