SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Item: 7.1 From: S.Tenn Subject: Education Master Plan student input session BACKGROUND: Chabot College is putting together this document which will have great impact on the future directions of the College. The College has contracted a consulting group to solicit input from faculty, students, administrators and students about what we’re doing well, and where we’re lacking at Chabot, to help put together this document. Student impact is obviously critical, since our aim is to provide the best possible programs to serve students’ needs and reach the larger goals of an informed, literate, critically thinking, empathetic citizenry to carry California forward far into the future. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The SSCC should give as much input as possible to the visitors from MIG Consulting who will be at our meeting. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Item: 7.2 From: J.Esquire Subject: Administrative Assistant for SSCC (follow-up) BACKGROUND: The 2013-2014 Student Senate approved a budget of $21,000 to provide the incoming 2014-2015 Student Senate with an administrative assistant to help organize the Student Senate to better serve the student constituency of Chabot College. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To hired an assistant on a temporary basis to see if it will make the Student Senate operate more efficiently. Item: 7.3 From: L.Flores SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Subject: Appropriations Committee Recommendations BACKGROUND: PART 1) 1A. SBBC Community College Career Institute, Recommended Funding: $725 Rationale: This funding requests falls under Priority Two of our Funding Criteria Grid. Highlights: · The applicant sought other funding sources. · The applicant obtained funding elsewhere before approaching Student Senate. · The amount requested is a reasonable amount per student with potential to influence more. 1B.Walk for Fitness Campaign, Recommended Funding: $400 Rationale: This event/weeklong campaign seeks to benefit 50-200 Chabot students with the primary intent to promote wellness and educated students. Highlights: A significant thing to point out is the relative inexpensive nature of the request, the cost is projected to be between $2.00-2.67 per student. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet 1C. Women’s History Month Event 2015, Recommended Funding: $1,800 Rationale: This funding request falls under Priority One of our funding criteria grid. Highlights: The applicant provided decent accounting of previous ASCC/SSCC funding allocations and the event seeks to continue serving an audience of 250-300 students. 1D) First Monday’s Lecture Series, Recommended Funding: $500 for the December 2014 event Rationale: The actual success of past events could not be accurately determined. The actual number of students served and the number which the applicant believes were served either did not match up or were unknown. It was determined a better outreach effort must be attempted before the SSCC should fund future events, but the purpose of the series is significant enough to consider the December 2014 debate as a pilot to be used in determining future funding.. 1E) Chabot College Nursing Recommended Funding: $1,000 Program Graduation Pinning Ceremony, Rationale: The funding request falls between Priority One and Priority Two of our funding criteria grid. The nursing program is actively trying to fundraise for this event and to meet other needs. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet 1F) Black History Month “Century of Black Life, History, and Culture” Event(s), Recommended Funding: Either $7,500 or $10,000 Rationale: The request meets Priority One of our Funding Criteria Grid. We have been asked to fully fund the project in the amount of $10,000. Some background on the request: It is estimated 1,000 students will be served as a result of this project. The applicant indicated the goal of the project is to essentially raise awareness about African American heritage and culture, and to help students obtain a better understanding and greater appreciation for historical struggles and accomplishments. Multiple committee members (myself included) believed it would be prudent to allocate $7,500 for this project and ask the applicant to seek other funding sources and reapply for the difference-if needed. The most pressing concern by the committee: $10,000 is a lot of money to tie up for any one (individual) funding request at any given time. There is no doubt this is something we should sponsor. The Senate should collectively decide how much it would like to allocate to this project. Part 2) I recommend the Student Senate to authorize the following: A. Amend the De-Stress week event budget cap to $2,000 B. Authorize a “swag” or SSCC marketing/give-away materials budget in the amount of $5,000 in order to purchase freebies for students which will have the SSCC name and logo on them. C. Authorize a revised budget for the (now) December 2014 banquet from $2,000 to $2,500. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet D. Authorize the purchase of an engraved Crystal Royal Diamond Award (10.75"H x 6"W x 2.5"D Item #: CM04) for Sara Parker in recognition of her time and guidance as Faculty Advisor to Student Senate in the amount of $159.96 from due to the following: The Student Senate’s last Faculty Advisor, Dr. Sara Parker, was not recognized by Student Senate for the two years she served in that capacity (even though there was plenty of talk by both the 2012-13 and 2013-14 ASCCs on how and when to do this). In my personal and professional experience with Dr. Parker, she did an outstanding job advising Student Senate and deserves recognition for it- this falls under the principle of “giving credit where credit is due.” RECOMMENDED ACTION: I recommend for the Student Senate to approve the funding recommendations from the Appropriations Committee (with attached committee stipulations), decide on an allocation for the Black History Month funding request, and authorize the budget(s) and/or expenditures from Part