JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY Unjust 54, 350-371 (1991) Intergenerational Allocations GEIR B. ASHEIM* The Norwegian Received School N-5035 of Economics and Business Bergen-Sanduiken. Norway March 1.5, 1988; revised December Administration, 17, 1990 An intergenerational allocation is detined to be unjust if there is a feasible allocation with more total consumption and less relative inequality. Unjust allocations are characterized in technologies satisfying certain regularity conditions. After ruling out unjust allocations, the consequences of letting generations choose according to a standard form of altruistic preferences are explored in to particular classes of technologies. A connection between excluding unjust allocations and maximizing the welfare of the worst off generation is established in these technologies. Journal CfEronomic Liturarure Classification Number: D63. ‘1’ 1991 Academic Press, Inc. I. INTRODUCTION It has been the purpose of several writers (see, e.g., Page [ 191 for verbal arguments and Ferejohn and Page [ 141 for an axiomatic analysis) to point out that the utilitarian criterion with positive discounting may not be an appropriate criterion for intergenerational justice. A particularly disturbing outcome occurs in natural resource models where the criterion for any positive discount rate may force consumption to eventually approach zero even if unbounded consumption growth is feasible (see Dasgupta and Heal C8, 91). Ferejohn and Page [ 14, p. 2741 write: Our result suggests that the research for a Instead of searching for the “right” number. look to broader principles of social choice equity. Once found, these principles might counting procedure to rule out gross inequities with a “low” discount rate. “fair” rate of discount is a vain one. “the” social rate of discount, we must to incorporate ideas of intertemporal be used as side conditions in a disthat can arise with discounting, even * This research was initiated during a visit to Stanford University, 1985-1986. version of the paper was presented at the European Public Choice Society and Economic Association meetings in 1988. I thank an associate editor and a referee Bjorn Sandvik. H. A. A. Verbon, and Bengt-Arne Wickstrom for helpful comments. support by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities is acknowledged. 350 0022-0531/91 Copyright All rights $3.00 :p 199 I by Acadenuc Press. Inc of reproduction m any form reserved An earlier European as well as Financial gratefully UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL ALLOCATIONS 351 The present paper follows this program by employing a quasi-ordering attributed to Sen [23] by Blackorby and Donaldson [4] to exclude allocations of consumption that are not desirable candidates for a social choice. We call such allocations unjust. Loosely speaking, an allocation is unjust if there exists another feasible allocation with more total consumption and less relative inequality. Here we define this quasi-ordering for infinite consumption sequences and demonstrate that in productive technologies (implying that waiting is productive) only efficient and nondecreasing allocations remain after ruling out allocations that are unjust. Generations are assumed to choose according to a simple recursive form of nonpaternalistic altruistic preferences, where the welfare of each generation is an additively separable function of its own utility and the welfare of the next generation. This corresponds to the traditional utilitarian criterion with positive discounting. However, generations are here assumed to be required to subscribe to an overriding ethical principle, deeming unjust allocations as socially unacceptable. The implications of combining the exclusion of unjust allocations with this standard form of altruism is explored in two particular classes of technologies, viz. the usual one-sector technology as well as a resource technology in which the unrestricted use of the utilitarian criterion with discounting leads to undesirable outcomes. Both technologies are shown to be productive, and consequently, the selected allocations are efficient and in both cases the optimal allocations nondecreasing. Furthermore, correspond to outcomes that would arise if generations as an ethical principle-instead of excluding unjust allocations-had maximized the welfare of the worst off generation. This approach-that conceptions of intergenerational justice should be evaluated by their implications in specific economic environments-is in principle supported by Koopmans [ 171, Mishan [IS], and Dasgupta and Heal [9, pp. 308-31 l] as well as Rawls [20, p. 201. It is argued in this paper that combining the exclusion of unjust allocations with altruism yields desirable implications in the two chosen classes of technologies. In particular, a trade-off exists between present and future consumption so that some degree of economic development is allowed without leading to any gross inequalities. A dilemma posed by Epstein [ 131 (that an economy has to choose between development and equity; it cannot have both) is thereby apparently resolved. Moreover, in the two classes of technologies considered, we obtain allocations in congruence with a view expressed by Dasgupta and Heal [9, p. 3111, viz. that trading off present consumption for future consumption is more appropriate for poorer societies, while equality considerations should dominate for richer ones. One may argue that the above mentioned quasi-ordering is uncontroversial only if each generation is egoistic in the sense that its welfare depends 352 GEIR B. ASHEIM solely on its own consumption. Here, in contrast, each generation is altruistic: its welfare depends in part on the welfare of the next generation. However, there is an argument to be made in favor of distinguishing the conception of justice applied in a society from the forces that are instrumental in attaining it. Hence, the present paper may be seen to discuss whether altruism as a motivating force is able to implement a weak conception of justice (by not leading to unjust alloations) in the classes of technologies considered. This resembles the distinction, made by Rawls [21], between a political conception of justice (“the right”) and a religious, philosophical, or moral doctrine (“the good”), where the right is assumed to set the limits within which the good may operate. Fitting this distinction to the present analysis, each generation’s consumption is to be interpreted as an indicator of its objective well-being. The adopted conception of justice (the right) is concerned with the attainment of an equitable distribution of such well-being and draws the limit by excluding allocations that are unjust.’ Each generation’s altruistic welfare, on the other hand, is to be interpreted as a representation of its subjective preferences in which the doctrine that each generation should care about the welfare of its immediate successors (the good) has been internalized.* Still, the above mentioned correspondence between excluding unjust allocations and maximizing minimal welfare means that this particular conception of justice can be reformulated as a restriction on the distribution of altruistic welfare, provided attention is confined to the kind of altruism and technologies considered. In summary: the original contribution of this paper is to apply a weak conception of justice as an ethical restriction in problems of intergenerational distribution, and to show that it-combined with altruism-leads to equitable outcomes in two important classes of technologies. The paper is organized as follows: The quasi-ordering defining unjust allocations is discussed in Section 2. The consequences of excluding unjust allocations in productive economies are explored in Section 3. After introducing altruistic r The result that only efficient and nondecreasing allocations are not unjust in productive technologies means that this conception of justice may be looked at as a normative basis for the present-day goal of sustainabiliry (WCED 1291). ’ Rawls [20, p. 1291 can be interpreted as supporting the view that altruism should not enter into the conception of justice: “There is no inconsistency, then, in supposing that once the veil of ignorance is removed, the parties lind that they have ties of sentiment and affection, and want to advance the interests of others and to see their ends attained. But the postulate of mutual disinterest in the original position is made to insure that the principles of justice do not depend upon strong assumptions. Recall that the original position is meant to incorporate widely shared and yet weak conditions. A conception of justice should not presuppose, then, extensive ties of natural sentiment.” UNJUSTINTERGENERATIONAL ALLOCATIONS 353 preferences (Section 4) these results are then applied to a one-sector technology (Section 5) and a resource technology (Section 6). 2. THE QUASI-ORDERING Consider a constant population economy where each generation lives for one period. Let c,~ be a nonnegative scalar denoting the consumption of generation s. Write .Vc= (c,, c, + , , ... ) and correspondingly for other sequences. Refer to .c as an allocation at time s, let .J, denote a truncated allocation (i.e., ,sc,= (c,, .... c,)), and let .,u, represent the mean consumption of .sc, (i.e., sP, = Ck=, c,/(t - s + 1)). The quasi-ordering we introduce in Definition 3 ranks one allocation as high as another it it compares favorably both w.r.t. total consumption and w.r.t. relative inequality. Hence, we need a quasi-ordering that ranks allocations according to total consumption as well as one that ranks according to relative inequality. For total consumption the comparison relies on von Weizacker’s [28] overtaking criterion. DEFINITION 1. $ C +c” (,c’ catches up with ,,c” in finite time) iff there is a 7 such that for all r> 7 ,p:>,p:‘. For relative inequality (see below ). the comparison relies on weak Lorenz-domination 2. For ,c’, sc” > 0,3 ,c’ E Sc” (,c’ is as egalitarian as sc”) iff is a i such that for all t> i there is a bistochastic4 1)x (r-s+ 1) matrix A, such that .c;/,~:=A,..c:/,~~. DEFINITION there (r-s+ In order to interpret Definition 2, let .E, denote the permutation of ,c, ordered according to increasing size (i.e., Fi < Zi+, , i = s, .... t - 1, where the index i does not refer to time). Also, write ,c’ E sc” when the quasi-ordering E ranks ,c’ strictly above .Vc” (i.e. , .c’ E ,c” iff ,c’ E,c”, but not sc” E .c’) and correspondingly for other quasi-orderings. We can now give three equivalent formulations of Definition 2. LEMMA 1. For .c’ , Sc” > 0, $ E Sc” is equivalent to any of the following three conditions: There is a i such that for all t > i ’ An allocation $c is nonnegative ( >, 0) if c, > 0 for all t > S, positiue ( $0) if c, 10 for all t 2 s, and semi-positive ( > 0) if ,c 2 0, with C,> 0 for some f. ’ A square matrix is bisrochasfic if all its entries are nonnegative and each of its rows and columns sums to one. 354 GEIR (i) (ii) formations B. ASHEIM (c”i.+ ... +ti)/,p(:>(i’:‘+ ... +?J)/,pL;)for aNje {s, .... t); ,C:/,pi can be obtainedfrom $5: J,Yp:’ by a finite sequence of transof the form (iii) xi=, u: R, Y D-a. ,y;+ ’ = xf+e’<xj, j> i, .x;+ ’ = xj - e’3 xi, e’> 0, .x’+ n ’ = ?y’II, if u(cb/,p~)~C~=, u(cz/,p:‘) n#i,j; for any concave function Moreover, the above equivalence is valid for ,$ E SC if, in addition, there are infinitely many t such that (i) holds with strict inequality for at least one j, the sequence of transformations in (ii) is nonempty, and (iii) holds with strict inequality for any strictly concave function u. Proof: Lemma 2, Dasgupta, Sen, and Starrett [lo]. 1 By Lemma 1 (i), Definition 2 entails that for large t, the Lorenz-curve associated with sc; lies nowhere outside the corresponding curve for .c:‘; ie. ., sc; weakly Lorenz-dominates sc:‘. By Lemma 1 (ii), this is equivalent to ,c;/,,u; being obtainable from ,c:‘/,pr by a finite number of pairwise transfers (from richer to poorer generations). We are now able to define the quasi-ordering which will be our main concern. 