Student Learning Outcomes Committee Meeting October 21, 2008 Room 3521, 12-1pm Present: Carolyn Arnold, Bruce Mayer, Rebecca Otto, Stephen Small, Harjot Sawhney, Bernadette Zermeño Review of Flex-day: Before the official start of the meeting Rebecca Otto and Stephen Small discussed the SLOs received from Automotive Technology. The meeting officially began with discussion about faculty responses from Flex day. A large number of SLOs were generated. Although, faulty seemed positive when discussing SLOs with Rebecca, some evaluations were very negative. Also, it was suggested that some faculty do not understand what the main objective is in regards to the SLOA cycle other then for accreditation. The committee must address this issue before the next Flex day. It was agreed that starting Flex-day with a Division meeting was a very good way to introduce the SLOs goals for that day. The Critical Thinking group stated that they liked the Flex day and enjoyed being able to discuss the issues around SLOs. Rebecca made some decisions about the SLOA committee and processes that were not addressed with ALL committee members due to needing a quick answer: 1. Evaluations – Created an evaluation form. 2. Dental Hygenie Program – SLO writing complete. Elumen pilot training: Faculty members will be offered an opportunity to pilot eLumen. They will assess and address issues that arise. Stephen Small would like to be part of this evaluation. After Bernadette enters the SLOs, faculty will enter assessment information to find and work out any bugs within the system. Elumen Progress: Elumen is now in alphabetic order and all the tiny problems that Bernadette can see are being addressed. February Flex Day: Discussion began to address upcoming February Flex Day. Deans requested to have information about what to do in advance. This fall the committee was given only three weeks notice before Flex day -- they feel as though they did an outstanding job. By planning now, the next Flex day will be much better. Carolyn brought up the issue of having clear communication with faculty in regards to when to assess their classes and what faculty will be needed to do in the Spring. There needs to be direct instructions and follow through. Plan for JUST MORNING Flex Day: 1. Using SLO and completing the cycle -Knowing what the faculty will assess -The type of assignment -Completing the cycle 2. How to use Elumen -Committee wants faculty to be able to have a general workshop in how to use Elumen to enter their own class data. Before Flex Day: Rebecca will visit divisions to introduce and example eLumen and rubrics before Flex day so divisions will be on same page and prepared for Flex Day. This will help faculty begin to look at rubrics and to show follow through by showing them. Carolyn will also attend the meetings with deans and faculty to help answer questions and to have faculty recognize her as eLumen help. Also, the Critical thinking group and other faculty need to address issues in regards to eLumen BEFORE faculty are allowed to enter. Program Level Outcomes/Review: Rebecca asked for more ideas in regards to Program Review and Program level outcomes. Carolyn believes both topics are important, but Bruce explained that the most difficult part is to have faculty complete the cycle, finding how and what to do with data. This will be addressed at Flex day. It was mentioned that today, is the first day that SLOS will be required in the course outlines. The committee had an informal discussion in regards to certification programs, AS, AA, etc. Stephen gave examples of the certificates in the Auto Technology program compared to AA/AS degree. The question - How are we going to complete and solve the Program Review SLOs? -Do we need to ask certificate experts to attend the meetings to answer questions?