Two of this agenda item. tem: 7.4 SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet From: K.Dolorito Subject: Change in the by-laws: Responsibilities of the Student Trustee (1 Reading) st BACKGROUND: I want the Student Trustee to be more integrated with the Student Senate to meet the needs of the students of Chabot College. My recommendation below changes Article V, Section I, Subsection IX and Article VI, Section I Here is my recommendation for the by–laws change: Student Trustee The Student Trustee shall serve as the liaison between the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board of Trustees and the SSCC. The Student Trustee shall represent the Student Senate of Chabot College at the Board of Trustees. The Student Trustee shall write reports communicating to the Board of Trustees on SSCC activities and concerns. The Student Trustee shall write reports back to the SSCC of the decisions made at the Board of Trustees that communicate relevant information. The Student Trustee shall attend all regularly scheduled Board of Trustee meetings. The Student Trustee is recommended to participate in the Community College League of California, Trustee Organization. The Student Trustee is encouraged to participate in the California Community College Association of Trustees. The Student Trustee shall have a vote in SSCC meetings. The Student Trustee shall not receive a stipend from the Student Senate. The Student Trustee shall maintain a minimum of seven and one half (7.5) hours per week in direct pursuance of SSCC businesses. The Student Trustee must fulfill all the requirements of an executive in the SSCC: Attend and provide assistance with the Student Senate’s Flea Market at least once a semester. Serve and attend regularly one 1 college-wide shared governance committee. Provide regular reports in regards to developments on the shared governance committee they serve on. At the discretion of the Senate SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet President, these reports may be provided orally during Student Senate meetings, or a written format, to be submitted monthly to the Representative-At-Large Attend regularly all SSCC meetings. Senate members may miss no more than two unexcused Senate meetings per academic semester. Serve and attend regularly at least one standing or ad hoc SSCC committee. Fulfill the SSCC member duties and responsibilities as stated in Article VI Bylaws. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion of the proposed change. A second reading of the proposed change will happen at the next SSCC meeting, and after that, the Senate can vote on whether to approve this change. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Item: 7.5 From: K.Dolorito Subject: Water Filter Fountain BACKGROUND: I imagine these fountains at Chabot College for the benefits of the students. I have done the research with the help of Bobby and Jean, and we’re ready to install these systems. The problem is the funding for installment and maintenance. I already brought this matter to the Facilities and Sustainability Committee of Chabot College. RECOMMENDED ACTION: I want to know if the Student Senate is willing to support this project in terms of funding it. I’m not asking for a full amount. I want the Facilities Committee and the Student Senate to work together and compromise with the funding situation of this project. *Advisor’s note: Maria Ochoa, who heads the Chabot Foundation has also expressed interest in this project, suggesting a three-way split between SSCC, the Chabot Foundation, and Bond money, as managed by the Facilities Committee. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Item: 7.6 From: T.Pedrosa Subject: Update from Events Committee (de-stress week/food drive) BACKGROUND: Item pulled. RECOMMENDED ACTION: SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Item: 7.7 From: D. Hull-Jenkins Subject: SSCC Involvement in Food Drive BACKGROUND: Item pulled RECOMMENDED ACTION: Item: 7.8 From: H. Shin SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet Subject: SSCC Retreats in December and January BACKGROUND: Last time, it was approved that SSCC would have a retreat focused on the topics below at the end of semester. SSCC Retreat 1: The focus will be on continually increasing the quality of our service as SSCC and our practice’s efficiency. To this end, we will reflect on the past semester, review roles and procedures we have adopted by custom or according to our bylaws, and start looking forward to Spring 2015. ● Reflection on Fall 2014; celebrating achievements ● Discussion of specific issues or challenges facing the SSCC ● Open discussion on how to serve the student body in more efficient and meaningful ways ● Reexamination and Defining of Roles ● Revision of Bylaws ● Development of Spring semester goals and objectives (both program goals and an advocacy agenda) For the first meeting, the SSCC will meet from 9 am to 2pm after the final exam week of this semester (likely December 19), so I believe a light breakfast and/ or lunch should be provided to Senators. I also propose that SSCC have another retreat focused as follows: SSCC Retreat 2: The focus will be on rethinking resource allocation - both financial resources and the time and energy of the Senate. Outcomes of this retreat will be clear priorities and procedures which will allow us to work more productively and achieve the goals and objectives which we establish at the first retreat. Specifically, we need time for: SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet ● ● ● ● Analysis of Budget Creation of “Standing Rules” by which SSCC can operate, moving forward Prioritization of Semester goals and objectives Calendaring I will create a doodle poll to decide the date of this retreat. It will be just before Spring 2015 starts. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Retreat 1: I would like the Senate to approve funding for ● a light breakfast ● a lunch Total: $400 Retreat 2 I would like for the Senate to approve that we have this second retreat before the Spring 2015 starts, which will be one of the days between January 12 and January 16. The length of the meeting will be about 4 hours, including breakfast or lunch. Motion to approve funding for ● a light breakfast ● a lunch Total: $400 Item: 7.9 From: H. Shin Subject: Need for clarifying the duty of volunteers SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet BACKGROUND:In the previous meeting on September 29, SSCC approved to reclassify the position “interns” to “volunteers” with office access and computer access until the Intern-Policy Committee forwards recommendations at a future date. (moved by Luis Flores and seconded by Theresa Pedrosa) Committee Members: Jesse Esquire (Chair), Luis Flores, Bianca Bullock, Theresa Pedrosa, and Alfredo Figueroa According to the current SSCC roster, there are two people, Obyed Azamey and Rose Uche as volunteers. Also, I saw two volunteers help SSCC out on the day of Town Hall Meeting. For now, since the duty and role of volunteers are not clearly defined yet, both senators and volunteers have difficulty in utilizing the position titled as “volunteers”. Considering they have access to the SSCC office and supplies, I believe we need to set up a guideline or a rule which will enable us to work with more volunteers in a more efficient way. RECOMMENDED ACTION:To have volunteers, SSCC should clarify how volunteers work with senators, and their responsibilities and rights provided as they become SSCC volunteers. If SSCC does not need volunteers this semester, I suggest that SSCC abolishes the position titled “volunteers” for this semester, and that the Intern-Policy Committee work on creating the position of “interns” or “volunteers” for Spring 2015 and the future years and clarifying the duty and responsibility of each position. Item: 8.0 Written Reports Appropriations Committee Report Finance Director Luis Flores 14 November 2014 The Appropriations Committee met last Thursday from noon to 1:32PM at an open and publicized meeting which a few applicants attend. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet The committee is working with a $53,440 budget for the rest of the academic year. This budget will decrease following the SSCC’s Regular Meeting on 11/17/14 ($30,000 has been reserved for the annual Spring Co-Curricular funding allocation process which is not part of the aforementioned figure). Below are the funding requests which the committee determined would be best NOT to fund and the rationale for this course of action: 1. Theater Arts Competition Festival, Requested Amount $6,000 Rationale: The funding request application was the incorrect form and with many “holes.” A revised application was not submitted by the applicant even though a request was made and had previously been asked to resubmit this month. Additionally, the request falls under Priority Three of our funding criteria grid. A few number of students would be served with unclear potential to serve more on the Chabot College campus as this is an out-of-state event for few Drama/Theater Arts students. A Faculty supervisor stipend in the amount of $4,000 was included in the proposed budget. An unclear breakdown of the budget was presented for review. The applicant will be given the opportunity to re-apply. 1. Chabot Knowledge Garden Club (Passion & Purpose) student funding request, Requested Amount: $8,825 Rationale: The largest part of the funding request covers what would amount to be a capital investment by the Student Senate in the Passion and Purpose garden which consists of establishing permanent power supplies, supporting a drip irrigation system, solar lighting etc, funding gardening supplies, funding for events as well as pay for student workers. The committee determined we need to visually see the garden before we can consider funding the project in any amount and for a given purpose which would also help to determine potential impact on the larger student body. The student applicants will be given the opportunity to re-apply. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet 1. “Impetus” book and marketing events, Requested Amount: $2,600 Rationale: Funding was requested for publishing of a book by Chabot students containing a blend of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, lyrics, memoirs and interviews with works from 20-25 students as well as for outreach efforts on Chabot College and at local High Schools. The committee determined that student applicants need oversight by at least one Faculty person who is willing to co-sign the funding request application with them. In addition, the committee would like to see a draft of the book before it will reconsider the possibility of recommending funding for this request- funding outreach efforts at local high schools is not an option. The student applicants will be given the opportunity to re-apply. 1. “High School Highway” Funding Requested: $7,550 Rationale: The funding request is of Priority Three per our Funding Criteria Grid. The target audience/demographic for the request are high school students. Students from Latin@s with Purpose would like to go to local feeder (high) schools to speak with high school students who may be interested in attending Chabot. The committee will not consider funding this request because the Student Senate’s constituency is not made of high school students. We represent and are accountable to Chabot students who have entrusted us to act according to their best interest(s). The student applicant(s) will NOT be given the opportunity to re-apply. 1. Student Voice Advocacy Project (SVAP), Requested Amount: $5.600 Rationale: The committee was unable to determine the impact on Chabot students. In addition, accounting for previous Student Senate allocations was found to be lacking- a detailed expense report with supporting documentation (such as invoices and sign-in sheets for SSCC sponsored events)was not present in application. On an interesting note, even though Student Senate has provided funding for SVAP in the past, on most occasions, the impact on students has been difficult to pin down. SSCC Meeting November 17, 2014 Information Packet The applicant may re-apply. End of Report Finance Director Luis Flores 14 November 2014