TEACH Program Application

TEACH Program Application
After more than two years of planning and gathering input from faculty members across Texas Tech
and at other universities around the nation, the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center began
the TEACH Program in Spring, 2000. With the support of the Graduate School and the advice of
the TEACH Program committee, the program has developed into a successful supplement for
graduate training and future faculty members.
The TEACH Program, which is modeled after the national Preparing Future Faculty movement, is
geared toward Ph.D. students with teaching appointments. The TEACH Program assists graduate
students in further developing teaching skills and exploring faculty roles on a college or university
campus. Fellows selected for the program are paid a $500 stipend per semester for their active
participation. Many departments at Texas Tech offer their TA’s excellent opportunities for
development and training. The TEACH Program does not replace those programs in any way;
rather, it seeks to supplement their efforts. For more information about the goals of the TEACH
program, please visit our website at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/tlpdc/Teach_Program/index.php.
The fellowship lasts for one academic year, and program requirements include the completion of at
least 18 total hours of workshop attendance over the fall and spring semesters, two videotape
consultations and two midterm evaluations, as well as the completion of a teaching portfolio and a
curriculum design project. Please note that in order to participate, accepted Fellows must maintain
an official teaching appointment at the university for both the Fall and Spring semesters of their
participation in the program. For more detailed information regarding the program and its
requirements, please click here.
A completed application will include:
Completed applicant profile (provided at the end of this document)
Curriculum Vitae, must be either Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Adobe Acrobat PDF
(.pdf) documents.
Personal Statement, must be either Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Adobe Acrobat PDF
(.pdf) document.
o Please note that this statement should include: progress toward degree; previous
teaching experience; career goals; reasons for interest in the program; and discussion
of your experience with having your teaching evaluated and how you responded to
such feedback.
Two faculty recommendations submitted directly to tlpdc@ttu.edu by faculty members
using the form provided. Please note that recommenders are asked to respond to specific
questions in the form provided; generic letters of reference are not recommended.
o If faculty recommenders have questions or concerns about the process, they may
contact Dr. Allison Boye for more information at 742–0133 or via email at
Graduate students speaking English as a second language must submit a copy of the
teaching recommendation letter emailed or given to them and their graduate advisors upon
completion of the ITA workshop, or other official evidence of language proficiency (such as
TOEFL scores, etc.). This documentation should also be submitted to tlpdc@ttu.edu. If
applicants have difficulty locating their copy of the letter, they should first ask their graduate
advisors for assistance; they may also contact TEACH Program Director Dr. Allison Boye
(allison.p.boye@ttu.edu or 742-0133) if they have questions or concerns.
Applicants with complete applications will also be invited to participate in one of several
group interviews. Participation in the interview process is strongly recommended.
The deadline for completed applications is Friday, April 22, 2016.
I have reviewed the TEACH program web site and understand the elements that are required for
program completion and subsequent receipt of the stipend. I agree to the terms and conditions of
participation in the program, and, to the best of my ability, I believe that I will be able to complete
I wave my right of access to the letters of recommendation to be submitted in support of my
application under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
TEACH Applicant Profile
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
TTU Email:
TTU Classification: --Select-Phone:
Alternate Email:
Major/Area of Study:
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Number of Years Completed in the program:
Will you have Teaching Appointment Next year: --Select-If yes, what might you be teaching?
Recommender 1 – Name:
Recommender 1 - Email:
Recommender 2 - Name:
Recommender 2 - Email:
To complete your portion of the application, please email this document, Curriculum
Vitae, and Personal Statement as described above to tlpdc@ttu.edu.
Please also provide your faculty recommenders with the required recommendation