CNS Faculty Senate Minutes

CNS Faculty Senate Minutes February
4, 2011 3:30 p.m.
Present: Peter Berendzen, Kurt Pontasch (Biology); Laura Strauss
(Chemistry and Biochemistry); Aleksandar Poleksic (Computer Science);
Chad Heinzl (Earth Science); Julie Zhang, Jin Zhu (Industrial
Technology); Suzanne Riehl, Nikolay Silkin (Mathematics); Dale
Olson (Physics); Jeff Morgan (Science Education)
The senate began discussion with the Biology curriculum packet, for
which R. Seager (chair of biology curriculum committee) was
present. Adding a 0-credit-hour course (BIOL 1050) was discussed, to
which some representatives raised objections. Other discussion included
listing of elective courses and widening the scope of electives in other
departments. Strauss moved to accept the packet, pending suggested
changes. Poleksic seconded the motion. The motion passed with a
unanimous vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Jeff Morgan Secretary