Save Time and Money! In order to help our vendor companies determine budgets, cut down on time spent on reimbursement forms and to lock in some great sponsorship opportunities, the ISPE Los Angeles Chapter is kicking off an Annual Sponsorship Package. Pricing for every budget! We have come up with some great sponsorship opportunities with new ways to promote your company. Sponsorships are Limited – Act Now! Sponsorships are limited, make sure to lock yours in Today! RSVP is still required for all events. To secure your sponsorship, please register online at: I SPE L OS ANGELE S 2016 Sponsorship Package (Good Thru End of April 2017) P L A T I N U M S P ON S OR ( 2 A V A I L A B L E ) : $4,500 • Company Logo on Chapter Meeting Announcements (flyers and emails) • Your ad on the ISPE LA Chapter website • Your logo on the Chapter blog ( • 2 Tickets for all Chapter events (excluding golf tournaments) • 1 Foursome and Dedicated Hole Sponsorship at Golf Tournament • ISPE Social Media Spotlight • Exhibit Table at GMP Expo (Vendor Night) Exhibit Show on May 26, 2016 • 2 Chapter Meeting or Facility Tour Sponsorships G OL D S P ON S OR ( 3 A V A I L A B L E ) : $3,200 • Your ad on the ISPE LA Chapter website • Your logo on the Chapter blog ( • 1 Ticket for all Chapter events (excluding golf tournaments) • 2 players and Sign Sponsor at Golf Tournament or return the attached form with your payment. • Exhibit Table at GMP Expo (Vendor Night) Exhibit Show on May 26, 2016 Please Note: Sponsorship of the ISPE LA Chapter does not include sponsorship for any other Chapters. Please note that our scheduled meeting dates are subject to change based on speaker and venue availability. ( V A L U E $ 5 , 2 0 0) • Company Logo on Chapter Meeting Announcements (flyers and emails) Questions? Please contact Kimberly Syre ( or 949–387–9046) (VALUE $7,100) • ISPE Social Media Spotlight • 1 Chapter Meeting or Facility Tour Sponsorship SI LV ER SP ON SOR (5 A VA I L ABL E): $ 2,5 00 (V ALUE $ 4,30 0) • Company Logo on Chapter Meeting Announcements (flyers and emails) • Your ad on the ISPE LA Chapter website • Your logo on the Chapter blog ( • 2 Players at Golf Tournament • ISPE Social Media Spotlight • Exhibit Table at GMP Expo (Vendor Night) Exhibit Show on May 26, 2016 • 1 Chapter Meeting or Facility Tour Sponsorship BRONZE SPONSOR (7 AVAILABLE): $ 900 • Company Name on Chapter Meeting Announcements (flyers and emails) • Your logo on the Chapter blog ( (VALUE $ 1 , 5 0 0 ) I SPE L OS A NG ELE S CHAPT ER INVOICE 2016 Sponsorship Package (Good Thru End of April 2017) Registration Instructions For an immediate receipt, please use the Chapter's online processing system. If Paying by Company Check: Register online. Under "Payment Type" select "Company or personal check" or fax your registration form to (949) 266-8461. Mail your check made payable to: ISPE Greater Los Angeles Chapter 5319 University Dr., Suite 641, Irvine, CA 92612. Tax ID#95-4452996 ISPE California Chapter Members: If you are an ISPE Member in CA, please do not set up a new account. You should already be in our system. Please email Rob Fleming ( for assistance with your username and/or password. ISPE Members of Other Chapters: You will not be in our system unless you have previously set up an account. Please follow instructions for Non Members below. To update your account to a Member account, please forward your confirmation email from ISPE or ISPE Membership Card to Rob Fleming ( We need your Chapter name, your ISPE Member number and expiration date. You can get your Membership card once logged onto the ISPE website (see bottom left side of the screen). Non Members: If you do not have an account on our system, you can set one up on the site using letters (not numbers) as your username. ALL: If you need help setting up your account or if you are having problems with the site or need a new password, please email Rob Fleming ( for assistance. Fax Registration: Complete the Registration Form with your credit card payment and Fax to (949) 266-8461. Select Your Sponsorship ________$4,500 Platinum Sponsor ________$3,200 Gold Sponsor ________$2,500 Silver Sponsor ________$900 Bronze Sponsor Sponsor Will Mail a Check If paying by credit card, please check type: ____ VISA ____ MASTERCARD ____ AMERICAN EXPRESS Name on Card: Card #: Signature: Expiration Date: Please Fill in the Fields Below: Sponsorship Coordinator Name: Title: Company: Email: Address: Direct Line or Cell Number: Once your registration is received, we will contact you to get your company logo, ad and any other information needed for your sponsorship.