I CHABOT COLLEGE COURSES TRANSFERABLE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-ALL CAMPUSES 2005-2006 Effective Fall 2005, Spring 2006 and Summer 2006 BERKELEY, DAVIS, IRVINE, MERCED, LOS ANGELES, RIVERSIDE, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SANTA BARBARA, SANTA CRUZ I ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 50', 56,60,62+,70 ADMJ 50 and 62 combined maximum credi~,one course 1 1 1 CHABOT C O L L E G E COLLOQUIA 9 (See Independent Study) a COMPUTER APPLICATION SYSTEMS 8'. @I* *CAS 80 combined with CSCI 10: maximum credit, one course + Cross-referenced with CSU 8 ANTHROPOLOGY I,IL. 2,3.5.8. 12 ARCHITECTURE Special artrculnlion agreelnenr i n effect with UC Berkeley's College of Environmenial Ilesign. Maximum crcdii, 18 semester units 2AB,8AB, 14, 16,20 CONTEMPORARY STUDIES ART I. 2AB, 3ADUD,4,5,7ABCD, 10, COMPUTER SClENCE 7.8'. lo*. 1 I. 14.15, 19A, 20.20J,21.22 * CSCJ 10combincd with CAS 80: maximum credit, onc course 'C ross-rcfercncedwith CAS 8 11,12ABCD,13ABCD, I6ABCD, 17,18, 49 20,23,50.67' Cross-rcfcrcncc with PHOT 67 CREATlVE ARTS ASTRONOMY 1, lo*. 20*.30 DANCE 10 1-56 * No credit h r 1 O or 20 if bkcn after 1 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 51,52, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ANATOMY ECOLOGY bsted under Biological Sciences I* * ANAT 1 combined with BIOL 50 and PHSI 1 nwximum crcdit. 2 courses BIOLOGY 2A3.5, lo*. 2P.21'. 25, 31*,50' * 10 and 3 1 cornbincd: m i m u m crcdil, one course No crcdit for 10 or 31 if taken after 2A or 2B 'H101.50 combincd with ANAT I and PHSl I : maximum credit, 2 courses 1 20 ar~d21 combined: maximum credit. 2 courses BOTANY ECONOMIC6 1,2,5, lo* * No credit for I0 if taken after f or 2 10 ECOLOGY 8, IV. 11'. 12 ENGLISH (COMPOSITION & LITERATURE) ' An)' or all o l t h w cou~scscombined: maximum credit, one course # 10 and I I combined: maximum credit, 4 units 34* fThe granting of ~ransfercredit for courses in this category is contingent upon n review ol the course outline by a UC campus. IAl4,7.20,21,22,30.32.33,38,45,47,48 MICKOBIOLOGY 1 FOREIGN LANGUAGES PIIYSIQLOGY FRENCH 1) " PHSl 1 comh~nedwllh ANAT 1 and BIOL 5 0 ENGINEERING 10,22.25+, 32,36,43,45 *Cross referenced wilh t'hys 25 and Math 25 maxrmum credit. courses ZOOLOGY 10 BUSINESS IAB. 10,lZ CHEMISTRY IA'B', 5 , 8"*,10Y, 12AB,JDA'B".31* ' I A and 3DA combined; rnaxin~urncredit, one counc " I B and 30B csmbined: maximum credit, one course *No credit fur 10 or 31 if taken after 1 A or 30A. 10 and 31 mmbined: maft~rnrrmcredit, onc course. **Nocredit for $ if &ken after 12A ar 1 2B 2 IAB*, 2AB GERMAN IAB*, 2AB ITALIAN 1AB* JAPANESE I AR* RUSSIAN IAB* SPANISH I AB,* 2AB *Corresponds to 2 years of high s c h d STUDY. GENERAL STUDIES 11, 30.31 PHYSICAL EDUCATION GEOLOGY IAB, lo*. IOL,12, I2L,15,21 * No credit for 10if laken after 1A or Courses listed here are guaranteedto transfer tot any UC school. How the coursw are applied to m e t s p i k g e n d edwtion or lower division majw e r a t i o n causes are determind by the transfer scwol. No credit limitation RK THEORY:any or all of these cwrses combined: maaimurn d t , 8 units 1B HEALTH I*. 