Iowa Space Grant Consortium Drake University • Iowa State University • University of Iowa • University of Northern Iowa Ramanathan Sugumaran, Ph.D., Director • University of Northern Iowa 219 Innovative Teaching & Technology Center • Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0406 • E-mail: Consortium Office: 515-294-3106 • Fax: 515-294-1047 • E-mail: • ISGC Curriculum Development Program Request for Proposals – July 18, 2011 Background The NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC), intends to provide funds through ISGC Curriculum Development program to develop or utilize new/innovative approaches to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning and instruction in a university or community college setting through project based course development, capstone courses, curriculum or course re-design. It should utilize NASA-related content or emerging NASA developed technology (see page three for NASA directorates and centers information). These courses should be part of the regular academic program in higher education institutions or community colleges. Such courses should provide experiences that will equip the future STEM workforce for careers in aerospace or related industries. Eligibility, Amount of Award, and Duration All faculty at universities, colleges, and community colleges who are members of the ISGC are eligible to apply. The ISGC encourages proposals from females, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities. Submission is limited to one proposal per investigator. The ISGC anticipates making two to four awards with the maximum single award of up to $4,000 for a one year period of performance (January 1, 2012 –July 31, 2012), contingent upon ISGC budget approval and receipt of NASA funding. A shorter duration, depending on the project, may be proposed (e.g. summer course). All deadlines must be met. No extensions or renewals will be considered if all proposed deadlines and timetables have not been reasonably met. A final report is required at the conclusion of the award that includes an evaluation of the program’s effectiveness relative to the proposed objectives and other standard ISGC and NASA requirements. Proposal Content A. Project Description (three pages maximum – single-spaced, minimum 10 pt. font size) that should at least include: 1) background, 2) goal and objective of the project, 3) implementation strategy or scientific method, evaluation plan, dissemination plan, sustainability plan, management plan, and timetable, 4) long term benefits, and 5) key personnel. B. Budget and budget explanations C. Matching fund commitment letter from Authorized Fiscal Agent D. Course approval from Head/Chair of the department E. Résumés of individuals involved in project (one page maximum per person) Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their ideas with Dr. Charisse Buising (, ISGC Associate Director for Research, or Dr. Ramanathan Sugumaran (, ISGC Director, to see if their ideas fall within the scope of this opportunity. Drake Campus Coordinator: ISU Campus Coordinator: U of I Campus Coordinator: UNI Campus Coordinator: Dr. Keith S. Summerville 131 Olin Hall, 1344 27th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50311 (515) 271-2265 FAX: (515) 271-3028 E-mail: Dr. Amy L. Kaleita 205 Davidson Hall Ames, Iowa 50011-3080 515-294-5167 FAX: 515-294-2552 E-mail: Dr. P. Barry Butler 111 Jessup Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1316 (319) 335-3565 FAX: (319) 335-3560 E-mail: Dr. Joel K. Haack Communication Arts Center 266 Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0181 319-273-2725 FAX: 319-273-2731 E-mail: ISGC Curriculum Development Program - Request for Proposals Page Two July 18, 2011 Criteria for Evaluation Proposals will be reviewed by a scientifically literate panel of individuals who may not necessarily be experts in the proposed area. After the recommendations of the peer reviewers, the ISGC directors will make the final decision on proposal funding. The following areas will be considered in the evaluation of the proposal: Criteria Educational merit NASA Relevance Management Evaluation Budget Topics Scientific, technical, and educational merit of the proposed project. % 20% The degree to which this proposal is relevant to the engineering, science, or mathematics curriculum. The degree to which this proposal is relevant to NASA’s Mission Directorates. Competency of the proposers to carry out the plan and achieve the stated goals. 10% Potential of the project to increase undergraduate retention and achievement, particularly for women and underrepresented groups. Plan for evaluation of the course developed or re-designed Adequacy and appropriateness of the budget to carry out the project, including institutional contributions or other matching funds. Total 20% 10% 10% 10% 20% 100% Budget Funds may be used to support faculty or staff release time, graduate and undergraduate student support, or travel related to the course. Supplies and materials: Include a description of how these funds will be used. If educational supplies or software will be purchased, list items, describe the need for the item and how it supports the program goals. Funds may not be used to support tuition. All individuals (faculty, staff, and students) receiving NASA funds must be U.S. citizens. Equipment purchases, purchase of food, foreign travel, and non-citizen support are not permitted on the NASA funds. Proposing institutions are required to provide 100% costmatching (1:1) using non-federal funds. No indirect will be paid on NASA funds. Budget and justification should explain, in itemized detail, the ISGC amount requested and matching dollars. Submission Procedure and Schedule Proposal is due to the ISGC office ( via electronic submission (PDF for proposals and excel spreadsheet for data summary) by 4:00 p.m. on September 2, 2011. Pending receipt of annual NASA funding, final selection will be announced by September 16, 2011 with funding beginning no earlier than Spring 2012 for the winning proposal. ISGC Curriculum Development Program - Request for Proposals Page Three July 18, 2011 Information about NASA Directorates and Centers More information about NASA Mission Directorates can be found at: • Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate: • Science Mission Directorate: • Exploration Systems Mission Directorate: • Space Operations Mission Directorate: More information about NASA Field Centers and Facilities can be found at: • NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC: • Ames Research Center, CA: • Dryden Flight Research Center, CA: • Glenn Research Center, OH: • Goddard Space Flight Center, MD: • Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA: • Johnson Space Center, TX: • Kennedy Space Center, FL: • Langley Research Center, VA: • Marshall Space Flight Center, AL: • Stennis Space Center, MS: • NASA IV&V Facility, WV: • Goddard Institute for Space Science, NY: • Wallops Flight Facility, VA • White Sands Test Facility, NM: