Bertil Tungodden, September 24 2013 PhD minicourse organized by The Centre Franco-Norvégian en Sciences Sociales et Humaines In cooperation with ESOP Centre for the study of Equality, Social Organization and Performance Fairness & poverty: Theory, measurement & experimental evidence Overview of Lecture 4: Fairness and responsibility: Experimental evidence Part 1: What motivates moral behavior? In this part, we discuss what motivates moral behavior, with a particular focus on whether sharing in dictator game experiments reflects intrinsic moral motivation or extrinsic social motivation. Part 2: Heterogeneity in social preferences We here consider two different heterogeneities in social preferences: (a) how people differ in the importance attached to what is the morally right to do and (b) how people differ in what is perceived as the morally right thing to do. In particular, we discuss how different views on responsibility affect moral behavior and how a concern for responsibility is traded off against a concern for needs and poverty alleviation. Part 3: Do we pay too much attention to responsibility? We close this lecture by discussing whether we attach to much importance to responsibility and choice. In the modern world, the freedom to choose is highly valued, but what does it mean to have a real choice? And for which choices should individuals be held responsible? Literature Andreoni, James and B. Douglas Bernheim (2009). “Social image and the 50-50 norm: A theoretical and experimental analysis of audience effects,” Econometrica, 77(5): 1607–1636. Battigalli, Pierpaolo and Martin Dufwenberg (2007). “Guilt in games,” American Economic Review, 97(2): 170–176. Broberg, Thomas, Tore Ellingsen, and Magnus Johannesson (2007). “Is generosity involuntary?” Economics Letters, 94(1): 32–37. Cappelen, Alexander W., Astri Drange Hole, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden (2007). “The Pluralism of Fairness Ideals: An Experimental Approach.” American Economic Review, 97(3), 818–827. Cappelen, Alexander W., Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden (2010). “Responsibility for what? Fairness and individual responsibility.” European Economic Review, 54(3), 429–441. Cappelen, Alexander W., Karl O. Moene, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden (2013). “Needs vs entitlements: An international fairness experiment,” Journal of the European Economic Association 11(3): 574-598. Cappelen, Alexander W., James Konow, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden (2013). “Just luck: An experimental study of risk-taking and fairness,” American Economic Review 103(4): 1398-1413. Charness, Gary and Matthew Rabin (2002). “Understanding Social Preferences with Simple Tests.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(3), 817–869. Cherry, Todd L., Peter Frykblom, and Jason F. Shogren (2002). “Hardnose the dictator,” American Economic Review, 92(4): 1218–1221. Dana, Jason, Daylian M. Cain, and Robyn M. Dawes (2006). “What you don’t know won’t hurt me: Costly (but quiet) exit in dictator games,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100(2): 193–201. DellaVigna, Stefano, John A. List, and Ulrike Malmendier (2012). “Testing for altruism and social pressure in charitable giving,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(1): 1–56. Engel, Christoph (2011). “Dictator games: A meta study,” Experimental Economics, 14(4): 583–610. Engelmann, Dirk, and Martin Strobel. 2004. “Inequality Aversion, Efficiency, and Maximin Preferences in Simple Distribution Experiments." American Economic Review, 94(4): 857869. Fehr, Ernst and Klaus M. Schmidt (1999). “A Theory of Fairness, Competition and Cooperation.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3), 817–868. Fisman, Raymond J., Shachar Kariv, and Daniel Markovits (2007). “Individual Preferences for Giving.” American Economic Review, 97(5), 1858–1876. Konow, James (1996). “A Positive Theory of Economic Fairness.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 31(1), 13–35. Konow, James (2000). “Fair Shares: Accountability and Cognitive Dissonance in Allocation Decisions.” American Economic Review, 90(4), 1072–1091. Konow, James (2003). “Which is the Fairest One of All? A Positive Analysis of Justice Theories.” Journal of Economic Literature, 41(4), 1188–1239. Part 4 - Fairness and responsibility: Experimental Evidence Bertil Tungodden The Choice Lab, NHH Norwegian School of Economics PhD minicourse, Paris, 2013 Plan for the lecture • Some comments on lab experiments. • What motivates moral behavior? • Heterogeneity in moral preferences? • Do we assign too much importance to responsibility? Why lab experiments? • Control! • Real choices (incentives) • Study behavior: rationality/motivational richness • Social choice theory and experiments (normative versus positive) • Internal validity and external validity • Structural vs. non-structural • A fad? • Part 1: What motivates moral behavior? The big question in the social