Fall '15 - Spring '16 Housing Directory LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description FOR LANDLORD PHONE NUMBERS/EMAIL ADDRESSES, REFER TO LANDLORD CONTACT INFORMTION FOR FALL '14/SPRING '15 1-person Single Parent 317 Lightstreet Rd Bloomsburg House 6 BR, Livingroom, N Bedrooms all fully furnished, Off Street Parking Lot N 481 W Main St Bloomsburg Single Apt 1 BR for 1 tenant Y N 2M Properties 360 Fair St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 3 BR Apt. N 2M Properties 338 W Main St Bloomsburg House 6-8 tenant house 2M Properties 317 W Main St Bloomsburg Double House 3-4 person apt A+ Student Housing 115 B East 4th St A+ Student Housing 398 A+ Student Housing 341 B Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 400 varies Some N N N N 350 2200 No N N N N N 400 2000 No N N N N N N 400 2000 No N N N N N N 400 2000 No Bloomsburg House huge, 2 story apt for Y oneperson with full, private back yard. Y N N N N 400 2995 No East St Bloomsburg House 6 BR, 6 tenant N historic house, fully furnished, 2 porches, new kitchen, great location for walking to campus Y N N N N 400 2595 No Fair St Bloomsburg House Newer 3 BR apt, very close to campus, fully furnished Y N N N N 400 2795 No Thursday, March 24, 2016 N 2010 Page 1 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person A+ Student Housing 347 A Fair St Bloomsburg Single Apt Quaint, well-made home on fair street has beautiful woodwork, a new kitchen, 3 BRs, offstreet parking, laundry room, mtn view, lrg frnt porch, fully furnished N Y N N N N 400 2795 No A+ Student Housing 341 A Fair St Bloomsburg House Character-filled top N floor 2-BR apt, very close to campus, bed and laundry room included, fully furnished Y N N N N 400 2795 No A+ Student Housing 152 Iron Bloomsburg Single Apt 3-5 ppl, newly N renovated, located right behind bloomin bagels, fully furnished Y N N N N 400 2195-2595 No Advanced 415 Lightstreet Rd. Housing Management, LLC. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 8 apartments w/ 4 N tenants each. 2 floors w/ 4 apartments each floor. 2nd & 3rd floor of 3 story building. 4 bed/2 bath with laundry facilities. N 2016 N Y N N 350 3500 Andes 638 W Main St. Bloomsburg House Y Y 2011 N Y N N 600 600/ month Some Andes 644 W Main St. Bloomsburg Single Apt Y N 2012 N Y N N 600 2400 Thursday, March 24, 2016 2 BR apt, both BR fully furnished Page 2 of 30 Yes Some LName B & S Realty Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person 308 W Main St. Bloomsburg House 3 BR ranch house that holds up to 5 students N N 2013 N Y N N 400 2700 Some B&L Properties 136 E. Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) 2 BR apt. (1) Y Huge 2-4 person apt. overlooking mainstreet N 2012 N N N N 350 2695 No B&L Properties 81 Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (12) Condo style, 2-4 person apt. great kicthen/living room, breakfast bar, glass top stoves N 2012 N N N N 350 2695 No B&L Properties 71-81 Units 2A-H Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 bed 1 bath, N furnished, central air, deck, great apartment Y 2014 N N N N 350 2695 No B&L Properties 71-81 Units 3A-H Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 bed 1 bath, N furnished, central air, deck, great apartment Y 2014 N N N N 350 2695 No B&L Properties 71 Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (5) Condo style, 2-4 Y person apt. great kicthen/living room, breakfast bar, glass top stoves N 2012 N N N N 350 2695 No B&L Properties 71-81 Units 1A-H Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 bed 1 bath, N furnished, central air, deck, great apartment Y 2014 N N N N 350 2695 No Thursday, March 24, 2016 Y Page 3 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent B&L Properties 71 Iron St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 1 BR, 1 person Y unit, or the cheapest 2 unit in town, tile floor, nice kicthen N Bains 303 Glenn Ave Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (10) 2 BR apt for 2 N tenants, (1) 3 BR apt for 3 tenants, fully furnished Y Barto 453 Chestnut Ave. Bloomsburg House 2 Story 3 bedroom house. One bathroom, no tub. N N Belfie 287 East 1st St. Bloomsburg House single house w/2 N large BRs + 2 average BRs, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, washer/dryer, for 4-6 students. Each unit had 3 students but rented as single house Bell 504 East 4th St. Bloomsburg Double House 5 BR house, N renovations planned for summer 2015, dishwasher, washer/dryer, bed included, close to campus Thursday, March 24, 2016 Construction/ Remodel Date 2012 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 350 2695 No Y Y N N 250 2250 Some 2011 N N N N 350 2400/sem Some N on going N Y N N 400 2050 No Y Summer 2015 Y N N N 300 2500 Some Page 4 of 30 LName Rental Address Bell 506 Besold East St. Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Bloomsburg House 3 BR house, N renovations planned for summer 2015, dishwasher, washer/dryer, bed included, close to campus Y Summer 2015 Y N N N 300 2500 Some 336-338 East 8th St. Bloomsburg Single Apt (3) 1 Br apartments Y located in a double house, lvrm, kitchen, BR+Bath N 2012 N N N N 550 6600/yr Some Besold 381 Strawberry Ave. Bloomsburg Single Apt 1sr & 2nd Floor Apts, Y living room, BR, bath, unfurnished, walking dist to campus N N N N N 550 6600/yr Some Besold 381 Strawberry Ave. Bloomsburg Single Apt 1st Floor Apt, living Y room, kitchen, 1 BR, bath, unfurnished, walking dist to campus N N N N N 550 6600/yr Some Bitler 481 W. Main Bloomsburg Single Apt Street 2 - single person apt. Y N 2010 + 2012 Y N N N 400 2200 Some Bloomsburg 50 Schoolhouse LLP /Old School House Apts E 1st St. 1 or 2 BR holding 1-4 Y tenants Y N/A N Y N N 350 Varies Some Bloomsburg Apartment Complex LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Brink 376 E. 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House Half of a double N house, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, living room, dinning room, kitchen and laundry Y Continues upgrading N N N N 400 2650 No Brooks 433 East St. Bloomsburg House 6 BR, 2 full bath, and new kitchen N 2014 N N N N 400 2700 No Brookside Acres Investments 104 E Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 1,2, and 3 BR apts available Y N N N N N 400 2300-2700 Some Brookside Acres Investments 515-517 East 4th St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR apts N Y N N N N 400 2300 Some Brookside Acres Investments 65 East 5th St Bloomsburg Single Apt 2 BR N N N N N N 400 2000 Some Center Street 246 Luxury Apartments L.L.C. Center St. Bloomsburg Other In town, 6 bedrooms N luxury apt. Fully furnished for 6-7 students N N N N N 250 3195 Yes CRBB LLC 216 Jefferson Bloomsburg Single Apt 2 BR apt/house, can N accomidate 3 Y 2014 N N N N 350-380 2800 Some CRBB LLC 153-155 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 2-3 BR apt, spacious N Y 2012-2013 N N N N 350-380 Varies Some CRBB LLC 220-224 W Main St. Bloomsburg Other (3) 2-4 BR apts, 2 story house N Y 2010-2013 N N N N 350-380 2400- Some CRBB LLC 214 Bloomsburg Single Apt 4 BR apt N Y 2012 N N N N 350-380 2550 Some W Main St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 N Page 6 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person CRBB LLC 157 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 1 BR apts (2) 3 BR apts Y Y various dates N N N N 350-380 2400-2750 Some CRBB LLC 143 (rear) W Main St. Bloomsburg Single Apt 4 BR apt N Y 2010 N N N N 350-380 2950 Some CRBB LLC 147-149 W Main St. Bloomsburg House 147- 2 BR, 149- 4 BR N house and can fit 6 comfortably Y 2011-2012 N N N N 350-380 Varies Some CRBB LLC 143 W Main St. Bloomsburg Single Apt 5 BR apt N Y 2013 N N N N 350-380 2450 Some CRBB LLC 131-141 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 4 BR apts (6) 2 BR apts (2) 3 BR apts (1) 5 BR apts N Y remodeled yearly N N N N 350-380 2400- Some CRBB LLC 208 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) 1-3 BR apts N Y Various dates N N N N 350-380 2500 Some CRBB LLC 137 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 3 BR apt N N N N N N 350 2350 Some CRBB LLC 219 West Pine Ave. Bloomsburg 3-4 BR house N Y 2011 N N N N 350-380 2450 Some Daly 283 Church Rd. Bloomsburg House 2nd floor, 2 openings, Y furnished, 2 BR N 2010 N Y N N 400 2100 Some Daly 539 Drinker St. Bloomsburg House 4 BR, Kitchen, Living Y Room, T.V. Parking, Furnished N 2012 N Y N N 400 2200 Some Davis 18 W. 5th St. Bloomsburg Room/Apt in owner's residence Room in owner's Y house, suitable for 1 tenant only N N/A N Y N N N/A 2400/ sem Yes Thursday, March 24, 2016 House Page 7 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description Deal 383 Deal 240 #3 E. 1st Street Bloomsburg Double House 3 BR 3 students fully furnished, washer, dryer, dishwasher Deal 305 C E. 1st Street Bloomsburg Deal 13A E. 3rd Street Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Deal 333 East 1st Street Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Deal 245 Bloomsburg Double House Deal Catherine St. Bloomsburg House 1-person Single Parent West 3rd St 235, 239 West Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Thursday, March 24, 2016 7 BR for 7 students, N fully furnished, washer, dryer, dishwasher, central AC Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N 2006 N N N N 400 Some N 2010 N N N N 400 Some 3 BR for 3 students, N fully furnished, washer, dryer, wishwasher N 2012 N N N N 400 Some 2 BR for 2 students fully furnished, washer, dryer, dishwasher N 2010 N N N N 400 Some N 2016 N Y N N 500 2900 Some N N 2013 N N N N 300 2850 Some N N 2010 N N N N 400 N N (2) 3 bedroom units, 1 N bath, washer/dryer, sewer, water, garbage. (2) 4 BR, washer/dryer, dishwasher, fully furnished Page 8 of 30 Some LName Rental Address Deal 235 DeMelfi 338-340 Center St. DeMelfi Hsg Type Description West Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person 4 BR for 4 students. N Includes washer / dryer, dishwasher, parking, water, sewer, garbage, and recycling, and is fully furnished. N N N N N 300 2800 Some Bloomsburg Double House (2) 4 BR apts for 4-6 N tenants each Y Y N N N 350 Varies Some 512-514 East 4th St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR apartments N ranging from 3-4 tenants Y Y N N N 350 Varies Some DeMelfi 338-340 Fair St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 2 Bedroom apts Y for 2-4 tenants. (1) 1 bedroom apt for 1-2 tenants Y Y N N N 350 Varies Some DeMelfi 393-395 Lightstreet Road Bloomsburg Double House (2) 4 apartments ranging from 4-6 tenants N Y N N N N 350 Varies No DeMelfi 239-241 W. First St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (4) 1 BR apts Y Y Y N N N 400 Varies Some DeMelfi 102 (5) 1 Bedroom Apts. Y Y Y N N N 400 Varies Some Donofrio 248-A, B Iron St. Bloomsburg House (2) 2 Bedroom apts N for 2 people. 3 blocks from campus N 2010 N Y N N 450 2300 Some Dworsak 23 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) Apartments housing 3 students N Summer 2014 N N N N 300 2900 Some West Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex E Main St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 Y Page 9 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Dworsak 23 East Ridge Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 3 person apartments N N Summer 2013 N N N N 300 2800 Some Dworsak 87 Knapp Ave. Bloomsburg Double House (1) 4 student apartment (1) 6 student apartment N N Aug 2014 N N N N 300 2600 Some Dworsak 149 Lockard Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 4 separate single Y apartments, 1 student per apartment N Fall 2013 N Y Y N 300 3750 Some Dworsak 50 Pine St. Bloomsburg House (2) 2-3 person apartments N Y Summer 2010 N N N N 300 2600 Some Dworsak 70 Pine St. Bloomsburg Other- mobile trailer Mobile home trailer N that houses 2 students Y Summer 2010 N N N N 300 2400 Some Dworsak 137 Summit Ave. Bloomsburg House House that holds 3 students N Y Summer 2010 N N N N 300 2500 Some East Street Rentals 354 East St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) 1-3 BR apts for 1- Y 3 ppl N 2010 N N N N 375 1795-2895 Some East Street Rentals 346 East St Bloomsburg House 6-8 tenants N N 2011 N N N N 375 2350 Some Edmonds 507+50 E. 4th Street Bloomsburg Double House 9 3 BR each side, 2 students each side, washer/dryer N N N N N N 300 2300 No Edmonds 501 + 503 3 BRs each side, 3 students each side, washer/dryer N N N N N N 300 2300 No East 4th st Thursday, March 24, 2016 Bloomsburg Double House Page 10 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Edmonds 220 Jefferson St Bloomsburg Double House 4 BRs down, 3 BRs N up, 2 bath 2 kicthen, washer/dryer, can be one unit, fits 7-11 Students N Edmonds 213 Leonard St Bloomsburg House 4 BR, 1 1/2 bath, N washer/dryer. fits 4-5 persons N EHM Realty 230 West St. Bloomsburg Double House 6 BRs, 2 bath 2 N kicthen, 6-10 Students N Ernst J. 247 E 6th St Bloomsburg Double House 3 BR apt for 3-4 students N N Ernst J. 245 E 6th St Bloomsburg Double House 3 Student apt, washer/dryer, furnished N N Ernst J. 42 N Iron St Bloomsburg House 4 BR housewith 1 bath, kitchen and living room N N Ernst J. 48 N Iron St Bloomsburg House 4 BR house with 2 bath, w/d, large kitchen and living area, washer/dryer, furnished N N Ernst J. 36 N Iron St Bloomsburg House 3-4 students, washer/dryer, furnished N Ernst J. 32 N Iron St Bloomsburg House 3-4 student house, N washer/dryer, kitchen, furnished Thursday, March 24, 2016 Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 300 2100 No N N N N 250 2100 No N N N N 250 2100 No 2014 N Y N N 778 2200 Some currently N Y N N 778 2200 Some N N N N 300 2200 Some summer 2014 N Y N N 778 2200 Some N 2014 N Y N N 778 2200 Some N 2013 N N N N 778 2200 Some 2009 Page 11 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Ernst J. 42 N Iron St Bloomsburg House 4 student apt, washer/dryer, furnished Ernst M. 22 N. Iron St. Bloomsburg House One single home w/ 3 N BR and 1 Bath, suitable for 3 students Y Ernst M. 24 N. Iron St. Bloomsburg House 2 story house w/ 5 BR and 1 Bath, suitable for 4-5 students N Foust 41-45 N Iron St. Bloomsburg Single Apt (7) 3-4 BR apts over N campus beer to hold 8 students each N GG University 131 Rentals East 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House 3 persons N completely furnished, a/c, washer & dryer, free parking N GG University 129 Rentals East 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House 3-4 person, furnished,N central air,free parking, porch yard GG University 348 Rentals East 4th St. Bloomsburg Double House GG University 348 1/2 East 4th St. Rentals GG University 346 Rentals East 4th St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 N Construction/ Remodel Date N HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N