Front cover Redguides

Front cover
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
for Business Leaders
Jeffrey Berger
Paolo Bruni
Get to know the solid-state drives in z/OS
Compare performance when accessing DB2
for z/OS data
Understand requirements and applicability
Executive overview
The dollar-to-data ratio of solid-state drives (SSDs) is still high when compared with the
dollar-to-data ratio of traditional spinning disks in the enterprise storage market; however, the
SSDs ratio is expected to improve with investments in the not too distant future. By avoiding
seeks and rotational delays, SSDs have the potential to improve the performance of disk
storage. This IBM® Redguide™ publication provides a broad understanding of SSDs and
shares several early experiences in a laboratory setting using SSDs to improve the
performance when accessing DB2® for z/OS® data.
The performance data contained in this document was obtained in various controlled
laboratory environments and is for reference purposes only. Do not adapt these performance
numbers to your own environments as system performance standards. The results that you
might obtain in other operating environments can vary significantly. Users of this information
must verify the applicability for their specific environment.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2009. All rights reserved.
Executive summary
The traditional storage technology for most large computer systems consists of spinning
disks, which are known today as hard disk drives (HDDs), but solid-state drives (SSDs) have
been gaining momentum lately. SSDs are much more expensive than HDDs, but the price is
expected to drop and might in the future compete against spinning disks.
On February 2009, IBM announced the IBM System Storage™ DS8000® Turbo series with
the enhancements of full disk encryption and key management and a solid-state drive option.
Laboratory measurements are confirming the high potential to improve the performance of
DB2 for z/OS. We present several of these measurements and the lessons that were learned
from the study in this paper.
Rotating disks that spin at rates of 15 000 rotations per minute typically achieve response
times in the range of 4 to 8 milliseconds (for cache misses). In contrast, SSDs provide access
times in tens of microseconds, rendering data access times that are more like dynamic
random access memory (DRAM). However, the access time of the SSD drive itself ignores
the functionality required of an enterprise storage subsystem and the effects of such function
on response time. An enterprise storage subsystem provides layers of virtualization in order
to shield the software from dependencies on hardware geometry. An enterprise storage
subsystem needs to provide continuous availability, and it needs to enable multiple hosts to
share the storage. This functionality, which is provided by the DS8000 storage server, adds to
the response time of SSDs in an enterprise system, bringing it to the level of hundreds of
microseconds. Furthermore, for predominant sequential accesses (cache hits), HDDs and
SSDs show similar performance. Nevertheless, we must not underestimate the value of
eliminating the seek and rotational delays of HDDs.
Among the lessons learned in the measurement study of DB2 for z/OS is that solid-state
drives appear to cause greater stress on the channel subsystem, because SSDs enable
higher levels of throughput. More improvements in the system as a whole enable solid-state
drives to further realize their full potential. IBM has delivered High Performance FICON®
(zHPF) to the z/OS environment to help make this happen. IBM recommends zHPF for an
SSD environment. Even when the channel subsystem is not stressed, zHPF provides lower
response times when accessing SSDs.
Another lesson is that disk drives are just one aspect of the I/O subsystem. I/O improvements,
such as those improvements made by IBM for the z/OS environment in recent years, continue
to be important. Among these improvements are high speed channels, the Modified Indirect
Data Address Word (MIDAW)1 facility, Hyper Parallel Access Volumes (HyperPAVs), and
Adaptive Multistream Prefetch (AMP)2.
DB2 buffer pools and cache in the storage server continue to be important. It is not
uncommon for an enterprise system to experience average DB2 synchronous I/O time of two
milliseconds or less, and that does not count the zero I/O time for DB2 buffer hits. So, it is
simplistic to argue that the busiest data sets belong on expensive fast-performing devices,
such as SSD. However, data sets with low access rates do not belong on SSD either. Rather,
databases with a large working set and high access rates have the most to gain from SSD
performance. But large databases require large disk capacity; consequently, you cannot
expect to purchase just a small amount of SSD storage and expect to realize a large
performance benefit.
Refer to How does the MIDAW facility improve the performance of FICON channels with DB2 and other workloads,
IBM REDP-4201.
The Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching (AMP) technology was developed by IBM Research. AMP introduces an
autonomic, workload-responsive, self-optimizing prefetching technology that adapts both the amount of prefetch
and the timing of prefetch on a per-application basis in order to maximize the performance of the system.