sciences The dictator game Robust finding (students, NHH) But what about ordinary people…? Morality a luxury good? But many economists are still not convinced... • People give away too much - doesn’t match what we see outside the lab. • Very sensitive to context. • Doesn’t capture intrinsic moral motivation (Dana, Cain and Dawes (2006), Broberg, Ellingsen and Johannesson (2007), Lazear, Malmendier and Weber (2011)). • Dana et al. (2006) • After choosing how to share $10 in a dictator game, subjects are offered an exit option where they receive $9 and the recipient stays uninformed and receives nothing. Social concerns important even in an anonymous context? “Just knowing that one is the anonymous dictator that the receiver will think badly of can be sufficient to compel giving” (Dana, Cain and Dawes, 2006). The dictator game exaggerates people’s concern for morality/fairness? • Broberg et al. (2007): Generosity may to a considerable extent be involuntary. • Lazear et al. (2011): Most individuals who share with others do so reluctantly, preferring to avoid the opportunity to share. What explains moral behavior in the dictator game? • Intrinsic moral motivation versus extrinsic social motivation • Cappelen, Halvorsen, Sorensen, and Tungodden, 2013. Sample and an outline of design • The sample • 278 students at NHH Norwegian School of Economics. • Seven sessions, six treatments randomly allocated within sessions. • Each subject participated only in one treatment. Show up fee of 100 NOK ($17.50). • All sessions double-blind. • Outline of design • Production phase. A subset of the participants completed a task. • Distribution phase. • Dictator: makes three choices; how much to give away, and two further choices discussed later. • Passive recipients. • Post-experiment questionnaire. Design A 2 × 3 factorial design: • Treatments with and without the recipient getting information. • Three treatments manipulating the moral argument for sharing. Basic info treatment (T1) - production phase • The dictators were asked to work on a task for 15 minutes. • Tick off numbers in a matrix. • To complete the task, need to reach a threshold (everyone did so). • No explanation of why they should do so and no mentioning of payment for doing the task. Basic info treatment (T1) - dictator decision • Informed that they are paid 200 NOK ($35) for completing the production phase. • Informed that they are matched with another student at NHH, randomly selected from the NHH administration records. • Asked to decide how to share the money they have earned between themselves and this other person. • Informed that the other person, after the experiment, is sent money and a letter providing detailed information about the decision made by the dictator. • Informed that they can get an anonymous copy of the transaction from the NHH administration after the experiment. Basic info treatment (T1) - letter to recipent Basic no-info treatment (T1*) - dictator decision • Identical to the the info treatment, except for the content of the letter to the recipient. • In this treatment, the letter does not give any details of the experiment. • No letter sent if the dictator decides to give nothing. The moral treatments (T1-T3) • T1: Recipient has not done any work • T2: Recipient has done the same work • The dictator is told that the other participant has done the same task, and that they both have earned 100 NOK by completing it. • This information is reflected in the informative letter. • Recipients randomly selected among the NHH students registering for the experiment, but placed in a separate room. They receive the letter in the mail after the experiment is completed. • T3: Recipient is more needy • The dictator is told that the other participant is a poor microcredit client from Tanzania. • This information is reflected in the informative letter. • Recipients randomly selected among microcredit clients in the microcredit institution PRIDE Tanzania. Overview - design Information? Recipient Student – not working Student – working Client – needy no yes T1* (n=35) T2* (n=33) T3* (n=30) T1 (n=36) T2 (n=34) T3 (n=32) The dictator decision – share given in no-info treatments Information? Recipient Student – not working Student – working Client – needy Note: Standard error in parentheses. no 0.116 (0.037) 0.210 (0.046) 0.433 (0.076) yes The dictator decision – What happens if the recipient has info? Information? Recipient Student – not working Student – working Client – needy Note: Standard error in parentheses. no yes 0.116 (0.037) 0.210 (0.046) 0.433 (0.076) 0.114 (0.034) The dictator decision – full picture of share given Information? Recipient Student – not working Student – working Client – needy Note: Standard error in parentheses. no yes 0.116 (0.037) 0.210 (0.046) 0.433 (0.076) 0.114 (0.034) 0.293 (0.055) 0.602 (0.065) Why does information matter? • Guilt aversion: people suffer from guilt if they let others down relative to what they believe they will get (Dufwenberg