Y N N 778 2200 Some 2014 N N N N 200 2000 Some 2010 N N N N 200 2000 Some Y Y N N 300 2495 Some on going N N N N 300 2700 Some N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some 3 person, furnished, N a/c, washer & dryer N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some Bloomsburg Single Apt 3 person, furnished, N a/c, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2300 Some Bloomsburg Double House 3 person, furnished, N a/c, closed in porch N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some N Page 12 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person GG University 410 Rentals East St. Bloomsburg House 2 persons N completely furnished, A/C, washer & dryer, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some GG University 618 Rentals East St. Bloomsburg Double House 4-6 person, furnished, N a/c, washer & dryer, free parking, patio N on going N N N N 300 2500 Some GG University 401 Rentals East St. Bloomsburg House 3 persons- completely N furnished, central air, washer & dryer, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some GG University 242 Rentals Iron St. Bloomsburg House 4-5 person, furnished,N a/c, porch, washer & dryer N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some GG University 665 Rentals OBR Bloomsburg Double House 2 persons N completely furnished, central air, washer/dryer, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some GG University 665 1/2 OBR Rentals Bloomsburg Double House 1 or 2 persons Y completely furnished, A/C, washer & dryer, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 No GG University 305 B Rentals Bloomsburg Single Apt 1 person, furnished, Y a/c, porch, and free parking N on going during N N N N 300 2700 Some W. 5th St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 Page 13 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent GG University 301 Rentals W. 5th St. Bloomsburg Single Apt 1 person, furnished, Y a/c, porch, and free parking GG University 305 Rentals W. 5th St. Bloomsburg Single Apt 2 person, furnished,2 stories, porch and free parking GG University 456 Rentals West St. Bloomsburg Single Apt GG University 317 Rentals West St. Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some 1 person, furnished, Y a/c, porch, and free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some Bloomsburg Single Apt 2-3 persons N completely furnished, a/c, washer & dryer, free parking N on going N N N N 300 2700 Some N Glen Ave Luxury Apartments L.L.C. 215 1-6 Glenn Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2-3 student luxury 2 N bedroom apartments. Fully furnished with free parking large bedrooms N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595 / semester Glen Ave Luxury Apartments L.L.C. 209 1-6 Glenn Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2-3 student luxury 2 N bedroom apartments. Fully furnished with free parking large bedrooms N N N N N 250 starting at 2995 / person Glen Ave Luxury Apartments L.L.C. 211 1-6 Glenn Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2-3 student luxury 2 N bedroom apartments. Fully furnished with free parking large bedrooms N N N N N 250 starting at 2995 / person Thursday, March 24, 2016 Page 14 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Glen Ave Luxury Apartments L.L.C. 213 1-6 Glenn Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2-3 student luxury 2 N bedroom apartments. Fully furnished with free parking large bedrooms N N N N N 250 starting at 2995 / person Green Briar Rentals 438 East St. Bloomsburg House 3 BR, kitchen, living N room, BR fully Furnished, off street parking lot N N N N N 400 varies Green Briar Rentals 322 East St. Bloomsburg House 5 BR, kitchen, living N room, bedrooms ALL fully furnished, Off Street Parking Lot N N N N N 400 varies Some Green Briar Rentals 317 Lightstreet Rd. Bloomsburg 6 BR, kicthen, living N room, BR fully furnished, off street parking N N N N N 400 varies Some Green Briar Rentals 38 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 6BR, kitchen, N living room, bedrooms ALL fully furnished, Off Street Parking Lot N N N N N 400 varies Some Gushen 35 E Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) 1,2, or 4 BR for 1,2, or 4 tenants N N N N N N 350 Gushen 2 E Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 2 BR for 4 N tenants, (1) 2 BR for 3 tenants, and (1) 2 BR, 2 bath, for 2 people N N N N N 350 Gushen 5 E Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 1 and 3 BR apt for N 1 or 3 tenants N N N N N 350 Thursday, March 24, 2016 House Page 15 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Gushen 53 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 1 BR for 1 tenant, and (1) 8 BR for 8 tenants N Hess 1831 Main St. Bloomsburg Room/Apt in owner's residence Room in owners Y house with own bath N (8) 3 BR 3 bath, (95) Y 4 BR 2 bath, (1) 3 BR 2 bath, fully furnished, no co-ed housing. 