3. For ,c’, sc” > 0, .c’ J $ (sc’ is as just as .Yc”) iff .c’ C $ ,cJO for all ~20; .cJO iff .c>O. DEFINITION and ,c’E$‘. Both C and E as well as J are easily seen to be reflexive and transitive; thus, they are quasi-orderings. Some results are immediate. 2. (i) Form .c’ from $’ by multiplying Sun by a scalar K > 1 . ,c”). Then $_J ,c”. (ii) Form ,c’ from sc” by transferring e > 0 from generation 5 to generation t, where c: - c; > e. Then ,c’J #I. LEMMA ($’ = K (iii) Form Sc’ from ,c” by interchanging the consumption number of generations. Then $ J Sc” and $’ J .c’. ProojY (ii) (iii) $;=jf. of a finite (i) ,c’ C #’ and ,c’ E .$‘. .c’ C $” and .c’ E,c“ by Lemma 1 (ii). By Lemma 1 (i) since there is a I such that for all t > i 1 UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL 355 ALLOCATIONS Property (ii) is often called the (strong) principle of transfers and was originally formulated by Dalton [7]. Birchenhall and Grout [3] pointed out that for the principle of transfers to be valid in the presence of an infinite sequence of generations, it is necessary to define the quasi-ordering by a procedure inspired by von Weizsgcker’s [28] overtaking criterion, as we have done through Definitions l-3. Property (iii) shows that the quasiordering J is equitable in the sense of Svensson [26] and Epstein [ 133. Let us further explore the welfare implications of the quasi-ordering J by introducing two important quasi-orderings of infinite consumption sequences. DEFINITION 4 (Lexicographic maximin). .c’ L ,Yc” iff there is a 1 such that for all t 2 2, either there is a Jo (s, .... t) such that c”j> 2,!’ and 2: = F,! for all s d i <j, or ,e: = $:‘. DEFINITION 5 (Ulilitarianism). ,sc’ U Sc” iff there is a 2 such that for all t 3 2, xi=, u(ck) 3 CL=, u(cz), where u : R + -+ R is an increasing and strictly concave function. In order to analyze the relation between J and these quasi-orderings, introduce the notion of a subrelation. DEFINITION 6. Consider two quasi-orderings, R, and R,. R, is a subrelation of R, iff (,c’ R, $’ * ,c’ R2 Sc”) and (,c’ & $’ * z~‘&z ,Yc”). PROPOSITION quasi-orderings 1. The quasi-ordering J is a subrelation of each of the L and U (for any increasing and strictly concave function u). Proof Case 1. ,c’ and # are both semi-positive. Assume ,Sc’J #‘. Then, for all t exceeding some i, there is a .c: and a bistochastic matrix A, such that 44 a.4 = SPL; and ,c:I,/4 = ,cf~/sp: = A,. ,c:‘/,P;. By Lemma 1 (i) [Lemma 1 (iii)], .c’ L ,Sc” CSc’ U Sc”]. Assume in addition that ,c’J $‘. Then, either ,p; > ,p: for infinitely many t, or A, is not a permutation5 matrix for infinitely many t. By Lemma 1 (i) [Lemma 1 (iii)], .c’ L 3cn [.,c’ _v$“I. Case 2. $’ = 0 so that .c’ JO with ,VcJO only if .c’ > 0. That ,Vc’L 0 [,c’ U 0] for all .c > 0, with .c’ L 0 CSc’ U 0] if ,c’ > 0, follows directly from Definition 4 [Definition 51. m ’ A permumtion matrix is a bistochastic matrix with entries either 0 or 1. 356 GEIR B. ASHEIM Proposition 1 states that if J ranks two allocations, then L and U (for any increasing and strictly concave function U) will rank the allocations accordingly. Proposition 1 therefore implies that J is fairly uncontroversial. The quasi-ordering J is clearly not complete. In particular, it does not rank two allocations if the one has less relative inequality, but does not catch up with the other. In this sense, no trade-off between relative inequality and total consumption is allowed. Hence, the ordering cannot be used to select an optimal allocation relative to a feasibility constraint; i.e., we cannot find a .c’ such that ,Yc’J,$c for all feasible allocations ,<c. However, we can determine a set of quasi-optima, each element of which has the property that there is no feasible allocation ranked strictly higher by J. Given a set of feasible allocations, $, and an arbitrary quasiordering, Q, such quasi-optima will be referred to as Q-optima. Formally, DEFINITION 7. ,c’ E 5 is a Q-optimum .c E 9 such that ,c Q ,c’. The notion allocations. DEFINITION of a quasi-optimum relative to 9 iff there is no may be used to exclude undesirable 8. >c E p is unjust relative to 9 iff .c is not a J-optimum relative to 9. Proposition 1 implies the following corollary. COROLLARY. If .c’ is an L-optimum, or a U-optimum increasing and strictly concave u), then .Yc’is a J-optimum. (for some This corollary entails that if egoistic generations were to choose the distribution of consumption in ignorance of their own position (i.e., before knowing in which sequence they would live, any sequence being equally probable), then generations being risk-averse with respect to the level of their own consumption would choose a J-optimal allocation-no matter their degree of risk-averseness-provided the von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms are satisfied (see Vickrey [27, p. 3291, Harsanyi [ 15, 161). In the next section, we completely characterize the set of allocations that are not unjust in a class of technologies satisfying certain regularity conditions. 3. PRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES A cake-eating technology is defined as follows: Let B”(yS) denote the set of feasible allocations at time s when the size of the cake at time s is given by a nonnegative scalar y,. We have that p’(y,) = { ,c 2 0: C,“= s c, d us}. UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL 357 ALLOCATIONS PROPOSITION 2. In a cake-eating technology, there exists a J-optimum relative to S”( y,) iffy,, = 0. Proof. (Sufficiency.) Trivial since 9’(O) = {O}. (Necessity.) We have to show that all feasible allocations are unjust if y, > 0. First, note that 0 is unjust by Definition 3. If S’(J~,) 3 ,c’> 0, there exist 5 and t such that c: > c;. Form .scE p”( v,) by c, = (1/2)(c: + c:) for cr= T, t, and c, = c& otherwise. By Lemma 2 (ii), .c J ,,c’, which shows that .c’ is unjust. 