Chabot College Classified Senate MINUTES 2011-12 2010-11 Classified Senate Governing Council EXECUTIVE BOARD Yvonne Gordon Wu Watt Craig President Chabot Computer Support Grant Development Yvonne Wu-Craig Gordon Watt Vice President Grant Development Computer Support Isabel Braunstein Ginger Ripplinger Secretary Media Services Social Sciences Rosie Mogle Treasurer Administrative Services Kari McAllister Gordon Watt Immediate Past President Friday, November 18, 2011, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Room 455 Welcome/Call to Order Chair Yvonne Wu-Craig called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm Present: Kayla Jones, David Rigunay, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Nate Moore, Chasity Whiteside, Gordon Watt, Debra Kling, Cheryl Sannebeck, Rosie Mogle, Rachel Tupper-Eoff, Ginger Ripplinger Approval of Minutes Motion to approve minutes as amended by Catherine Gentiluomo Seconded by Cheryl Sannebeck Motion passed Performing Center ComputerArts Support ADVISOR - SEIU Catherine Powell Celia Barberena School of thePresident Arts Chabot College Catherine Powell SENA O RArts S School ofTthe ACADEMIC SERVICES SENATORS Catherine Gentiluomo Health & Natural Sciences ACADEMIC SERVICES DebraGentiluomo Kling Catherine President’s Report Yvonne Wu Craig reported that she had attended the last Board of Trustees meeting. Steve Small announced an open house in the new Auto Technology Lab on the 3rd of March. The Faculty Association Contract passed. There were 325 FAC votes, 115 yes votes from District and 74 yes votes from Chabot College. The ASCC is having holiday drive for toys, food and clothes. HealthLanguage & NaturalArts Sciences Cheryl Sannebeck Debra Kling Social Sciences Language Arts Bella Witt Cheryl Sannebeck President’s Office Social Sciences ADMINISTRATIVE Bella Witt SERVICES President’s Office ANate DMINISTRATIVE Moore Campus Safety SERVICES Tatiana Diaz Nate Moore Mail Room Campus Safety Shirley Dazhan Tatiana Diaz The transition of the Bookstore to Follett should be complete by finals week in December. Faculty book orders should have already gone in. Faculty should not need to resubmit book orders for spring. Follett is currently conducting the text buy back and taking inventory. Procedures should remain the same. Email faculty and tell them to send in book orders. There will still be a textbook rental program. Campus Safety Mail Room Gregory Correa Maintenance & & Operations Operations Maintenance STUDENT SERVICES Vacant open Trisha Avila Financial Aid STUDENT SERVICES Stacy Moore Vacant Counseling open Sylvia Stacy Ramirez Moore EOPS Counseling Judy Wright Sylvia Ramirez Admissions & Records EOPS Rita Brown will be at next senate meeting and can address issues then such as confirmation on pricing and confirmation on the unnecessary need to resubmit textbook orders. Hal Ginn will be working on a sister campus in China and will be bringing a tour group to Chabot on Dec 6th from Wuxi City College of Vocational Technology, Jiangsu Province Karen Metcalf R E P R ECounseling SENTATIVES Katrin Field R E P R Assessment ESENTATIVES Rajinder Samra Katrin Field Institutional Research Assessment Chasity Chasity Whiteside Whiteside Language Arts Math & Science Karen Metcalf Lisa Carlsen Language Arts Learning Skills Christie Verarde Early Childhood Vice President’s Report No report at this time Secretary/Treasurer’s Report $1217.87deposited in the foundation will be moved to a cocurricular account on campus. The General fund line item from Celia Barberena is separate from this money. These are unrestricted funds. ACTION: Yvonne will talk to Lori Bennetti about a payroll deduction. The money will go to co-curricular account NEXT agenda – Develop Budget SEIU Report T SEIU is still in negotiations Discussion Items Doug Horner from Facilities and Mani Farhadi - Associate from Steinberg Architects, reported on the Master Plan Update. Doug Horner said the update of the Master Plan is in progress. The existing plan was done in 2005. 