jc CHABOT COLLEGE 102 COURSES TRANFERABLE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 2011- 2012 Effective Fall 2011, Spring 2012 and Summer 2012 BERKELEY, DAVIS, IRVINE, MERCED, LOS ANGELES, RIVERSIDE, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SANTA BARBARA, SANTA CRUZ ECONOMICS (ECON) 1, 2, 5, 10* *No credit for 10 if taken after 1 or 2 TRANSFER UNIT LIMITATIONS: Some Chabot College courses have limits on how many units will transfer to the UC campuses. Please be aware of these limitations noted by asterisks within each discipline. Transfer decisions are determined by UC and/or the individual UC institution. ENGINEERING (ENGR) 10, 11, 22, 25*, 36, 43, 45 *Cross referenced with PHYS 25 and MTH 25 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE (ADMJ) 45*, 50, 60, 70 *Cross referenced with POSC 45 ENGLISH (ENGL) 1A, 4, 7, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 38, 45, 48 ANATOMY (ANAT) 1* *ANAT 1 combined with BIOL 50 and PHSI 1: maximum credit, 2 courses ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (ENSC) 10*, 11*, 12 *10 and 11 combined: maximum credit , 4 units ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTH) 1, 1L, 2, 3,4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13 ETHNIC STUDIES (ES) 1, 2, 3 ARCHITECTURE (ARCH) 2AB, 8AB, 14, 16 FILM (FILM) 50, 60 ART (ART) 2AB, 3ABCD, 7ABCD, 10, 11, 12ABCD, 13ABCD, 16ABCD, 17, 18, 20* * formally 2 units, prior to Fall 2010 FRENCH (FRNC) 1AB*, 2AB *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study ART HISTORY (ARTH) 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20* *Same as PHOT 20 GENERAL STUDIES (GNST) 11, 31 ASTRONOMY (ASTR) 10, 20, 30 GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) 1, 1L, 10, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 20 BIOLOGY (BIOL) 2, 2AB, 4, 6, 10*, 25, 31*, 50+ *10 and 31 combined: maximum credit, one course No credit for 10 or 31 if taken after 2A or 2B *BIOL 50 combined with ANAT 1 and PHSI 1: maximum credit, 2 courses GERMAN (GERM) 1AB*, 2AB *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study HEALTH (HLTH) 1*, 4*, 8+ *1, 4, and PHED 18 combined: maximum credit, one course +Cross reference with PSY 8 and SOCI 8 BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOT 20 BIOT 30 HISTORY (HIS) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7*, 8*, 12. 19, 20*, 21* 22, 25, 27 *7, 8 and 20, 21 combined: maximum credit one series BUSNESS (BUS) 1AB, 10 12 CHEMISTRY (CHEM) 1A+B++, 5, 8**, 10*, 12AB, 30A+B++, 31* +1A and 30A combined: maximum credit, one course ++1B and 30B combine: maximum credit, one course *No credit for 10 or 31 if taken after 1A or 30A. 10 and 31 combined: maximum credit, one course. **No credit for 8 if taken after 12A or 12B HUMANITIES (HUMN) 50, 60, 65, 68, 72, 75 ITALIAN (ITAL) 1AB*, 2AB *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study JAPANESE (JAPN) 1AB* *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study CHINESE (CHIN) 1AB* *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study LIBRARY STUDIES LIBS 1 COMMUNICATION STUDIES (COMM) 1, 2AB, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11*, 20, 46, 50 *11 and PSCN 4 combined: maximum credit, one course MASS COMMUNICATION (MCOM) 40, 41 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SYSTEMS (CAS) 50 MATHEMATICS (MTH) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 20º, 25*, 31º, 33, 40, 43+ *Cross referenced with ENGR 25, PHYS 25 º20 and 31 combined; maximum credit, one course No credit for 20 or 31 if taken after MTH 1, or 33 COMPUTER SCIENCE (CSCI) 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19A, 20, 21 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) 52, 56 1 11/2/11 MICTOBIOLOGY (MICR) 1 MUSIC IMPORTANT NOTES: APPLIED (MUSA) 11AB, 20AB, 21AB, 22AB, 23AB, 24A, LITERATURE, THEORY & MUSICIANSHIP (MUSL) 1, 2ABCD, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 PERFORMANCE (MUSP) 12AB, 13ABC, 