SLOAC members present: Clayton Thiel, Hilal Ozdemir, Christina Mendoza,
Mireille Giovanola, Felicia Tripp, Harjot Sawhney, Robert Yest, Ken Grace
Steve Small.
Meeting called to order at 12:07 pm.
1) Approval of 9/16 minutes (Note taker: Christina Mendoza)
Tabled until 10/7/14.
* Q&A about SLO assessments and forms (added item). Robert Yest answered
questions from SLOAC members.
- Robert recommends that we use the form he sent/will sent to input SLO completion data. We
should hold on to the form until we report the data in Program Review.
- Our CLOs (Course-level outcomes) map to our PLOs (Program-level outcomes), and
also to our CWLGs (College-wide learning goals).
- However, our CLOs do not map directly to our CWLGs. For all practical purposes, our
CWLGs are equivalent to the CLOs for our General Ed courses, and so will be
assessed when we assess our GE courses (see GE SLO Assessment below).
- We must assess our PLOs. They have to be measurable, but do not have to be
quantitative. One question we might want to ask ourselves is: “Are we/is our
program helping our students? How?” In Felicia Tripp’s words, “We have
operationalized the assessment of PLOs through the evaluation of course
level outcomes”.
In the past, we were asked to use eLumen to map our CLOs to our PLOs. The
SLO segment in Program Review is asking for PLOs, and the Closing-the-Loop
form will include CLO data (if CLOs were assessed and discussed, according to
each program’s assessment schedule). This is where we must discuss PLO
- We must have an accurate idea of the current status of CLO and PLO assessment and
discussion at Chabot. Robert devised a form requesting information about SLO
assessment to Dr. Thompson. This form should be forwarded by Dr. Thompson
to Division Deans, then by Deans to Discipline leads. The forms will be returned
to the Deans, and to Robert (who will tabulate the data).
An assessment schedule, as well as historical data ought to have been included in
last year’s Program Review.
- Assessments should be tied to budget and budget requests, and to any resource/s that we
are requesting.
* Brief report from Felicia Tripp (added item).
On behalf of SLOAC, Felicia requested that SLOAC’s “strong suggestion” that
instructors include CLOs in their syllabus” be endorsed by the Academic Senate at the
Senate’s 9/25/14 meeting. The request was voted down.
Some discussion ensued about what to do until the SLO module of Curricunet is
implemented in spring 2015. SLOAC members who voiced their opinion felt that we are
progressing toward making our SLOs more transparent to everyone, especially students.
2) GE SLO Assessment. Action plan.
- GE SLOs must be assessed this semester.
- The assessment will be a FIG. Participants will be paid.
- For all practical purposes, CWLGs are equivalent to GE SLOs, so we can opt to assess
one of the CWLGs.
- Four of us (Stacy Thompson, Gene Groppetti, Felicia Tripp, and Mireille Giovanola)
selected the GE courses to be assessed.
We looked at the list of General Education & Degree Requirements for Chabot
AA- and AS-degrees, picked representative courses in each area. We then
selected at least two instructors who were teaching these courses this semester,
and whom we thought might be willing to assess them.
- Mireille presented Dr. Thompson’s proposal and timeline for the assessment, and our
list of potential participants.
* There was some discussion about what exactly team participants would be doing.
- Felicia proposed that
1) each member of the GE SLO assessment team assess 1 course section;
2) we should survey 20 students in each class to ensure homogeneity among
higher- and lower-enrolled classes.
- Felicia also proposed that, before we contact potential team members,
1) we have a clear job description
2) have clear information about pay, i.e. is there/will there be an MOU in place?
We are requesting Dr. Thompson’s feedback on this.
3) Feedback from the Accreditation team. Discussion and Action plan. Tabled.
We all need to look at the Accreditation team recommendations to come up
with a plan to address the items that need improvement. We are requesting Dr.
Thompson’ assistance on this.
4) Update of Shared Governance documents. Tabled.
5) Good of the Order.
Next meeting: October the 7th: we will listen to a recording of the webinar on the
Curricunet SLO module with the participation of Steve Thyberg (vendor). Jeannine
Methe. Liem Huynh, and Rachel Ugale will be on hand to answer questions as well.
Respectfully submitted on 10/6/14
Mireille Giovanola