MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (MUOHSC) MINUTES OF MEETING Meeting 3/2014 of the Monash University Occupational Health and Safety Committee was held on Thursday, 18th September 2014 in the in the Health & Wellbeing Seminar Room, Building 10, Clayton Campus at 10am. MINUTES 1. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1.1 APOLOGIES: Apologies received: Louise Francis Moh-Lee Ng Trent O’Hara Martin Taylor Dan Wollmering Members not present: Diane O’Neill 1.2 ATTENDANCE: Members present: Prof John Loughran (Chair) Mr Stephen Davey Mr Andrew Picouleau Ms Jill Crisfield Mr Dough McGregor Mr Stuart Lees Mr Nino Benci Mr Tim Wong Ms Lisa Kaminskas Mr Michael Barry Others in attendance: Ms Wendy Lawler (proxy for Louise Francis) Mr Stan Rosenthal Mr Norman Kuttner (Executive Secretary) Mr Paul Barton Mr John Tsiros Ms Lynne Peterson (Minute Secretary) 1.3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of meeting 2/2014 held on Thursday, 19th June 2014 were confirmed as a true and accurate record. 1.4 MEMBERSHIP 1.4.1 Appointment The Committee acknowledge Louise Francis as the Management Representative for the Faculty of Business & Economics. Minutes3-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 1 of 7 21/9/14 1.5 URGENT BUSINESS AND STARRING OF ITEMS The following items were starred for discussion. All other items were taken as read and noted. 2. 2.1 2.2 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Monash University Occupational Health & Safety Plan 2013 S.A.R.A.H. (Safety and Risk Analysis Hub) Monash University Occupational Health & Safety Plan 2014 Smoke-Free University S.A.R.A.H. Report – Breakdown of Hazard and Incident Statistics Radiation Advisory Committee Radiation Amendment Act 2013 National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 2.1 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN 2013 The Executive Secretary explained that the electronic system that Occupational Health & Safety were developing for managing and reporting actions on the above Plan is still in the implementation process and he envisaged it may be available for demonstration to members at the next meeting. This will enable areas to implement their plans and easily report regularly on progress. (Action: Executive Secretary) 2.2 S.A.R.A.H. (SAFETY AND RISK ANALYSIS HUB) At the last meeting, members queried whether the online system could have an automatic notification feature so that relevant Health and Safety Representatives and Safety Officers could be notified when an incident or hazard has been submitted. The Executive Secretary explained that discussions have been held with the developers of the software package who have agreed to look at the possibility of incorporating this option in the next version. In the meantime FAQs explain how a person submitting a report can elect to forward a copy to the relevant Health and Safety Representative or Safety Officer if they wish to do so. Stuart Lees explained that a decision had been made in the Faculty of Arts for managers and supervisors who receive notification of an incident or hazard to assign the relevant Health and Safety Representative and Safety Officer as a delegate so that, as a default, they will automatically receive all notifications submitted. John Tsiros of OHS stipulated that even though this is a decision made by the area, it is a requirement that all staff be notified of the internal procedure. The Executive Secretary explained that it is the preference of the person submitting the report to elect to forward a copy to either their Safety Officer or the Health and Safety Representative for their information. He stated that Monash is the only University who has elected to have as an option on the online system, the ability to notify Health and Safety Representatives, as it is not an automatic entitlement. As there appeared to be some misunderstanding in regard to whether Health and Safety Representatives should automatically be notified of submissions, the Executive Secretary, who confirmed that this was not the case, agreed to forward the Victorian WorkCover Authority’s interpretation of the Legislation to members. (Action: Executive Secretary) 3. REGULAR BUSINESS 3.1 REPORTS FROM SUB-COMMITTEES A report from the Monash University Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) was presented without comment. Minutes3-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 2 of 7 21/9/14 3.2 MONASH UNIVERSITY OHS PROGRESS REPORT The Monash University OHS Progress Report, including detail below, was noted without discussion or comment: 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.3 Incidents & Hazards Workers’ Compensation Unacceptable Behaviour WorkSafe Reports Summary Building Evacuations Audits Induction OHS Training OHS DOCUMENTATION FOR ENDORSEMENT AND/OR INFORMATION The Committee endorsed the following documents for final approval by the Vice-Chancellor:3.3.1 Ergonomic Design Procedure 3.3.2 OHS Audit Procedure 3.3.3 OHS Roles, Responsibilities & Committees Procedure 3.3.4 Office Ergonomic Guidelines 3.3.5 Using Chemicals Procedure 3.3.6 Using Ionising Radiation Procedure (Action: Chairperson & Executive Secretary) 3.4 AUDITS 3.4.1 Internal Department of Accounting - OHS Roles, Committees and Responsibilities Faculty of Law - OHS Roles, Committees and Responsibilities 3.4.2 OHS Management System Surveillance Accreditation Audits Occupational Health & Safety, Facilities & Services Division Property & Venue Services, Facilities & Services Division Monash Sport, Campus Community Division Berwick Campus Emergency Management Centre for Nanofabrication, Provost Portfolio Procure to Payment, Services Office of the VP Campus Security, Facilities & Services Division Southern Clinical School, Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Monash Biomedical Imaging, PVC (Research) Central Clinical School, Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences Capital Works, Facilities & Services Division The above audit results presented were approved without comment. 