Buildings 300, 500, 800, 900 User Group Meeting Summary Minutes 7/13/06 In Attendance: Craig Gene Steve Don Mark Mike Bill Tim Kip Diane Fernandez Groppetti (Chair) Piatetsky Plondke Schaeffer Seaton Shannon Steele Waldo Zuliani [This meeting was a continuation of the 6/27/06 meeting, the contents of which are incorporated into the following minutes.] Use of building 800 as a classroom building was discussed. We have yet to hear from the state about swapping spaces between 800 and 900, but we are proceeding under the assumption that this will be permitted. If the state does not allow us to modify the FPPs (Final Project Proposals) submitted prior to the passage of our local bond, we will proceed according to the original proposal. Building 800 will be shared by Humanities and Language Arts, primarily, but other divisions would probably hold classes there, too. Gene Groppetti said that at least one large lecture space would be needed to replace room 916, which may not remain as a lecture hall after the architecture, digital media, interior design, and photography studio classes move to 900. We also discussed the desirability of perhaps two large spaces. Diane Zuliani noted that many classes capped at 44 students enroll many more on a large-lecture basis – in the case of some Art 1 classes, up to 100. Building 300, upper floor and some of the lower floor, will be the new Language Arts classroom building. Some of our IT will remain on bottom level of 300, since the infrastructure is already in place. IT will be across hall from current location. The television facility will remain in building 100, and the radio station will move to 100. Don Plondke distributed and presented a draft of Building 500 program definition. It included four major components: 1. Large Lecture Room (502) 2. Computer Applications Lab for Geography and Other Disciplines (510/518) 3. Anthropology Small Lecture/Lab Room with Storage for Artifacts (530) 4. General Classrooms Major points in his presentation were: modernize all classrooms to be ‘technology-enhanced’ comply will classroom standards adopted by the Facilities Committee general Social Sciences classrooms should accommodate 44-50 students specific program definition for renovated room 502: o modernized, technology-enhanced classroom for 65-70 students o maintain counter and closet storage space o position multimedia control station in rear center o connecting door, if possible, to adjacent Computer Applications Lab o tables-and-chairs flexible seating format for lectures and group activities specific program definition for Computer Applications Laboratory (510/518) specific program definition for Anthropology Small Lecture/Lab (530) Tim Steele distributed and presented a draft of Building 900’s program definition for the Fine Arts and Design studio spaces, as well as an idea for updating room 1006 for the Graphic Design program. Major points of Tim’s presentation were: move Architecture, Graphic Design, Digital Media, Interior Design, & Photography to 900, which would concentrate Fine Arts and Design programs in a single area. revitalize the entrance to the visual and performing arts area that includes Buildings 900-1300 and the arts quadrangle. convert 800 to general classrooms and large lecture hall(s) o use, for example, for Diane’s Art History lecture classes o lecture hall will replace existing 916 o classrooms and lecture hall(s) should comply with college standards for technology-enhanced classrooms o will house mostly Humanities and some Language Arts courses o propose adding flat panel monitors (an electronic gallery), perhaps in hallway, for promotions, announcements of events, presentation of faculty/student work. o the District has granted money for art displays, which might be a source of funds for the monitors. program definition includes table of Building 900 / 1000 space requirements Steve Piatetsky briefly discussed the Media Services operation, which is currently assumed to be moving to Building 300. He needs approximately 3200 square feet of space. He would prefer a location closer to the reprographics building, such as building 1600 or 1800. Gene said he would try to meet with Dr. Carlson next week to update him on the committee’s work and would bring up Steve’s comments at that meeting. Craig Fernandez reviewed our July schedule, which we are on track to complete, as follows: compile near-final drafts of program definitions by 7/18 meeting HMC architects will join us on 7/25 at 1:00 for review of program definitions. He noted that members of the User Group Committee are responsible for the ultimate design of their respective buildings, in partnership with our architects. We should expect weekly or bi-weekly meetings in fall to develop details. Budget limitations will govern modification of definitions and specifications. upcoming meetings: 7/18/06 (Tues) – 1:30 (when we will discuss near-final drafts) 7/25/06 (Tues) – 1:00 (when the final draft is submitted to architects for the next phase of the project: detailed program definitions)