1 A cake-eating technology is unproductive: The cake cannot be invested yielding positive net returns. Proposition 2 shows that in such a technology, available consumption cannot be allocated to an infinite number of generations in a just manner (except for the trivial case where there is no consumption available for any generation). We therefore turn to a class of to their productiveness-have nontrivial technologies which-due J-optima. Let the vector yse R’; denote the n-dimensional state of the economy at time s; n 3 1. Interpret Y.~as the vector of stocks available at the beginning or period s. In the example of Section 5, the state is the one-dimensional output produced in the previous period; in the example of Section 6, the state is two-dimensional, consisting of output as well as a resource stock. The set of feasible allocations at time s, denoted E(y,), is determined by the state at time s y, and a correspondence E: R”+ + iw:. Let a sequence of correspondences o9 = (&, F,, ...) be referred to as a technology6 if for any feasible allocation at time s ,c’ EZQy,) there exists a corresponding sequenceof states ,y’ E IR’Y ic, with y: = Y,~,such that the following holds at each t>s: (a)(,c’)E%(y;) and (b)(,c”)E~(y;)J(.~c:~,, ,c”)~fl$y,). Consider the following conditions. CONDITION 1 (Costless storage; by inefficiency, costlessaugmentation of initial consumption). For any ,c’ E9JyX), there is a 6 B 0, strictly positive iff J’ is inefflcient,’ such that (sc> 0 and CL = F(c, - ck) 6 6 for all t B s) implies ,c Eps(y,). CONDITION 2 (Costly acceleration of consumption). Let .c’ EE(y,) be efficient, with corresponding sequence of states Jy’ $0. Then there is no ,c E 9>(ys) such that 1: = ,,(c, - CL)> 0 for all t 2 s, with strict inequality for at least one t. 6If 09 is stationary(i.e.,3 = 9 for all I 2 0). then 3 is also referred lo as a technology. 7An allocation.YcEYY(y,)is inejjjcienr relativeto .e(y,) iff thereis an allocation,c’ E9&y,) such that ,c’ > ,c (i.e.. inefficient. ,c’ > ,C with c; > c, for some t > s). An allocation is efficienr iff it is not 358 GEIR B. ASHEIM 3 (Existence of an efficient and stationary’ allocation). If then there is an efficient, positive, and stationary allocation If y, E y \ q + 9 then ,c EFS(y,) implies that C,“=,Yc, is finite. CONDITION Y.,EK+, ,c E E(Y.J In order to explain Conditions 1 and 2, form ,c from .c’ EPJy,) by transferring e > 0 from generation f to generation z. First, assume7 < t so that consumption is stored. If PSsatisfiesCondition 1, then .c ES$(y,) since CL=, (c, - cb) = --e for t E {z”, .... T - 1} and ckzs (c, - cb) = 0 otherwise. Hence, Condition 1 entails that consumption can be postponed without cost. Next, assume t <? so that consumption is accerelated. If E satisfies Condition 2 and ,c’ is an efficient allocation with corresponding sequence of states 5yP 0, then ,c 4 FS(yS) since x: = ,s(c, - rk) = e for t E (z, .... T- 11 and CL = s (c, - c&) = 0 otherwise. Hence, Condition 2 entails that the transfer of consumption from a later to an earlier generation is costly in the sensethat the later generation has to give up more than the earlier one receives. A technology o9 satisfying Conditions l-3 for any s > 0 will be referred to as a productive technology. A cake-eating technology does not satisfy Conditions 2 and 3. For illustrative purposes, consider technologies satisfying only two out of the three conditions above. In order to facilitate these examples, introduce the concept of a linear technology o9-i. defined by an exogeneously given positive price sequence op. We have that F:(yS)= ($20: Cc=, pack ~:,~y,.), where y, is a nonnegative scalar and where .y’ is defined recursively by y: =y, and p, ,: =P, ._,(y: ~~,- c: ~ ,) for t > S. This technology is productive iff p, >p, + , for all t 2 0 and C:=oPb<~~ EXAMPLE 1. A linear technology o9’ with P, >P,+ , for all t 2 0 and CF’, pb diverging, satisfies only Conditions 1 and 2. EXAMPLE 2. A linear technology oFz with p,, =pl, p, >p,+ 1 for all t 3 1, and C,“=, pg < co, satisfies only Conditions 1 and 3. EXAMPLE 3. Let ,P3 be a linear technology with p, = a .p, + , for all t 3 1; a > 1. Let Yi(y,) denote the following transformation set (illustrated in Fig. 1): (k, y):O<y<a.kforkE [ 0j y,n> u [f,v,]and }. aAn allocation,c is s/a/ionar~v iff c, = c, _ , for all I > s. UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL 359 ALLOCATIONS k FIGURE Define Fi(y,) 1 by ~~(yo)={,c~O:~(~o,y,)s.t.c,=y,-~o,(~,,I’,)~~~(y,) and Ic E S:(.V,)}. The resulting technology OF3 satisfies Conditions 2 and 3, but not Condition 1 since, given an inefficient allocation with cO= y, - y,/cr, one need not be able to augment the consumption of generation 0 without reducing the consumption of a later generation. The following three propositions fully characterize the set of J-optima in productive technologies. PROPOSITION3. is productive, 9 An allocation Zj” ,c’ E Ts(y,) is a J-optimum then .c’ is nondecreasing.g ,c is nondecreasing iff c, < c, + I for all / > s. relative to z.(ys), and ,+F 360 GEIR B. ASHEIM ProoJ: Suppose c; > c; + , for some t. By Condition 1, there is a .c EK(y,) formed by $’ by c, = (1/2)(c; + c: + , ) for 0 = t, t + 1, and c, = CL otherwise. By Lemma 2(ii), .cJ .c’, which contradicts that .c’ is a J-optimum. a By the proof of Proposition 3, if ,c’ were not nondecreasing, a carefully chosen postponement of consumption would decrease relative inequality without reducing total consumption, thereby producing a J-improvement. Hence, by Condition 1, in a productive technology a J-optimal allocation is nondecreasing. This result also implies Proposition 4, stating that in a productive technology with a positive initial state a J-optimal allocation is efficient. Becauseif it were not, by Condition 1, the consumption of the first least favored generation(s) could be augmented without cost, yielding less relative inequality and more total consumption. PROPOSITION 4. Let y.,~lX”++. If ,c’ l z.