1 apt., 2 tenants. N Looking for male, upperclassmen student to share with grad student Honeysuckle Student Apts. Honeysuckle Bloomsburg Apartment Court Complex Huff 34 Ponytrail Drive Hummer 500 50 1625 Bloomsburg Hummer Road Some Single Apt Danville Room/Apt in owner's residence kitchen with mw, electric hotplate, fridge, BR w/ queen bed, desk, bookshelf, 2 closets, A/C, parking. Husky Korners 300 E 2nd St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Husky Korners 231 E St. Bloomsburg Double House Thursday, March 24, 2016 Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N N N/A N Y N N 400 400- 550/ Some mo (rent negotiable for married couple) N 2005 N Y Y Y 220 3,350/ semester N 2014 N Y N N 600 600 per mo Yes Y N 2014-2015 N Y N Private bathroom, 350 Yes (11) 1BR for 1-2 ppl, N (18) 2 Br, (1) 4 BR, (5) 2 BR N N N N N 300 varies No N N N N N N varies varies No Page 16 of 30 N LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Irondale Road 128 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Irondale Road 118 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Irondale Road 116 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and fully furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Irondale Road 132 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Irondale Road 124 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Irondale Road 134 Luxury Housing L.L.C. Irondale Rd. Bloomsburg Other All inclusive 6 N bedroom luxury townhouse for 6-8 students. Fully finished and furnished basement N N N N N 250 starting at Yes 2595/ semester Thursday, March 24, 2016 Page 17 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person JAG Housing 223 Center S. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 8 BR 2 bath (1) 7 N BR 2 bath (1) 6 BR 2 bath (1) 4 BR 3 bath (1) 3 BR 3 bath - all fully furnished w/ central air and hardwood floors N N N N N 350 JAG Housing 249 Center St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 3 BR 1 bath fully N furnished (1) 4 BR 2 bath fully furnished 50" tv N N N N N 350 JAG Housing 2 East Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 4 BR 2 bath (1) 3 N BR 2 bath (1) 2 BR 2 bath - all fully furnished w/ central air and hardwood floors N N N N N 350 JAG Housing 5 East Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 1 BR 1 bath Fully furnished N N N N N N 350 JAG Housing 35 East Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 2 BR 1 bath fully Y furnished (1) 1 BR 1 bath fully furnished N N N N N 350 JAG Housing 53 West Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 2 BR 1 bath (1) 7 N BR 2 bathroom both fully furnished w/ central air and hardwood floors N N N N N 350 Jay 1010 Old Bloomsburg Berwick Rd (5) 2 BR apts and (2) 1 BR apts N 2011/2012 N N Y Y 400 3000 Yes Johnson 225 Y 2010 N Y N N 350 1950 Some Apartment Complex East 10th St. Bloomsburg Single Apt Thursday, March 24, 2016 2 BR, 2 person Y Y Page 18 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Johnson 467 West Main St. Bloomsburg Double House 3 BR, washer/dryer N Y 2012 N Y N N 350 2150 Some Kaleta 329 E 4th St Bloomsburg House Max 5 tenants N N 1990's N N N N 300 2100 Some Kaleta 229.5- Jefferson St 231.5 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 229.5 Jefferson- 4 N student, 231.5 Jefferson- 5 students N 2012 N N N N 300 2300 Some Kaleta 134 W Main St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Apt. 4 - 2 students. N Apt. 6 - 5 students. Apt. 8 - 3 students N 1990's N N N N 300 2200 Some Kaleta 138 West St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 3 student apts. N N 2010 N N N N 300 2100 Some Kline 127 W. 5th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 2 bed 2 bath, (2) Y bed 1 bath, (1) 2 bed 1.5 baths Y 2014 N N N N 200 1950 Some Klingerman 354 E 5th St Bloomsburg Double House (2) 1 BR apts Y N 2012 N N N N 650 650/ mon Some Klingerman 226-228 West 5th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 3 Units, 1 BR Y N N N N N 600 3000/Sem Some Knapp 202/207 Millville Rd. Bloomsburg Single Apt 3BR-4BR (3-5 openings), 1BR studio (1 opening) N N 2012 N N N N 450 1950No 2700/sem Lafata 452 East St Bloomsburg House 2 BR (2 openings) N Y 2014 N N Y N 300 1900 Lions Gate Apartments 1293 Lions Gate Blvd. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 696 beds, 232 Total Y Apts Y 2010 N Y Y Y 150 3145/ sem Yes Thursday, March 24, 2016 Page 19 of 30 Some LName Rental Address Mank 425 Spruce St McCormick 3 McKinney 315 Morucci Hsg Type Bloomsburg House Description 1-person Single Parent s4 BR cottage for 4 N students, 2 blocks from campus, parking for 4 cars, washer/dryer. Full/double beds. N Neyhart Road Orangeville Room/Apt in owner's residence Corner ROOM in Y large private home. Queen bed, dresser, 2 closets. Free WiFi, ktichen priveleges. No smoking. 