AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Robert Allan Grove for the degree of Master of Science in Toxicology /Wildlife presented on February 28. 1995. Title: Evaluation of Current Agricultural Practices and Organoohowhorus Insecticide Use in Relation to Ring-necked Pheasant Numbers at Klamath Basin Refuges. California. Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy Donald R. Buhler A declining population of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) was studied at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (TLNWR) from the summer of 1990 through the spring of 1993. Pheasant densities/50 ha at TLNWR in 1989, 1991, and 1992 were considerably lower (16.86, 8.49, and 6.81) than the >62 density seen in the mid-1950s. Mean body weight of hen pheasants at TLNWR was significantly lower than hens at nearby Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR) which was not intensively farmed. Mean tarsal lengths of hens at TLNWR were also significantly shorter than hens at LKNWR, suggesting reduced skeletal growth and potential nutritional problems. The lack of adequate cover was responsible for poor early nest success at TLNWR. Later in the season, spring planted crops provided adequate cover to conceal nesting hens; however, only 0.21 young in 1991 and 0.02 young in 1992 were produced per radio-equipped hen. These rates are extremely low compared to rates required to maintain a stable population. Most adult mortality occurred during the spring and early summer months at TLNWR before crops provided adequate cover, and long before pesticide applications. The main predator of the pheasants was the golden eagle (Aquila chrvsaetos). Of special concern at TLNWR was pheasant and other wildlife exposure to anticholinesterase (antiChE) insecticides used on agricultural croplands at the refuge. Direct toxicity of antiChE compounds (in this case methamidophos) killed 2 young pheasants, but no adult radio-equipped hens died as a direct result of insecticide intoxication. This finding was of particular interest because 15% of the adult pheasants collected in and around potato fields had 55% brain ChE inhibition. The extent of the effects of insecticide exposure on the survivorship of pheasant young was uncertain as they were not radio-equipped. The overriding factor impacting the pheasant population at TLNWR and to a lesser extent LKNWR was poor habitat, especially in the spring when most mortality occurred. The poor habitat also resulted in extremely low recruitment (up to 1 September). Nearly all adult mortality and most of the low recruitment occurred before the insecticide spray season. The population was nearly extirpated during the severe winter of 1992-93. ©Copyright by Robert A. Grove February 28, 1995 All Rights Reserved Evaluation of Current Agricultural Practices and Organophosphorus Insecticide Use in Relation to Ring-necked Pheasant Numbers at Klamath Basin Refuges, California By Robert Allan Grove A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed February 28, 1995 Commencement June 1995 Master of Science thesis of Robert Allan Grove presented on February 28, 1995 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Major Professor representing Toxicology Program Redacted for Privacy Chair of Toxicology Program Redacted for Privacy Dean of Gradxfate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy Robert Allan Grove This thesis is dedicated to my mother and father for their enduring love and moral support. They have been the impetus of my education and career goals, teaching me the importance of choosing a career I will always enjoy working at. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank my mentors Donald R. Buhler and Charles J. Henny for their belief in my abilities to develop the tools and insight necessary for the successful initiation, investigation, and completion of this study. I am grateful to refuge complex manager Roger Johnson and his staff at Tule lake National Wildlife Refuge for their logistical and office support during the field portion of this study. I thank the farmers involved in the lease program for their understanding in the objectives of this study. I also appreciated the support and assistance of Jim Massey of the Siskiyou County Agriculture Commission and Les Wright of the Modoc County Agriculture Commission and their staff during the course of this study. Thanks to Tom Roster for loading environmentally friendly shotgun loads used in the collection of pheasants and sparrows from refuge lands, and to Finley D. Schlumbohm for purchasing and incubating pheasant eggs used in this study. Gratitude goes to Robert L. Jarvis and Marc P. Hayes for their many suggestions on field sampling needs and techniques during the course of this study, and to Marc for careful and constructive reviews of the thesis as it developed. Kudos to L. Burton Hawley, Rod Inman, Eugene Johnson, and Bobby R. Loper for educating this naive country gent in proper pesticide analytical procedures and gas chromatograph operation, and to Donald A. Griffin for GC-mass spectrometry confirmation of samples analyzed. Thanks also to the Patuxent Analytical Control Facility for analysis of an important portion of samples collected in this study. Finally, special thanks to Aaron D. Drew for his two years of work on this study as research assistant. Much of the work accomplished in this study would not have been possible without his help, and for that I owe him a special debt of gratitude. This study was funded by Region I and Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Research Work Order #13. CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. Donald R. Buhler and Dr. Charles J. Henny were both involved in the design of the study and writing of the resulting manuscript. Dr. Henny provided technical support for the field portion of the study and Dr. Buhler provided technical support for the laboratory portion of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF RING-NECKED PHEASANT EXPOSURE TO ORGANOPHOSPHORUS INSECTICIDES 9 INTRODUCTION METHODS AChE Activity Determination OP Analyses Of Food Items Removed From Pheasant Upper GI Tracts RING-NECKED PHEASANT SURVIVAL, PRODUCTIVITY, INSECTICIDE EXPOSURE, AND POPULATION CHANGE IN THE KLAMATH BASIN, CALIFORNIA 9 9 10 15 24 ABSTRACT 25 INTRODUCTION 27 STUDY AREA 29 METHODS 29 29 Capture, Radio Attachment and Monitoring Population Estimates Habitat Evaluation Nesting Adult Mortality Population Model Evaluation of Exposure to OP Insecticides Statistical Methods RESULTS Population Estimates Body Condition of Trapped Hens Habitat Nesting Brood Survival of Radio-equipped Hens Observed Adult Mortality Estimated Annual Survival Model-Based Population Productivity Persistance of Methamidophos on Potato Leaves, Soil, and Insect Numbers 31 31 33 34 35 35 39 40 40 43 46 47 55 57 58 62 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Pheasants as Measure of OP Exposure Radio Telemetry as a Measure of Pheasant OP Exposure 63 69 DISCUSSION 73 CONCLUSIONS 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY 82 APPENDICES 88 APPENDIX 1 89 APPENDIX 2 98 APPENDIX 3 106 APPENDIX 4 108 APPENDIX 5 120 LIST OF FIGURES E'Igg Figure 1. 2. Comparative water surface areas of the Klamath Basin between circa 1905 and 1970 3 Map of Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges, California 6 Chromatogram of an OP scan of standards disyston, ethyl parathion, methamidophos, and methyl parathion 18 GC-mass spectrum of methamidophos reference standard at 10 Ng /ml, using a 4 pl injection 21 5. GC-mass spectrum of sample #254, using a 4 NI injection 22 6. GC-mass spectrum of sample #296, using a 4 NI injection 23 7. Height of 1992 residual and new vegetation cover along dikes and drains at TLNWR and LKNWR, and fallow fields at LKNWR, California . 3. 4. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . . 48 Vegetation height of 1992 grain and row crops at TLNWR and LKNWR, California 49 Monthly mortality of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens during the 1991 and 1992 field seasons at TLNWR and LKNWR, California 60 Survival estimates of adult ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, California for 1991 and 1992 using a staggered entry design of the Kaplan-Meier procedure 62 Degradation of methamidophos in leaf samples collected from 1992 potato fields at TLNWR, California 64 Graph of the mean number of insects collected in 1992 potato fields at TLNWR, California 65 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92. 14 Comparison between analytical results from PESC and OSU on samples collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990 20 "A" dike estimate of the number of ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR in 1992 based on the distribution of radio-equipped hens 41 Visual counts and adjusted hen estimates of adult ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR during April-May, 1991-92 42 Mean ± SD body weight (g), tarsal length (mm), and wingchord length (cm) of adult ring-necked pheasant hens trapped or collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 45 Mean residual height (cm) and growth rates (slope) for cover along dikes and drains and fallow fields/temporary marshes 46 Cover types used by nesting hen ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 51 Timing of ring-necked pheasant nest initiation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. 52 Nest fate of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens that initiated nest incubation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 54 Fate of nests found during nest searches along "A" dike at TLNWR, 1991-92 55 Estimated nest success of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92, using Mayfield (1961) as modified by Bart and Robson (1982) 56 Observed mortality of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 59 Mortality of non-radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR, 1991-92. 61 Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92. 