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
A special case to consider is one where the type of workload suddenly changes. A classic
example is the daily stock market opening, following on the heels of a batch workload. If the
nightly batch workload has caused important data from the previous day’s work to be flushed
from the cache, the stock market opening might result in a lower cache hit ratio than what will
transpire later in the day. If the performance during the opening is critical enough, it is helpful
to use solid-state drives, even though hard disk drives probably suffice to maintain good
performance later in the day. SSD is also useful to smooth out other “rough spots” during the
Solid-state drives
Recent trends in direct access storage devices have introduced the use of NAND flash
semiconductor memory technology for solid-state drives (SSDs).
Flash memory is a nonvolatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and
reprogrammed. It is a technology that is primarily used in memory cards and USB flash drives
for the general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital products.
Flash memory offers good read access times and better kinetic shock resistance than hard
disks. Flash memory, once packaged in a memory card, is durable and can withstand intense
pressure, extremes of temperature, and even immersion in water.
Because SSDs have no moving parts, they have better performance for random accesses
than spinning disks (hard disk drives (HDDs)), and require less energy to operate. SSDs are
currently priced more per unit of storage than HDDs but less than previous semiconductor
storage. The industry expects these relationships to remain that way for a number of years
although the gap in price will likely narrow over time. As a result, both technologies are likely
to coexist for a while.
In February 2009, IBM announced the IBM System Storage DS8000 Turbo series with
solid-state drives (SSDs)3. Earlier, in October 2008, IBM had announced a complementary
feature called High Performance FICON for System z® (zHPF)4. zHPF exploits a new
channel protocol especially designed for more efficient I/O operations. IBM recommends
zHPF for an SSD environment. zHPF requires a z10 processor and z/OS 1.10 (or an SPE5
retrofitted to z/OS 1.8 or 1.9), as well as a storage server, such as the DS8000, that supports
it. zHPF provides lower response times when accessing SSDs.
The DS8000 storage subsystem with SSDs
Solid®-state drives are plug-compatible in a DS8000 and are configured using RAID in
exactly the same fashion as hard disks. A RAID “rank” always consists of 8 disks. The
measurements that are described in this study used RAID 5, which offers the best
combination of space capacity, performance, and reliability.
Let us first review how the device adapters are configured in a DS8000. A DS8000
configuration normally consists of one device adapter pair for each set of 64 disks, or eight
ranks. In other words, there is one device adapter for each set of four ranks. As more ranks
IBM Corp. 2009. US Announcement Letter 109-120: IBM System Storage DS8000 series (Machine types 2421,
2422, 2423, and 2424) delivers new security, scalability, and business continuity capabilities.
IBM United States Hardware Announcement 108-870: IBM System Storage DS8000 series (Machine types 2421,
2422, 2423, and 2424) delivers new functional capabilities (zHPF and RMZ resync).
When new function is delivered as service, it is called a small programming enhancement (SPE). SPEs are
delivered and tracked the same way as problems. An APAR is assigned to the SPE, and it is delivered as a
program temporary fix (PTF).
are added to the DS8000 subsystem, the number of device adapters is increased up to a
maximum of sixteen device adapters (for 64 ranks).
Next, let us review the channel subsystem. A DS8100 supports up to 64 external ports, and a
DS8300 supports up to 128 external ports, which can be used either for host channel
connections (known as host adapters) or to connect to another DS8000 in order to replicate
data on another storage server.
For a small number of SSD ranks, if the ranks are limited to one or two device adapters, the
device adapters will limit the performance capacity of the subsystem unless the cache hit ratio
is good. However, if a few SSD ranks are spread across four or more device adapters, the
performance limitations of the channel subsystem will outweigh the limitations of the device
adapters, no matter what the hit ratio is. Thus, if it is necessary to sustain very high I/O rates
and there are more than just two or three SSD ranks, the performance capacity of channel
subsystem is critical to the performance capacity of the I/O subsystem as a whole.
