September 22 - 28, 2009 Weekly News and Opinion from Ohio's Newspapers

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Weekly News and Opinion from Ohio's
September 22 - 28, 2009
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Welcome to the latest issue of Economic News from
Ohio's Regions, a new weekly newsletter from the
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs and
Cleveland State University. We'll search Ohio's
papers to bring you economic news and key
happenings that impact Ohio's regions.
Cleveland State University
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Sunday's numbers: 85 of Ohio's 88 counties reach
20-year highs for unemployment rates (The Plain
Dealer, Sept. 27, 2009) The only counties where 20year highs were not reached were Guernsey, Lorain
and Mercer.
Promise of jobs fueling support for casinos (Dayton
Daily News, Sept. 26, 2009) They've said "no" four
times since 1990, but this year, driven by a promise of
new jobs to combat a slumping economy, Ohio voters
may be ready to approve casino gambling.
New community college off to good start in Valley
(Youngstown Vindicator, Sept. 26, 2009) Jefferson
Community College provides associate degrees for
transfer to four-year colleges and universities. While
Jefferson is now part of Eastern Gateway, it has 1,880
students, while enrollment from Mahoning, Trumbull
and Columbiana counties total about 170.
Editorial: Second chance (Akron Beacon Journal,
Sept. 23, 2009) The Ohio Supreme Court presented
Ted Strickland with the gift of an opportunity. On
Monday, a 6-1 court majority wrecked the governor's
plan for moving quickly to install 17,500 electronic slot
machines at seven horse racetracks. The justices
opened the way for a referendum in November 2010,
installation of the slots coming, quite possibly, deep
into the biennium.
Before a casino, a cleanup (Columbus Dispatch,
Sept. 27, 2009) The state is spending $750,000 to
clean up an abandoned factory in Columbus for a
planned casino even though Gov. Ted Strickland and
other state leaders oppose the casino.
Lobbyists paid to get slice of pie (Cincinnati
Enquirer, Sept. 27. 2009) Lobbyists for local
governments and transit agencies have joined in this
year's mad scramble for transportation cash, where as
many as 1,800 special-interest groups are hoping for a
slice of the federal pie.
Nonprofits stay afloat in choppy economic waters
(Marion Star, Sept. 27, 2009) Dependent on donations
from private individuals and corporations, nonprofit
organizations in Marion County have more worries than
usual as their donors deal with a down economy.
Downtown Toledo: A great place to live, work and
play (Toledo Blade, Sept. 27, 2009) City leaders have
talked for years about how to solve "brain drain" - the
flight of Toledo's young, intelligent professionals to
bigger and better cities. The
solution is simple: continue the revitalization of
Editorial: One percentage point (Akron Beacon
Journal, Sept. 27, 2009) Northeast Ohio practically
brims with organizations dedicated to revitalizing the
regional economy. All speak hopefully about the future,
yet often their efforts lack the necessary focus. Which
explains why CEOs for Cities caught our eye last week,
the national organization joining the Northeast Ohio
Council on Higher Education (NOCHE) and other local
groups to stage the Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend
Summit. Carol Coletta, the chief executive of CEOs for
Cities, brought a refreshingly precise view to the
Views of local economy observers: Securities
America Inc. financial planner (Akron Beacon
Journal, Sept. 27, 2009) Every city in Northeast Ohio
has been negatively affected by the downturn in the
economy. We are fortunate our commercial and
industrial tax base in Tallmadge is fairly diversified and
not reliant on the strength of one major employer.
Issue 6 supporters, foes debate whether it can stop
corruption (The Plain Dealer, Sept. 28) Under the
proposed charter, the council develops the rules for
how contracts would be awarded. Only the executive
can execute a contract. If there are deficiencies in a
contract, an internal audit should at least raise
suspicion, Issue 6 backers contend.
Sun power for savings (Akron Beacon Journal, Sept.
28, 2009) Ever wonder what it costs to install a solar
panel on your roof, or how a geothermal well works, or
whether it's really possible to reduce your electric bill to
$10 a month?
Pro, anti-casino forces' only focus: jobs (Cincinnati
Enquirer, Sept. 28, 2009) Backers of casino gambling
in Ohio point to a University of Cincinnati study to
prove that Issue 3 "will create 34,000 new jobs."
Opponents use that same study to assert "at no time
will 34,000 Ohioans be put to work."
Edited and compiled by: Molly Schnoke, Center for Civic Education, Maxine Goodman
Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University
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