Warehouse Reservations via PASSHE Self Service Portal

Warehouse Reservations via PASSHE Self Service Portal
This is a click by click walkthrough.
1. Open an internet browser and go to Bloomsburg University’s home page.
2. Click on Faculty & Staff
Prospective Students
Current Students
Faculty & Staff
Today's News
Parents & Visitors
3. Click on SSHE Login icon
4. Click on Materials Management tab
Employee Self-Service
Manager Self-Service
5. Click on Warehouse Reservation option
Create Reservation is the default selection.
Materials Management
Business Intelligence
6. Fill in any required fields indicated by a red asterix. Some may be already populated for you with the proper
If you are requesting for a WBS cost center, the movement type must be changed. Click on the drop down to choose
movement type 221.
If a material# is unknown, click on the drop down to search.
Another option is to scan
the warehouse list. A current real time list of warehouse materials is available by clicking “show warehouse listing”. It
will open on a separate browser tab.
When filling the quantity field, make certain you know the unit of measure material is issued. Do not put 1 in the
quantity field and expect to get one case of copy paper. You will get 1 ream. The proper units referenced to a material
number is available on the warehouse listing.
After filling in all required fields click save material.
7. To continue to add materials, click on
Save Material Cancel Changes
Add New Line . You must click Save Material
for every new line you add.
8. If no more new lines are required, you can complete your reservation by clicking Save Warehouse Reservation
A reservation number will show at the bottom left if saved correctly. You might need to scroll down if
you do not see a reservation number.