3.5 MONASH UNIVERSITY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN 2014 The Executive Secretary reported that once the new online system is implemented, progress reports received from areas will be submitted to the Audit & Risk Committee. He hoped that the new system will improve reporting results. Stuart Lees suggested that members who represent various areas on this committee could offer to assist with the management and reporting of their Plans. The Executive Secretary suggested that this option be further looked at after the implementation of the online system. Members agreed that this would be a useful option. Minutes3-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 3 of 7 21/9/14 3.6 SMOKE-FREE UNIVERSITY Paul Barton reported that the implementation of a smoke-free University has gone according to schedule. He explained that the installation of bollards has been constructed at strategic points and removal of old ashtrays and signs are in the process of being completed across all campuses. Communication has been forwarded to all staff through Global emails, extensive postering and signage across the University. Students have been informed of the processes through social media and Global emails. There have also been visual rotating images through the logon screens on computers, as well as displays on various plasma screens around the campuses. He confirmed that there will be a second round of visual communication going up soon at the Clayton and Caulfield campuses as a reminder to all staff and students. Notification of the initiative has also been forwarded to close neighbours, such as CSIRO who are also moving towards becoming smoke-free next year. Paul reported that there has been good compliance across the University with the Security staff, OHS and safety personnel assisting with information when the need arises. If there have been areas or particular buildings that have been a problem with non-compliance, emails have been sent to Faculty Managers seeking their assistance in communicating to all areas. It was noted that the QUIT campaign has also been a success with seventeen staff taking up the program. Paul indicated that there appeared to be some issues with contractors smoking on site and with the help of Project Managers in Facilities and Services and Contract Mangers, this issue is being addressed. Paul also indicated that there didn’t seem to have been any issues with the Halls of Residence as designated smoking points had been installed prior to the May deadline. However, the main concern is when in 2016 the University becomes totally smoke-free. He did also mention that all new residential buildings are presently completely smoke-free. Andrew Picouleau queried whether the issue of smokers continuing to smoke in the permaculture garden area, rather than the designated smoking point, had been resolved. Paul advised that Facilities & Services Division was looking at installing a park bench right next to the smoking point to contain smokers in the one area. The Executive Secretary mentioned that as a representative on the Victorian Universities Smoke-free Committee, he could confirm that a competition has been organised for students who can create and submit the best video promoting a smoke-free environment. Three prizes are on offer of $5000, $3000 and $1000 respectively, with the judging panel consisting of the Department of Health, the Cancer Council and the Melbourne City Council. It is envisaged that winning entries will be determined at some point in 2015. Paul Barton noted that there is a need to communicate to staff and students differently and a video will engage students more successfully than a global email, consequently sending a very important health message to all Universities. 3.7 WELLBEING Members noted the Wellbeing report without comment. 4. NEW BUSINESS 4.1 S.A.R.A.H. REPORT – BREAKDOWN OF HAZARD AND INCIDENT STATISTICS The Executive Secretary noted the following statistics from the new online hazard and incident reporting system: Minutes3-2014 235 incidents and hazards reported since the progressive rollout on the 27th May 2014 Author: L Peterson Page 4 of 7 21/9/14 (50% increase since similar period last year) 81 injuries (29 students) 52 near misses 95 hazards 7 unacceptable behaviour reports He explained that there was a 50% increase in reporting, compared to the same period last year. The rollout to the whole University has been completed very successfully with feedback received being extremely positive. The Executive Secretary stated that all hard copy reports will no longer be accepted from the 1st October 2014. It was also noted that Monash University is the only university that allows students to use an online system for reporting of hazards and incidents. The statistics received are proving to be extremely useful as it allows OHS to identify areas of concern, investigate and achieve preventative measures. Paul Barton confirmed that the new online system will be a very powerful and effective tool when tracking corrective actions in areas and when investigating whether processes have been implemented as a result of an incident or hazard. This was not successfully viable using the previous paper-based system. Members advised that there appeared to be problems when searching for the acronym “SARAH” online and issues with browser compatibility when logging onto the system. Occupational Health and Safety are investigating this problem. At the next meeting the breakdown of data will be included as a regular business item. (Action: OHS) 4.2 RADIATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Margaret Rendell, the University’s Radiation Protective Officer, has requested assistance from this committee in seeking a Head of Department or Senior Academic with an interest in Radiation to take on the role as Chairperson of the Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC). Lisa Kaminskas suggested the Executive Secretary contact Dr George