and Gneezy, 2000). • Pride and shame: desire for social esteem (Ellingsen and Johanneson, 2008; Andreoni and Bernheim, 2009). Extrinsic social motivation: Pride versus guilt Both pride and guilt • Part 2: Heterogeneity in moral behavior? How do people differ? Our framework U(y ; ·) = y − β(y − m)2 /2X , y ∗ = m + X /β, Standard approach • Great focus on heterogeneity in level of selfishness, β. • Much less focus on heterogeneity in how people differ in their fairness perceptions, m. • We believe that the latter in many cases is much more important (for example when studying how institutions shape social preferences) Do people dislike all inequalities? • “It seems unfair that footballers, bankers, and tycoons earn more money than they know what to do with whereas jobless folk and single parents struggle to pay the rent...Yet it also seems unfair to take money from those who have worked hard and give it to those who have not, or to take away the profits of those who have risked their life savings to bring a new intervention to market in order to help those who have risked nothing. Different societies choose to deal with this conflict in different ways.” Choice and responsibility • Choice and responsibility are probably the most powerful ideas in the political and philosophical discourse on distributive justice. • People make choices in all spheres of life, and the outcomes of these choices fundamentally affect the distribution of income and wealth in society. • Education, occupation, life style, financial decisions, etc. • Heated political debates about whether people should be held responsible for their choices, that is, whether the resulting inequalities are fair or unfair. • A corresponding debate in political philosophy and social choice theory. Two extreme positions • Strict egalitarianism: The standard approach - does not hold individuals responsible for anything! • Libertarianism: All inequalities are fair - holds individuals responsible for everything that affects their situation. Intermediate positions • Liberal/Choice egalitarianism: People should be held responsible for factors that are within their control, but not for factors that are beyond their control. • Meritocratism: People should be held for their own performance, but not for pure luck. How can we study people’s views on responsibility? • Real effort dictator games: create different inequalities and study how people respond to them when making distributive choices. • Konow (2000, AER), Cappelen, Hole, Sorensen, and Tungodden (2007, AER), Cappelen, Sorensen, and Tungodden (2010, EER), Cappelen, Konow, Sorensen, and Tungodden (2013, AER) Responsibility for what: Fairness and individual responsibility, 2010, EER • Production phase: • Copying a text for 10 or 30 minutes in different computer labs • Time chosen when registering for experiment • Earnings: number of correct words × price / per word (0.5 or 1.0 kr). • Earnings determined by apq, where a: productivity, p: price, q: time. • Two persons matched in a sequence of four to six dictator decisions. • For each match, the full vector (a, p, q) is observed, and a distribution of y to self and X − y to the other is proposed. • For each person, we randomly draw one of the decisions. • 284 student participants at NHH. Estimated population shares; Great heterogeneity! Type Strict egalitarian Choice egalitarian Meritocratic Libertarian Share 0.204 (0.036) 0.060 (0.026) 0.478 (0.048) 0.258 (0.042) Risk and heterogeneity in social preferences (AER, 2013) • Hot topic! • People make choices involving risk in all spheres of life, and the outcomes of these choices fundamentally affect the distribution of income and wealth in society. • Education, occupation, life style, financial decisions, etc. • Heated political debates about how to deal with such inequalities in a fair manner. • Generates inequalities reflecting differences in choices and luck. An example • Consider a situation where two individuals both have made a choice between: • A safe alternative of value 200 USD. • A risky alternative consisting of two equally likely outcomes of 0 USD and 800 USD. • Equal opportunities, costly to avoid risk. An example • Consider a situation where two individuals both have made a choice between: • A safe alternative of value 200 USD. • A risky alternative consisting of two equally likely outcomes of 0 USD and 800 USD. • Equal opportunities, costly to avoid risk. An example • Consider a situation where two individuals both have made a choice between: • A safe alternative of value 200 USD. • A risky alternative consisting of two equally likely outcomes of 0 USD and 800 USD. • Equal opportunities, costly to avoid risk. An example • Consider a situation where two individuals both have made a choice between: • A safe alternative of value 200 USD. • A risky alternative consisting of two equally likely outcomes of 0 USD and 800 USD. • Equal opportunities, costly to avoid risk. Unfair inequalities? • Do people consider the