DB2 accesses
We examine the performance characteristics of the following typical DB2 access types6:
DB2 synchronous I/Os
DB2 sequential I/O
DB2 list prefetch
DB2 list prefetch with striping
DB2 synchronous I/O using one or two RAID ranks
DB2 synchronous I/Os
The best and most obvious benefit of the SDDs in the DS8000 is the improvement for DB2
synchronous read I/Os. The metric used in Figure 1 is the response time for synchronous
reads measured by DB2 itself (which includes overhead in z/OS to process the I/O) and
adding channel overhead as measured on the z10 processor. The z/OS processing overhead
on the z10 was measured to be 12 microseconds elapsed time. As can be seen in Figure 1,
zHPF affects the performance of cache hits as well as SSD accesses. For cache hits, zHPF
lowers the response time from 290 microseconds to 229 microseconds. For SSD accesses,
zHPF lowers the response time from 838 microseconds to 739 microseconds. HDD accesses
were not re-evaluated using zHPF, because a delta of 100 microseconds is considered
insignificant to HDD.
In comparison, the response times for hard disks (spinning at 15 000 RPM) range from about
4 000 microseconds for “short seeks” to 8 000 microseconds for long seeks. “Short seeks”
are indicative of an individual data set or an individual volume being a hot spot. “Long seeks”
are what you might observe when seeking between the extreme inner and outer cylinders of a
hard disk, but are extremely atypical. When the I/O is uniformly spread across the disks, we
can expect the average response time to be about 6 000 microseconds, which is about seven
times higher than the DS8000 can achieve using SSDs without zHPF and about eight times
higher than if zHPF is used.
Except where specifically stated otherwise, all SSD measurements were performed on a z10 processor with 8
FICON Express 4 channels using a DS8000 storage server. The SSDs used for the study were manufactured by
STEC. Both the z10 and the DS8000 contained pre-release microcode that supported SSDs and zHPF. HDDs
were measured on a z9® processor and were not remeasured on a z10 due to time constraints, but seeks and
rotational delays are unaffected by the processor.
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
Figure 1 DB2 synchronous I/O response time
DB2 sequential I/O
Sequential I/O performance has been steadily improving for many years. High-speed FICON
channels, with fast host adapters in the storage server, are crucial to providing good
sequential performance. RAID 5 architecture eliminates the effect of hard disk drives on
sequential performance, because the data is striped across eight drives, enabling the server
to exploit the bandwidth of several drives in parallel. The sequential bandwidth of the disks in
a RAID 5 rank exceeds the sequential bandwidth of a device adapter in the DS8000, but the
channel subsystem is not yet fast enough to enable one sequential stream to absorb the
bandwidth of a device adapter.
Besides high-speed channels, two other recent enhancements have contributed to faster
sequential I/O. In 2005, the MIDAW facility was introduced. The Modified Indirect Data
Address Word (MIDAW) facility was introduced in the IBM z9 processor to improve FICON
performance, especially when accessing IBM DB2 databases. This facility is a new method of
gathering data into and scattering data from discontinuous storage locations during an I/O
operation. MIDAW requires a z9 or z10 processor, with z/OS 1.7 or a PTF to z/OS 1.6.
MIDAWs cuts FICON channel utilization for DB2 sequential I/O streams by half or more and
improves the sequential throughput of extended format data sets by about 30%. In a sense,
zHPF is a complement to MIDAW. They both address the issue of channel efficiency, but
whereas one affects sequential I/O, the other affects random I/O.
The other new feature that improves sequential performance is Adaptive Multistream Prefetch
(AMP). AMP was first introduced in Release 2.4G of the DS8000. It does not require any
z/OS changes. AMP typically improves the sequential read throughput by another 30%. AMP
achieves this improvement by increasing the prefetch quantity sufficiently to meet the needs
of the application.
For example, if the application is CPU bound, there is no need to prefetch a lot of data from
the disk. At the opposite extreme, if the application is I/O bound and the channels are
extremely fast, AMP will prefetch enough data to enable the “back-end” operations to keep up
with the channel.
As more data is prefetched, more disks are employed in parallel. Therefore, high throughput
is achieved by employing parallelism at the disk level. Besides enabling one sequential
stream to be faster, AMP also reduces disk thrashing when there is disk contention. Disk
thrashing is not an issue with SSD, because SSD does not have to seek from one cylinder to
another cylinder, but parallelism is still important to SSD.
Dynamic prefetch
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the performance of DB2’s dynamic prefetch as a function of DB2
page size when the pages are clustered. These measurements were done using the DS8000
storage server and were achievable because of high speed channels, MIDAW, and AMP.
Figure 2 shows the throughput in megabytes per sec.
