IPBC Membership
JoAnn Galliano, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Linda Rhodes
Ken Williams
Stephanie Zappa
Catherine Powell
Rajinder Samra
Yvonne Wu Craig
Celia Barberena
Gary Carter
Matthew Kritscher
Yulian Ligioso
Melinda Matsuda
George Railey
Gerald Shimada
ASCC Student Rep
Rotating Reps
April 14, 2010 – 3:15 – 5:00 p.m.
Board Room, Building 200
In attendance: JoAnn Galliano, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn
Arnold, Rajinder Samra, Mark Schaeffer, Celia Barberena, Gary
Carter, Matt Kritscher, Yulian Ligioso, Gerald Shimada, Tram Vo-
Kumamoto, Abdullah Yahya, Lisa Ulibarri, Ray Cornejo
Standing Reports
Budget Committee report
Yulian Ligioso gave a report from the Budget Committee regarding current Budget Committee communication goals and current state budget developments. He discussed the rising health benefits costs, summer/winter reductions planned at other colleges and its effects on Chabot’s FTEF targets.
Grants report
Yvonne Wu Craig reviewed her mid-year grant report that covered all grants submitted and awarded up to April. She also brought forward two grants for approval to continue development: the
Dept. of Labor Community-based Job Training Grant and the
CCCCO Teacher Preparation Pipeline Grant. Both grants were approved to move forward with development.
Discussion/Decision Items
Office of Institutional Research Update on Strategic
Objectives and Other College Trends (1 hour)
Rajinder Samra presented data with regards to progress on
Strategic Plan objectives and other college trends. A summary of discussion points follows below.
A. Major External Issues
Increasing unemployment rates and tuition at 4-year institutions
It is anticipated that these trends and their resulting increase in enrollment will remain steady for 3-5 years
B. Major Internal Trends
Major external issues have resulted in record enrollment and increase in the number of dislocated workers attending Chabot
All students are taking more units and the majority have transfer as an educational goal. Both indicators have been steadily increasing.
The percentage of students applying for financial aid has grown astronomically this year (35% to 41%)
20% (3,178) of all Chabot students are taking at least one online course.
Success rates for about one-third of online classes were lower than from faceto-face formats.
The majority of Chabot students continue to place into basic skills English and math
Persistence, success and rates of
Transfer and degree attainment rates of African-American and Filipino still lag considerably behind White and Asian counterparts
Hispanic student transfer and degree rates have improved considerably but still lag behind White and Asian counterparts
Latino students comprise the majority of certificate earners with 40% of all certificates being awarded in ECD
54% of degrees awarded are in liberal arts (a transfer degree)
What’s Working?
Students who use the WRAC center, Math lab, and Learning Connection services do considerably better in basic skills English and math courses.
However, impact on number of students served is reduced due to access and funding issues
Urging students to study before the math placement test has improved initial math placements
Implications for Planning (based upon post-presentation discussion)
Incorporating the BOG Fee Waiver application as part of CCCApply to increase access to financial aid and lower administrative burden
Focus on African-American, Filipino and Hispanic student success, degree and transfer
Due to data trends, explore the possibility of moving from a semester to a quarter system to improve degree and transfer rates
Revised charge of IPBC (25 minutes)
Yvonne Wu Craig discussed the creation of a new revised charge of IPBC which would restructure the committee to be comprised of the chairs of all shared governance committees. This was discussed previously at IPBC meetings as a way to involve the input of shared governance in institutional planning.
She reviewed the revised charge with the committee and a few revision were made which included specific mention of the Facilities Plan, how Chairs/Co-chairs of the committee will be selected, and adding language about representation from
committee chairs to include “or designee.” She will bring it to the Classified and
Academic Senates for approval before it goes to College Council for final approval.
This would be another way for the Technology Committee and IT to bring their concerns to the forefront.
Committee community blog update from divisions (10 minutes)
A brief discussion was held around the feasibility of establishing a community blog or online discussion space where answers to shared governance questions could be answered. Mark Schaeffer volunteered to help program and maintain the site as long as he could get help for content.