Seeds and Growing!

Seeds and Growing!
IELS 11: Communication, Language, and Literacy
Puma Classroom
April 13, 2016 – May 5, 2016
IELS = Iowa Early Learning Standards
*Subject to Change*
Benchmarks: 11.1 Language Understanding and Use, 11.2 Early
Literacy, 11.3 Early Writing
IELS 8: Physical Well-Being and Motor Dev.
Tricycles, Bicycles, Scooters
Washing hands/brushing teeth
Washing fruits and veggies in water table
Cutting tools with Velcro food
Playdough (pounding, squishing, rolling, etc.)
Cooking (measuring, stirring, etc.)
Sun safety
Walks on campus
Benchmarks: 8.1 Healthy and Safe Living, 8.2 Large Motor
Development, 8.3 Small Motor Development
IELS 12: Mathematics and Science
Rubber Ramp exploration
Tree stumps and tree cookies on playground
Barber Shop and Hair Salon
Taste testing new fruits and veggies
Observing plant growth
Washing fruits/veggies in water table
Gardening puzzles and games
Benchmarks: 9.1 Curiosity and Initiative, 9.2 Engagement and
Persistence, 9.3 Reasoning and Problem Solving, 9.4 Play and Senses
IELS 13: Creative Arts
Social/Emotional DECA songs
Working in pairs to create greenhouse model
Drawing group pictures
Three Rules Song
Show and Tell item from home
Holding partners hand on walks
Family Breakfast
Benchmarks: 10.1 Self, 10.2 Self-Regulation, 10.3 Relationships with
Adults, 10.4 Relationships with Children
I’ve Been Working in My Garden
See What Grows in My Garden
Food Collage
Seed Mosaics
Playing CDs in player
Puffy Paint
Barber Shop and Hair Salon
Benchmarks: 13.1 Art, 13.2 Music, Rhythm, and Movement, 13.3
Dramatic Play
IELS 10: Social and Emotional Dev.
Where does our food come from?
Measuring cups in water/sensory table
Observing plant growth
Planting and watering seeds
Bean germination
Cooking activities: eggs, banana muffins, pancakes
Patterns in weather
Measureing with rulers and unifix cubes
Benchmarks: 12.1 Comparison and Number, 12.2 Patterns, 12.3 Shapes
and Spatial Relationships, 12.4 Scientific Reasoning, 12.5 Scientific
Investigations and Problem Solving, 12.6 Measurement
IELS 9: Approaches to Learning
The Tiny Seed, by Eric Carle
LEA: What would you plant if you had a
garden?, What lives in the greenhouse?
New vocabulary words: winding, trowel,
condensation, clear
The Surprise Garden, Zoe Hall
Drawing plants
IELS 14: Social Studies
Walks to places on campus: visiting the pond,
streams, and looking for buds
Lunch plate: Where does it come from?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Cleaning up garbage around the school
Trip to Hawkeye Arboretum
Traveling Tales with Jennifer
Tour of UNI Botanical Center
Benchmarks: 14.1 Awareness of Family and Community, 14.2
Awareness of Culture, 14.3 Awareness of the Relationship Between
People and the Environment in Which They Live, 14.4 Awareness of