DB2 page size
Figure 2 Dynamic prefetch throughput
Figure 3 shows the reciprocal, which is the time per page.
DB2 page size
Figure 3 Dynamic prefetch page time
The throughput of dynamic prefetch ranges from 238 to 280 MB/sec as the page size
increases, and the time per page ranges from 17.6 microseconds to 58.5 microseconds.
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
The performance of dynamic prefetch is about the same for hard disks and solid-state drives,
because sequential performance is gated not by the drives, but rather by the channels and
host adapters.
Sequential writes
Another question about SSD is how it performs sequential writes. This question by examined
by considering the Basic Sequential Access Method (BSAM). Figure 4 shows the
performance of BSAM reads and writes as the number of buffers varies. The results were the
same for HDDs and SSDs. Extended Format (EF) data sets were used for the
measurements, because EF is recommended for optimal BSAM performance.
3 tracks
5 tracks
Buffers per I/O
Figure 4 BSAM
The DB2 utilities and high-level languages, such as COBOL and PL/I, all read and write three
tracks per I/O, but this chart also shows how five tracks of buffers resulted in a little bit better
performance. With three tracks per I/O, we get 174 MB/sec for reads and we get 136 MB/sec
for writes. Again, SSD does not alter the performance of sequential I/O, because sequential
performance is insensitive to disk performance. As with dynamic prefetch, you might not
achieve this kind of BSAM performance without a DS8000, without fast channels, without
MIDAWs, or without AMP.
DB2 list prefetch
Now, let us look at poorly clustered data or sparse data. When DB2 uses an index to select
the pages, DB2 can elect to sort the record identifiers (RIDs) of the pages and fetch them
using list prefetch. Because the pages are sorted, the seek times for HDD are much less than
had the pages not been sorted. As the fetched pages become denser, the time per page goes
down, albeit DB2 has to read more pages. The DB2 buffer manager further cuts the time by
scheduling up to two dynamic prefetch engines in parallel.
Figure 5 shows the list prefetch time per page as a function of the page density. With SSD, the
time per page is independent of the number of pages fetched. That time is only 327
microseconds, which is 40% of the time for random access. Part of that reason is the
parallelism of list prefetch. The other reason is that list prefetch reading 32 pages per I/O
reduces the number of I/O operations.
As we can see from Figure 5, hard disks actually do quite well when the density of pages is
high. In fact, HDD and SSD perform exactly the same when DB2 fetches at least 14% of the
pages. When DB2 fetches only 1% of the pages, SSD is almost four times faster than HDD,
but even then SSDs are not as beneficial as they are for random I/Os. The reason is that even
when DB2 fetches one page out of a hundred on HDDs, the seek distance is relatively small
and part of the pages requires no physical seek.
% of pages read
Figure 5 List prefetch time per page
Another observation from Figure 5 is that, if the data is entirely in cache, the time per page is
only 47 microseconds, which is still seven times faster than SSD. Thus, the value of cache
hits when using list prefetch is not as high as it is for synchronous I/Os. The reason for this
difference is that list prefetch relieves part of the channel overhead incurred by synchronous
Figure 6 illustrates what these times per page mean in terms of elapsed time. A table was
created with five million pages, and an index was used to qualify a percentage of the pages.
As the percentage increases, the elapsed time increases. The elapsed time increases linearly
for SSD and for cache, but not so with hard disks. Refer to Figure 6.
% of pages read
Figure 6 List prefetch elapsed time
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
DB2 list prefetch with striping
DB2 uses two engines for list prefetch. Each engine executes one list prefetch I/O at a time. A
list prefetch I/O serially processes a batch of 32 4K pages. Striping the table space is a way to
increase the degree of parallelism. Because a RAID 5 rank contains eight disks, it is natural to
expect that a RAID 5 rank can sustain up to 8 degrees of parallelism. However, the downside
of using striping to increase the parallelism of an HDD rank is that it might cause additional
seeking, because striping disrupts the “skip sequential” nature of the page ordering that DB2
does. SSD has no such problem. Thus, SSD makes striping within a rank more effective.
Striping with HDDs is more effective when the stripes are spread across ranks (with at most
one stripe per rank), but it is not practical except in a benchmark situation to dedicate a rank
to a stripe.