66 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92 14 Comparison between analytical results from PESC and OSU on samples collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990 20 "A" dike estimate of the number of ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR in 1992 based on the distribution of radio-equipped hens 41 Visual counts and adjusted hen estimates of adult ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR during April-May, 1991-92 42 Mean ± SD body weight (g), tarsal length (mm), and wingchord length (cm) of adult ring-necked pheasant hens trapped or collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 45 Mean residual height (cm) and growth rates (slope) for cover along dikes and drains and fallow fields/temporary marshes 46 Cover types used by nesting hen ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 51 Timing of ring-necked pheasant nest initiation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 52 Nest fate of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens that initiated nest incubation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 54 Fate of nests found during nest searches along "A" dike at TLNWR, 1991-92 55 Estimated nest success of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92, using Mayfield (1961) as modified by Bart and Robson (1982) 56 Observed mortality of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92 59 Mortality of non-radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR, 1991-92 61 Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92 66 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Brain cholinesterase inhibition in adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) collected from fields sprayed with disyston and methamidophos at TLNWR, 1990-92 68 Disyston, methamidophos, and parathion residue concentrations in food items of adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR, 1990-92 69 Radio-equipped adult hen ring-necked pheasant habitat use at TLNWR, 1991-92 using telemetry locations 70 Adult hen ring-necked pheasant exposure within 30 days of application date to organophosphorus insecticides at TLNWR, 1991 71 Adult hen ring-necked pheasant exposure within 30 days of application date to organophosphorus insecticides at TLNWR, 1992 72 Evaluation of Current Agricultural Practices and Organophosphorus Inesecticide Use in Relation to Ring-necked Pheasant Numbers at Klamath Basin Refuges, California INTRODUCTION This study evaluates the impacts of current agricultural practices and pesticide use on ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) populations at two Klamath Basin Refuges. This study originated over concerns of agricultural pesticide use on refuge lands and potential impacts on wildlife. The focus of this study, however, was modified to also evaluate other farming activities in order to more fully understand agricultural impacts on pheasant population changes as well. The history of the Basin must also be understood to fully appreciate the context of this study. I address the history of the Klamath Basin first. The history of land and water use in the Klamath Basin is one of increasing conflicts between agricultural and wildlife interests. The Klamath Basin, located in northern California and southern Oregon, historically contained about 76,000 ha (187,000 ac) of shallow lakes and marshes (Figure 1). During spring and fall migrations, these wetlands supported waterfowl numbers which peaked at over six million (Anonymous 1990). The Basin also provided critical nesting habitat for waterfowl and other waterbirds. During the late 1800s, rich soils of the Klamath Basin attracted settlers, and in the 1870s, the first water rights were obtained to irrigate land along the Lost River (James 1917, Bureau of Reclamation 1961, State Water Resources Board 1971, Klamath County Historical Society 1984). By 1883, 5,260 ha (13,000 ac) of farmland were under irrigation and the newly created U. S. 2 Reclamation Service (now the Bureau of Reclamation) initiated studies that led to the first Department of the Interior land acquisition for development of a federal irrigation project. The Secretary of the Interior authorized the Klamath Irrigation Project (today the Klamath Reclamation Project) on 1 May 1905, which today administers the irrigation of 95,265 ha (235,400 ac). The project, which began construction in 1906, drained large tracts of marshlands and lakes with diversion and subsequent redistribution of water for agriculture. In 1908, recognizing the importance of marshland resources, President Theodore Roosevelt signed Executive Order Number 924, which created the first national wildlife refuge (Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR)) specifically for waterfowl. A total of six national wildlife refuges were eventually established to preserve remaining wetlands in the Klamath Basin, among them Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (TLNWR) established in 1928. Four of these refuges were delineated on lands for which the Bureau of Reclamation had primary jurisdiction. On 2 September 1964, Public Law 88-567 (Kuchel Act) stabilized the ownership, administration, and management of these four refuges to preserve intact the necessary existing habitat for migratory waterfowl and to minimize waterfowl depredation on agricultural crops in the Pacific Coast States, but primarily in the Central Valley of California. Refuge lands were administered for the major purpose of waterfowl management, but with full consideration for agricultural use consistent with waterfowl management. On 27 February 1976, the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 was amended under Public Law 94-223. This law further consolidated authority for conservation of fish and wildlife, and delegated greater responsibility to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the protection of refuge lands now under the 'National Wildlife Refuge System'. 3 The Klamath Basin Circa 1905 1970 Figure 1. Comparative water surface areas of the Klamath Basin between circa 1905 and 1970. 4 Despite these efforts, less than 25% of historic Basin wetland habitat remains today. The majority of the remaining wetland habitat is protected under the refuge system, however, the Klamath Basin has lost its capacity to support the large numbers of waterfowl and other wildlife which historically used the area. The ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), native to Asia and Eastern Europe, has been closely associated with man and agriculture for at least 3,000 years (Walcott 1945, Weigand and Janson 1976, Farris et al. 1977). Judge 0. N. Denny first successfully introduced the ring-necked pheasant to the United States in the Willamette Valley (Oregon) in 1881 (Bent 1932, Gabrielson and Jewett 1940, Holmgren 1964, Laycock 1966). Initially, the pheasant thrived, taking advantage of high quality foods grown in diverse agricultural settings while using overgrown fence rows and weed patches for foraging, roosting, and nesting cover (Farris et al. 1977). However, over the last 30 to 40 years, pheasant populations in the mid-west and west have declined (Weigand and Janson 1976, Jarvis and Simpson 1978, Warner 1984, Zezulak 1990). These declines have been associated with changes in agricultural practices. Agriculture has shifted to more intensively managed monocultures, which decreased habitat diversity and reduced wildlife use in general; ring-necked pheasants were particularly vulnerable to land use changes (Weigand and Janson 1976, Warner 1984, Zezulak 1990). Cleaner farming practices also eliminated much of the weedy cover bordering fields, which pheasants and other wildlife typically used, and may have forced them into the less suitable monocultural fields (Farris et al 1977, Warner 1981, Warner 1984). Local extirpation of ringnecked pheasants may have also occurred as suitable habitat disappeared. Potential pheasant mortality from organophosphorus (OP) and carbamate insecticides 5 associated with monocultural crops was also a concern. During recent years, such anticholinesterase (antiChE) insecticides have been linked to increasing numbers of avian deaths (Wolfe et al. 1971, Messick et al. 1974, Hill and Fleming 1982, Blus et al. 1989). Thus, pheasants and other wildlife species using monocultural crop habitats might be reducing their fitness through exposure to antiChE insecticides and use of suboptimal habitat. Concern over the effects of current agricultural practices on wildlife refuges, including habitat loss and pesticide use, prompted the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to sponsor a study to address the ring-necked pheasant and other birds at TLNWR and LKNWR. Both refuges are located along the Oregon-California border, about 35­ 40 km (22-25 mi) southeast of Klamath Falls, Oregon (Figure 2). The 15,830 ha (43,390 ac) TLNWR includes mostly open water and croplands, of which about 6,100 ha (16,720 ac; 39%) are under the federal farm-lease program administered by the Bureau of Reclamation. Two-thirds of the farm-lease land is farmed for cereal crops; the remaining land is in row crops (mainly potatoes). Refuge personnel farm another 810 ha (2,220 ac, 5%) of cereal grains and alfalfa. Since the mid-1970s, changes in farming practices have nearly eliminated strip and residual cover bordering agricultural lease lands. Strip habitat now exists only along canal levees and drainage ditches. In the strip habitat, the dominant cover species include bassia (Bassia hyssopifolia), kochia (Kochia scooaria), and nettle (Urtica holosericea), which are all exotic weeds. They provide some cover, but limited nutritional value for pheasants (Zezulak 1990). The 21,691 ha (59,455 ac) LKNWR (used as a reference area) consists mainly of shallow marshes, open water, grassy uplands. Between 1,200-2,000 ha (3,289-5,482 ac; 5-9%) of the refuge is planted in grain, with Klamath Co Miller Lake ' l ' I Unit 5 / --unit 6 , / Sheepy West Unit / t -- _ ' '', \ \ \ s. %. 1, .... I /' ,. 1.." "". .-- I , ocolismi 0 12 2 1 "S;c.. I 12 I MILES I East - West -­ --7.-- le - 21 --. Canoe Trail Area 1 :. -: .- . . -ii . \ j.1 -1.-(*".:_t .-,..... I -Lt..., .! (Private) , I,. y-,-..le -; i Marsh I 1 I .1' 0a I. 161.4 ."'lload ,,,e Sump 1-A I ....*C51°44 LEGEND Refuge Boundary Paved Roads Unpaved Roads Dike 1, 00 ._2.1 .. I. I' LOWER KLAMATH N.W.R. Agricultural Crops and Uplands 1 Water and/or Marsh I Rt. i _4 1 1 .10 *,- ..- n IL _1 ,unit I .... J. A I Tulelake 4.1 , Unit 81% \\)\961t" I 6 e x -4.. j U... - 1 Unit 111 TULE LAKE N.W.R. .1 :I \ \ .... . . -. .... -. .-.I 2... -e Unit 7 A . <0,,,,,". 1- - 1 Hatfield Sg. ..1.­ .,\ \ ... ... 9., °Z Unit 4 I Unit 3 Unit CALIFORNIA 1 P56... Unit 2 OREGON \s. Slsklyou Co Unit 1 Southwest Sump 1 Area Enlarged Figure 2. Map of Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuges, California. I ) Northeast I Sump' . ., t.,,,, . __ Stronghold . .. I 7 habitat along field edges left intact. The dominant cover species along canals and levees is nettle. Large tracts of weedy untilled cover exists, providing foraging, nesting, and roosting cover. Over the last 17 years, rooster pheasant harvest on the two refuges has declined over an order of magnitude (7,707 in 1974 to 635 in 1989; Zezulak 1990). Pesticides used at TLNWR include some of the more toxic OP insecticides, of which methamidophos has been implicated in the deaths of sage grouse (Centrocerus uroohasianus) in southern Idaho (Blus et al. 1989). Preliminary field work at TLNWR in 1990 revealed that seven adult pheasants collected in and around potato fields sprayed with methamidophos had 26-59% brain cholinesterase inhibition. Two juvenile pheasants (ca. 45 days old), found dead near a potato field sprayed two days earlier with methamidophos showed 90 and 92% brain cholinesterase inhibition, and 16.0 and 3.9 ppm methamidophos, respectively, in food items taken from their upper gastrointestinal tracts. These findings implied that methamidophos was the primary cause of death. Preliminary field work also indicated that savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) were also exposed to OP insecticides. The primary objective of this study was to determine why pheasant populations at TLNWR and perhaps to a lesser extent at LKNWR were declining. The proximate reason for population decline could be poor adult survivorship, poor recruitment, or a combination of both, but ultimately, habitat quality and insecticide exposure were two factors that might affect recruitment and survivorship. The study was designed to identify patterns of recruitment and adult and juvenile survivorship in the context of habitat quality and insecticide use. Since patterns at TLNWR that might contribute to the observed declines could not be understood 8 without comparison, I chose LKNWR as a reference site for comparison because it lacked insecticide use and had better quality habitat for ring-necked pheasants. To determine the aforementioned patterns, at both sites, I: (1) estimated the size of the nesting population (to understand the population base from which recruitment can occur); (2) evaluated body condition of hen pheasants in the spring (a measure known to reflect habitat quality); (3) evaluated cover availability, types of cover, and cover growth rates (necessary to understand the variation in habitat quality); (4) evaluated nest site placement and success (important for identifying the relationship of habitat quality to nesting characteristics); and (5) evaluated adult hen and brood survival (necessary to identify recruitment and survivorship patterns). In addition, I evaluated the persistence of OP insecticides on soil and crop vegetation, their impact on insect populations (potential pheasant food), and pheasant exposure to these insecticides. Finally, I used the savannah sparrow, a native species, to compare with ring-necked pheasant in OP insecticide exposure at TLNWR. 