Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Adverse selection, signaling & screening Competitive equilibrium Applications of game theory 2 Signaling Screening Geir B. Asheim Department of Economics, University of Oslo ECON5200 Fall 2009 Introduction Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Screening Seller Buyer Situation 1: Symmetric info 1 2 prob high quality 1 2 prob low quality One market 1 2 prob high quality 1 2 prob low quality Situation 2: Complete info high quality ———— low quality Two markets high quality ———— low quality Situation 3: Asymmetric info ? ? ? 1 high quality 2 prob high quality ———— 1 low quality 2 prob low quality Asymmetric information and adverse selection Examples and outline Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Screening Examples: One worker Many firms One car driver Many insurance firms One used car seller Many potential used car buyers One business start-up Many investors Outline: Competitive equilibrium under asymmetric information Signaling Screening Conditions for a competitive equilibrium Example: One worker — Many firms (1) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Firms produce output with CRTS technology, maximize profit, and are risk neutral. Introduction Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis Signaling Worker’s productivity: θ ∈ [θ, θ̄] ⊂ R, where 0 ≤ θ < θ̄ < ∞. Non-degenerate distribution function: F (θ). Opportunity cost: r (θ). Set of types who accept employment at wage rate w : Θ(w ) = {θ | r (θ) ≤ w } Screening Definition In the competitive labor market model with unobservable worker productivity levels, a competitive equilibrium is a wage rate w ∗ and a set Θ(w ∗ ) = ∅ such that w ∗ = E [θ | θ ∈ Θ(w ∗ )]. Conditions for a competitive equilibrium Example: One worker — Many firms (2) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Opportunity cost r (θ) independent of θ. θ, w θ̄ 45 degree Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis w ∗ = E (θ) r (θ) Signaling Screening θ θ θ̄ θ, w Conditions for a competitive equilibrium Example: One worker — Many firms (3) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Opportunity cost r (θ) increasing in θ. θ, w θ̄ 45 degree Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis r (θ) E (θ) Signaling Screening w∗ E [θ | θ ∈ Θ(w )] θ r (θ) θ w∗ r (θ̄) θ̄ θ, w Game-theoretic analysis (1) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Structure: (1) Two firms announce wage offers (2) Nature draws the productivity of the worker (3) Worker decides whether to work and for whom Introduction Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis Signaling Screening Equilibrium concept: Subgame-perfect equilibrium. Why? Proposition Let r (·) be strictly increasing with r (θ) ≤ θ for all θ ∈ [θ, θ̄] and F (·) have an assoc. density f (·) with f (θ) > 0 for all θ ∈ [θ, θ̄]. Let W ∗ denote the set of competitive equilibrium wages and let w ∗ = max{w | w ∈ W ∗ }. If w ∗ > r (θ) and ∃ s.t. E [θ | r (θ) ≤ w ] > w for all w ∈ (w ∗ − , w ∗ ), then there is a unique pure strategy SPE, where firms offer w ∗ and the worker accepts if θ ∈ Θ(w ∗ ) = {θ | r (θ ) ≤ w ∗ }. Game-theoretic analysis (2) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis Signaling Screening Proof. Part 1: In an SPE, both firms earn zero profit. Suppose M workers are hired at w̄ with total profit Π = M(E [θ | r (θ) ≤ w̄ ]) > 0. Hence, M > 0 and w̄ ≥ r (θ). At least one firm earns no more than Π/2. By offering w̄ + α for small α > 0, this firm earns ≥ Π − β, where β > 0 is small; this is a profitable dev. ⇒ Any SPE outcome with employment is a comp. equilibrium. Part 2: In an SPE, both firms offer w ∗ . Suppose highest wage rate offered w̄ = w ∗ , implying that w̄ < w ∗ . Why? But then, profitable dev. to w ∈ (w ∗ − , w ∗ ). If one offers w < w ∗ , then profitable dev. by other to w ∈ (w ∗ − , w ∗ ). Part 3: Both firms offering w = w ∗ is an SPE. Offering w > w ∗ yields negative profit; w < w ∗ zero profit. Constrained Pareto-efficiency Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Can a central authority achieve a Pareto-improvement relative to a market equilibrium, without having the ability to observe worker types? Competitive equilibrium Conditions Gametheoretic analysis Welfare analysis Signaling Screening Proposition Let r (·) be strictly increasing with r (θ) ≤ θ for all θ ∈ [θ, θ̄] and F (·) have an assoc. density f (·) with f (θ) > 0 for all θ ∈ [θ, θ̄]. Let W ∗ denote the set of competitive equilibrium wages and let w ∗ = max{w | w ∈ W ∗ }. The competitive equilibrium where the firms offer w ∗ is constrained Pareto-efficient. A competitive equilibrium where the firms offer w = w ∗ is not constrained Pareto-efficient. Signaling Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Gametheoretic analysis Separating equilibria Pooling equilibria Screening If a costless and accurate test exists, then every worker with θ > θ will submit to it in equilibrium. What if test is costly? “Education” is a costly, inaccurate and otherwise useless test. Two types: 0 < θL < θH c(e, θ) λ = Prob(θ = θH ) ∈ (0, 1) c(0, θ) = 0 ce (e, θ) > 0 cθ (e, θ) < 0 cee (e, θ) > 0 ceθ (e, θ) < 0 u(w , e | θ) = w − c(e, θ) r (θH ) = r (θL ) = 0 Without signaling, all workers are employed at w ∗ = E [θ], which is Pareto-efficient. Highlights inefficiencies created by signaling. Equilibrium concept Single-crossing property Introduction Structure: (1) Nature draws worker type (2) Worker