Planning, Review and Budget Council A G E N D A Regular Meeting

Planning, Review and
Budget Council
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Building 200, Board Room
3:00 – 5:00 PM
Review and approve Minutes
- solicit volunteer for taking minutes
Accreditation Site Visit Report
Standing Committee Reports
- Shared Governance Committee reports
- Grants Report
Discussion/Decision Items
• Review and approval of PRBC Agenda Items
• Communicating out about committee decisions and accomplishments
Upcoming Agenda Items (Pending Approval)
• Status of Grants Subcommittee
• Classified and Faculty Prioritization
• Administrative and Student Services Program Review Timeline
• Re-evaluation of Deans/Area Manager Summaries process
• Feedback process for Program Review
• Institutionalizing successful initiatives
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
PRBC Membership 2010-11
Co-Chairs: George Railey, Kathy Kelly and Yvonne Wu Craig
Administration: Matthew Kritscher and Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Academic Senate: Carolyn Arnold, Tim Dave, Ming-Lun Ho, Kathy Kelley, Kirstin Land,
Jennifer Lange, Andrew Pierson, Carole Splendore and Lani Wilson
Faculty Association: TBA, Appointed by the Faculty Association
Classified Senate: Yvonne Wu Craig, Rajinder Samra, Cheryl Sannebeck and Gordon Watt
Classified Union: Catherine Powell
Associated Students: Rotating Reps