9 CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF RING-NECKED PHEASANT EXPOSURE TO ORGANOPHOSPHORUS INSECTICIDES INTRODUCTION Ring-necked pheasants and other avian and mammalian wildlife species associated with agricultural situations are exposed to a variety of pesticides used to protect valuble crops (Wolfe et al. 1972, Messick et al. 1974, Bennett and Prince 1981). Agriculture has gradually shifted to more intensively managed monocultural crop types, decreasing habitat diversity and removing much of the weedy cover along field edges (Farris et al. 1977, Etter et al. 1988). Loss of alternative habitat has forced pheasants and other wildlife to use monoculturel crop habitat types, thus, increasing their chances of exposure to pesticides. In this study, a major focus was the use of organophosphorus (OP) insecticides and their effects on wildlife, e.g., the pheasant at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (TLNWR). Two methods were used to evaluate ring-necked pheasant exposure to OP insecticide: (1) chemical analyses of food items removed from the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract of pheasants to identify and semi-quantify OP insecticide(s), and (2) measurment of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of pheasants to determine extent of inhibition resulting from OP insecticide exposure. This chapter describes these methods. METHODS Adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants were collected by shotgun in and adjacent to potato fields sprayed with methamidophos at TLNWR in 1990, 1991, and 1992. The application rate of methamidophos used was 184 g/ha (lib/acre) active 10 ingredient. Pheasants were collected at 2-, 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-day post-spray intervals, with reference pheasants collected at Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR) during the time period. Pheasants found dead prior to OP insecticide applications were also used as references. Collected pheasants were tagged to show date, age, sex, weight, field number, days postspray, and general comments on body condition. Following collection, birds were placed on ice for no more than 4 hours during field transport and frozen at -20°C until processed. AChE Activity Determination Brain AChE activity was determined using the Ellman method (Ellman et al. 1961) as modified by Hill and Fleming (1982). The Ellman method is very sensitive, following the kinetic activity of AChE by measuring the product of the reaction using acetylthiocholine as the substrate. This method is applicable to either low enzyme concentrations or small amounts of tissue. The basic reaction is the production of thiocholine resulting from the hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine, in which the thiol formed reacts with 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrbenzoic acid) (DTNB) to form the yellow anion 5-thio-2-nitro-benzoic acid. The reaction is as follows: (AchE) + H2O + (CH3)3NCH2CH2SCOCH3 + + > (CH3)3NCH2CH2S + CH3C00 + 2H + > (CH3)NCH2CH2SSR + RS + (CH3)NCH2CH2S +RSSR R = 0,K1 COO­ 11 The color change, measured at 405 nm, produced by the reaction is rapid enough not to be rate limiting and does not inhibit hydrolysis of the enzyme in concentrations used. The change of absorbance over time determines the rate of the reaction. The equation to determine AChE activity from changes in absorbance is described in Ellman et al. (1961) and Fairbrother et al. (1991). Changes in absorbance to determine AChE activity is dependent upon the Beer-Lambert Law which is as follows: A Abs/min = E x L x A Conc/min Where: A Abs = Change in absorbance min = minutes E = Extinction coefficient of the colored anion L = Light path length in cm A Conc = Change in concentration The extinction coefficient is the measure of light absorbed by a substance in solution through a known pathlength, usually 1 cm. For the colored anion in the Tris buffer solution at the pH of 7.4, the extinction coefficient is 12.0 x 104 M-1 cm-1 (where M = mmoles/ml). The equation can be rewritten as: A Con/min = A Abs/min x E-1 x L-1 where: E 3. mmoles x cm 12,000 x m/ 12 Combing the 2 equations now gives: LAbs x mmole x cm min x 12,000 x ml x L LCon /min The change in absorbance can then be used to determine enzyme activity in units of mmoles of substrate per minute. To convert to pmoles per ml of sample is as follows: L Con / min = 1 'moles x 1000 LAbs x mmoles x x (S /R) ml mmoles 12,000 x min where: S = Sample volume in mls R = Reaction mixture volume in mls Cancelling the units gives: LCon / min LAbs x pmoles x R min x 12.0 x s x m/ Converting to ymoles/nnin/g of tissue is as follows: Con /min ml LAbs x pmoles x R x gm tissue min x 12.0 x S x m/ LAbs x pmoles min x 12.0 x gm tissue 13 Filling in the variables gives: Enzyme Activity Allbs x }mole x 3.12 m1 min x 12.0 x 1 ml x 0.02m1 x 0.1g /m/ where: Enzyme activity is expressed in ymoles/minute/g of tissue (wet weight) 3.12 ml = total volume in cuvette 0.02 ml = volume of homogenate (brain tissue) 0.1 g/ml = concentration of brain tissue The only variable that is unknown is AA, which allows the equation to be rewritten as: Enzyme Activity = AA x 130 Collected pheasants were thawed and their brains removed. Each pheasant brain excised, bisected medially, and the halves weighed. Each half was placed in 0.05 M Tris buffer solution (pH 8 at 25°C), at a ratio of 0.100 g brain wet weight per 1 ml of buffer and immediately homogenized using a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer. A 0.02 ml aliquot of a homogenate was added to a standard quartz cuvette with a light path of 1 cm containing 3 ml of 2.5 x 10-4 M of 5,5'-dithio-bis(2­ nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) in 0.05 M Tris buffer (pH of 7.4 at 25°C). A 0.1 ml aliquot of 0.156 M acetylthiocholine iodide substrate was added to the cuvette. The cuvette was covered with parafilm and inverted gently for thorough mixing prior to placement in the cuvette holder of the visible light spectrophotometer. The cuvette holder was thermally regulated to maintain the specified temperature of 25°C. The sample was then allowed to set for 30 seconds to stabilize, and the absorbance was 14 read at 405 nm at 30-second intervals for 2 1/2 minutes. A mean rate of change in absorbance was then determined for the sample from each half, and the means averaged. Enzyme activity was then calculated for each brain using the above final formula. Precinorm® E normal enzyme control serum was used to assure that the equipment was operating within normal parameters. A mean reference brain AChE activity was determined for both adult and juvenile pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR. Normal brain AChE data from adult pheasants were combined because no refuge (ANOVA, P = 0.3225), season (ANOVA, P = 0.9476), sex (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.9590), or year (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.1302) differences were detected (Table 1). Brain AChE data for juveniles were also combined because no differences were detected between age in days (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.2716), sex (ANOVA, P = 0.7437), or years (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.3314). Adult and juvenile control means were not combined because juvenile pheasants had higher cholinesterase activity (ANOVA, P=0.0001). Mean reference AChE activities for adult and juvenile pheasants are shown in Table 1. Mean reference AchE activity of savannah sparrows collected at TLNWR and LKNWR Table 1. Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92. Activity expressed in jimoles /min /g of brain tissue. Species N Mean ± SD (Range) Ring-necked pheasant Adult 40 16.95 ± 1.31 (14.63 20.22) Juvenile 43 20.32 ± 2.51 (13.52 25.16) 19 21.03 ± 2.28 (16.77 24.96) Savannah Sparrow 15 is also presented. Brain AChE activity of exposed birds falling below the reference mean minus 2 SD of the mean were considered inhibited, with inhibition expressed as a percent of the control mean. The percent of inhibition was determined by the equation below: C -T C = I x 100 where: C = Control brain AChE activity T = Treatment brain AChE activity I = Fraction of inhibition OP Analyses Of Food Items Removed From Pheasant Upper GI Tracts Food items were removed from the upper GI tracts of pheasants thawed out for necropsy after being collected at TLNWR and LKNWR during the study, placed in chemically cleaned jars and frozen at -20°C for later chemical analyses. Food items from each pheasant were thoroughly blended together, and a maximum 5 g aliquot of each sample was weighed out for extraction providing enough material was present. Samples were not extracted if less than 2 g of material was available. Each sample was placed in acid-washed 40 ml glass centrifuge tubes and extracted three times using 10 ml of 1:1 acetone and dichloromethane. Extracts of each sample were placed in an ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes and then centrifuged for 5 minutes, and the supernates decanted into acid-washed 50 ml beakers. The eluents from each sample was combined. The 30 ml of combined eluents were then filtered 16 through a acid-washed glass funnel containing filter paper and 40 g of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), and collected in acid-washed 50 ml Erlenmeyer flasks. The Na2SO4 (a drying agent) had been previously dried and ignited at 675°C for 12 hours. The beakers were rinsed twice with 5 ml of the extraction solvent and run through filter paper and Na2SO4. An additional 10 ml of solvent was run through the filter paper and Na2SO4 for each sample. Samples were then concentrated using dry nitrogen gas (N2) and 40°C heat to a volume of about 20 ml. Samples were then transferred to 25 ml volumetric flasks, and 2 rinses of 2 ml of extraction solvent added to the sample volume. The samples were brought to a final volume of 25 ml. A 10 ml aliquot of each sample was then concentrated to 1 ml using dry N2. Each sample was co-distilled with 2 ml of Methanol (MeOH). This was done to have the final concentrate in Me0H prior to analysis. Control extracts were also prepared using the same technique. Spiked controls were prepared prior to extraction using the same control material for control extracts. One milliter of 5 Ng /ml each of methamidophos, parathion, and disulfoton from standard stock solution was added to 5 g of each control sample used. Ten milliliters of each control extract was also fortified with 1 ml of 2 pg/ml methamidophos prior to concentration for direct comparison with spike samples. Samples were analyzed on a Varian® 3740 gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame photometric detector (FPD). A 30 m megabore (I.D. 0.53 mm) J & W® DB-1701 column was used in 1992 for analyses of 1990 and 1991 samples. A 15 m megabore SE-54 Econ-Cap® column was used in 1993 for samples collected 1992. 