6 mi. to campus N Catherine Street 5 Spaces; W/D, 2 Bath, parking N N 453, Anthony Ave Bloomsburg Apartment 455, 457 Complex (3) 2 BR 2 Bath for 2 N tenants N Morucci 531, Anthony Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment 533, Complex 535, 537 (4) 2 BR, 1 bath for 2 students N Morucci No 419 3 BR, 1 bath, 3 tenants Bloomsburg House Anthony Ave. Bloomsburg House N N Construction/ Remodel Date 2008 2012 2009 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 500 2950 Yes N N N N 200 375 per month Yes N N N N 350 2300 per sem N N N N 400 Varies No N N N N 400 per person Varies No N N N N N 400 per Varies Some person Morucci No 315 Catherine St. Bloomsburg House 6 BR 2 Bath - 6 person N N N N N N 400 Varies Morucci 160 E 1st St. 4 BR, 3 bath, Graduate House N N Y N N 400 per person Varies Some Bloomsburg House N Thursday, March 24, 2016 Page 20 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Morucci 453, E 3rd St. 455, 457 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (3) 2 BR, 2.5 bath luxury apts N N unknown N Y N N 400 per person 2950 No Morucci 528-530 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 5 BR 2 Bath Apts N for 5-6 students N 2013 N N N N 400 per person Varies No Morucci No 400-402 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 2 BR, 1 bath for 2 N Y N N N N 400 per Varies grad students, furnished, luxury for 3 tenants person Morucci 524-526 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR 1 Bath Apts N for 3 students N 2013 N N N N 400 per person Varies No Morucci 501-503 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (1) 5 BR for 5-6 N tenants, 2 bath and (1) 6 BR 2 bath for 6 tenants N 2012 N N N N 400 per person Varies No Morucci 400-402 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House 2 BR, 1 bath for 2 grad students, graduates, custom design N N unknown N Y N N 400 per person 2800 No Morucci 552, 554 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 4-5 BR for 4-5 students N N 2013 N N N N 400 per person Varies No Morucci 524-526 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR apts for 3 students N N N Y N N 400 per person 2950 No Morucci 603-605 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR apts for 3 graduate students N N N Y N N 400 per person 2650 No Morucci No 450, Bloomsburg Double House (4) 3 BR, 1 bath for 3 2015 N N N N 400 per Varies E 3rd St. 452, 454, 456 tenants N N person LName Rental Address Morucci 373 E 3rd St. Morucci No 500-502 E 3rd St. Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Bloomsburg House 9 BR house, 3 bath, N for 7-9 students N Bloomsburg Double House (2) 2 BR, 2 bath, fully N Construction/ Remodel Date N HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N Y N N 400 per person varies No 2015 N N N N 400 per Varies N N furnished, luxury living for 2 grad students Morucci Varies 546, 548 No E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House person (2) 3 BR, 1 bath for 3 N N 2011 N tenants- luxury units for graduate students. Fully furnished w/ central air. Morucci 550 Morucci Morucci Varies E 3rd St. 400 per person Bloomsburg House 3 BR, 2 bath for 3 N tenants luxury unit for grad students N 2009 N N N N 400 per person Varies No 360-362 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR 1 Bath for 2- N 3 tenants. Graduate students - Fuirnished, central air, & parking N 2013 N N N N 400 per person Varies No 605, 607 No E 3rd St. Double House N 2012 N N N N 400 per 400 per Varies Bloomsburg (2) 2 BR, 2 bath, N luxury units for 2 graduate students Morucci No N 428-430 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR, 1 bath for 3 person N N 2012 N N N students N person Morucci 418-420 E 3rd St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR, 1 bath, for N 2-3 students N Morucci 252-254 E 5th St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 4 BR, 1 bath- 4-6 N students N 2014 N N N N 400 per person Varies No N N N N 400 per person Varies No LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Morucci 600 E. 2nd St. Units 1-6 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (1) 2 BR 1 Bath (1) 1 Y BR 1 Bath (4) 3 BR 1 Bath for 1-3 tenants N Morucci 373 E. 3rd St. Bloomsburg House 9 BR 3 Bath for 8-9 tenants N N Morucci 114-120 E. Ridge Ave. Bloomsburg Other- 4 townhouses (4)6 BR, 3 bathholds 6-8 students N N Morucci 151 (2) 3 BR, 1 bath- 3 students N N Morucci 558, 560 E. Third St. Bloomsburg Double House (2) 3 BR 1 Bath for 3 N tenants N Morucci 500 1 BR for 1 person. Y One block to campus Y Morucci 310-312 East St. (2) 4 BR, 2 bath- 4-6 N students N Morucci 548 3 BR for 2-3 student, N 2500 for 2, 2000 for 3. 