Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council (IAAC) Meeting Bartlett 1017

Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council (IAAC) Meeting
April 3, 2014 3:30 PM
Bartlett 1017
Present: Jess Betts, Russ Campbell, Troy Dannen, Forrest Dolgener, Stacia Eggers, Brady Fritz, Joel
Haack, Tim Gilson, Amber Irlmeier, Lisa Jepsen, Rex Karsten, Lisa Krausman, Kara Park, Justin
Schemmel, Kay Weller.
Recorder: Lisa Jepsen
1. Head Women’s Soccer Coach James Price discussed his recruiting philosophies, team GPA,
community involvement, training designed to prevent injuries (such as ACL injuries), and
responses to concussions and answered questions.
2. Approval of February minutes (motion by Campbell, second by Karsten)
3. Athletic Director Report – Troy Dannen
a. Three construction projects are underway: installing video board in the Dome,
renovating locker rooms in McLeod, and renovating wrestling locker rooms in West
i. The new Dome video board will allow for additional types of programming
beyond the display of statistics and instant replays. Troy is working with Eric
Braley to find academic opportunities for students in video production.
b. Strategic planning for the department is underway. Department hopes to have plan in
place by fall semester.
c. Troy met with representatives of ComCast in Chicago. ComCast is offering 60 second
institutional “spots” (commercials). Troy is working with Scott Ketelsen to create a
commercial that will enhance recruiting of all students, not just student-athletes, from
the Chicago area.
4. SWA Report – no report
5. Compliance Officer Report – Justin Schemmel
a. Justin and Brady are almost finished meeting with each head coach and staff to discuss
rules education and answer sports-specific questions. The application deadline for an
assistant to Justin is soon. Justin hopes to hire someone in the next few months.
6. Academic Advising Report– Stacia Eggers/Kara Park
a. The compressed registration period meant that Kara and Stacia worked many nights
and several weekends to meet with student-athletes, but almost all student-athletes
have registered for summer and fall classes.
b. The department hosted a Career Night for juniors/seniors that included a panel
discussion and a chance to meet with local employers. Approximately 90 students and
15 employers participated, and Kara has received very positive feedback. The event
generated several summer internships for student-athletes.
c. Kara and Stacia are working on summer orientation for incoming students.
d. Everyone is invited to the “Pros vs. Joes” dodgeball tournament next Thursday;
proceeds benefit a local group affiliated with Make-a-Wish.
7. Registrar’s Report – no report
8. Faculty Athletics Representative – Lisa Jepsen
a. Neither applicant for the NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship from the fall won. Because
both had outstanding athletic and academic qualifications but neither had applied to
graduate school, Lisa and her committee are considering an informal “requirement”
that the student-athlete has applied for graduate school before moving forward with an
NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship application. Discussed winter applicants; 2 of the 3
have been accepted to graduate school already.
b. Updated committee on recent cases of student-athlete absences due to athletics team
c. Discussed having student-athletes distribute list of team travel to professors of online
classes in case a timed assignment occurs during a team travel date. Plan to implement
starting this fall.
Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting: Thursday, May 1 to be held in McLeod Alumni Suite with facilities tour to follow
at approximately 4:30 p.m.