(y,) is a J-optimum relative to R(Y,~), and ,,S is productive, then ,c’ is efficient. ProoJ Suppose .c’ is a J-optimum that is not efficient. By Proposition 3, .c’ is nondecreasing. By Condition 3 and Lemma 2 (i), ,c’ is not stationary. Hence, ,c’ has a finite set (s, .., t> of least favored generations: cl = c,:., i = . . = c:- 1= c,, < c,I + , . By Condition 1, for any EE (0, 6/( t -s + 1)), given some 6 > 0, there is a .c Ee(y,) formed from .c’ by c, = cb + E for 0 E {s, .... t } and c, = CL otherwise. By Lemma 1 (ii), ,c_J,c’ (for any a>0 satisfying c:+E<c:+,) since for s>t, sp,>,&, and Jc,/,pL, can be obtained from ,c:/,,& by a finite number of pairwise transfers. This contradicts that .c’ is a J-optimum. 1 Conversely, if .Yc is efficient and nondecreasing, reducing relative inequality requires that consumption be transferred from a later to an earlier generation. However, by Condition 2, in a productive technology this can only be achieved by reducing total consumption. Hence, as stated in Proposition 5, in a productive technology with a positive initial state there exists no feasible J-improvement of an efficient and nondecreasing allocation. is efficient and nonPROPOSITION 5. Let yS~ Iw; +. If $ Ee(y,) decreasing, and &F is productive, then .c’ is a J-optimum relative to 9(y,). Proof: By Condition 3, there is a f and an E> 0 such that c: 3 E for all r > ?, and thus, yb E rW: + for all 0 > s. Hence, Condition 2 applies. Suppose ,c E9$(y,) satisfies .cJ .c’. Form ,E, and .I?; for any t 2 s. Then C’,=, c,,aCI=, ?, for all Jo (s, .... t}, and ,c: = ,S: since .c’ is nondecreasing. It therefore follows from Definition 3 and Lemma 1 (i) that UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL ALLOCATIONS 361 there is a i such that t > i implies CL=,(c, - cb) b 0 for all je {s, .... t $. By Condition 2, ,,c E e.(ys) implies .c = c’, which contradicts ,VcJ ,c’ 1 We have proven that if the technology is productive and the initial state Y,~is positive, then the set of J-optima is identical to the set of efficient and nondecreasing allocations. Note that Condition 3 implies that this set is nonempty; it contains at least an efficient and stationary allocation. Example 1 above does not satisfy Condition 3. A proof similar to the one of Proposition 2 shows that there exists no J-optimum relatve to YA(yo) if y. > 0. In the case of Example 2 (which does not satisfy Condition 2) a J-optimum relative to F$yo) requires that c, = c,; i.e., not all efficient and nondecreasing allocations are J-optima. In the case of Example 3 (which does not satisfy Condition 1) there are inefficient J-optima. In particular, 0c E Si( y,) with co = y. - .rO/sr and c, = c E ([a - 1] (~,/a) . [l - ((a-a))la)“], [a- l] . (y,,/c()) for all t 3 1 is inefficient, but still a J-optimum, since a reduction in relative inequality, involving increased consumption at time 0, can be achieved only by reducing total consumption. In productive linear technologies, the exclusion of unjust allocations is related to Epstein’s [ 121 Efficiency and Equity axioms: .?c’E 9f(y,) satisfies Efficiency iff c,“=, p,c& = p,~, and Equity iff for all T, f > s, p, >p, 3 c: d c:. Clearly, when @’ is productive, ,c’ satisfies Efficiency and Equity iff .c’ is efficient and nondecreasing; i.e., iff ,c’ is J-optimal. However, when o*’ is not productive, the Efficiency and Equity axioms are not sufficient for J-optimality because they admit .c with c, > c, for T, t satisfying p, =P,. Such ,c are not J-optimal relative to 9f.l’ For y., 9 0 in a productive technology, the continuation at time r ( >s) of a J-optimal allocation 5c’ E q(y,), ,c’, is J-optimal relative to *(y\), since y: $0 and ,c’ is efficient and nondecreasing. However, by choosing an alternative J-optimal allocation , c”E$(y:) at time t, generation t may destroy the J-optimality relative to Ys(y,) of the resulting allocation (*C , , ,c”) E ) E 9Jyz). This will occur when c:-, > c;‘. We will return to this problem of time-inconsistency. Having characterized the set of J-optima in productive technologies as the set of efficient and nondecreasing allocations, one question remains: Does the imposition of J-optimality lead to the selection of more desirable allocations? Such an evaluation of J-optimality as an ethical principle is provided by the next three sections where the consequences of combining J-optimality with a simple recursive form of altruistic preferences are explored in two classes of productive technologies. I” In particular, in and c,<c,+, for all the case of ,#’ all efficient allocations “c E 5(y,) with t > 2 satisfy Efficiency and Equity; i.e.. we need not have cu < c2, Cl < c2, cg = c,, 362 GEIR 4. ALTRUISTIC B. ASHEIM PREFERENCES Assume in the sequel that the subjective preferences of any generation s are altruistic and can be represented by an ancestor-insensitive and stationary altruistic welfare function w: rWT r* R, defined by W(,C)E f b”--” .u(c,)=~(c,)+b.~‘(,+,c), c7= s where U: lh?, -+ LT.+ is a stationary one-period O<b<l, utility function 24 is continuous, strictly increasing, (u.1) continuously differentiable at any c > 0. (~2) du/dc+ and satisfying concave; it is cc as cl0 and where b is the utility discount factor. Note that the welfare function has both a paternalistic and a nonpaternalistic representation, the latter being of a simple recursive form. (See, e.g., Ray [22].) If each generation maximizes M’constrained only by the technology, the result corresponds to the traditional utilitarian criterion with positive discounting. As mentioned in the introduction, this criterion prescribes ethically questionable intergenerational allocations, especially in resource technologies. This provides a motivation for requiring generations to subscribe to J-optimality as an overriding ethical principle, deeming unjust allocations socially unacceptable.” Hence, if generation s inherits yi in the technology #, it seeksto (W) maximize w(,c) over the class of J-optimal .