1 block from campus. Y Morucci 377 Fetterman Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 4 BR, 2 bath and N (1) 2 BR, 1 bath for 45 tenants N Morucci 375 Fetterman Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 4 BR, 2 bath (1) 2 BR, 1 bath for 4-5 tenants N E. Ridge Ave. Bloomsburg Double House East 2nd St. Bloomsburg House Bloomsburg Double House East Third St. Bloomsburg House Thursday, March 24, 2016 N Construction/ Remodel Date 2015 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N Y N N 400 Varies No N N N N 400 Varies No within 2 years N Y N N 400 per person Varies by # of students N/A N Y N N 400 per person Varies by # of students N N N N 400 Varies No Summer 2015 N Y N N 300 2800 Some 2011 N N N N 400 per person Varies No N Y N N 300 Yearly N N N N 400 per person Varies No N/A N N N N 400 per person Varies No Page 23 of 30 No No LName Rental Address Morucci Morucci 258-258A Iron St. Hsg Type Description Bloomsburg Double House 391-391B Lightstreet Rd. Bloomsburg Double House 1-person Single Parent 258A - 5 Bedroom 2 N baths N (1)2 BR, 1 bath apt N and (1) 5 BR house w/ 3 bath for 6-8 ppl N Construction/ Remodel Date 2015 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 400 Varies by # of students No N N N N 400 per person Varies No N Y N N 400 per person Varies No N Y N N 400 per person Varies No N N N N 400 Varies No 2300 Some 2300 Some Morucci 428 W Main st. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (4) 1 BR for 1-2 students Y N Morucci 440 West St. Bloomsburg House 6 BR, 2 bath for 6-8 students N N Morucci 440 Wood St. Bloomsburg House 7 BR 2 Bath for 7-8 tenants N N MRK Realty, Inc. 329 E 4th St. Bloomsburg House Single house- holds N 3-5 people N 1998 N N N N 300 MRK Realty, Inc. 229-231 Jefferson St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Multiple 4-5 person apts. N N 2010 N N N N 300 MRK Realty, Inc. 134 W Main St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Multiple 2-4 person apts. N Y 1990 Y N N N 300 MRK Realty, Inc. 138 West St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (2) 3 student apts. N N 1990s N N N N 300 Some Oakridge Properties 221 E. 10th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 3 BR- 3 person apartment N Y N/A N Y N N 350 1875/sem Some Oakridge Properties 225 E. 10th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 BR- 2 person apartment Y Y N/A N Y N N 350 2025/sem some Oakridge Properties 467 W. Main St. Bloomsburg Double House 2 person apartment Y Y N/A N Y N N 350 2150/sem Some Thursday, March 24, 2016 2012 Page 24 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Paragian 1314 Market St. Bloomsburg Room/Apt in owner's residence Furnished rooms, Y free parking, utilities with priviledges Quinn-Doiron 150 E 9th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 1,2, and 3 person apt, new apt, all utilities included, cable TV, internet, AC and parking included. No Extra fees! Quinn-Doiron 150 E 9th St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Quinn-Doiron 150 E 9th St. Ridgway LLC 13 E Third St. Ridgway LLC 5 E. Third St. Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N/A N Y N N 600/mon Yes N N 2014 N Y Y N 350 3240 Yes 1,2, and 3 person apt, new apt, all utilities included, cable TV, internet, AC and parking included. No Extra fees! Y N 2014 N Y Y N 350 3825 Yes Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 1,2, and 3 person apt, new apt, all utilities included, cable TV, internet, AC and parking included. No Extra fees! N N 2014 N Y Y N 350 2695 Yes Bloomsburg House 6 BR for 6 Students, N washer/dryer in kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, off street parking N N N N N 400 2500 No Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 3 students, 2 BR, den, N new bathroom, kitchen, large living room N N N N N 400 2400 - 3 students Some LName Ridgway LLC No Rental Address 37 E Third St. Hsg Type Description Bloomsburg Double House 1-person Single Parent 3-4 students, 4 BR, 1 Construction/ Remodel Date N HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N N bath, washer/dryer Ridgway LLC Some 5 E Third St. Apt #2 Ridgway LLC 249 Ridgway LLC Miller Ave. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex kitchen, large living room 400 2500 - 3 students, 1400 -4 students 2 Students, 2 BR, N N N N N N 400 2900 - 2 students Bloomsburg House 6 BR for 6 Students, N washer/dryer in kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, off street parking N N N N N 400 2500 No 247, Miller Ave. 249, and 251 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 Students, 2 BR, cozy N N N N N N 400 2200 No Roberts 239 Iron St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 2 bedrooms open for Y females Fall15 & Spring16 semesters N N N N N 150 1700 Some Sabo 354 East St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Apt. A has 2 BR for 12 persons, Apt. B&C has 2 BR for 2-3 persons. Includes washer/dryer Sabo 346 East. St. Bloomsburg House 6 BR for 6-8 tenants, N 50" TV, washer/dryer, dishwasher, free off street parking Y N 2010 N N N N 375 1795-2895 Some N 2011 N N N N 375 2400 Some LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Scala 112 E Main St Bloomsburg Single Apt 6 BR, 6 person apt N above balzanos with 2 kitchens and 2 living