Figure 7 illustrates the effect of striping where 2% of the 4K pages are fetched. Because the
outer part of the HDD disks were used for the non-striped (that is, one stripe) case, the HDD
times represent the best case. The HDD time per page was 1041 microseconds, the same as
shown in Figure 6. The next HDD measurement used eight stripes, and the stripes were
allocated on the first eight consecutive volumes on the outer part of the disks; the result was
632 microseconds, resulting in a 41% reduction. However, when the first four volumes (outer)
and last four volumes (inner) were used, the seek times were so poor that the response time
increased to 1019 microseconds, just 2% less than when striping was not used. Had the
stripes been randomly placed, we can expect a response time in the neighborhood of 800
microseconds per page.
HDD short seeks
HDD long seeks
1 stripe
8 stripes
8 stripes
2 ranks
8 stripes
8 ranks
Figure 7 List prefetch with striping
Next, we can see from Figure 7 what happens when the eight HDD stripes are spread across
eight ranks. Here, the response time drops significantly to just 122 microseconds,
representing about 8.5 times reduction. The reason the response time decreased by more
than eight times is that spreading the stripes in this way reduced the seek distances. Yet, as
impressive as this reduction might seem, it is impractical to dedicate a rank for each stripe.
Now, let us examine how solid-state drives improve the performance in an extremely
consistent manner, without major concerns about how stripes compete with each other in a
RAID rank. The response time without striping is 327 microseconds. Allocating eight stripes in
one RAID rank reduces this time to 77 microseconds, a 76.5% reduction. Thus, increasing
the degree of I/O parallelism from two to sixteen provides a four-fold reduction in response
time. Dividing the stripes among two RAID ranks only improves the performance to 66
microseconds, an 80% reduction compared to no striping, but not much better than when the
stripes were concentrated on one rank.
The fact that solid-state drives cause striping to be so effective for list prefetch is just the tip of
the benefits. As we are about to see, the same reason that makes striping more effective also
enables solid-state drives to sustain much higher throughput for DB2 synchronous I/Os.
DB2 synchronous I/O using one or two RAID ranks
The next question concerns how the performance of one RAID rank scales as the I/O rate for
one RAID rank increases. The measurement was conducted in a way that cache hits were
avoided. The workload used for this study is called DB2IO. Each thread in DB2IO accesses a
separate table space consisting of one row per 4K page. An index is scanned to select
qualifying pages, and the query was designed so that no two qualifying pages reside on the
same track to prevent track-level caching from producing cache hits. The cache was flushed
prior to each run.
For “short seeks”, the table spaces and indexes were forced into a small number of
contiguous volumes on the outer cylinders of the hard disks.
For “long seeks”, half of the table spaces and indexes were placed on the inner volumes, and
the other half of the table spaces and indexes were placed on the outer volumes.
When using SSDs, volume placement does not affect response time, but because SSD space
was limited, there can only be 64 table spaces per SSD rank, thereby limiting the number of
DB2IO threads to 64 per rank. Sixty-four threads were sufficient to determine the knee of the
response time curve.
The results of these tests of DB2IO without zHPF are shown in Figure 8. (This set of tests
was done on a z9 processor with only 4 FICON Express 4 channels.) The performance for
both short and long HDD seeks are shown along with SSD. You can interpolate the typical
HDD response time somewhere between short and long seeks. As stated earlier, when the
I/O is uniformly spread across the disks, we can expect the average response time to be
about 6 000 microseconds. Figure 8 suggests that the knee of the curve is somewhere
between 1 000 and 2 000 I/O operations per second (IO/sec).
I/O rate (IO/sec)
HDD Short seeks
HDD Long seeks
Figure 8 One RAID rank: 100% cache miss
The SSD response time starts out at 838 microseconds for low rates, and it remains below 1
millisecond up to about 10 000 IO/sec. The response time continues to climb as the number
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
of threads increases. The response time with 64 threads was about 4 milliseconds with
18 600 IO/sec. One SSD rank can achieve about ten times as much I/O as one HDD rank.
The limitation of the rank is not the SDDs, but rather the device adapter in the DS8000.