inequality between the risk-taker and the person choosing the safe alternative as unfair? • Do people consider the inequality between the lucky and unlucky risk-taker as unfair? Ex ante or ex post? • The ex ante view: Focus on opportunities, both inequalities are fair. • The ex post view (standard inequality aversion): Focus on outcomes, both inequalities are unfair. • An intermediate view (choice egalitarianism): Inequalities reflecting differences in choices are fair, inequalities reflecting differences in luck are unfair. Ex ante or ex post? • The ex ante view: Focus on opportunities, both inequalities are fair. • The ex post view (standard inequality aversion): Focus on outcomes, both inequalities are unfair. • An intermediate view (choice egalitarianism): Inequalities reflecting differences in choices are fair, inequalities reflecting differences in luck are unfair. Ex ante or ex post? • The ex ante view: Focus on opportunities, both inequalities are fair. • The ex post view (standard inequality aversion): Focus on outcomes, both inequalities are unfair. • An intermediate view (choice egalitarianism): Inequalities reflecting differences in choices are fair, inequalities reflecting differences in luck are unfair. Approach • Conducted a modified version of the dictator game to study people’s fairness preferences on inequalities generated by risk-taking. • Studied both the choices of stakeholders and spectators. • Both approaches commonly used in the literature. • May differ in the importance they assign to choices. Experimental design: Sample and procedures • Sample: 119 students at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. • Randomly assigned to be stakeholders (78 subjects) or spectators (41 subjects). • Four sessions that lasted for 40 minutes, all took place on the same day. • Double-blind, computer-based. • Average payment, 472 NOK (about 75 USD). • Stakeholders: Randomly drew one of the situations a person had been involved in to determine payment. • Spectators: Fixed payment of 350 NOK. Experimental design: Sample and procedures • Sample: 119 students at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. • Randomly assigned to be stakeholders (78 subjects) or spectators (41 subjects). • Four sessions that lasted for 40 minutes, all took place on the same day. • Double-blind, computer-based. • Average payment, 472 NOK (about 75 USD). • Stakeholders: Randomly drew one of the situations a person had been involved in to determine payment. • Spectators: Fixed payment of 350 NOK. Experimental design • Stakeholders: A risk-taking phase and a distribution phase. • Spectators: Only a distribution phase. Experimental design (stakeholders): risk-taking phase • Risk-taking phase: Made four choices between a safe alternative and a risky alternative. • Risky alternative: Always consisted of two equally likely outcomes of 800 NOK and 0 NOK. • Safe alternative: Took on the values 400 NOK, 300 NOK, 200 NOK or 25 NOK. • Situations presented in random order. • No information about outcomes in this phase. Experimental design (stakeholders): risk-taking phase • Risk-taking phase: Made four choices between a safe alternative and a risky alternative. • Risky alternative: Always consisted of two equally likely outcomes of 800 NOK and 0 NOK. • Safe alternative: Took on the values 400 NOK, 300 NOK, 200 NOK or 25 NOK. • Situations presented in random order. • No information about outcomes in this phase. Experimental design (stakeholders): risk-taking phase • Risk-taking phase: Made four choices between a safe alternative and a risky alternative. • Risky alternative: Always consisted of two equally likely outcomes of 800 NOK and 0 NOK. • Safe alternative: Took on the values 400 NOK, 300 NOK, 200 NOK or 25 NOK. • Situations presented in random order. • No information about outcomes in this phase. Experimental design (stakeholders): risk-taking phase • Risk-taking phase: Made four choices between a safe alternative and a risky alternative. • Risky alternative: Always consisted of two equally likely outcomes of 800 NOK and 0 NOK. • Safe alternative: Took on the values 400 NOK, 300 NOK, 200 NOK or 25 NOK. • Situations presented in random order. • No information about outcomes in this phase. Experimental design (stakeholders): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • Each situation: Randomly paired with one of the other participants, and one of the risk-taking situations randomly chosen (equal opportunities). • Complete information: Informed about the choices and outcomes of this risk-taking situation for both parties, no uncertainty about the source of inequality in earnings. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. • One-shot experiment, no incentive considerations. Experimental design (stakeholders): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • Each situation: Randomly paired with one of the other participants, and one of the risk-taking situations randomly chosen (equal opportunities). • Complete information: Informed about the choices and outcomes of this risk-taking situation for both parties, no uncertainty about the source of inequality in earnings. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. • One-shot experiment, no incentive considerations. Experimental design (stakeholders): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • Each situation: Randomly paired with one of the other participants, and one of the risk-taking situations randomly chosen (equal opportunities). • Complete information: Informed about the choices and outcomes of this risk-taking situation for both parties, no uncertainty about the source of inequality in earnings. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. • One-shot experiment, no incentive considerations. Experimental design (stakeholders): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • Each situation: Randomly paired with one of the other participants, and one of the risk-taking situations randomly chosen (equal opportunities). • Complete information: Informed about the choices and outcomes of this risk-taking situation for both parties, no uncertainty about the source of inequality in earnings. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. • One-shot experiment, no incentive considerations. Experimental design (stakeholders): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • Each situation: Randomly paired with one of the other participants, and one of the risk-taking situations randomly chosen (equal opportunities). • Complete information: Informed about the choices and outcomes of this risk-taking situation for both parties, no uncertainty about the source of inequality in earnings. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. • One-shot experiment, no incentive considerations. Experimental design (spectators): distribution phase • Distribution phase: Made choices in eight different distributive situations. • A randomly selected subsample of the distributive situations faced by the stakeholders. • Provided with the same information as the stakeholders. • Asked to distribute the total earnings of the pair. Risk choices made by participants Risk choice Value of safe alternative safe alternative risky alternative Total 25 200 300 400 0 5 28 71 78 73 50 7 78 78 78 78Â 104 208 312 Redistribution when a lucky risk-taker meets an unlucky risk-taker (spectators) Value of safe alternative Average share redistributed 25 0.338 (0.041) n = 41 200 0.321 (0.045) n = 36 300 0.319 (0.053) n = 18 A model of distributive choice • Assume that stakeholders make a trade-off between self-interest and fairness k(i) Vi (yi ; ·) = yi − βi (yi − F k(i) )2 /(2X ). (1) • Optimal choice (interior solution): yi∗ = F k(i) + (1/βi )X . (2) • Allow for two heterogeneities: People may differ both in what they consider fair and in the weight they assign to fairness. • Assume that spectators choose what they consider a fair distribution. A model of distributive choice • Assume that stakeholders make a trade-off between self-interest and fairness k(i) Vi (yi ; ·) = yi − βi (yi − F k(i) )2 /(2X ). (1) • Optimal choice (interior solution): yi∗ = F k(i) + (1/βi )X . (2) • Allow for two heterogeneities: People may differ both in what they consider fair and in the weight they assign to fairness. • Assume that spectators choose what they consider a fair distribution. A model of distributive choice • Assume that stakeholders make a trade-off between self-interest and fairness k(i) Vi (yi ; ·) = yi − βi (yi − F k(i) )2 /(2X ). (1) • Optimal choice (interior solution): yi∗ = F k(i) + (1/βi )X . (2) • Allow for two heterogeneities: People may differ both in what they consider fair and in the weight they assign to fairness. • Assume that spectators choose what they consider a fair distribution. The fairness views • Assume that the participants are motivated by one of the following three fairness views: 1 X, 2 = xi , ( 1 X = 2 xi FiEP = (3) FiEA (4) FiCE if Ci = Cj , if Ci = 6 Cj , where xi is individual i’s earnings and Ci takes the value 1 if the individual chooses the risky alternative and the value 0 otherwise. (5) The empirical choice model • Estimate the following random utility model: k(i) Ui (y ; ·) = Vi (y ; ·) + yi , for y = 0, 25, . . . , X . • Estimate the population share motivated by each of the fairness views and the distribution of the weight assigned to fairness. (6) The empirical choice model • Estimate the following random utility model: k(i) Ui (y ; ·) = Vi (y ; ·) + yi , for y = 0, 25, . . . , X . • Estimate the population share motivated by each of the fairness views and the distribution of the weight assigned to fairness. (6) Estimates of the choice model (1) parameter EP CE EA log L Stakeholder (2) Spectator 0.288 (0.061) 0.293 (0.066) 0.419 (0.064) -1807.19 Stakeholder Spectator 0.274 (0.086) 0.315 (0.095) 0.411 (0.091) 0.302 (0.119) 0.272 (0.136) 0.427 (0.090) -1807.13 Distribution of responses on political views 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. very