Chabot College Classified Senate AGENDA Friday, February 21, 2014 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Room 352 2013-14 2010-11 Classified Classified Senate Senate Governing Governing Council Council EE X X EE C CU U TT II V V EE B BO OA AR RD D Gordon Gordon Watt Watt President President Computer Support Chabot Computer Support KatrinWu-Craig Field Yvonne Vice President REPRESENTATIVES: Lisa Carlson (Learning Skills), Debra Kling (Language Arts), JoAnn Cerefice (Applied Tech), Nate Moore (Campus Safety), Yvonne Vanni (Dental), Catherine Gentiluomo (Nursing) Assessment Grant Development 1. Welcome/Call to Order Social Services Science Media 2. Special guest Dr. Maria Ochoa-Friends of Chabot Foundation 3. Approval of Minutes 4. President’s Report 5. Vice President’s Report 6. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report 7. SEIU Report 8. Decision/Discussion Items Christie Verarde Isabel Braunstein Secretary Rosie Mogle Treasurer Administrative Services Gordon Watt Kari McAllister Immediate Past President ComputerArts Support Performing Center ADVISOR - SEIU ADVISOR - SEIU Susan Sperling Catherine Chabot CollegePowell President School of the Arts Chasity Whiteside Science & Mathematics SENATORS SENATORS ACADEMIC SERVICES ACADEMIC SERVICES Catherine Gentiluomo Rachael Tupper-Eoff Health & Natural Sciences Learning DebraConnection Kling Catherine LanguagePowell Arts SchoolSannebeck of the Arts Cheryl Cheryl SocialSannebeck Sciences Social BellaSciences Witt Chasity Whiteside President’s Office Science & Mathematics ADMINISTRATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SERVICES Nate Moore Steve Stevenson Campus Safety Bookstore Tatiana Diaz Tatiana Diaz Mail Room Mail Room Shirley Dazhan Gregory Correa Campus Safety Maintenance Operations Gregory&Correa Craig & Shira Maintenance Operations Print Shop STUDENT SERVICES STUDENT ERVICES TrishaSAvila VacentAid Financial Assessment Stacy Moore Noell Adams Counseling Admissions & Records Sylvia Ramirez Michelle EOPSIriarte CalWorks Judy Wright Karen Metcalf Admissions & Records Counseling REPRESENTATIVES Katrin Field Assessment Rajinder Samra Institutional Research Chasity Whiteside Language Arts Karen Metcalf Language Arts a. Debrief of Flex Day Activities—Katrin Field b. Replacement senator for Student Services c. Spring raffle basket 9. Committee Reports (see page 2) 10. For the Good of the Order 11. Adjournment Upcoming Meeting Dates: March 21, April 18, May 16, June 19 Meetings are located in the Board Room in Building 200 unless otherwise noted. Chabot College Classified Senate Committee Reports: 1. ASCC – 2. Basic Skills Committee – Michelle Iriarte 3. College Budget Committee – Rosie Mogle, Heather Hernandez 4. College Council- Cheryl Sannebeck, Gordon Watt 5. College Enrollment Management Committee (CEMC) – Chasity Whiteside 6. Committee On Online Learning - Karen Metcalf 7. District Budget Study Group – Catherine Powell 8. Facilities – Gordon Watt, Nate Moore 9. Health & Safety - Nate Moore, Christie Verarde 10. Planning, Review & Budget Committee - Catherine Powell, Noell Adams, Steve Stevenson 11. Staff Development - Catherine Powell 12. Technology Committee – Gordon Watt 13. Bookstore Advisory Committee – Cheryl Sannebeck