rooms N Scatena Yes 463 E. Third St. Bloomsburg House 2 bedrooms that have Y Construction/ Remodel Date 2013 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person N N N N 400 3000/ semester Some N N Y N N 600 3200/sem access to LR. 1.5 baths, full kitchen, w/d. Like new! All utilities included. Slotterback 41 E 6th St Bloomsburg Double House 2 BR, 1 bath house N Y 2010 N Y N N 400 2300-2600 Some Slotterback 518 East 3rd Bloomsburg Double House 3 BR, 1 bath house, N laundry room Y 2010 N Y N N 400 2300-2600 Some Slotterback 516 East 3rd St Bloomsburg Double House 3 BR, 1 bath house, N laundry room Y 2010 N Y N N 400 2300-2600 Some Slotterback 214 Glenn Ave Bloomsburg House 4 BR single, 2 bath, laundry room off of kitchen N Y 2010 N Y N N 400 2300-2600 Some Slotterback 7755 Maple St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Y Y N Y N N 400 2500-2600 Some Slotterback 125 North St Bloomsburg House 1 story rancher w/ 1 N bath, dryer in basement Y 2010 N Y N N 400 Some Slotterback 353-562 Penn Argyle Bloomsburg Apartment Ave. Complex (4)2 BR, 1 bath, Y basement. (1) 4 BR, bath. (1) Giant 1 BR, 1 bath apt. Y 2010 N Y N N 400 2300-2600 Some Spiwak 603-A (1) 5 BR apt for 5 tenants, 3 bath N 2014 N N N N 300 2250 E 4th St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 Bloomsburg House N Page 27 of 30 Yes LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Spiwak 60 N Iron St. Bloomsburg House 1/2 double house - 4 N BR apt for 4 tenants, 2 bath Spiwak 64 - B N Iron St. Bloomsburg Single Apt Single 2 bedroom apt above double house (for students) Spiwak 64 North Iron St. Bloomsburg Double House 1/2 double house - 4 N bedrooms, 2 bath for 4 tenants Spotts 631 Old Berwick Rd. Bloomsburg Double House 3 beds, washer/dryer, street parking students N N Spotts 629 Old Berwick Rd. Bloomsburg Double House 3 beds, washer/dryer, street parking - 3 students N Center St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 5 BR, 2 bath, kitchen, living room, laundry, fully furnished N Sunset Holding 210 LLC Sunset Holding 24 West Pine Ave Bloomsburg LLC Sunset Holding, LLC 89-97 Iron St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 Apartment Complex Bloomsburg Apartment Complex N Construction/ Remodel Date N N N N 300 1850 No N N N N N 300 1875 Some N N N N N 300 1850 No 2010 N N N N 350 1900 Some N 2010 N N N N 350 1900 Some N 2008 N N N N 300 2/3 Bedroom apts, 1 N bath, kitchen, living room, laundry center. Fully furnished, includes all utilities except electric, parking on site, secured entrance. N 2011 N N Y N 300 3375 Some 6 BR 3 Bath N 2003 N N N N 300 3350 Some N N 2010 HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Page 28 of 30 Some LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Susquehanna 311-313 Lighstreet Rd Bloomsburg Apartment Realty Complex (1) 4 BR apts for 4-6 N tenants (1) 3 BR apts for 3-5 tenants (2) 2 BR apts for 2-4 tenants Y N N N N 350 Varies Some Susquehanna 269 Realty W. First St. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (7) 1 BR apts for 1-2 Y tenants (3) 2 BR apts for 2-4 tenants Y Y N N N 400 Varies Some Susquehanna 248 Realty W. Main St Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (6) 1 BR apts Y Y Y N N N 400 Varies Some Apartment Complex (4) 4 BR,2 bath (8) 3 Y BR, 1 bath (4) 2 BR, 1 bath N 8/14 N Y Y N 350 varies No Bloomsburg Apartment Complex 11 buildings, 2 BR, 4 Y in a bldge, 1 handicap accessible apt, 2 bed -1 bath N 2011 N Y Y N 350 3350 No N 2007 N Y Y N 350 3145(2 No bed), 4100 (1 bed) N 2010 N Y Y Y 350 3495 No N 2000 N Y Y N 350 3395 No N 2013 N N N N 300 2350 Some The Apartment 206-212 Glenn Ave Bloomsburg Store The Apartment 3-21 Store Greystone Court The Apartment Store 500 Honeysuckle Bloomsburg Ct Apartment Complex 66 units, (58) 2 BR, (8) handicap units, 124 beds total The Apartment Store 401 Lightstreet Road Apartment Complex 10 apts, 6 Bedroom-3 Bath The Apartment Store 382-394 Lightstreet Road Thomas 427 East 3rd St. Thursday, March 24, 2016 Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Bloomsburg Other (5) 6 BR, 3 bath apt A 3-4 tenants, apt B 3-4 tenants Y Y Y N Page 29 of 30 LName Rental Address Hsg Type Description 1-person Single Parent Construction/ Remodel Date HUD 1-sem Handi- Hear Sec Rent/Sem Utilities Cap Acc Imp Dep person Thomas 427 East 3rd St. Bloomsburg Other 2 apt units in the N house, (3) 1-2 person apts, (1) 3-4 person apts. N 2013 N N N N 300 2250 William 1010 Old Berwick Rd. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (5) 2 Bedroom Apts. Y (2) 1 person Efficiencies N 2012 N N Y Y 400 3000-3300 Yes Wittman 415 Lighstreet Rd. Bloomsburg Apartment Complex (8) 3 BR, 2 bath apts N for 3 to 6 people, fully furnished N 2006 N N N N 400 1800-2600 Some Zarrett 152 W. Main St. (4) 2 BR- 2 person units, (4) I BR- 1 person units Y 2010 N N N Y 500 varies Thursday, March 24, 2016 Bloomsburg Apartment Complex Y Page 30 of 30 Some Some