Minutes of SLOAC 11-3-2015 Meeting

Minutes of SLOAC 11-3-2015 Meeting
SLOAC Members Present: Julie Coan, Christina Mendoza, Robert Yest, Felicia Tripp, Kent
Uchiyama, Mireille Giovanola, Homeira Foth, Quincy Taylor
Other Attendees: Liem Huynh, Amy Mattern, Stacy Thompson
1. Approval of Minutes: 10/20/15 Minutes. Motion to approve with editorial
corrections: Felicia Tripp, Second: Christina Mendoza. Unanimously approved
2. SLO Module Status: Liam Huynh: IT currently implementing requested SLO Module
changes. It is anticipated page changes will be able to be put into effect. Will get
status update at next SLOAC meeting.
3. Academic Senate vote on SLOs being placed in syllabi: Stacy Thompson reported
Academic Senate agreed to support placement of SLOs in syllabi, with
recommendation for Spring 2016 implementation
4. Policy Issues and Discussion: Robert Yest reported receiving Program Review
updates. Discussions started regarding scheduling of faculty schedule regarding SLO
training. Concerns over leveled classes which do not meet registration requirements,
and students being assess in “beginning” levels, not being assessed at their ability.
Conversation to be continued after discussion with Ken Grace.
5. Presentation Planning of College Wide Learning Goals: Mireille Giovanola discussed
scheduling of College Wide Learning Goals Outcomes Assessment review with
participating faculty. Date was moved to Tuesday, December 1, 2015, from 12:00 to
1:00. Will discuss possible lunch to be provided.
6. Recommendation for FT Faculty SLOAC Coordinator: Mireille Giovanola asked for
SLOAC feedback on criteria to request a FT Faculty SLOAC Coordinator. SLOAC
members reviewed the criteria already proposed in the Shared Governance
document for SLOAC.
7. New Business: Motion to approve Julie Coan as SLOAC Chair: Christina Mendoza,
second: Homeira Foth. Unanimously approved.
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