Considerations specific to SSDs
We now examine several of the key new aspects of utilizing SSDs for DB2 data:
How does performance scale for a large number of drives
What is the importance of HyperPAV
SSD migration
Does clustering still matter
How does performance scale for a large number of drives
Because SSDs provide extremely high throughput on the “back end”, increased channel
utilization can cause more queuing on the front end. When the channel utilization increases
beyond 50%, queuing begins to affect response times significantly. To minimize channel
utilization, it is good to configure many channels and it is important to employ zHPF to
achieve good channel efficiency. A good cache hit ratio avoids contention on the back end,
but does nothing to relieve the contention on the front end. Thus, it is quite possible for the
back end performance capacity to far exceed the performance capabilities of the channel
Channel efficiency is defined as the relationship between throughput and channel utilization.
zHPF improves the channel efficiency in much the same way that MIDAW does, except that
where MIDAW affects sequential operations, such as DB2 dynamic and sequential prefetch,
zHPF affects random I/Os, such as DB2 synchronous I/Os. zHPF is a new channel program
architecture that replaces the old Channel Command Word (CCW) architecture that has
existed since the 1950s. The same physical channels support a mixture of the new and old
channel programs. Now, the Channel Activity Report in Resource Monitor Facility (RMF)
shows a count of how many of each type of I/O were executed.
We examine a set of measurements in order to evaluate the constraints of the critical
Figure 9 illustrates the case where there are two SSD ranks configured behind one Device
Adapter (DA) pair, that is, two Device Adapters. This example considers a workload without
any cache hits using Extended Format (EF) data sets.
8 zHPF
4 zHPF
2 zHPF
Thousand IO/sec
Figure 9 One DA pair: 16 SSDs: 100% cache miss
We start by comparing FICON to zHPF with eight channels. As the throughput increases
beyond 18 000 IO/sec, the channel utilization without zHPF is such that queuing on the
channel and host adapter begin to add to the I/O response time. Without zHPF, the I/O
response time reaches 4 milliseconds at 31 000 IO/sec, but with zHPF, the I/O response time
does not reach 4 milliseconds until the throughput reaches 38 000 IO/sec.
To accentuate the effects of high channel utilization, we now examine what happens if the
number of channels is reduced to four channels. With zHPF, there is extremely little reduction
in performance, but with FICON, the maximum throughput drops from 31 000 to only 22 000
IO/sec. Finally, if the number of channels is reduced to two channels, even zHPF cannot
achieve more than 24 000 IO/sec, which is still slightly better than FICON does with four
The conclusion is that zHPF is about twice as efficient as FICON. We can see this
improvement more clearly and in more detail in Figure 10, which plots the relationship
between throughput and channel utilization for both EF and non-EF data sets. Because
media manager appends a 32-byte suffix to the end of each VSAM Control Interval of an EF
data set, EF reduces FICON efficiency by about 20%. However, EF has no effect on the
efficiency of zHPF. Both FICON and zHPF achieve slightly higher efficiency with cache hits
compared to cache misses.
Utilization (%)
Figure 10 shows that one channel using zHPF can achieve slightly over 23 000 cache misses
per second. In theory, eight of these channels can achieve 184 000 cache misses per
second. If the channel efficiency was really a constant, we expect that eight channels at
38 000 IO/sec are 20.6% busy. However, the actual channel utilization at 38 000 IO/sec with
eight channels is 25.6%. So, it is not clear how well we can extrapolate from one channel to
many channels, or if the channel utilization metric is precise enough to do this extrapolation.
FICON non- EF misses
FICON EF misses
FICON non-EF hits
Thousand IO/sec
zHPF misses
zHPF hits
Figure 10 Channel efficiency: DB2 synchronous reads
Another factor to consider is the effect of cache hits. The relationship between the utilization
of the channels and the utilization of the device adapters is determined by the cache hit ratio
using the following formula:
DA IO/sec = cache miss rate x channel IO/sec
For example, if the channel IO/sec is 40 000 and the cache hit ratio is 50%, the DA IO/sec is
only 20 000. The more cache hits there are, the less stress there is on the device adapters,
and the more likely it is that channel performance characteristics will dominate and limit the
throughput capacity of the I/O subsystem. That is why High Performance FICON is so
important for solid-state drives.
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
Figure 11 shows SSD compared to HDD performance with a workload of random reads
without any cache hits in the following configurations7:
򐂰 Sixteen HPF, 96 x 146 GB HDDs on 6 DA pairs in 12 x 6+P RAID5 arrays. Eighty-four
HDDs are active and 12 HDDs are hot spares.
The throughput of this configuration is limited to 20 000 IO/sec, at which point the HDDs
have become a bottleneck.