17 The parameters used are as follows: OP Scan Injector Temperature: 200°C Column Temperature: 110 200°C at 6°C/min ramp to final, 2 min hold Detector Temperature: 250°C Chart Speed: 20 cm/hour Attenuation: 32X Isothermal For Quantification Injector Temperature: 200°C Column Temperature: 110°C Detector Temperature: 250°C Chart Speed: 20 cm/min Attenuation: dependent on samples run Standards of disyston, ethyl parathion, methamidophos, and methyl parathion were injected first at different concentrations to determine linear response of the GC. Two microliter aliquots were injected for both standards and unknowns. Different concentrations of standards used were injected at least three times each to determine respective mean peak heights. Mean peak heights of each standard used were graphed and the equation of the line determined. Figure 3 is a chromatogram of an OP scan of the standards methamidophos, disyston, methyl parathion, and ethyl parathion and their respective peaks. There was good peak resolution and peak separation. Unknown samples were first analyzed using the scanning procedure 18 c o .c III f2 O ca D­ a_ -5. 135 o _c -c 2 Figure 3. Chromatogram of an OP scan of standards disyston, ethyl parathion, methamidophos, and methyl parathion. 19 to identify those samples which contained OP insectides. If the levels of OPs were adequate for quantification, they were again run on the GC using an isothermal program. Each sample was injected at least 3 times to deternmine a mean peak height. Each sample was quantified using different concentrations of a standard stock solution of the OP insecticide identified in the sample, making sure that the standard dilutions fell above and below concentrations of the sample being quantified. Quantifiable samples of adequate concentration were also run on the GCmass spectrometer to confirm that the OP insecticide identified was in fact that OP. Correlation coefficients (r) from the slopes of the lines determined ranged from 0.9976 to 0.9999. Spiked sample recoveries ranged from 70 to 115% for methamidophos, the only OP insecticide in concentrations sufficient to be quantified in this study. Food items removed from pheasant upper gastrointestinal tracts in 1990 were analyzed for OP insecticides at both Patuxent Environmental Science Center (PESC) and at Oregon State University (OSU). Comparison of the analytical results from the 2 facilities are shown in Table 2. The data from both facilities were comparable, with concentration differences between the 2 quantified samples of only 0.01 ppm. There were differences noted between PESC and OSU in the detection of methamidophos for samples 008 and 038. PESC also confirmed by GC-mass spectrometer that the OP insecticide quantified in samples 042 and 045 was methamidophos. GC-mass spectrometry was used at OSU to confirm that the OP insecticide quantified in samples 254 and 296 was methamidophos. Spectrums of a reference standard of methamidophos, sample 254, and sample 296 are shown in figures 10, 11, and 12, respectively. The methamidophos reference standard spectrum matched the spectrum shown on page 486 of Handbook of Mass Spectra 20 of Environmental Contaminants, by Ronald A. Hites, Second ed., 1992, Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI. Table 2. Comparison between analytical results from PESC and OSU on samples collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990. Plus sign means methamidophos was detected, while the minus sign means no methamidophos was detected. Numbers in parentheses are concentrations of methamidophos in PPM (wet weight). Analytical Facilities Identification Number PESC 008 + 036 ­ OSU + 038 042 + (0.30) + (0.31) 045 + (0.17) + (0.18) 052 054 059 065 ­ # #2 Speotrum Plot; MOHIB 1.0 AMU: RTime 7:21.09 F 1 100 Spectra 720 739: Backgrnd 755-764, 697-704: Max = 160960 94 75­ 95 1 50­ 47 141 64 6 25 79 48 49 65 111 96 126 0, 111....,...,111..,....11 R1..,....,. I... . cii5P, k1.?...P9.11J.3...P 60 BO 120 1 43 II.,..MR.., 140 103/29/93; 15:05:30; c:\galaxu\data\MOHIB Figure 4. GC-mass spectrum of methamidophos reference standard at 10 pg /mI concentration, using a 4 p1 injection. ty tt2 Speotrum Plot; M0254 1.0 AMU: RTime 6:53.36 Spectra 661 676: Back gr nd 63G-6531 696-712: F 1100 Max = 1162 94 i 75­ 95 i 50- 47 141 1 25­ 64 79 . 48 101 111 126 1 I 0 1,....1.1 ,,.......[1,...,,,..f. 70 142 159 189 202 215 210 231 ...,...,31.11.,.,..1...J...0...,..1.,ll.b.0,., ... I t.1 ..,.... irrt173 tl. .,. 0..0 1.11....1. ati.l..,...9....t....11..,,,.t./11..1....11 105 140 175 103.30.93: 09:53:26; c:\galaxy\data\110254 Figure 5. GC-mas spectrum of sample #254, using a 4 pl injection. #2 Spectrum Plot; M0296 # i 100 1. 1.0 AMU: RTiite 6:52.32 659: Backgrnd 694-717, 606-627: _Spectra 642 flax = 3873 94 75­ 95 . i 50- 47 141 64 i 25­ 70 79 80 73 83 55 48 0 149 II 11..1. ..111.41 I 97 I AL .1,4 111 11198 1 . 126 148 113 165 . . .1....11. .1+01..1....1...,....,..1.111.,..1,...1..t..4.,. 105 140 ?. 0., LP'.,, ...,. 21 103/30/93; 10:10:49; c:\galaxt,j\data\M0296 Figure 6. GC-mass spectrum of sample #296, using a 4 pl injection. . ., . 2 24 RING-NECKED PHEASANT SURVIVAL, PRODUCTIVITY, INSECTICIDE EXPOSURE, AND POPULATION CHANGE IN THE KLAMATH BASIN, CALIFORNIA Robert A. Grove, Oregon State University, Toxicology Program, Agricultural and Life Sciences 1007, Corvallis, OR 97331 Donald R. Buhler, Oregon State University, Toxicology Program, Agricultural and Life Sciences 1007, Corvallis, OR 97331 Charles J. Henny, National Biological Service, 3080 SE Clearwater Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333 25 Robert A. Grove Toxicology Program Agricultural and Life Sciences Bldg. Room 1007 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 503-757-4840 RH: Agricultural Effects on Ring-necked Pheasants Grove gi.aL RING-NECKED PHEASANT SURVIVAL, PRODUCTIVITY, INSECTICIDE EXPOSURE, AND POPULATION CHANGE IN THE KLAMATH BASIN, CALIFORNIA Robert A. Grove, Oregon State University, Toxicology Program, Agricultural and Life Sciences 1007, Corvallis, OR 97331 Donald R. Buhler, Oregon State University, Toxicology Program, Agricultural and Life Sciences 1007, Corvallis, OR 97331 Charles J. Henny, National Biological Service, 3080 SE Clearwater Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333 ABSTRACT: A declining population of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) was studied at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (TLNWR) from the summer of 1990 through the spring of 1993. Pheasant densities/50 ha at TLNWR in 1989, 1991, and 1992 were considerably lower (16.86, 8.49, and 6.81) than the >62 density seen in the mid-1950s. Mean body weight of hen pheasants at TLNWR was significantly lower than hens at nearby Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR) which was not intensively farmed. Mean tarsal lengths of hens at TLNWR were also significantly shorter than hens at LKNWR, suggesting reduced skeletal growth and potential nutritional problems. The lack of adequate cover was 26 responsible for poor early nest success at TLNWR. Later in the season, spring planted crops provided cover to conceal nesting hens; however, only 0.21 young in 1991 and 0.02 young in 1992 were produced per radio-equipped hen. These rates are extremely low compared to rates required to maintain a stable population. Most adult mortality occurred during the spring and early summer months at TLNWR before crops provided adequate cover, and long before pesticide applications. The main predator of the pheasants was the golden eagle (Aquila chrvsaetos). Of special concern at TLNWR was pheasant and other wildlife exposure to anticholinesterase (antiChE) insecticides used on agricultural croplands at the refuge. Direct toxicity of antiChE compounds (in this case methamidophos) killed 2 young pheasants, but no adult radio-equipped hens died as a direct result of insecticide intoxication. This finding was of particular interest because 15% of the adult pheasants collected in and around potato fields had 55% brain ChE inhibition. The extent of the effects of insecticide exposure on the survivorship of young was uncertain as no young were radio-equipped. The overriding factor impacting the pheasant population at TLNWR and to a lesser extent LKNWR was poor habitat, especially in winter and spring when most mortality occurred. The poor habitat also resulted in extremely low recruitment (up to 1 September). Nearly all adult mortality and most of the low recruitment occurred before to the insecticide spray season. The population was nearly extirpated during the severe winter of 1992-93. WILDL. MANAGE. 00(0):000-000 Key Words: body condition, disyston, habitat, methamidophos, nesting, organophosphorus insecticide exposure, OP, parathion, predation, ring-necked pheasant, survival, radio telemetry. 27 INTRODUCTION The exotic ring-necked pheasant, first successfully introduced into the United States in 1881 (Bent 1932, Gabrielson and Jewett 1940, Lauckhart and McKean 1956, Laycock 1966, Weigand and Janson 1976), thrived for many years in Oregon and other portions of the country. However, in recent decades, most pheasant populations have declined markedly (Farris 1977, Warner 1981, Warner et al. 1984), with populations in the Klamath Basin of Oregon and California being no exception (Zezulak 1990). Gradual changes in agricultural land use practices have been generally recognized as one of the primary reasons for these declines. Small diversified farms have been incorporated into larger farms which utilize larger tracts of land for monocultural crops, eliminating fence and/or hedge row habitat between smaller fields. Use of herbicides to control economically important weeds in crops and remove much of the weedy cover associated with field edges, ditch banks, and disturbed areas also eliminated habitat. Moreover, cleaner farming by combining closer to the ground and tilling harvested fields in the fall instead of the following spring, removed potential cover of stubble, reduced the amount of habitat available seasonally. Two study areas were selected in the Klamath Basin, Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge (TLNWR) and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR), to evaluate the effects of current agricultural practices, primarily the loss of habitat and the use of pesticides, on ring-necked pheasant populations. TLNWR represents an area of intensive agricultural activity, with major crops being alfalfa, cereal grains, onions, potatoes, and sugar beets. LKNWR represents a less agriculturally altered habitat with ponds and old fields interspersed with some cereal grains. The primary 28 objective of this study was to determine why the pheasant population at TLNWR was declining. The proximate reason for population decline could be poor adult survivorship, poor recruitment, or a combination of both, but ultimately, habitat quality and insecticide exposure are two factors that might affect recruitment and survivorship. These relationships led us to design a study that could identify the patterns of recruitment and adult and juvenile survivorship in the context of habitat quality and insecticide use. Since patterns at TLNWR that might contribute to the observed declines could not be understood without comparison, we chose LKNWR as a reference site for comparison because it lacked insecticide use and had better quality habitat for ring-necked pheasants. To determine the aforementioned patterns, at both sites, we: (1) estimated the size of the nesting population (to understand the population base from which recruitment can occur), (2) evaluated body condition of hen pheasants in the spring (a measure known to reflect habitat quality), (3) evaluated cover availability, types of cover, and cover growth rates (necessary to understand the variation in habitat quality), (4) evaluated nest site placement and success (important for identifying the relationship of habitat quality to nesting characteristics), and (5) evaluated adult hen and brood survival (necessary to identify recruitment and survivorship patterns). In addition, we evaluated the persistence of OP insecticides on soil and crop vegetation, their impact on insect populations (potential pheasant food), and pheasant exposure to these insecticides. Finally, we used the savannah sparrow, a native species, to compare with ringnecked pheasant OP insecticide exposure at TLNWR. 