14AB, 15AB, 18, 41*, 47 *Formally MUSP 40 prior to Fall 2010 VARIABLE TOPICS COURSES: These courses are also called “Independent Studies”, “Special Studies”, “Special Topics”, “Internships”, etc. They can be offered under any discipline. DO NOT COUNT course units toward the 60 UC transferable units necessary for admissions. Credit for variable topics courses may be given only after a review of the course outline by the enrolling UC campus. This usually occurs after transfer and may include recommendation from faculty. Credit will not be given for variable topic courses in Journalism, Photography, Health, Business Administration, Architecture, Administration of Justice (Criminology) or Library Departments due to the credit restriction in those areas. This policy began Fall 2001. NUTRITION 1 PHILOSOPHY (PHIL) 50, 60, 65, 70 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOT) 20*, 50, 60 *Cross reference with ARTH 20 Chabot Variable Topics Courses include: PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PHED) Courses listed here are guaranteed to transfer to any UC school. How the courses are applied to meet specific general education or lower division major preparation courses are determined by the transfer school. P.E. ACTIVITY: any or all of these courses combined: Maximum credit 8 units 17, 18º, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 P.E. ACTIVITY: any or all of these courses combined: Maximum credit 4 units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13+, 13R+, 14, 30-48, 50 +13 and 13R combined; maximum credit, 2 units ºPHED 18 and HLTH 1, 4 combined maximum credit, one course Colloquia - courses numbered 9 Contemporary Studies - courses number 49 Independent Study - courses numbered 29 and 38 POSC 10 THTR 20 Credit Limitations: Limitations on the number of units that can be transferred to UC have been removed from Art, Music, and Theater Arts; however, students are cautioned from completing an excessive number of units in these areas. It is expected that students will plan their transfer program carefully an will enroll in general education as well as courses preparatory for their intended major at UC. Please consult your counselor for answers to any questions you may have about this matter. PHYSICAL SCIENCE (PSCI) 15* *No credit if taken after a college level course in Astronomy, Chemistry, Geology, Meterology or Physics. PHYSICS (PHYS) 2AB*, 4ABC*, 5, 11**, 22AB, 25+ *2AB combined with 4ABC; maximum credit, one series Deduct for duplicate topics **No credit for PHYS 11 if taken after 2A or 4A +Cross-referenced with MTH 25 and ENGR 25 NOTE: Any questions relating to this list should be addressed to : PHYSIOLOGY (PHSI) 1* *PHSI 1combined with BIOL 50 and ANAT 1:maximum credit, 2 courses Jane Church, M.S. Articulation Officer 723-6741 700 Building, Room 753-G jchurch@chabotcollege.edu POLITICAL SCIENCE (POSC) 1, 12, 20, 25, 30, 40, 45* *Cross referenced with ADMJ 45 CHABOT COLLEGE 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545 PSYCHOLOGY (PSY) 1, 2, 3, 6, 8*, 12, 33 *Cross-referenced with HLTH 8 and SOCI 8 PSYCHOLOGY— COUNSELING (PSCN) 4*, 13 *4 and COMM 11 combined; maximum credit, one course RELIGIOUS STUDIES (RELS) 50, 64, 65, 70, 72 SIGN LANGUAGE (SL) 64, 65*, 66 *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study SOCIOLOGY (SOCI) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8*, 10, 30 *Cross-referenced with HLTH 8 and PSY 8 The material in this publication has been prepared from the 2011-12 catalog addendum and the 2011-12 UCOP transfer agreement as carefully as possible. However, Chabot College does not assume responsibility for inaccuracies or changes in the information contained herein after the date of publication. Check www.assist.org for official UCTCA listings. SPANISH (SPA) 1AB*, 2AB *Corresponds to 2 years of high school study THEATER ARTS (THTR) 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 30 ,40, 47, 48, 50 2