$ E E(yl). Let Oc’ denote the choice of generation 0 with “y’ as the corresponding sequence of states. The allocation ,,c’ is said to be time-consistent relative to (W), if, for all s 3 0, ,c’ solves (W). If the present generation cannot dictate the future to follow its chosen allocation, time-consistency is essential. Otherwise, a game-theoretic approach is called for. In the two classesof productive technologies we consider in Sections 5 and 6, productivity of waiting (defined as the marginal rate of technical transformation between consumption in one period and the next) is nonincreasing along any efficient and nondecreasing allocation. This ensures time-consistency relative to (W).” ‘I Harsanyi [ 16, p. 3151 uses the term ethical preferences (here choosing J-optimal allocations) as opposed to subjecrioe preferences (here represented by the function w). I2 In a productive technology, J-optimality constrains generation 0 to choose ,,c’ E .F(y,,) with c:> c;-, for any s>O. However. generation s does not face this constraint. It can be shown that generation s will not choose ,c”e.F(y:) with c; -CC:-, if the productivity of waiting at time s is nonincreasing. See Asheim [ 1, proof of Lemma 41 for a formal demonstration of this point. UNJUSTINTERGENERATIONAL 363 ALLOCATIONS Sen [24, p. 15591 denotes by welfarism “[tlhe general approach of making no use of any information about the social states other than that of personal welfares generated in them....“13 Note that respecting the subjective preferences of each generation, only within the restricted class of J-optimal allocations, is not in accordance with welfarism: The ethical principle of imposing J-optimality is based directly on the intergenerational allocations of consumption and works by excluding allocations that are unjust. Hence, it does not reflect the subjective preferences of the generations involved. As an alternative, consider the case where each generation is required to subscribe to maximin as an ethical principle; i.e., given some bequest -vi., generation s seeks to (Z7) maximize 7&c) over all >c E E(yi), with ?c:R~-+R+ defined by rc(.c) E inf, a s w(,c). Here welfarism holds since the ethical principle depends solely and in an invariant way on the subjective preferences as represented by w. A chosen allocation ,,c’ (with corresponding sequence of states Oy’) is said to be time-consistent relative to (IQ, if, for all s 3 0, ,c’ solves (II). Note that maximin combined with altruism allows for consumption growth (see Calvo [S], Asheim Cl]). It turns out that in the productive technologies considered in the two subsequent sections J-optimality combined with altruism (i.e., (W)) gives rise to the same allocations as maximin combined with altruism (i.e., (Z7)) provided that time-consistency relative to (ZI) is imposed. 5. A ONE-SECTOR TECHNOLOGY First, consider a technology where total output y is split between consumption c and capital k, the latter producing the total output available in the next period. Assume that the stationary production function g: R, c, R, satisfies (g.1) g is continuous, strictly increasing, and strictly concave; it is continuously differentiable at any k > 0. (g) g(O)=O;dg/dk+ooaskJO,dg/dkJOask-rco. A total output function f is defined by f(k) -g(k) + k. Production possibilities are described by a stationary transformation set Yp of input--output pairs: P={(k,y):O<y<f(k);k>O}. I3 It should be noted that Sen [24, pp. 1559-15621 presents arguments against welfarism. 364 GEIR B. ASHEIM The stationary technology Rfl’, describing the set of feasible allocations, defined by 9p(y,Y)= (,c>O: 3(,y, .sk), V’t>s, c,=y,-k,and is (k,, yr+,)~YQ}. The pair (,y, ,k) is called the associated program LEMMA 3. The technology FV satisfies Conditions 1-3; i.e., it is produc- tive. Proof See the Appendix. 1 Consider maximizing w(~c) over the class of J-optimal ,,c E Fp( y,). With y, = 0, this problem is trivial since Fp(0) = (0). Therefore turn to the case with y,> 0. Define k, by b .df(k,,)/dk s 1, ym by y, =f(k,), and c,, by = YCC-k,. C It is well known that for any y,>O, the modified Ramsey maximizing w(~c) over all p;ogram (associated with the allocation ,yzE 9”( yo)) converges to (y,=, k, ). PROPOSITION 6. For any y, > 0, there is an allocation ,,c’ E Fslc(yO) maximizing w(~c) over the class of J-optimal +T EFp( yO). Moreover, Oc’ is unique and time-consostent relative to (W). For y0 E (0, y,*), c: < c:, 1for all t b 0, with c:t c, as t+oO. For y,~y%, c; = c0= y0 - k, for all t b 0 (where k, is defined bv y, zf (k,)). Prooj Case 1. y0 E (0, y,,). It is well known (see Beals and Koopmans [2]) that there is an allocation 0c E Fp(( yO) with associated program (Oy’, ,k’) such that for all s L 0, .c’ uniquely maximizes w(,c) over all ,c E Rp( yi). Furthermore, c; < c; + i and 0 < vj < y, for all t 2 0. By Proposition 5 and Lemma 3, ,c’ is J-optimal for all s 2 0, since ,c’ is efficient and nondecreasing. Hence, for all s > 0, .c’ uniquely maximizes w(,c) over the class of J-optimal .c E YV( y:). Define the stationary allocation ,,c’E~@( y,,) by Case 2. yO>y,. c: = c0 (Vt 3 0) with associated program (Oy’, ,k’) given by (y;, k:) = (yO, k,) (Vt 2 0). Write 83 so that l 1,~ [(l -/?)/(l pI = I., . du(c,)/dc (Vt2.Y) df &JW’ -b)] ./Y”, and UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL 5 L,=l/(l CT=5 -b)= ALLOCATIONS 2 b”-” o=s V’tas, P ,+,Y:-p,k:~PI+,y-p,k, 365 (1) V[k, .v]~cT’ (2) with strict inequality if [k, V] # [k:, y:+ ,I. Hence, for any s >, 0 and for any ,sc”E FP( ,:) with associated program (.y”, ,k”), i: A,. [u(C) - 4cb)l v=s I d 1 p; cc::-c&l 0= 5 by (u.1) since ck = c,, (Vo 3 S) = i p;[(y,“-k::)-(y&-k;)] 0= 5 ~p,.(k:-k:‘)-p;o,:-y:() by (2) with strict inequality if (,y”. .k”) # (,y’, ,k’). Since p, JO as t -+ 00, k; = k, and k:’ Z 0 (Vt 3 0), and y,r = JJ; = y,, it follows that .c’ is efficient: lim sup i: A,. [u(c:) - u(c;)] d 0 r-r rJ=s (3) with strict inequality if (,y”, ,k”) # (,y’, .k’). As for Case 1, Sc’ is J-optimal. It remains to be shown that .c’ uniquely maximizes w( ,c) over the class of J-optimal ,c E 9@( y:). By Proposition 3, it suffices to show that .c’ uniquely maximizes w(,c) over the class of nondecreasing .c E g”(y,i). If $ E 9”( y:) is nondecreasing with associated program (Sy”, .Tk”), then limsup i b”-‘.