Master’s Comprehensive Exam Application Please Note: You must file an intent to graduate with the Graduate School to take the comprehensive exam. (The required form and deadline to file the intent to graduate can be found on the Graduate School website under current students) R-Number: Email (TTU email only): First Name: Degree: Last Name: Program: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Name of your faculty advisor: Graduation Semester: Year: Do you require special accommodations? Yes No (please attach proof of special accommodation needs as required by the University) Will you take the exam on campus or at a distance? (students taking the computer exam at a distance will need to schedule for the exam to be proctored at a testing center in their location) Exam Type: Computer Paper/Project Alternate If you will be taking the computer exam please provide the name of your three question writers: (student is responsible for contacting faculty and requesting them to write exam questions) 1) 2) 3) Please return completed form to