29 STUDY AREA TLNWR is located in northern California, 10 km south of the Oregon border, and 42 km southeast of Klamath Falls, Oregon in an area of intensive agriculture (Figure 2). Much of the 15,830 ha refuge was once lake bed which was drained at the turn of the century and now 6,910 ha (44%) are intensively farmed. Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge (LKNWR), located west of TLNWR, was used as the reference area for this study. The 21,691 ha refuge is separated from TLNWR by Sheepy Ridge which rises 244 m above the valley floor, preventing significant pheasant movement between the two study areas. At LKNWR, between 1,200 and 2,000 ha (5% to 9% of land area) are planted in barley and/or wheat each year. METHODS Capture, Radio Attachment and Monitoring Ring-necked pheasants were trapped from 1 April to 15 May of 1991 and 1992 using walk-in funnel traps (Bub 1991) at each refuge. Several areas with visible pheasant activity were pre-baited with cracked corn for 1 week prior to trap placement. Five sites with the greatest amount of pheasant activity at each refuge were selected for trap placement. The majority of ring-necked pheasants located at TLNWR in April and May were along the northern half of "A" dike in the northeast sump, adjacent to a large expanse of bulrush marsh (Figure 2). The area along "A" dike and adjacent marsh provide the majority of available winter and spring cover for pheasants, with fields and field edges away from "A" dike providing little, if any, cover during this period. Therefore, all traps at TLNWR were located along the northern half of "A" dike. Traps were checked and rebaited 2 to 3 times a day. 30 Only hens were used for radio attachment to: 1) determine hen survival, which is more important than rooster survival because ring-necked pheasants are polygynous, and 2) locate nests and determine nest fates. Captured hens were weighed and checked for general body condition prior to radio attachment, with tarsus length and wingchord length measured only in 1992. Necklace-designed telemetric radios weighing approximately 16 g (1.6% of the body weight of a 1.0 kg hen) were used to monitor hens during the 2-year study. Necklace radios were used because of their greater suitablility than backpack radios for studies of pheasant biology (MarcstrOm et al. 1989). The transmitters were equipped with mortality switches that doubled the normal pulse rate of 60-70 beats/min if the birds remained motionless for more than 5 hours. The mortality switch also indicated hen activity (mercury-switch modulated) by adding pulses to the normal pulse rate based on how much the radio was moved per unit of time (fluctuating described as doinking). Hens were checked daily to identify deaths, but locations were not triangulated until after 15 June. In 1991, hens were located daily from 15 June and 30 August; while in 1992, hens were located at the 2 refuges only on alternating days because of the increased number of radio-equipped hens monitored. Hens were located using a vehicle mounted 4-element null-peak antenna system or a 3-element hand held Yagi antenna. Bearings were taken on each bird, using the null-peak system, from at least 2 receiver sites, with locations determined using the program XYLOG4 (Dodge and Steiner 1986). Radio telemetry was used to monitor hen pheasant habitat use, home range size, mortality, nesting, and brooding. Hen mortality was closely monitored in both years from April to September, with irregular checks throughout the winter months. In 1992, radios of overwintering hens not retrapped and equipped with new 31 radios were monitored until the radios stopped transmitting, became detached, the hens died, or they were collected. Population Estimates Four counts of pheasants in 1991 and 5 counts in 1992 were made at TLNWR, and the highest count of each sex used as an index of population size. Counts were conducted in 1991 on 3 April, 9 May, and 2 counts on 15 May; and in 1992, on 11, 12, 13, 15, and 17 May. Open fields with little relief and minimal edge cover allowed direct counts to be made confidently, with counts away from the "A" dike area considered complete. Hens in the "A" dike area, could either be in the marsh or along "A" dike and in adjoining fields depending on vehicle or farming activity at the time the counts were made. Therefore, the radio-equipped hens were located during each count made in 1992. The percentage of hens equipped with radio necklaces using "A" dike and adjoining fields during each census period was used to estimate the total number of hens in the "A" dike area. Radio-equipped hens were located only once in 1991 (15 May), a count which had the lowest number of hens among the 4 censuses made along "A" dike. During that particular count, none of the 26 radio-equipped hens were in the marsh. Cover was too dense to make visual counts at LKNWR. Rooster numbers were recorded during visual counts at TLNWR in 1991 and 1992. Habitat Evaluation Vegetation cover, measured as the height of existing habitat types, was assessed at TLNWR and LKNWR in 1992. A vegetation board was constructed for 32 measuring cover height using a modification of techniques described in Thompson (1975) and Nudds (1977). The board was constructed of 0.6 cm (1/4") plywood that measured 1.0 m wide by 1.5 m tall, and was painted white and overlayed with a decimeter grid. The board was used to measure cover height in each of 10 dm columns across the sample board from a distance of 10 m. An mean of the 10 heights was recorded for each site sampled. Our null hypothesis was that no differences in habitat availability existed between TLNWR and LKNWR. Both cultivated and non-cultivated habitats were measured; the types identified as dike, fallow field/temporary marsh, grain, onion, potato, and sugar beet. Initial sampling of cover height measured both residual (when available) and new vegetation heights, but only new vegetation height measured at subsequent sampling intervals. Five dikes selected at each refuge were randomly sampled at 10 locations along a 3-km distance at each dike. A total of 7 fallow fields/temporary marshes were randomly sampled at 5 locations each along a 100-m transect at LKNWR; this habitat type was absent at TLNWR. Cover height at TLNWR was measured in 14 grain fields (7 early plantings and 7 late plantings), 2 onion fields, 5 potato fields, and 2 sugar beet fields. Only 7 grain fields at LKNWR were sampled (planted about the same time as each other) because row crops were not present. Habitat types were sampled at 2 week intervals beginning 27 April and ending 17 July, with each refuge sampled on alternate weeks. Differences in residual cover height and vegetation growth rates along dikes and drains at TLNWR and LKNWR were examined. Differences in vegetation growth rates between the 2 refuges were compared using the slope of the growth lines at each site. 33 Nesting Radio-equipped pheasant hens were documented nesting when telemetry bearings became localized and/or radio pulse rates stabilized. The ability to detect when a radio-equipped hen is incubating depends upon at least two factors: (1) the hen plotted at the same location for several days in a row, and (2) the lack of hen movement when monitored (no doinking). We compared the estimated date of incubation in successful nests as determined by radio telemetry to the actual date for incubation based on when the eggs hatched at both TLNWR and LKNWR. Based on radioed hens, the nesting season was defined as the first nest incubated to the last nest hatched. A hand-held antenna was used to physically locate nest sites. Nest sites were flagged 10 m west of each nest. We avoided flushing hens from their nests to minimize disturbance and possible nest abandonment. Clutch size, incubation stage, and horizontal cover of each nest was recorded later during hen incubation breaks. Initiation of incubation and hatching were determined by hen activity obtained from telemetry. Therefore, clutch initiation dates were estimated by extrapolation from using a 23-day incubation period and an additional 1.3 days per egg during egg laying (Bent 1932, Labisky and Opsahl 1958, Weigand and Janson 1976). The incubation stage of eggs in nests, the first time located, was determined using candling or egg-flotation techniques (Westerkov 1950, Weller 1956, Labisky and Opsahl 1958, Carroll 1988). Horizontal cover height was determined at 4 locations radiating out from a nest at 90° intervals by viewing a pole placed at the center of a nest from 4 m away and one m above the ground (Robel et al. 1970). The four measurements were averaged to determine mean horizontal cover for each nest. Cover height of 2 nests at TLNWR in 1992 was not measured. 34 Nests destroyed by predators were identified using techiques described by Rearden (1951) and Einarsen (1956). Nest searches were conducted at TLNWR along "A" dike and other areas of available cover when radio-equipped hens began to incubate eggs. No nest searches were made at LKNWR, we did not want to increase the possibility of nest predation. Many other bird species, especially waterfowl and shorebirds, were nesting in the same habitat (mostly dikes) as the pheasants (not the case at TLNWR). Survival data was obtained for broods of radio-equipped hens at both refuges. Adult Mortality Hen pheasants with radio attachments that had switched to the mortality pulse rate (indicating a possible death) were immediately located to determine their fate. Each outcome was recorded, noting whether the hen was alive or dead and the circumstances (i.e., nesting, roadkill, depredation, type of predator, carcass eaten, etc.). Body remains were necropsied and radios reused. Adult mortality in the northeast sump of TLNWR was monitored during both field seasons. Bare fields and sparsely covered field edges made carcass searches possible. However, some carcasses in the center of the fields were probably missed. The northeast sump was canvassed every 2 days using existing roads and dikes to locate and record adult pheasant remains. Mortality of adult pheasants at LKNWR was restricted to radio-equipped birds as the density of residual cover and new plant growth made carcass searches prohibitive. 