[u(ci)--u(cb)] I--r’?2 o=s = lim sup i [b”~“.u(c~)-l;u(cb)] ,-3c g=s by (l)sincecb=c, (Vo2.r) <lim sup i [b”~“.~(c%)--~.u(c~)] r--r= o=s by (3) ( < if Ly”. ,k”) # (A, .&‘)I 366 GEIR = lim sup i (b”-’ I + a’ D= ,y B. ASHEIM - i,). [u(cz) -u(C)] by (1) for any constant C GO if C is chosen such that c:-, < C < c:. and where r satisfies b’-” - A,2 0 for t < r and b’-“-II,<Ofor t>r.i4 1 The proof of Proposition 6 shows that ,c’, denoting the allocation in Y*I”(yO) that uniquely maximizes w(~c) over the class of J-optimal allocations in Tp(yO), follows a modified Ramsey program if this is nondecreasing; otherwise ,,c’ is efficient and stationary. It it in this latter case that the process of disallowing unjust allocations affects the selection made by the utilitarian criterion with positive discounting: Along a modified Ramsey program when y0 > yor,, the current generation enjoys a binge at the expense of all future generations. Compared to the efficient stationary allocation, this leads to more relative inequality and less total consumption. It is of interest to note that substituting maximin combined with altruism (i.e., (Z7)) for J-optimality combined with altruism (i.e., (W)) is of no consequence in this particular technology: For any y, > 0, Oc’ of Proposition 6, in addition to maximizing w(*c) over the class of J-optimal allocations in Fp( yO), also uniquely maximizes IC(~C) over all allocations in Fp(?lO) (see Calvo [S] ). In the next section we show that this result carries over (subject to the imposition of time-consistency relative to (ZZ)) to a resource technology in which the altruistic preferences of Section 4 implement ethically questionable intergenerational allocations when not combined with an ethical principle. 6. A. RESOURCE TECHNOLOGY Following Dasgupta and Mitra [ 111, consider a technology where capital k, resource extraction r, and labor z produce the total output y available in the next period. Assume that the stationary production function G: LQ: -+ Iw, satisfies (G.l) G(k, r, 2) is continuous, nondecreasing, concave, and homogeneous of degree one; it is continuously twice differentiable at any (k r, z)%O. (G.2) WA r, z) = 0 = G(k, 0, z); (G,, G,, G,) B 0 for (k, r, 2) $ 0.15 I4 Such a 5 exists by (1) since )‘0 a~, implies that k, 2 k I and fi > b. I5 Write Gk = aG/ak, Fk, = a2F/2;k&, and so forth. UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL 367 ALLOCATIONS The labor force is assumed to be stationary ( = 1). Given z = 1, let the ratio of the resource share in output to the labor share in output be bounded away from zero: (G.3) Given any (E, r) $0, there is rj >O such that for all (k, r) satisfying k&z, O<r<F, we have [rG,(k, r, I)]/G,(k, r, l)>Q. A total output function F, defined by F(k, r) z G(k, Y, 1) + k, satisfies (F) F(k, Y) is strictly concave; F,, >, 0. Let rrr denote the resource stock. Then production possibilities are described by a stationary transformation set F/I” of input-output pairs: ~~=~[C(k,m),(y,m+,)l:Ofy~F(k,v)); O<r=m-m,,; (k,m+,)kO}. The stationary technology 9”, describing the set of feasible allocations, defined by is The triple (,y, sm, ,Yk) is called the associated program. (G.l)-(G.3) are not sufhcient to ensure the existence of a stationary allocation with positive consumption (Solow [ZS], Cass and Mitra [6]). Therefore assume (A) ,c’ E 9”(y,, m,) with cj = c: > 0 (Vr >s) exists if (I’,, m,) >>0. Cass and Mitra [6] give a necessary and sufficient condition for (A) to hold. LEMMA 4. The technology 9” satisfies Conditions 1-3; i.e., it is produc- tive. Proof: See the Appendix. f Consider maximizing w(~c) over the class of J-optimal 0c E Y”( y,, mo). With y0 = 0, this problem is trivial since 9”(0, m,) = (0). With m, = 0, we are faced with a cake-eating problem for which no J-optimum exists if yO>O (see Proposition 2). Therefore turn to the case with (y,, mo) $0. hOPOSITION 7. For any (yO, m,) + 0, there is an allocation maximizing over the class of J-optimal 6’ E W3h, md 4&l ,C E 9”(y0, mo). Moreover, get is unique and time-consistent relative to (W). The allocation ,c’ is nondecreasing with an eventual stationar)) phase. For 368 GEIR some (y,,, mo), this eventual increasing consumption. phase B. ASHEIM is preceded by an initial phase with Proof By Asheim [ 1, Proposition 2 and Lemma 4(a)], there is an efficient and nondecreasing allocation Oc’EF”(y,,, m,) with associated program (Oy’, ,m’, ,k’) such that for all s 3 0, ,,c’ uniquely maximizes w(,c) over the class of nondecreasing .YcE.FV( y,;, m,:). By Proposition 5 and Lemma 4, .c’ is J-optimal for all s > 0. By Proposition 3, it suffices to consider the class of nondecreasing .c EF(y,i, ml). The two phase structure of Oc’ is shown in the proof of Lemma 4 of Asheim [ 1J. 1 The allocation Oc’ of Proposition 7 has the following desirable distributional properties (discussedin Asheim [ 1, p. 4743): It allows for consumption (and welfare) growth in an economy that is highly productive due to a small capital stock and a large resource stock, while the eventual stationarity protects distant generations from the grave consequences of utility discounting when the productivity of waiting is low and diminishing. Not restricting the maximization of w(~c) to J-optimal allocations would have forced consumption to eventually approach zero. Compared to a stationary allocation with positive consumption, this leads to an allocation with more relative inequality and less total consumption. Hence, such an allocation is unjust. Since the restriction to J-optimal allocations is not in accordance with welfarism, Oc’ of Proposition 7 need not be Pareto-efficient in the senseof there being no alternative allocation in 9”(y0, m,,) increasing the