Esteemed Colleagues,

Esteemed Colleagues,
Today I will be formally proposing that we change the Charter of Academic Senate regarding election of officers.
I am ending my term this academic year -- the job of Academic Senate President is broad and very time-consuming. We will need
to elect a new President and hopefully additional officers. Often, it takes more than one person to attend meetings [which may be
simultaneous or overlapping]. Since teaching is still the most important task and Senate President is still an instructor who also has
responsibilities to teach, I am proposing the following:
1) Formally request from District/College for reassign time for Vice President and Secretary to take on a portion of this large and
important position;
2) Hold elections for all three offices (President, Vice President and Secretary) in the FALL of the year ahead of their service;
3) Have a Vice President be "President-Elect" so that there is a year to work with the current President and get to know the various
groups, individuals and responsibilities of the job, learn the 'rules' and expectations and the faculty at large.
This way, we can begin each Academic Year prepared with leadership that is informed and ready to step up to fully represent
Education Master Plan:
As you may have heard, District has hired and the Board approved a new company to lead the Education Master Plan effort. Under
the "10+1", or the 'charge' of Academic Senate, curriculum and instruction falls strictly under the purview of Academic Senate [by
Therefore, Senate should be guiding, leading and participating fully in the process of creating an Education Master Plan. I am asking
that each discipline working individually and each Division working collaboratively participate in this process to assure that what we
need as faculty and what we know our students need for their education is a part of the plan and the process.
After each discipline has met and discussed how they see their future educational goals and needs, Senators will represent those
views, needs and initiatives at Senate. Senate will work to create a 'vision' for the Master Plan so that we are the ones creating our
own future rather than taking a risk that is comes from people who may or may not share our vision, our understanding of our
student population and our community and its needs.
You are all welcome to attend any and all Senate Meetings, held the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 2:30-4:30 pm in
the Board Room [usually]. I ask that even without attending meetings, you participate fully in the process of participatory
governance [shared governance] and contribute to the efforts of your Academic Senate and the work of your Division
representative Senator[s].
Your input is important and critical in going forward with these initiatives.