򐂰 Thirty-two HPF, 384 x 146 GB HDDs on 6 DA pairs in 48 x 6+P RAID5 arrays. Three
hundred and sixty HDDs are active and 24 HDDs are hot spares.
Quadrupling the HDDs and doubling the channels improve the HDDs throughput to 90 000
򐂰 Sixteen HPF, 96 x 146 GB SSDs on 6 DA pairs in 12 x 6+P RAID5 arrays. Eighty-four
SSDs are active and 12 are hot spares.
The SSDs dramatically improve the response times at lower IO/sec and raise the
maximum throughput to 120 000 IO/sec.
These results show extremely good SSD response times with zHPF all the way to 120 000
IO/sec, where the DS8300 controllers become the performance bottleneck.
4 KB random read: large configuration
Thousand IO/sec
Figure 11 SSD compared to HDD in large configuration: Random read
Looking ahead to the future, it is almost certain that both channels and device adapters will
become faster, and solid-state drives provide the motivation for such improvements. However,
by improving the efficiency of the channels, High Performance FICON can be used to reduce
the number of channels needed to take full advantage of the performance capacity of
solid-state drives or to enable a given set of channels to exploit a larger disk configuration.
What is the importance of HyperPAV
HyperPAV has been available since Release 2.4 of the DS8000 and z/OS 1.8, with PTFs
retrofit to z/OS 1.6 and 1.7. HyperPAV is an enhancement to the old style of managing
Parallel Access Volume (PAV) aliases. Without HyperPAV, alias unit control blocks (UCBs) are
“bound” to a specific base address, and the overhead of rebinding an alias to a separate base
address is not insignificant. Also, the concept of binding an alias has the potential to waste
part of the addresses when two or more logical partitions (LPARs) share the storage.
Chart extracted with permission from IBM System Storage DS8000 with SSDs An In-Depth Look at SSD
Performance in DS8000, white paper, by Lee LaFrese, Leslie Sutton, David Whitworth, Storage Systems
Performance, Storage Systems Group, IBM.
HyperPAV eliminates the binding of aliases to a base address. Instead, an alias is assigned to
a base address only for the duration of an I/O. Furthermore, at a given point in time, various
LPARs can use the same alias address for separate base addresses.
SSD has the potential to increase the I/O rate for a system. As the I/O rate increases, there is
a potential for faster changes in the I/O distribution with respect to volumes. Bigger swings
can create more alias rebinds. Hence, HyperPAV is needed to combat the problems
associated with alias rebinds.
HyperPAV helps eliminate IOSQ time by pushing the I/O queuing down to a lower level of the
I/O subsystem, which is usually the disks. Assuming that disk performance is the biggest
physical limitation of throughput, the number of UCB addresses must be chosen so that there
can be enough I/O parallelism to enable high disk utilization. Allocating more UCB addresses
than what is needed to achieve high disk utilization is useless (except for those cases where
the physical disks are not the primary limitation of throughput). Doing so only shifts the
queuing from the IOS queues to the disk queues. In other words, the value of further IOSQ
reduction is be largely offset by much higher disk contention.
How does SSD change this phenomenon? First, let us consider that out of a typical HDD
response time of 6 milliseconds, most of the time occupies both a UCB address and a disk.
However with SSDs, a much lower percentage of the response is actually using a disk and a
greater percentage of the time is spent occupying the channels, which is also true of cache
hits. Rather than needing a sufficient number of UCB addresses to drive the HDD utilization
above a desired level, it is more interesting to consider how many UCB addresses are needed
to drive the channel utilization to a certain desired level, such as 50%, for example. The value
of further IOSQ reduction is largely offset by higher channel contention. So, if you observe a
little IOSQ time, but you do not want to see higher channel utilizations, you might prefer to
allow the IOSQ time to remain until you can do something to relieve the channel contention,
such as employing zHPF or increasing the number of channels.
SSD migration
Identifying good data candidates to move to SSD is beyond the scope of this paper, but we
can talk about it briefly. In general, disconnect time is the component of I/O response time that
is often a good indicator of disk seek and rotational delay. However, disconnect time is also an
indicator of write delays due to synchronous remote data replication. For this reason, IBM is
enhancing the SMF type 42 subtype 6 records to distinguish the disconnect time of reads and
The DS8000 provides the ability to obtain cache statistics for every volume in the storage
subsystem. These measurements include the count of the number of operations from DASD
cache to the back-end storage, the number of random operations, the number of sequential
reads and sequential writes, the time to execute those operations, and the number of bytes
transferred. These statistics are placed in the SMF 74 subtype 5 record.