chooses education level (3) Two firms announce wage offers (4) Worker decides whether to work and for whom Competitive equilibrium Game tree is illustrated in figure 13.C.1 Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Signaling Gametheoretic analysis Separating equilibria Pooling equilibria Screening What equilibrium concept to use? Why is subgame-perfect equilibrium inappropriate? Sequential equilibrium ensures that firms have identical out-of-equilibrium beliefs of worker type. They will offer the same wage in response to any education level: w (e) = μ(e)θH + (1 − μ(e))θL where μ(e) is firms’ prob. that worker type is θH . Single-crossing property holds since ceθ (e, θ) < 0 Separating equilibria Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium In a separating equilibrium, the two types of workers choose different education levels: e ∗ (θL ) = e ∗ (θH ). Observations: 1 Signaling Gametheoretic analysis Separating equilibria Pooling equilibria 2 3 In any sequential separating equilibrium, w ∗ (e ∗ (θH )) = θH and w ∗ (e ∗ (θL )) = θL . In any sequential separating equilibrium, e ∗ (θL ) = 0. In any sequential separating equilibrium, e ∗ (θH ) ≥ ẽ (see figures 13.C.5–7). Screening Welfare effects: The separating equilibrium with (e ∗ (θL ), e ∗ (θH )) = (0, ẽ) Pareto-dominates any other separating equilibrium. The separating equilibrium with (e ∗ (θL ), e ∗ (θH )) = (0, ẽ) may be Pareto-dominated by the no-signaling outcome. Pooling equilibria Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium In a pooling equilibrium, the two types of workers choose the same education level: e ∗ (θL ) = e ∗ (θH ) = e ∗ . Observations: 1 Signaling Gametheoretic analysis Separating equilibria Pooling equilibria Screening 2 3 In any sequential pooling equilibrium, w ∗ (e ∗ ) = E [θ]. In any sequential pooling equilibrium, 0 ≤ e ∗ ≤ e (see figures 13.C.9–10). There exists a pooling equilibrium that implements the no-signaling outcome (with e ∗ = 0). Welfare effects: Pooling equilibria are weakly Pareto-dominated by the no-signaling outcome. Multiple equilibria and equilibrium refinement Second-best market intervention Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium The Cho-Kreps (1987) criterion picks out the separating equilibrium with (e ∗ (θL ), e ∗ (θH )) = (0, ẽ). Signaling Gametheoretic analysis Separating equilibria Pooling equilibria Screening Without having the ability to observe worker types, a central authority may be able achieve a Pareto-improvement relative to the sep. equilibrium with (e ∗ (θL ), e ∗ (θH )) = (0, ẽ) even in the case where this equilibrium is not Pareto-dominated by the no-signaling outcome. This is achieved by cross-subsidization. Screening Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Can the uninformed parties (the firms) screen the informed individuals (the worker)? Two types: 0 < θL < θH λ = Prob(θ = θH ) ∈ (0, 1) “Task level”, t, is a costly and useless. Screening Gametheoretic analysis c(t, θ) c(0, θ) = 0 ct (t, θ) > 0 cθ (t, θ) < 0 ctt (t, θ) > 0 ctθ (t, θ) < 0 u(w , t | θ) = w − c(t, θ) r (θH ) = r (θL ) = 0 Without screening, all workers are employed at w ∗ = E [θ], which is Pareto-efficient. Highlights inefficiencies created by screening. Equilibrium concept Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Structure: (1) Two firms simultaneously announce menus of contracts; a contract is a pair (w , t); a menu consists of a finite # of contracts. (2) Nature draws the productivity of the worker (3) The worker choose whether to accept a contract, and if yes, which. (How are ties resolved?) Screening Gametheoretic analysis What equilibrium concept to use? Why is subgame-perfect equilibrium appropriate? With observable types: In any SPE of the screening game with observable types, a worker of type θi accepts (wi∗ , ti∗ ) = (θi , 0), and firms earn zero profits. Analysis with unobservable types (1) Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Consider now on the screening game with unobservable types. 1 In any SPE, whether pooling or separating, both firms must earn zero profit. 2 No pooling equilibria exist. Competitive equilibrium Signaling Screening Gametheoretic analysis 3 4 5 If (wL , tL ) and (wH , tH ) are the contracts signed by the lowand high-ability workers in a separating equilibrium, then both contracts yield zero profits; i.e., wL = θL and wH = θH . In any sep. equil., the low-ability workers accept (θL , 0); i.e., they receive the same contract as under observable types. In any sep. equil., the high-ability workers accept (θH , t̂H ), where t̂H satisfies θH − c(t̂H , θL ) = θL − c(0, θL ). Analysis with unobservable types (2) Welfare properties of screening equilibria Adverse selection Geir B. Asheim Introduction Competitive equilibrium Signaling Screening Gametheoretic analysis Proposition In any SPE of the screening game, low-ability workers accept (θL , 0) and high-ability workers accept (θH , t̂H ), where t̂H satisfies θH − c(t̂H , θL ) = θL − c(0, θL ). An equilibrium (in pure strategies) does not exist if λ = Prob(θ = θH ) is sufficiently large. Observations on welfare properties: 1 In an SPE, low-ability workers are worse-off compared to the equilibrium when screening is not feasible. 2 In an SPE, high-ability workers are as well-off compared to the equilibrium when screening is not feasible. 3 If an SPE exists, a Pareto-improving pair of contracts cannot be constructed; even if it involves cross-subsidization.