2*. 4*,8' 17,18",20,23,25,26,27,28 RE.ACTIVITY: any w all of these courses combined: 1,2,4 and PHED 18 corn bined: maximum credit, one course C m s refetencd with PSYC 8 and S O C 8 HISTORY 1,2.5,7*,Sm,12.19,20*,21*,22,25,27,28,~44 maximum credit, 4 units 1,2,3,5,6,7,12,13*, 13R'. 14,3048,50 '13 and 13R ewnbincd: maximum 2 units OPHED 18and HLTH 1,2,4 combined maximum c r e d i ~one come PfIYSICS 2AB*, 4ABC*,5,11**, 22AB. 25' *2AB combined with 4ABC;maximum mdit, one series Deduct for dllpllcate topics **No credit for Physics 11 if taken after 2A or 4A ' C roes reference with Math 25 and hgr 25 *7.8and 20.2 t combined: maximum credit olie seriw HUMANITIES 1,3.7. 10,28,30,35,40,45 INDEPENDENT STUDY 29,38 The granting of transfer crcdit for courses in this category is contingent u p 8 mvlew of the course outline by a UC campus. PHYSICAL SCIENCE *IS *No crodit if taken after a college level course in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, M d o g y or Physics. INTERDISCIPLINARYSTUDIES - W L E I T E B AND SCIENCES ISM I A : M T H 12, HlJM28, PHIL 1, POL1 1 IB: ENGL IA,HIST 1, WLI 25,ANTH 1 1C: ENGL 4, CREA 10. H W 2. ASTR 10, ASTR 30 or ANTH 1L PHYSIOLOGY Lisled under Biological Sciences POLFFICALSCIENCE 1,2,20,25,30.40 PSYCH0IAX;Y 1,2,3,6,8*,18,33,43 * h - r e f w e n e e d with HLTH 8 and SOC 8 - PSYCHOLOGY COUNSELING MATHEMATICS 1+, 2.3,4,6,8.12**,20*{4uunits credit only), 25***,31: 32*. 33. 4*. 13 *4 and SPCH 11 cwnbined : maximum credit, onc c o w 35', 40, 43' RELIGIOUS STUDIES *I and 32 combined: maximum credit. ow course **Cross referend with PHIL. 12 ***Cross r e f e r e n d w i h h g r 25, Phys 25 aNocredil for20or31 iftakenafterMATH 1 . 3 2 ~ 3 3 *35,43 combined: maximum credit, one course 1,7.11.12,30 MICROBIOLOGY ksled under Bidogiml Sciences SIGN LANGUAGE 64,W * C m q m d s to2 years dhich sh-I study SOCIOLOGY 1.2.3,4,8*, 10,11,30 * Cms-referencedwith HLTH 8 and PSYC 8 MUSIC APPLIED 20,21AB, 22AB,23AB. 30.3 1.32.33,34,35,36.37.38*, 42 * See Independent Study LITERATURE, THEORY & MUSICIANSHIP I. 2ABCD. 4,5,6.7.1 I AB PERFORMANCE 12, 14, 15. 17.18.19,43.44,45.46,47,50 SPECH 1.2AB, 3,5, 10, I l*, 46 *II and PCN 4 combined: maximum credit, one course Listed under BiolagimI Sciences PHILOGOPHY 1.2.4,7, 12',2S - Cmss referenced with MATH 12 PHOTOGIUPHY SO, 60.W crws mferenct with ART 67 The materia1 in this publication has been prepared from the 2003-05 catalog arid the 200.1-05 UCOP transfer agreement as carefully as possible. However, Chabot College does not assume responsibilityfor innccmcies or changes in Ihe infomation contained herein after the date of publication.Cheek tvwrv.assist.org for official UC TCA listing. NOTE: Any questions relahng to this list should be addressed lo: Articulation Specialist, 723-6741. Room 166 Chabot College 25555 Hixperian Blvd Hay ward. California 94545