New z/OS SAS-based tooling analyzes the SMF 42-6 and SMF 74-5 records to produce a
report that identifies data sets and volumes that can benefit from residing on SSD technology.
These new tools are available for download from the z/OS downloads Web page:
You can obtain reports to:
򐂰 Identify page sets with high amounts of READ_ONLY_DISC time
򐂰 Analyze DASD cache statistics to identify volumes with high I/O rates
򐂰 Identify the data sets with the highest amount of write activity (number of write requests)
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
You can use IBM Data Mobility Services – Softek z/OS Dataset Mobility Facility (zDMF)
host-based software to move allocated mainframe data sets.
DB2 Reorg utility can move table spaces to volumes mapped by SSD drives.
Does clustering still matter
There is still debate about whether clustering still matters to DB2 performance when
solid-state drives are used. Certainly SSDs enable list prefetch to perform much better, but list
prefetch still does not perform as well as dynamic prefetch. The reason is that, although the
disk itself is insensitive to clustering, other parts of the I/O subsystem are still sensitive to
DB2 for z/OS evolves taking into account hardware changes (CPU speed and disk drive
characteristics) that affect access path selection. DB2 optimizer adjusts its cost modeling as
needed. DB2 9 already has a statistic called DATAREPEATFACTOR, which indicates the
density of data, helping in deciding if RIDs need to be sorted for list prefetch.
We think that clustering is likely to become less important as time goes on.
If clustering matters less, a corollary question is whether REORG still matters. The answer is
yes. The major reason that is most often given for doing REORGs against a DB2 table space
is to reclaim space. Another reason is to rebuild compression dictionaries. A performance
reason is to avoid page overflows, which occur when a row becomes larger than its original
size - a situation that happens often with compressed table spaces. When such a row is
selected, two synchronous I/Os can occur instead of one. Although SSD might reduce the
time for each I/O, two I/Os are still slower than one.
From the performance perspective, solid-state drives and High Performance FICON are both
exciting new technologies that might change the landscape of enterprise storage in the future.
The traditional concerns about seek and rotational delays might disappear. This study
indicates that the response time for DB2 synchronous I/Os is typically between 250 (cache
hit) and 800 microseconds using SSDs, depending on the cache hit ratio, and that zHPF also
contributes to lower response time. SSDs are another enhancement in a continuing series of
major performance enhancements to the DS8000 I/O subsystem that have included
high-speed channels, MIDAWs, HyperPAV, and AMP. To complement the higher throughput
capability of the disk subsystem, IBM recommends High Performance FICON to increase the
throughput capability of the channel subsystem.
Because SSDs are a new storage technology, the industry will need more experience
regarding their reliability and failure mode, but their performance for synchronous I/O shows
an opportunity for all but the non-sequentially dominant workloads.
For more information about accessing DB2 for z/OS data on solid-state drives:
򐂰 IBM United States Announcement 109-120: IBM System Storage DS8000 series
(Machine types 2421, 2422, 2423, and 2424) delivers new security, scalability, and
business continuity capabilities:
򐂰 IBM United States Hardware Announcement 108-870: IBM System Storage DS8000
series (Machine types 2421, 2422, 2423, and 2424) delivers new functional capabilities
(zHPF and RMZ resync):
򐂰 Mark Mosheyedi and Patrick Wilkison, STEC, Enterprise SSDs, ACM Queue:
򐂰 Jeffrey Berger and Paolo Bruni, IBM, How does the MIDAW facility improve the
performance of FICON channels with DB2 and other workloads, IBM REDP-4201,
available at:
򐂰 IBM System z and System Storage DS8000: Accelerating the SAP Deposits Management
Workload With Solid State Drives, white paper available at:
򐂰 Lee LaFrese, Leslie Sutton, David Whitworth, Storage Systems Performance, Storage
Systems Group, IBM, IBM System Storage DS8000 with SSDs An In-Depth Look at SSD
Performance in DS8000 Performance, white paper - currently in draft version.
Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives
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Ready to Access DB2 for z/OS Data on Solid-State Drives