Christopoulos, the Radiation Safety Officer at Parkville. The committee thanked her for her recommendation. (Action: The Executive Secretary) Paul Barton asked the Chair if he would agree to propose that Margaret Rendell, in the absence of a Chairperson, to convene a meeting of the RAC before the end of 2014. The Chair approved this proposal. (Action: Margaret Rendell, Radiation Protection Officer, OHS) 4.3 RADIATION AMENDMENT ACT 2013 The Executive Secretary reported that the amendment in 2013 to the Radiation Act came into effect on the 1st June 2014. The Act will involve the University in that we will have to provide security plans for the possession and transportation of high consequence sealed sources and high consequence groups of sealed sources. From the 1st June 2015, this will require the university having a fully implemented radiation security management plan. Although Monash currently has this, it is in the process of being reviewed by OHS & Security. Once finalised, it will be submitted for formal assessment. One of the changes we need to develop is to identify persons who use or have access to sealed sources. The Executive Secretary to contact the Radiation Advisory Committee and suggest they contact Andrew Picouleau for assistance with identifying persons and areas that use these supplies. (Action: The Executive Secretary) 4.4 NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CHEMICALS OF SECURITY CONCERN The Executive Secretary explained the attached document “Chemicals of Security Concern Code of Practice Requirements”. He clarified that the abovementioned code was launched in Minutes3-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 5 of 7 21/9/14 2013 by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), who identified 96 chemicals that could potentially be a security concern. This also included eleven precursors that could be used to make home-made explosives. The impact this will have on Monash is to identify which areas store and use any of the 96 chemicals and assess the security risk associated with each. This process is being carried out in conjunction with Security and it cannot be assumed that all areas that purchase such chemicals do so using Monash’s purchasing procedures. The Executive Secretary emphasised that all chemicals brought into Monash should be listed on a register so as to be able to monitor storage locations and use. It is understood, however, that Monash has very little of the 96 chemicals, so the risk for Monash University could potentially be minimal. Stephen Davey affirmed that if substances were delivered via courier, this could be monitored and a register of deliveries kept through Facilities and Services Division. However, it was noted that many smaller items could be mailed directly to areas which would be difficult to document. The Chair acknowledged that although this would be a challenge to manage, it is also important to have a strategy where information is shared appropriately so that people have an opportunity to consider proper practice and usage of chemicals. 5. OTHER NEW BUSINESS 5.1 THE NEW VICE-CHANCELLOR AND COMMITTEES The Chair stated that after each meeting of this Committee, the procedure is to convene a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor for a briefing on the continuing operations of this committee. The Chair confirmed that at the next meeting with Margaret Gardner, the new Vice-Chancellor, he and the Executive Secretary will present an overview of OHS and explain how we share and communicate relevant vital information to the wider University community. He also explained that the Vice-Chancellor is thoroughly assessing the structure of University committees and organisations. The meeting will be a good opportunity to reinforce the significant function and operations of OHS. 5.2 OHS CONFERENCE The Executive Secretary reminded members of the upcoming OHS Conference on the 29th October 2014 and encouraged members to promote this event to staff in their areas and register on the OHS Conference website at 6. NEXT MEETING (Stephen Davey to Chair this meeting) Date: Time: Venue: Minutes3-2014 Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 10.00am New Horizons Building 82, Room 407/408, 4th Floor, Clayton Campus Author: L Peterson Page 6 of 7 21/9/14 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Management Representatives: Name Area to be represented Professor John Loughran Chairperson - Nominee of the Vice-Chancellor Stephen Davey Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Facilities & Services Division) Andrew Picouleau Senior Representative from an Administrative Division (Human Resources) Martin Taylor Management Representative (Faculty of Art & Design) Louise Francis Management Representative (Faculty of Business & Economics) Jill Crisfield Management Representative (Faculty of Engineering) Doug McGregor Management Representative (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences) Moh-Lee Ng Management Representative from an Administrative Division (Risk and Compliance) Employee Representatives: Name Area to be represented by staff employee Vacant Biomedical Cluster (Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences; Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences) Stuart Lees Humanities and Creative Arts Cluster (Arts; Arts and Design; Education) Nino Benci Physical Sciences Cluster (Engineering; Science; Information Technology) Diane O’Neill Social Science Cluster (Business and Economics; Law) Tim Wong Berwick Campus Dan Wollmering Caulfield Campus Vacant Gippsland Campus Lisa Kaminskas Parkville Campus Michael Barry Peninsula Campus In Attendance: Name Trent O’Hara Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) Vacant Monash Student Association (MSA) Stan Rosenthal NTEU Representative Paul Barton The Office of Environmental Sustainability Norman Kuttner Executive Secretary John Tsiros Occupational Health & Safety Lynne Peterson Minute Secretary Minutes3-2014 Author: L Peterson Page 7 of 7 21/9/14