35 Population Model Hen survival rates were not available for first year hens by age group at TLNWR and LKNWR for either 1991 or 1992. We assumed that the survival rate for first year hens was s overall survival rate of adults estimated by the Kaplan-Meier model. This is a conservative assumption as first year hens have a higher rates of mortality than more experienced second year and older hens. Buss (1946) reported survival rates of first year hens ranging from 19 to 26.0%, with older hens ranging from 35 to 44%. Based on the annual survival rates in 1991, we calculated the average productivity which must exist in order that populations at TLNWR and LKNWR remain constant using the equation (Henny et al. 1970) of: m s 1 So where: nn = recruitment rate (2 m = number of young (hens and roosters) assuming equal sex ratio of young recruited to 1 September population) s= adult hen survival rate so = first year hen survival rate (assume so = s, but recognize it is undoubtedly less) Evaluation of Exposure to OP Insecticides Methamidophos, a systemic OP insecticide, was used to control the green peach aphid (Mvzus persicae) and potato aphid (Macrosiohum euphorbiae), 2 of the 36 most common aphid species in the western United States that transmit 6 virus or viruslike pathogens (Radcliffe 1982). These pathogens cause economically important potato diseases. The persistence of methamidophos under field conditions at TLNWR was studied at 4 potato fields in 1992. We also measured the relative efficacy of the insecticide. Samples of potato leaves, soil, and insects were collected from 5 different sites in each field prior to methamidophos application and at 2-, 5-, 10-, and 20-day post-spray intervals. Methamidophos was applied on potato fields 8212, 8351, 8327, 8306 at a rate of 184 g/ha (1 lb/acre) active as an aerial spray on 1, 2, 8, and 10 August, respectively. Field entry for sample collection was 48 hours after insecticide application. Potato leaf and soil samples were obtained by collecting the first sample 20 rows into the field, half way down its length, and moving across the field to collect the remaining 4 samples at 20-row intervals. About 150 g of potato leaves were collected at each location from the top of potato plants. Approximately 500 g of soil were also collected at each location from areas unshaded by potato plants, but exposed to runoff from the plants during irrigation. Topsoil was collected to a depth of 3 cm. New collection sites were selected at each interval to minimize crop damage. Insects were collected from 5 rows using a gas-powered blower/vacuum apparatus, vacuuming each 20 m row of potato plants for 20 minutes. Insects were collected in every other row as insects in adjacent rows to those sampled were disturbed. Care was taken not to vacuum dead and dying insects on the ground, which could bias collections. Insects were sorted from plant material collected, and counted for the 5 rows vacuumed in each field to obtain a relative estimate of insects. No attempt was made to identify insects by species. 37 Insect, plant and soil samples were placed on ice and frozen at -20° C within 2 hours of collection. Plant and soil samples were sent to Patuxent Environmental Science Center in Laurel, MD for chemical analyses. Percent moisture was determined for plant and soil samples by drying pre-weighed aliquots at 100°C for 24 hours. The dried samples were cooled in a desiccator. Samples were re-weighed to determine moisture loss using the equation: Percent Moisture = 1 - (dry weight/pre-weight) x 100 Aliquots of plant and soil samples were homogenized and extracted with 1:1 acetone and methylene chloride. The extract was filtered and adjusted for volume prior to gas chromatography. The gas chromatograph used was equipped with a flame photometric detector. The lower limit of detection-quantification was 0.5 pg/g. Residues were expressed on a wet weight basis as no patterns in moisture content of potato leaves or soil were noted. Six percent of the plant samples analyzed were confirmed using a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Recovery of surrogate spike samples (famphur, fenthion, monocrotophos, parathion, and phorate) ranged between 80 and 139%; residues were not corrected for recovery. Adult and juvenile pheasants were collected by shotgun at TLNWR in 1990, 1991, and 1992 during the insecticide application period. Pheasants were collected in and adjacent to potato fields sprayed with methamidophos. The birds were collected at 2-, 5-, 10- , 15-, and 20- day post-spray intervals. Adult and juvenile pheasants (controls) were collected before insecticide applications at TLNWR and LKNWR, and during applications at LKNWR where no spraying occurred. Pheasants 38 collected were tagged and placed on ice for no more than 4 hours before freezing at -20°C. Brain cholinesterase (ChE) activity was determined using the Ellman method (Ellman et al. 1961) as modified by Hill and Fleming (1982). Each brain was bisected medially and removed, with ChE activity determined for each half and values averaged. ChE activity values are reported in pmoles of substrate (acetylthiocholine iodide) hydrolyzed/minute/gram of brain tissue, wet weight, at 25°C. Precinorm® E normal enzyme control serum (Boehringer Mannheim Corp., Indianapolis, IN) was used to ensure that the spectrophotometer was responding within an acceptable range for ChE values. Means of brain cholinesterase activity for adult and juvenile control pheasants were calculated, with normal activity expressed as the mean ± 2 SD (Ludke et al. 1975, Zinkl et al. 1979). Brain cholinesterase activity of exposed birds below this threshold was considered inhibited, with inhibition expressed as a percent of the control mean value. Gross necropsies were performed on pheasants found dead and collected by shotgun during the study. Pheasants were weighed if intact, tarsal and wing chord lengths measured, and general notes were taken on body condition. Food items were removed from the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tracts of pheasants, and placed in chemically cleaned jars and frozen at -20°C for later chemical analyses. GI tract samples were thoroughly blended, extracted, and analyzed for methamidophos, parathion, and disulfoton, using a flame photometric detector equipped gas chromatograph (GC). Confirmation of GC results was conducted on a GC-mass spectrometer. Spiked control samples were used to determine extraction recoveries of the insecticides analyzed, and recoveries ranged from 70 to 96%. Residues were reported on a wet weight basis, with the lower limit of quantification at 0.1 pg/g. 39 Those samples below the lower limit of quantification, but with insecticides present, were treated as positive detections in the data analysis. Residues were not corrected for recovery rates. Radio telemetry was used to evaluate habitat-specific pheasant exposure to OP insecticides at TLNWR. Dates of OP insecticide applications and application rates of insectides used were recorded for fields sprayed in 1990, 1991 and 1992 at TLNWR. All fields at TLNWR were not annually planted to the same crop and, therefore, not all fields were sprayed with the same OP and some were not sprayed at all. Furthermore, all spraying did not occur at the same time. Thus, some pheasants may be directly exposed to OPs in fields where they live or not exposed at all, except for spray drift from adjacent fields. Daily locations of individual radioequipped hens were mapped to determine habitat used during the spray season and the extent of insecticide exposure. Edge habitat was defined as the interface between 2 or more habitat types, extending 20 m into each habitat. Days exposed were monitored in 10 day intervals. OP insecticide exposure was determined by dividing total days exposed by total days available during the spray season. Statistical Methods Data collected in this study were summarized and analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C., 1985). Data were examined for normality using boxplots, stem and leaf displays, the Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965), and normal probability plots. The data were also tested for equal variances using the F-test. Appropriate transformations or analyses were performed based on the results of these tests. Insect numbers collected from potato fields pre­ 40 and post-spray with methamidophos were transformed using the square root to normalize the data. The insect data was still not normally distributed and nonparametric tests were used to test for differences. Survival functions of radio-equipped pheasant hens were estimated using the product limit estimator developed by Kaplan and Meier (1958). Pollock et al. (1989) modified this non-parametric estimator to accommodate the addition of new animals throughout a study. A Chi-square test was used to compare patterns of survival estimates between TLNWR and LKNWR for 1991 and 1992. The log-ranked test extension allows for staggered entry of animals, testing whether two survival curves have similar survival patterns. This test was used to test for differences in mortality patterens between refuges and years from 1 April to 30 June of both years when most mortality occurred. Estimated nest success of pheasants at TLNWR and LKNWR was calculated from radio-equipped hens using the Mayfield method (Mayfield 1961, Mayfield 1975) as modified by Bart and Robson (1982). The method estimates daily survival rates (DSR) based on exposure days from subjects visited periodically (i.e., nesting hen pheasants). Survivorship can then be estimated for any time interval of interest. The null hypothesis of no difference in DSRs between study areas and years was then tested using a modified Chi-square test (Sauer and Williams 1989). RESULTS Population Estimates Pheasants were observed in two general areas at TLNWR; "A" dike and the immediate vicinity including the marsh, and away from "A" dike which primarily 41 consists of open fields, dikes and drains. The radio-equipped hens represented some proportion of the individuals in the "A" dike area. Therefore, in 1992, visual counts of hens could be adjusted by the percentage of radio-equipped hens in the visible area (i.e., not in the marsh) (Table 3). Thus, for the hen component of the population in 1992, we have a visual count and an adjusted estimate which Table 3. "A" dike estimate of the number of ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR in 1992 based on the distribution of radio-equipped hens. The estimate was calculated by dividing by 1/100 of the percent of radio-equipped hens found along "A" dike or in adjacent fields, not in the marsh, during each sampling interval. Number of Hens Observed Percent of Radio-equipped Hens on on "A" dike "A" Dike Total Number of Hens Estimated' 11 May 82 57 144 12 May 62 51 122 13 May 110 98 112 15 May 62 78 79 17 May 107 80 134 Date ' Includes hens not visible in marsh adjacent to "A" dike. accounts for the portion of hens at the time of the count that were in the marsh (Table 4). Those hens away from the "A" dike area (Table 4) are a component of the TLNWR population independent of the "A" dike population (i.e. they did not return to "A" dike to roost, escape predators, feed, etc.). An estimate of 403 pheasants was used for 1991 at TLNWR (Table 4); the 253 hens censused on 9 May represented the highest number of hens counted 42 during the four 1991 sampling intervals. Radio-equipped hens were not located during this count to determine the percent of radio-equipped hens using "A" dike and adjacent fields. However, radio-equipped hens were located during the early morning census on 15 May when 211 hens were counted. All 26 radio-equipped hens (representing over 10% of the hen population based on the highest hen count) were Table 4. Visual counts and adjusted hen estimates of adult ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR during April-May, 1991-92. "A" Dike Area Date Female Male Away From "A" Dike Female Male Total Female Male 1991 Visual Counts 220 150 29 253 89 89 39 211 89 49 35 16 215 65 43 41 123 108 62 75 3 April 220 150 9 May 237 60 16 15 May 122 50 15 May 180 1992 Visual Counts 11 May 82 67 12 May 62 75 13 May 110 96 32 23 142 119 15 May 62 52 27 27 89 79 17 May 107 105 42 31 149 136 43 41 187 108 122 75 1992 Adjusted Estimates 11 May 144 67 12 May 122 75 13 May 112 96 32 23 144 119 15 May 79 52 27 27 106 79 17 May 134 105 42 31 176 136 43 either on "A" dike or in adjacent fields. A count of 215 hens was also made late afternoon on the same day. A count of 150 male pheasants on 3 April