welfare u~(,~c)of some generation s without decreasing the welfare of any other generation. It can be shown (see Asheim [ 1, p. 4751) that, for a class of initial states, Oc’ of Proposition 7 is in fact Pareto-inefficient, being Paretodominated by an allocation which is not nondecreasing. This provides a motivation for considering maximin combined with altruism (i.e., (n)) as an alternative to J-optimality combined with altruism (i.e., (W)). Denote by Oc” an allocation in 9”(y,, m,) maximizing TC(,$) over all allocations in 9’(y,, nt,). It turns out that Oc” is not nondecreasing and, hence, not time-consistent relative to (Z7) for the sameclass of initial states as the one for which Oc’ of Proposition 7 is Paretoinefficient [l, Theorem 11. Moreover, if generation 0 maximizes rc(,$) over the classof allocations in F”( y,, mo) that future generations subscribing to (Z7) actually will carry out, then Oc’ of Proposition 7 is its unique optimal choice Cl, Theorem 2].16 In this sense, (W) and (n) result in the same allocations, also in this technology. I6 In Asheim [ 11. I assume that an allocation that is time-consistent followed as soon as one exists. Then &’ of Proposition 7 is the equilibrium allocation in an intergenerational game. relative to (f7) will be unique subgame-perfect UNJUSTINTERGENERATIONAL 7. CONCLUDING 369 ALLOCATIONS REMARKS In this paper, we have demonstrated that combining the exclusion of unjust intergenerational allocations of consumption (J-optimality) with a simple recursive form of altruistic preferences yields desirable outcomes in two important classesof technologies. In particular, while this form of altruism alone may cause gross inequities, and maximin combined with egoistic preferences may perpetuate poverty,17 the combination of J-optimality with altruism allows for development when the economy is highly productive, ensuring equality otherwise. It is noteworthy that this is achieved also in the resource technology considered, since this technology posesan awkward problem of intergenerational distribution when standard criteria are used. We have also shown, for the two classes of technologies, that J-optimality combined with altruism (i.e., (W)) give rise to the same allocations as maximin combined with altruism (i.e., (n)) given that timeconsistency relative to (Z7) is imposed. It is natural to ask whether this result carries over to more general classesof technologies. That (W) and (n) are not equivalent is most easily demonstrated by considering a cakeeating technology: For a positive initial stock, no allocation is J-optimal while all allocations are maximin.‘” It is my conjecture, though, that (W) and (Z7) will lead to the same allocations in a more general class of productive technologies (which includes the one-sector technology and the resource technology as special cases)having the property that the productivity of waiting is nonincreasing along any efficient and nondecreasing allocation. APPENDIX Proof of Lemma 3. Condition 1. (a) Consider .c‘ E9”(yS) associated with (,y’, ,k’). Let ,c 2 0 satisfy Ci =s (c, - cb) d 0 for all t 3 s. Construct (,y, .k): k,=k;- i (c,-c&)[2k;>O] and .v, = c, + k, (Vt 3 s). Hence, ,$EY~‘(~~) since for all t3s, O<v,+,-k,=y;+,--k;g f(k:)-k:bf(k,)-k,. (b) If .c’ EFfl(y,) is inefficient, we proceed to show that there is a hi” E YP(yS) such that CT= c,: + 6 (6 > 0), ci = cb otherwise, and then repeat part (a), considering $‘. ” See Solow [25] ” For any feasible for this criticism. allocation gz. we have n(,c) = u(O)/( 1 -/I). Hence, they are all maximin. 370 GEIR B. ASHEIM Condition 2. Let ,$c’Ey”l”(y,) be efficient with (,y’, ,k’) + 0. Suppose ,c EF”l”(y,) associated with (,y, .yk) satisfies CL =,s (c, - c&) 2 0 for all t 2 s with strict inequality for at least one t. W.1.o.g. we may assume c, > c:. Hence, k,: - k, = c, - c: > 0 since ~1,:. =.v,~. The efficiency of ,c’ implies y:+, =f(k\) for all t 3 s. Thus, since g(k) =f(k) - k is strictly increasing and concave. Hence, there is a $” EFfl(cfs) such that c,: = cr, c:‘+ 1= c,~+, + (c, - c:) df(k;)/dk, c; = c, otherwise. By Condition 1, there is a 3c”’ EsV(y,) such that c,:.”= c:, cy+,=c:+, + (c,~- c.:). [df(kj)/dk - 11, cy = cb otherwise, since c,: = cs’ for t>s. Since (c,-CC:). and CL=, (c, - ck) > 0 implies CL=., (ci -ci)<O [df(kj)/dk - 1] > 0, ,Y~“’E 9”(~,~) contradicts the efficiency of .c’. Condition 3. For any y,>O, it is easy to verify that the stationary allocation .,c’ER~(JJ.,), satisfying for all t as, c; = c,=y, - k, (with k,s defined by JJ,~ -f(k,)), is efficient (see proof of Proposition 6). If y,=O, then F”l”(y,,) = (0). 1 Proof of Lemma 4. .yc’e F’(ys, m,) associated with Condition 1. (a) Consider (,Vy’, .m’, ,k’). Define f, by f,(k) E F(k, mj - rn: + ,). We can now repeat part l(a) of the proof of Lemma 3 sincef,(k) - k is nondecreasing. (b) If .c’ EYV(~~,s,m,) is inefficient, we can correspondingly repeat part I(b) of the proof of Lemma 3. Condition 2. Let .$~9”(y,, m,) be efficient with (,y’, ,Ym’,.k’) $0. We need to show that m: >m:+, for all t>s. Suppose rn:-, =m; for some t. Since efficiency implies rn: JO as 5 --, co, we may w.l.0.g. assume that rn: > rn: + 1. Consider .c associated with (,y, .Ym,.k) : m, = rn:-, -m,), k, satisfiesF(k,, m, -m;+,) = (l/2)(&, +ml+,h _y, =F(ki-,, A+ 1; (Y,, m,, k,) = (J$, rn;, kk) for all g # t. Hence, ,c’ is inefficient since .c Efl’(v,, m,), c, =v, - k > c: by (Gl) and (G2), and c, = CLfor all r~# t. Thus, rn: > rn: + 1 for all t 3 s, and f, defined by f,(k) = F(k, m: -m;+ ,) is concave and f,(k) -k strictly increasing. Now, repeat part 2 of the proof of Lemma 3. Condition 3. For (y,, m,) $0, see Theorem 1 of Dasgupta and Mitra [11].If~,=Oorm,=O,then.c~~~(~,,m,)impliesthat~,“~,~c,~~~,. 1 REFERENCES 1. G. B. ASHEIIM, Rawlsian integenerational justice resource technology. Rear. Econ. Stud. 55 (1988), as a Markov-perfect 469484. equilibrium in a UNJUST INTERGENERATIONAL ALLOCATIONS 371 2. R. 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