80% of the Measure B budget has been used. The current Master Plan will cost more than the bond. There is a need to prioritize and restructure the plan. In addition there is a need for a 5 year facility capital plan. This is an ongoing process. The Facilities Committee is going to pull ideas from multiple sources to draft the educational master plan. Unit plans have some needs listed that involve facilities. Measure B money cannot be used for staff. IT is drawing up district wide master plan. They are looking at what didn’t get done such as pulling fiber through all pipes. Chabot has asked for larger Wi-Fi capability. Gathering of input starts in January. Facilities will review requests and the plan will be revised. The Classified senate meeting can be used to give input. Senate can also give input to Gordon Watt who will bring to facilities committee. Mani Farhadi, an associate from Steinberg Architects presented a PowerPoint presentation on the background and purpose of the Master Plan using Measure B money. The Bond money must be spent on capital improvements such as brick, mortar & labor. There is no restriction on the percentages spent on either campus. At this point Chabot College received 16 to 18 million more than Las Positas. POWERPOINT SLIDES: Agenda Purpose Background, Process Brainstorming, Next Steps Purpose-all part of 5 year capital plan. This will be done by 2012, 12 Facilities Master Plan Upgrade the Campus Buildings Improve Seismic Reliability Support Student Activities Infrastructure A master plan is an overall physical development concept through maps and narrative. Showed map of 2005 master plan with planned building Presented 31 project at 185 million dollars Red stars are renovation Green stars are new construction. Engage with each college, talk to senate, Facilities Committee, Chancellors Cabinet, Board of Trustees for board approval. March 2012 is the deadline to present revised Master Plan to board Discussion Points: Student Life, Faculty & Staff experience Circulation/Traffic/Infrastructure Campus Environment (lighting, grand court) Community engagement (New buildings that face the community) The PowerPoint is on the Facilities website. Yvonne Wu Craig requested that the projects that were delayed or postponed in the current bond have first priority in the next master plan. The new Message board is in design and will be delivered with the Security update in G lot. A request for bid will soon be put out for the LED marquee board at corner of Depot & Hesperian. A request was made for making entrances to the college more visible and the campus map needs to be put back up. Doug Horner responded that Campus signage – signage master plan for the campus, will be under the current measure B. The new signs will not be lighted. He said that the Board of Trustees is unimpressed with the landscaping along Hesperian. Steinberg will be using a landscape architect named David Gates to come up with a plan to enhance the college entry points. It was noted that southbound traffic going to B lot won’t see the marquee signage on Depot & Hesperian. A plan should be made to upgrade the signage on that entrance. Additional suggestions for the Master Plan included: • • • • • • • • More open lab space and study rooms for students across campus Additional places for students to eat outside Equipment and furniture storage in the event center Curtains for privacy in the Event Center Hot water in Event Center restrooms Walking paths throughout campus and into parking lots Walking path from crosswalk into Parking Lot H PA system in case of emergency • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Move gently used furniture from renovated building to buildings not scheduled for upgrade Finish data connection between buildings, new fiber in the pipes Complete upgrade of phone system More emergency stations, emergency phones, more tall blue talker phones with blue lights on campus Integrate tutoring with Office of student life Tutoring areas and study group rooms in the Library Room for student clubs AV center and ability to draw curtains for presentations in the Event Center Options to use round or oblong tables and storage for Event Center Coffee Shop or somewhere to get food on opposite side of campus from cafeteria – perhaps a possible snack bar for the PAC Opportunities for entrepreneurial spaces on campus Widening campus drive between A & G lot to help with student drop off Reserved parking for visitors – 50 Cents for short term parking Water feature for study area Multiple large lecture rooms – large lecture rooms for100 to 150 people Need one large lecture room of at least 3-400 people Theater renovation – enlarged lobby, ADA access to top floor and improved bathrooms Windows and storage space for KCRH Health Center & TV Station need