Student Senate Special Meeting Minutes Friday, June 19, 2015 Organizational Items

Student Senate Special Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 19, 2015
Scribe Room, Senate Office (Rm. 2311)
1.0 Organizational Items
Meeting was called to order at 10:13AM
1.02 Roll Call
Executive officers
Vice President
Finance Director
Inter Club Council Chair
Events Coordinator
Communications Director
Secretary (Interim)
Legislative Director
Representative at Large
Student Trustee
Hye Yoon Shin (Present)
AJ Assef (Present)
Corey Lowe (Present)
Theresa Pedrosa (Absent)
Noel Ramirez (Present)
Jennifer Pierre-louis (Absent)
Bianca Nunez (Present)
Quincy Taylor (Present)
Sheila Mayorga (Present)
Charisma Avant-Morgan (Present)
Parfait Mwamba (Present)
Jennifer Pierre-louis (Absent)
Juan Carlos Silva (Present)
Luis Soto (Present)
Rose Uche (Present)
1.3 Recognition of Quorum
Recognition of Quorum was met with 12 members present.
2.0 Adoption of the agenda
Moved by: Quincy Taylor
Disposition: PASSED
Seconded by: Noel Ramirez
3.0 Approval of the Minutes from June 4, 2015
Moved by: Quincy Taylor
Abstaining: Corey Lowe
Disposition: PASSED
Seconded by: Charisma Avant- Morgan
4.0 Public Comments
Sheba, President of Global Medical Brigade, requested approval to set up a donation
booth during the Summer Festival to help raise more funding for a Honduras pop-up
clinic that will provide health and dental screening, health education and training for the
community. An additional $18,000 is needed to cover the costs of the trip.
5.0 Oral reports
Director of Student Life:
The Director of Student Life discussed the accreditation process that takes place at
Chabot College and the importance of being an accredited organization.
Faculty Advisor:
The Faculty Advisor thanks the senate for attending the special meeting during
summer hours and is grateful for our dedication. She also brought up safety
concerns for the student senate office alarm code and the importance of office
Finance Director:
The Finance Director reported that the Budget and Co-Curricular committee has
been working hard to put together the Budget for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and
has the budget for us to review today. He would like to thank the Budget and CoCurricular committee for their hard work and support.
Communications Director:
The Communications Director presented several ideas for new badges for the
Student Trustee:
The Student Trustee discussed the concerns of low enrollment at Chabot College.
She also discussed the accreditation process that will be taking place soon for
Chabot College and encouraged the senate to learn more about the process and
help out as needed.
6.0 New business
6.1 Approval of the Budget for the Academic Year 2015/2016.
Motion to approve the budget as recommended by the Budget Committee, with the
only modification being a decrease in co-curricular funding from $90,000.00 to
$70,000.00 and an increase in ICC funding from $10,000.00 from $30,000.00.
Moved by: Quincy Taylor
Seconded by: A.J. Assef
Disposition: PASSED
6.2 A) Approval of Co-Curricular Funding Recommendations.
Motion to approve Co-Curricular Funding Recommendations for a total of $36,150
for co-curricular applicants.
Moved by: Charisma Avant-Morgan Seconded: Quincy Taylor
Disposition: PASSED
B) Passion & Purpose Recommendations
Motion to approve The Knowledge Garden funding at $700, and Motion to Approve
The Initiatives Clearinghouse funding at $750 instead of $1000.
Moved by: Noel Ramirez
Seconded by: Charisma Avant-Morgan
In favor: Charisma Avant-Morgan, Noel Ramirez, A.J.Assef, Rose Uche, Bianca
Nunez, Parfait Mwamba
Opposed: Quincy Taylor
Abstaining: Corey Lowe, Juan Carlos Silva, Sheila Mayorga
Disposition: PASSED
6.3 Approval of Donation to AIDS/Lifecycle
No motion was made at this time.
6.4 Chabot Summer Festival
Motion to approve funding for Chabot Summer festival not to exceed $2,500 (an
increase from the $1500 originally requested by the Events Committee, as food will
likely be provided by an outside source)
Moved by: Quincy Taylor
Seconded by: A.J. Assef
Disposition: PASSED
7.0 Good of the Order
Ms. Tenn would like the senators to enjoy the Senate Office as well as respect it.
Senators are encouraged to decorate and add any personal touches to improve
the office. If one senator is in the office alone, that senator is encouraged to sit at
the front desk so that someone is always visible at the senate office. Senators are
allowed to use their desk and scribe room (if not being used at that time for
meeting) to complete senate duties and or school assignments. No other students
are allowed to use the senate office for meetings/study groups.
Hye Yoon Shin wanted to remind senators to tidy up after themselves and after
meetings by throwing away any trash and erasing the white board after
Sheila Mayorga will post a sign of etiquette reminders for the senate office in the
scribe room.
A.J. Assef encourages student representatives to choose a work desk in the office.
A Special Meeting was called by President Hye Yoon Shin for Friday, July 10th at
10:00 a.m. in the Scribe Room of the Student Senate Office to approve SSCC
committee membership (Events/JRC/Communications/Advocacy/Elections) and
approve a Representative-at-Large.
8.0 Meeting adjourned at 12:45PM
(Minutes prepared by Charisma Morgan)