represented the highest male count for 1991. An estimate of the number of pheasants at TLNWR in 1992 was 323, of which 187 hens were estimated for 11 May (Table 4). Hen estimates for 1992 were adjusted based on the percent of radio-equipped hens using "A" dike and adjoining fields during census counts (Table 3). Hen and rooster counts away from "A" dike were again considered complete as there was very little cover for pheasant concealment. From visual counts alone, 29% fewer adult pheasants were counted in 1992, with 41% and 9% fewer hens and roosters counted, respectively. Using the adjusted hen estimates based on radio-equipped hen locations in 1992 and the unadjusted rooster count, there was a 20% decline in the pheasant population with a 26% decline in hen pheasants from 1991 to 1992. Rooster pheasants were not radio-equipped, therefore, rooster counts could not be adjusted. Body Condition of Trapped Hens A total of 49 hen pheasants were trapped and equipped with radio necklaces in 1991 (34 at TLNWR and 15 at LKNWR), whereas 67 hens were trapped and radioequipped in 1992 (38 hens at TLNWR and 29 at LKNWR). Eighteen hens (11 at TLNWR and 7 at LKNWR) equipped with radios in 1991 successfully overwintered and were alive at the beginning of the 1992 field season; 2 of these hens at TLNWR and one hen at LKNWR were retrapped and their old radios replaced. The number of hens equipped with radios in 1992 (those hens that overwintered plus those trapped in 1992) was 47 at TLNWR and 35 at LKNWR. Based on visual counts, radio­ 44 equipped hens represented 13% and 20% of the estimated hen population in the northeast sump of TLNWR for 1991 and 1992, respectively. All hen pheasants trapped and equipped with radios in the spring 1991 and 1992 appeared healthy, but hens at TLNWR weighed less than hens at LKNWR. A 2­ way ANOVA showed a year effect (P = 0.0067) and a refuge effect (P = 0.0001), but no significant refuge x year interaction (Table 5). On average, hens at TLNWR were 67.4 g and 91.9 g lighter than those at LKNWR in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Pheasant hens weighed significantly more in the spring of 1992 (1002.3 g) at each study area than in 1991 (945.4 g). Mean body weights of hens collected later in the summer (July and August) of 1991 at TLNWR, and 1992 at TLNWR and LKNWR weighed 759.2 g (n = 5, SD = 75.4), 720.1 g (n = 21, SD = 99.1), and 767.3 g (ri = 15, SD = 57.9), respectively. Summer body weights were not significantly different between years or refuges (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.2338). Tarsal length measurements taken from hens trapped and radio-equipped in 1992 and hens collected in 1991 and 1992 paralleled the weight data. A 2-way ANOVA showed a refuge effect (P = 0.0001), a nearly significant year effect (P = 0.0556), but no refuge x year interaction (Table 5). On average, TLNWR hens had tarsi 2.6 mm and 2.1 mm shorter than LKNWR hens in 1991 and 1992, respectively. A 2-way ANOVA of wing chord measurements collected in 1991 and 1992 showed no significant difference between TLNWR (i = 20.6 cm) and LKNWR (i = 21.2 cm) (Table 5). Also, no significant year or refuge effects and no significant refuge x year interaction were detected. Table 5. Mean ± SD body weight (9), tarsal length (mm), and wingchord length (cm) of adult ring-necked pheasant hens trapped or collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. A 2-way ANOVA was used to test for differences between means (Tukey's Studentized Range Test, overall ,=0.05). Rows having the same upper case letters are not significantly different from one another. Rows having the same lower case letters are not significantly different from one another. TLNWR P-value Category Spring Body Weight Year Refuge Interaction 1991 1992 Combined 1991 1992 Combined 0.0067 0.0001 0.4994 925.6 a 963.1 ab 1055.0 c 1033.9 B ±80.2 945.1 A ±94.2 993.0 be ±104.9 ±102.3 ±82.9 ±93.6 36 39 75 15 29 44 63.6 64.9 64.6 A 66.2 67.0 66.8 B ±2.7 ±2.5 ±2.6 ±2.0 ±2.2 ±2.2 20 53 73 9 34 43 20.9 20.4 20.6 A 21.1 21.3 21.2 A ±0.8 ±1.4 ±1.2 ±0.4 ±0.3 ±0.4 17 18 35 8 8 16 n Tarsal Length 0.0556 0.0001 0.6579 n Wingchord Length n LKNWR 0.0848 0.5194 0.2395 46 Habitat Mean residual cover height of 47.7 cm along dikes and drains at TLNWR was shorter than 119.7 cm at LKNWR in 1992 (Table 6 and Figure 7). Mean residual cover height of 36.7 cm for idle fields at LKNWR was also shorter than dike cover at LKNWR, but not significantly shorter than dike cover at TLNWR. Fallow field/temporary marsh habitat was not present at TLNWR. The mean growth rate slope for vegetation along dikes and drains at TLNWR of 1.7 cm/sampling interval (SI) was less than 11.4 cm/SI for dikes and drains and 7.5 cm/SI for fallow fields/temporary marshes at LKNWR (Table 6). Table 6. Mean residual height (cm) and growth rates (slope) for cover along dikes and drains and fallow fields/temporary marshes. Data were tested using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. A Bonferroni multiple t-test was used to compare means, with the a-level set at 0.01 to control experimentwise error rate. Rows having the same letters are not significantly different from one another. Location LKNWR Category P-value TLNWR Dike LKNWR Dike Fallow Fields Residual Growth 0.001 47.7 B 119.7 A 36.7 B Growth Rate 0.001 1.7 C 11.4 A 7.5 B 48 50 35 n Grain crops comprised 69% of the area of total crops grown at TLNWR, which was about half (47%) of the total land available for pheasant use at TLNWR. However, adequate pheasant cover in grain fields in 1991 and 1992 at TLNWR was not available until after 1 June when the average height of the grain reached about 30 cm (Figure 8). Grain fields at LKNWR, which represented about 23% of the land 47 area available to pheasants, did not reach 30 cm in height until later (after 22 June). The growth rate slope of 16.33 cm/SI (n = 70) for grain crops at TLNWR was higher (P = 0.002) than 9.83 cm/SI (n = 35) at LKNWR. The growth rate slopes for onions, potatoes, and sugar beets were 7.81 cm/SI (n = 10), 9.47 cm/SI (n = 25), and 6.86 cm/SI (n = 10), respectively, but these crops were not represented at LKNWR (Figure 8). However, the combined growth rate slope of 8.53 cm/SI for row crops at TLNWR was less than grain crops at TLNWR (Kruskal-Wallis test, Bonferroni multiple t-test with a = 0.01) (P = 0.0001), but not significantly less than grain crops at LKNWR. Nesting Radio-equipped hen pheasants began nesting in late May of 1991 and mid- April of 1992 at both TLNWR and LKNWR. Eleven of 24 hens (45.8%) at TLNWR and 10 of 12 (83.3%) hens at LKNWR initiated incubation in 1991, with nearly identical percentages in 1992 (22 of 48 hens [45.8%] at TLNWR and 29 of 34 hens [85.3 %] at LKNWR). These percentages were biased low because nests depredated before clutch completion were not detected. Three of 11 nests at TLNWR were placed in residual cover in 1991, and 16 of 22 nests in 1992 (Table 7). The remaining nests at TLNWR were mostly in spring-planted grain crops, and these nests were initiated later in the nesting season 15 June for both years) when more nest concealment cover was available. All renests at TLNWR were located in farm crop fields. All nests and renests at LKNWR were placed in residual cover in 1991 and 1992, and not in farm crop fields. The nesting season at TLNWR was 38 and 48 160 E TLNWR Dikes and Drains 0 LKNWR Dikes and Drains 0 LKNWR Fallow Fields 140 Residual Cover 120 100 60 Residual Cover 40 Residual Cover 20 0 -1 0 April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 June May 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 July Time (weeks) Figure 7. Height of 1992 residual and new vegetation cover along dikes and drains at TLNWR and LKNWR, and fallow field/temporary marsh at LKNWR, California. Data collected on biweekly intervals. 49 0 TLNWR Grain --0LKNWR Grain 0TLNWR Potato 100 E TLNWR Onion ETLNWR Sugar Beets 80 60 E o .... 2 0) co = 40 20 0 7 0 1 April 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 June May 10 11 12 13 14 July Time (weeks) Figure 8. Vegetation height of 1992 grain and row crops at TLNWR and LKNWR, California. Data collected on biweekly intervals. 15 50 11 days longer than LKNWR in 1991 and 1992, respectively (i.e., first nest incubated to last nest hatched) (Table 8). Residual nest cover height (including renests) at TLNWR (27.7 cm, n = 3) in 1991 was shorter, but not significantly (Wilcoxon rank sum test P = 0.1013), than at LKNWR (60.5 cm, n = 11). Residual nest cover height in 1992 was shorter (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.0035) at TLNWR (47.6 cm, n = 14) in 1992 than at LKNWR (72.1 cm, n = 38). Mean cover height for nests in grain fields, including renests, at TLNWR was shorter (P = 0.0023, Wilcoxon rank sum test) in 1991 (62.0 cm, n = 9) than in 1992 (89.4 cm, n = 8). One renest attempt at TLNWR in 1991 was located in an irrigated onion field with vegetation 55 cm high, while 1 nest attempt and 1 renest attempt in 1992 were in potato fields with a mean cover height of 59.5 cm. Again, no nests were detected in agricultural crops at LKNWR in either year. Nests having similar clutch completion dates in 1991 (from 31 May to 14 July), had smaller clutch sizes (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.047) at TLNWR (7.00 eggs/clutch, n = 7) than LKNWR (9.00 eggs/clutch, n = 9), although in 1992 (from 10 April to 15 June) clutch sizes at TLNWR (8.64 eggs/clutch, n = 14) were not significantly smaller (Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.1778) than LKNWR (10.04 eggs/clutch, n = 26). The largest clutch found, in a non radio-equipped hen nest at TLNWR, contained 14 eggs. The number of days to detection of incubation using telemetry was different ( Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.028) between TLNWR (n =9, 5.1 days) and LKNWR (n = 10, 1.9 days) in 1991. Similarly, days to detection differed ( Wilcoxon rank sum test, P = 0.021) between TLNWR (n =8, 8.8 days) and LKNWR (n =27, 2.3 days) in 51 Table 7. Cover types used by nesting hen ring-necked pheasants at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. Numbers in parentheses are percents of nests established in residual or new nest cover. A dash indicates the habitat type was not present at the indicated location. TLNWR LKNWR Initial Nests Renests Initial Nests Dikes 3 0 9 1 Idle Fields 0 0 1 0 3 (27) 0 10 (100) 1 (100) Grain Fields 8 1 0 0 Onion Fields 0 1 8 (73) 2 (100) 0 0 14 0 17 5 Idle Fields 1 0 9 4 Marsh 1 0 3 0 16 (73) 0 29 (100) 9 (100) Grain Fields 5 3 0 0 Potato Fields 1 1 6 (27) 4 (100) 0 0 Cover Type 1 Renests 1991 Residual Cover Total New Cover Total ­ 1992 Residual Cover Dikes Total New Cover Total 52 Table 8. Timing of ring-necked pheasant nest initiation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. Numbers in parentheses are percent of total. 