expansion space Satellite district office on campus Solar panels in G lot (Need more lighting) Update mailroom. (Mail boxes are falling apart) Secure place to keep packages in mailroom so that faculty and staff can access packages when mailroom staff are not there Paint old buildings Nate Moore suggested moving the library to building 200. Demolish and rebuild 200. The Library should be on the ground floor in the front. The students will get more club space. ASCC Representative David Rigunay said that students are not happy with the limited parking spaces. He said that it’s discouraging for new students to find a space to attend 9:00 AM classes. Jennifer Lange requested proper ventilation and emergency showers in the chemical rooms along with proper biohazard storage. The college has two understaffed prep rooms. According to OSHA a person should not be working alone in a prep room. There is a need for one large, properly equipped prep room. Student Services and Administrative Services Program Review Forms and Training Needs Jennifer Lange reported that the Staff Development Committee is asking for input on revising program review forms. The committee is asking if all classified staff are covered somewhere in program review processes and do Classified have input in program review process. Any changes need to go to PRBC by November 30th. The next Staff Development meeting is November 29th. Classified staff, in academic services, and administrative assistants are currently addressed in program review. There needs to be a program review process for the division offices. The committee wants an ongoing record of needs for classified. Academic Services are considered a unit. They should meet as a unit to talk about training, etc. It was suggested that perhaps Academic Services needs their own program review plan. ACTION: Jennifer Lange will email the latest revision to Yvonne Wu Craig. Yvonne will review on November 30th at the PRBC meeting. The Staff Development meeting is in room 505 at noon November 29th. Veteran’s Day Event Update Nate Moore reported that the Veterans’ day event was a success. The connection between Veterans and Classified Staff is very strong. Mark Stephens representing the Veteran’s club was presented with a US Flag and California flag. Mary Lou Cisnero’s family was very happy about the scholarship. There is now a need for donations for the scholarship. Rozen Caampued is the new veteran’s specialist. Todd Stephens Veteran’s event at LPC was a success Feasibility Study Campus Safety Department Move to Building 700 South and Staffing Update Nate Moore reported on the Feasibility Study to discuss moving campus safety to 700 south. The move won’t cost much but furniture and wiring are needed. Part of this move will be moving the Dispatch Office to 700 as well. The study will take a month to a year. Campus Safety is hiring 1 ½ positions. The positions will go to the next board meeting to be approved. Will be 90% staffed. AMAG Company Security Access Control System implementation Alarms are going off because people are not operating alarms properly. Security will hold staff accountable for operating the system. Email Luis Montañez and Keith Stiver to get training on the security system. If there are problems with certain key pads email Luis & Keith. It was requested that Campus Safety send out an email informing staff that Luis Montañez and Keith Stiver are the contact people for alarm issues. Nate Moore said that if doors are left open people should call dispatch at ext: 6923. Security is working on the protocol to send out so people know what to do Celia Barberena’s Retirement Reception Yvonne Wu Craig announced that Chabot College President Celia Barberena’s retirement reception will be held on December 1st at 2:30 pm in lobby of Building 200. Everyone is invited. Yvonne will be giving a speech and presenting a gift to Dr. Barberena. Classified Senate approved the expenditure for a gift. ACTION: Catherine Gentiluomo will arrange for a photo or an alternate gift. MOTION: Nate Moore moved to approve the expenditure of 100 dollars for a gift. Seconded by Debra Kling Motion approved Adjournment Gordon Watt moved to adjourn Nate Moore seconded Motion approved. Next Meeting: December 16, 2011 Upcoming Meeting Dates: January 20, 2012 February 17, 2012 March 16, 2012 April 20, 2012 May 18, 2012 June 15, 2012 Meetings are located in room 455 in the I.O.B.