left wing left wing slightly left wing moderate slightly right wing right wing very right wing frequency share cumulative share 0 7 9 24 40 33 6 0 0.059 0.076 0.202 0.336 0.277 0.050 0.0 0.059 0.135 0.336 0.672 0.950 1.0 Fairness views and political beliefs Political view (PV) P(EP|PV ) P(CE |PV ) P(EA|PV ) N left moderate right 0.368 (0.052) 0.319 (0.045) 0.313 (0.049) 0.246 (0.050) 0.304 (0.050) 0.451 (0.059) 0.250 (0.046) 0.255 (0.045) 0.495 (0.061) 40 40 39 Potentially of great importance • Redistributive policies and paradox (Almas, Cappelen, and Tungodden; work in progress). • Tax evasion (work in progress) • Inequality-Unfairness measurement (Almas, Cappelen, Lind, Sorensen, and Tungodden, 2011, JPubEc). • Bargaining (Birkeland and Tungodden, 2013). • Understanding incentives. What can explain the heterogeneity? • How are we shaped by the institutions we face? • Experiment run at NHH with 486 kids aged 10-19 randomly sampled from schools in Bergen (Almas, Cappelen, Sorensen, and Tungodden, 2010, Science). • Production as before (no choice of time, 45 minutes for everyone) The rise of meritocracy Rewarding performance Selfishness Responsibility versus other moral motives • Why do we not give away more money to people in developing countries? Needs vs entitlements – an international fairness experiment (JEEA, 2013) • Same production setup as before. • Participants were students at four universities: Oslo, Mannheim, Makerere, Dar-es-Salaam. • Web-interaction • Participants know the university the other participant is at in the distribution phase. • We extend utility function to incorporate needs V k (y ; ·) = y − β (y − me )2 δα (y − mn )2 − . 2 X 2 X • Now τ = β/(β + α) is the relative weight on entitlements. • Cappelen, Moene,Sorensen, and Tungodden, JEEA, 2013 The relative weight on entitlements share of participants .4 .2 0 0 .2 share of participants .4 .6 LI−participants .6 HI−participants 0 .25 .5 .75 relative weight on entitlements 1 0 .25 .5 .75 relative weight on entitlements 1 HI-countries: Norway, Germany; LI-countries: Uganda, Tanzania. • Summary Social preferences • First generation of social preference models: Focus on how people trade off selfish concerns and a dislike for inequalities (Fehr and Schmidt, QJE, 1998; Bolton and Ockenfels, AER, 2000; Charness and Rabin, QJE, 2002). • Approach: Study distributive behavior in a dictator game, where the money to be distributed is “manna from heaven”. • Main finding: There is substantial heterogeneity in the importance attached to avoiding inequality, where a large share deviates from the standard model of selfish individuals. Social preferences and responsibility • In a series of papers, we have studied the role of responsibility in shaping distributive behavior (Cappelen, Hole, Sørensen, and Tungodden, AER, 2007; Cappelen, Sørensen, and Tungodden, EER, 2010; Almaas, Cappelen, Sørensen, and Tungodden, Science, 2010; Cappelen, Moene, Sørensen, and Tungodden, JEEA, forthcoming; Cappelen, Konow, Sørensen, and Tungodden, AER, forthcoming). • Approach: Study distributive behavior in real-effort dictator games, where the money to be distributed is created in a production phase. We thus create distributive situations where pre-redistribution inequality reflects differences in choices, talent, and luck. • Main finding: There is substantial heterogeneity in what people consider fair in any particular situation, where the majority of individuals typically seem to find find fair inequalities reflecting differences in choices. We also show that with this approach, we get distributive behavior in the lab aligned with distributive behavior outside the lab. • Part 3: Do we assign too much importance to responsibility? Do people attach too much importance to holding people responsible for their choices? Paper in progress (Cappelen, Reme, Sorensen, and Tungodden) • Studies experimentally distributive situations where it clearly does not make sense to hold people responsible for their choices. • Nominal choice: The other alternative in the choice set is “identical”. • Forced choice: The other alternatives in the choice set is clearly worse. • In both cases, the participants do not face a real choice. But are they still held responsible? • Both a methodological and substantive justification for the design. A number of real-life situations where we maybe do not have a real choice Experimental design • The experiment had three phases: a work phase, an earnings phase and a distribution phase. • After the experiment: Participants did a cognitive reflection test and answered questions about age, gender, political voting, and attitudes towards income redistribution in society. • The experiment had three treatments: Base, Nominal Choice, and Forced Choice. • Spectator design (Cappelen, Konow, Sørensen, and Tungodden, AER, 2013). Cognitive reflection test • We measure cognitive ability using the three-item ”Cognitive Reflection Test” proposed by Frederick (2005, JEP). • ”A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? ” • The test measures the ability to correct incorrect intuitive answers through reflection. Political voting and attitudes towards redistribution • We asked them: • - which party they voted for in the previous election in Norway (2011) • - to state their opinion on the following question: “We should do less to reduce income inequality in Norway” (1 = Disagree, 10 = Agree) Sample and procedures • Recruited 422 students from the University of Bergen and NHH Norwegian School of Economics. • Between-design. Participants randomly assigned to treatment within each session. • Double blind design and payments made in cash at the end of the experiment. • Average payments 475 NOK (approximately 85 USD), including a 100 NOK show-up fee. Sample summary and treatment balance Age Female CRT PA Treatment Mean (se) Mean (se) Mean (se) Mean (se) 1:Base 2:Nominal choice 3:Forced choice All 22.8 22.7 22.5 22.7 0.44 0.47 0.47 0.46 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.6 0.54 0.58 0.50 0.54 (0.27) (0.26) (0.25) (0.15) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) (0.09) (0.10) (0.09) (0.05) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) N 145 140 137 422 Base treatment - work phase • In the work phase, the participants did a real effort task for 30 minutes. • Descrambled English sentences (IS SALTY SKY THE BLUE). • No production requirement, only asked to work continuously on the task. • Not informed that they would be paid for the work. Base treatment - earnings phase • In the earnings phase, the participants were informed that they would be paid for the work they had done and that their earnings would be determined by a lottery. • ”Your payment will be determined by a lottery in which you with equal probability earn either 800 NOK or 0 NOK. In the lottery, a ball will be randomly drawn from an urn containing an equal number of yellow and green balls. If a yellow ball is drawn, you earn 800 NOK and if a green ball is drawn, you earn 0 NOK.” • Importantly, participants were not asked to make any choices in the earnings phase. • Participants were told that there also would be a distribution phase and that they would get more information about this later in the experiment. Base treatment - distribution phase • In the distribution phase, two participants, a winner and a loser, were anonymously paired. • A third participant, a spectator, was given the opportunity to transfer any amount of the winning participant’s 800 NOK to the loser. • Spectators were told that their decision could determine the income from the experiment for the two participants. • Spectators took part in the same treatment, but did not get any information about their own earnings and final income before they made their decision as spectator. Base treatment - main idea • Spectators have to evaluate a situation where the pre-redistribution inequality in earnings only reflects differences in brute luck. • We expected a large share of the spectators to find this inequality unfair, and thus to redistribute money from the lucky participant to the unlucky participant. Treatment design - main features • The treatments only differ in how the earnings are determined. • Base treatment: participants make no choices and any inequality in earnings is a result of brute luck. • Nominal Choice treatment: introduce a nominal choice in the earnings phase. • Forced Choice treatment: introduce a forced choice in the earnings phase. • Does the introduction of a nominal or forced choice change the evaluation of the earnings inequality between the lucky and unlucky participant? Nominal Choice treatment • In the Nominal Choice treatment the participants were told that their earnings would be determined by a lottery and then asked to choose between two identical lotteries. • ”We will now ask you to choose between two colors, yellow and green. Your choice will determine the outcome of a lottery in which you with equal probability earn either 800 NOK or 0 NOK. In the lottery, a ball will be randomly drawn from an urn containing an equal number of yellow and green balls. If you choose the color of the ball that is drawn, you will earn 800 NOK, if you choose the other color, you earn 0 NOK.”. • Importantly, the two alternatives, yellow and green, are identical in the sense that the distribution of outcomes is the same. • 69 participants chose a yellow ball and the remaining 71 a green ball. Forced Choice treatment • In the Forced Choice treatment, the participants could choose between a lottery (identical to the lottery in the other treatments) and a fixed payment of 25 NOK. • ”You can choose between two different forms of payments. You can either choose to earn 25 NOK or let your earnings be determined by a lottery in which you with equal probability earn either 800 NOK or 0 NOK. In the lottery, a ball will be randomly drawn from an urn containing an equal number of yellow and green balls. If a yellow ball is drawn, you earn 800 NOK and if a green ball is drawn, you earn 0 NOK” • The expected value of the lottery was 16 times higher than the value of the fixed payment. • 133 chose the lottery, 4 participants chose the fixed payment. Does the introduction of a nominal or forced choice make inequality between the participants more acceptable? • In all treatments, the spectators face an earnings distribution of (0, 800); 0 NOK to the unlucky participant and 800 NOK to the lucky participant. • In all treatments, the earnings inequality reflects de facto a difference in luck. • Does it still matter that the participants have exercised a nominal or forced choice in two of the treatments? Inequality To provide an aggregate picture of the treatment differences, we measure the inequality chosen by the spectator in the following way: Inequality = |Income Person A − Income Person B| Total Income If the spectator does not change the distribution, the inequality measure equals 1. If the spectator transfers 400 NOK, then the inequality measure equals 0. Treatment effects (1) (2) Nominal choice 0.164∗∗∗ (0.044) 0.166∗∗∗ (0.046) Forced choice 0.120∗∗∗ (0.044) 0.129∗∗∗ (0.044) Age 0.005 (0.006) -0.121∗∗∗ (0.040) Female CRT 0.004 (0.017) PA 0.048 (0.037) Constant Observations R2 0.204∗∗∗ (0.028) 0.122 (0.149) 422 0.033 422 0.066 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses (∗ : p < 0.1, ∗∗ : p < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ : p < 0.01). Main finding: Huge effect of introducing a nominal or forced choice! • Spectators on average eliminate 80 percent of the inequalities in earnings when inequalities are a result of brute luck and when there is no exercise of choice. • Introducing a forced choice results in an increase in inequality by 60 percent relative to the base treatment. • Introducing a nominal choice results in an increase in inequality by 80 percent relative to the base treatment. Does the main finding reflect a misunderstanding of the situation? • Illusion of control? Do the spectators believe that people have some control over their luck when exercising a choice in the Nominal Choice or Forced Choice treatment? • Consider whether the treatment effects is driven by the participants with low score on the CRT. • Collapse the two choice treatments, but same result with separate interaction effects. Heterogenous treatment effects Cognitive ability (1) (2) Choice ∗∗ 0.115 (0.053) 0.105∗∗ (0.053) High CR 0.005 (0.056) -0.055 (0.062) High CR × Choice 0.048 (0.074) 0.078 (0.075) Constant 0.202∗∗∗ (0.041) 0.152 (0.148) no 422 0.034 yes 422 0.167 Additional controls Observations R2 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses (∗ : p < 0.1, ∗∗ : p < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ : p < 0.01). Does over-attribution of responsibility relate to political preferences? • Consider whether the treatment effects is driven by the participants who voted for the liberal-right parties. • Collapse the two choice treatments, but same result with separate interaction effects. Heterogenous treatment effects Political preferences (1) (2) Choice 0.052 (0.056) 0.045 (0.056) PA -0.042 (0.057) -0.076 (0.058) PA × Choice 0.168∗∗ (0.074) 0.191∗∗ (0.074) Constant 0.227∗∗∗ (0.044) 0.197 (0.148) no 422 0.049 yes 422 0.078 Additional controls Observations R2 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses (∗ : p < 0.1, ∗∗ : p < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ : p < 0.01)). Alternative explanation - in-group effect? • Nominal Choice treatment: Do spectators favor a participant if he or she chose the same color in the earnings phase? • Transfer more to the loser if you chose the same color as the loser, less if you chose the same color as the winner. • Could not explain the treatment effect. No in-group effect Same color as loser Constant Additional controls Observations R2 (1) (2) 21.076 (31.939) 20.771 (31.822) 276.812∗∗∗ (24.351) 243.751∗∗ (122.009) no 140 0.003 yes 140 0.038 Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses (∗ : p < 0.1, ∗∗ : p < 0.05, ∗ ∗ ∗ : p < 0.01). Alternative explanation - priming? • Did the spectators in the choice treatments become more reluctant to redistribution since they had made a choice themselves in the earning phase? • Consider how they motivate their choice and whether there are treatment effects on their attitudes towards redistribution. Summary • Our results suggest that people assign too much importance to choice and personal responsibility. • Closely related to political preferences, which suggests that these ideas are used heuristically in moral reasoning. • A possible tension between the liberal ideal that people should be given the freedom to choose and the fairness ideal that inequalities due to luck should be eliminated. • Note: We considered over-attribution of responsibility among spectators, thus there is no self-serving bias involved in the choices. Probably of great importance if we did a similar study with stakeholders.