1992 1991 TLNWR Time Interval TLNWR LKNWR LKNWR Initial Nests Renests Initial Nests Renests Initial Nests Renests 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial Nests Renests 2 0 April 1-15 (6.9) 16-30 0 0 0 0 3 0 (13.6) 7 0 (24.1) May 1-15 0 0 0 0 7 0 16-31 1 0 (9.1) 1 0 (10.0) 18 0 (62.1) (31.8) 6 1 (27.3) (25) 2 (6.9) 1 0 0 4 (44.4) June 1-15 2 0 16-30 3 0 (30.0) (18.2) 4 (36.3) 1 4 (50.0) (40.0) 3 0 0 3 (33.3) (4.5) 1 2 (4.5) (50.0) 0 2 (22.2) July 1-15 (27.3) 16-31 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 1 (20.0) (100.0) (13.6) (25.0) 0 0 1 (4.5) (9.1) August 1-15 0 16-31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 (99.8) 4 (100.0) 29 (100.0) (99.9) (50.0) Total 11 2 10 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) 1 (100.0) 9 53 1992. This suggests that the hens at TLNWR did not incubate as intensively as at LKNWR (more restless and uneasy). Thirty-six percent of initial nests of radio-equipped hens at TLNWR and 20% of the same at LKNWR hatched in 1991, and 32% of such nests at TLNWR and 55% at LKNWR hatched in 1992 (Table 9). Avian and mammalian depredation were major causes of nest failure. In contrast, a much lower percentage of nests hatched (4.4 and 4.3%) along "A" dike in 1991 and 1992, respectively (Table 10). As with radioequipped birds above, avian and mammalian predators destroyed a high percentage of the nests along "A" dike. Hay swathers were also responsible for nest destruction along "A" dike. Non-radioed hens were killed at 10 of 12 and 7 of 9 nests destroyed by hay swathers in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Renests of radioequipped hens were more successful in 1991 and 1992 at both refuges. Mayfield estimates for nest success show no significant differences (P = 0.5988) in overall daily survival between first time nests of radio-equipped (0.9416) and non radio-equipped hens (0.8845) at TLNWR and nests of radio- equipped hens° (0.9349) at LKNWR in 1991(Table 11). Overall daily survival rates between first time nests of radio-equipped hens at TLNWR (0.9129) and LKNWR (0.9697) were significantly different (P=0.0174) in 1992. Differences were also noted in daily survival rates between dike and field nests at TLNWR (P =0.0010) and LKNWR (P=0.0455) in 1992. No significant differences were noted between daily survival rates of renests at TLNWR and LKNWR for either 1991 or 1992. 54 Table 9. Nest fate of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens that initiated nest incubation at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. Numbers in parentheses are percent values. 1992 1991 TLNWR LKNWR TLNWR LKNWR 11 10 22 29 4 (36) 2 (20) 7 (32) 16 (55) ( 9) ( 9) ( 9) 0 4 (40) 2 (20) 0 2 (20) 2 ( 9) 3 (14) 0 6 (27) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ( 7) Number Abandoned 3 (27) 0 2 ( 9) 3 (10) Number Researcher Caused Failure 0 0 1 2 1 4 9 2 (100) 1 (100) 2 (50) 7 (78) Number Depredated Raccoon Avian 0 0 0 0 0 1 (25) 1 (11) 0 Number Abandoned 0 0 1 (25) 0 Number Researcher Caused Failure 0 0 0 1 (11) Parameters First Time Nests Number Nests Number Hatched Number Depredated Coyote Raccoon Skunk Weasel Avian Farm Equipment Fire Flood 1 1 1 0 1 ( 9) 1 0 ( 5) ( 5) 1 ( 3) 2 ( 7) 3 (10) 0 1 ( 1 ( 3) 3) 0 Renests Number Nests Number Hatched 55 Table 10. Fate of nests found during nest searches along "A" dike at TLNWR, 1991-92. 1992 1991 Number of Nests Percent Number of Nests Percent Hatch 4 4.4 1 4.3 Abandoned 2 2.2 0 0.0 Raccoon 34 37.8 1 4.3 Skunk 11 12.2 9 39.1 1 1.1 0 0.0 22 24.4 0 0.0 4 4.4 3 13.0 12 13.3 9 39.1 90 99.8 23 99.8 Fate Depredated by Weasel Avian Unknown Farm Equipment Total I Brood Survival of Radio-equipped Hens In 1991, at least 1 young survived to 1 September in 2 of 3 broods at TLNWR and 2 of 6 broods at LKNWR. In 1992, at least 1 young survived in 1 of 8 broods at TLNWR and 7 of 20 broods at LKNWR. The number of young produced that survived to 1 September per radio-equipped hen in 1991 was 0.21 at TLNWR and 0.17 at LKNWR, and 0.02 at TLNWR and 0.76 at LKNWR in 1992. 56 Table 11. Estimated nest success of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92, using Mayfield (1961) as modified by Bart and Robson (1982). i Nest Period Number of Nests Daily Survival Rate 95 percent Confidence Intervals Lower Upper Percent Estimated Survival During Incubation Percent Estimated Survival During InitiationIncubation 25.06 12.17 100.00 100.00 1991 TLNWR First Time Nests 11 0.9416 Renests 2 1.0000 Non-radio­ equipped Hens 8 0.8845 0.5527 0.9528 5.94 1.36 10 0.9349 0.8823 0.9712 21.26 9.48 1 1.0000 100.00 100.00 0.8908 0.9759 LKNWR First Time Nests Renests 1992 TLNWR 20 0.9129 0.8625 0.9508 12.30 4.12 Renests 4 0.9545 0.8678 0.9951 34.26 19.60 Dike Nests 13 0.7622 0.6133 0.8633 0.19 0.01 Field Nests 10 0.9699 0.9332 0.9919 49.51 34.31 1 1.0000 --­ 100.00 100.00 29 0.9697 0.9510 0.9837 49.28 34.07 8 0.9937 0.9751 1.0000 86.47 80.16 Dike Nests 22 0.9846 0.9698 0.9944 69.98 58.09 Field Nests 12 0.9438 0.8985 0.9751 26.44 13.21 3 1.0000 100.00 100.00 First Time Nests Marsh Nests LKNWR First Time Nests Renests Marsh Nests 57 Observed Adult Mortality Observed mortality between 1 April 1991 and 31 March 1992 of radioequipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR were 65% and 47%, respectively (Table 12). Deaths of all hens (except one at each study area) occurred between 1 April and 30 September 1991, with all radio-equipped hens accounted for through March 1992 (Figure 9). Observed mortality between 1 April 1992 and 31 March 1993 of radioequipped hens was 49% for TLNWR and 51% for LKNWR, although 19 hens (13 TLNWR and 6 LKNWR) were not located during the last 4 months of the study (Figure 9). The missing hens were believed to have died from exposure or were killed by predators during unusually harsh winter conditions of 1992-93. Eleven TLNWR hens and 10 LKNWR hens died between 1 April and 30 September 1992; 12 and 8 documented deaths occurred in each refuge, respectively, between 1 October 1992 and 30 March 1993. Predation was the major cause of hen mortality, resulting in 95.5% and 100.0% of the mortality at TLNWR and LKNWR in 1991, respectively, and 73.9% at TLNWR and 61.1% at LKNWR in 1992. Golden eagles (Aquila chrvsaetos) were the major predator, killing 38.2% and 33.3% of the radio-equipped hen population at TLNWR and LKNWR, respectively, in 1991 and 25.5% at TLNWR and 20.0% at LKNWR in 1992. Avian tuberculosis killed 1 hen at TLNWR in 1991 and 1 hen at LKNWR in 1992. Severe weather conditions during the winter of 1992­ 93 resulted in the deaths of 10 radio-equipped hens, 5 each at TLNWR and LKNWR, but probably many more (Table 12). We found 128 and 25 non-radio-equipped adult pheasant remains during searches along dikes, drains, and field edges at TLNWR for 1991 and 1992, 58 respectively (Table 13). Hens accounted for 71.1% and 68.0% of the mortality recorded in 1991 and 1992, respectively. The major mortality factor was avian and mammalian depredation, resulting in 75.8% and 41.2% of the documented hen mortality for 1991 and 1992, respectively, and 100.0% of the roosters for both 1991 and 1992. The golden eagle was the dominant predator and accounted for 75.8% and 94.6% of hen and rooster deaths in 1991, respectively, and 41.2% of the hen and 100.0% of the rooster deaths in 1992. Farming activity and roadkills were the second highest cause of hen deaths, accounting for 17.6% and 52.9% of those documented in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Estimated Annual Survival Annual survival estimates of hen pheasants in 1991 (spring of 1991 to spring of 1992) using a modified Kaplan-Meier procedure, allowing for staggered entry, were 27.5% and 53.3% at TLNWR and LKNWR, respectively, (Figure 10). Survival estimates for hen pheasants in 1992 were 0.0% for both TLNWR and LKNWR. The log-ranked test extension found no significant difference in the survival patterns between the 2 refuges for either 1991 or 1992, suggesting similar survival patterns between the 2 refuges. Most of the adult mortality occurred between 1 April and 30 June of each year at TLNWR when little cover was available, until crops were high enough to provide additional cover (see Figures 7 and 8). No significant difference in adult mortality was found between TLNWR and LKNWR for the interval 1 April to 30 June in either 1991 or 1992. Lack of significance from less than 20 radio-equipped hens monitored annually at LKNWR, thus yielding poor precision even though survival 59 Table 12. Observed mortality of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. LKNWR TLNWR Year 1991 1992 1991 1992 Number Hens Radioequipped n = 34 n = 47 n=15 n = 35 13 12 5 7 Northern Harrier 1 0 0 2 Avian 2 1 0 1 Coyote 2 1 0 0 Mink 2 0 0 1 Raccoon 1 3 0 0 Mammal 0 0 2 0 Farm Equipment 0 0 0 1 Roadkill 0 1 0 0 Avian Tuberculosis 1 0 0 1 Winter Kill 0 5' 0 5' 22 23 7 18 Cause of Death Golden Eagle Total 'Probably accounted for another 13 hens at TLNWR and 6 hens at LKNWR whose radio signals were lost during the harsh winter of 1992-93. 60 1991 9 B 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Month 1992 9 m TLNWR 0 LKNWR B 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Month Figure 9. Monthly mortality of radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens during the 1991 and 1992 field seasons at TLNWR and LKNWR, California. 61 Table 13. Mortality of non-radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR, 1991-92. 1992 1991 Female Male Female Male 0 1 0 0 69 35 7 8 Great-horned Owl 1 0 0 0 Red-tailed Hawk 1 1 0 0 Raccoon 4 0 0 0 Mammal 0 0 1 0 10 0 7 0 6 0 2 0 91 37 17 8 Cause Falcon (species ?) Golden Eagle Farm Equipment Roadkill Total 128 Total 25 Total rates were quite different. Significant differences were found in survival patterns between 1991 TLNWR estimates (P=0.0095) and 1992 TLNWR and LKNWR (P = 0.1000) estimates. Model-Based Population Productivity Based on the previously discussed population model, we estimated an average productivity of 5.27 and 1.75 young /hen, respectively, for TLNWR and LKNWR pheasant populations to remain constant in 1991. Parallel calculations could not be made for TLNWR or LKNWR during 1992 as no radio-equipped hens survived to the spring of 1993. El TLNWR 1.0 $ LKNWR 0TLNWR 1991 1991 1992 --4 LKNWR 1992 0.8 13-11111-111-111-11 DO DIDOODIZIOD 0.2 0.0 I I 5 0 Apr I 10 May Jun 15 Jul 20 Aug 30 25 Sep Oct 40 35 Nov Dec Jan 45 Feb 50 Mar Time Interval In Weeks Figure 10. Survival estimates of adult ring-necked pheasant hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, California for 1991 and 1992 using a staggered entry design of the Kaplan-Meier procedure. 55 63 Persistence of Methamidophos on Potato Leaves, Soil, and Insect Numbers Moisture content in potato leaves and soli samples ranged from 85.4% to 87.0% and 37.3% to 42.7%, respectively, with no pattern noted between collection periods. Mean methamidophos residue concentrations of potato leaf samples at 2-, 5-, 10-, and 20- day postspray intervals were 12.7, 9.1, 4.2, and 2.7 ppm, respectively (Figure 11). The mean half-life of methamidophos applied to potato fields at TLNWR in 1992 was 8.1 days, with most of the insecticide degraded after 30 days. Methamidophos was not detected in soil samples collected at the same time as the potato leaves. There were differences (Kruskal-Wallis test, Bonferroni multiple t-test with a = 0.005, P = 0.0026) found in mean insect numbers of potato fields sampled at TLNWR in 1992 (Figure 12). There was a 48.5% decline in insects between pre-spray and 2-day post-spray collection intervals, with a gradual recovery over the remaining intervals. Mean insect numbers for 2- and 5-day postspray collections were significantly different than numbers collected during the 20­ day interval; the 20-day mean exceeded the pre-spray mean by 203.2% (Figure 12). Brain Cholinesterase Activity of Pheasants as Measure of OP Exposure Normal brain AChE data from control adult pheasants were combined because no refuge (ANOVA, P = 0.3225), season (ANOVA, P = 0.9476), sex (Kruskal- Wallis, P = 0.9590), or year (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.1302) differences were detected (Table 14). Brain AChE data for control juveniles were also combined because no differences were detected between age in days (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.2716), sex (ANOVA, P = 0.7437), or years (Kruskal-Wallis, P = 0.3314). Adult and juvenile control means were not combined because juvenile pheasants had higher 64 100 Y - 13.27720 * (-0.03718X) R2­ 10 0.91643 2 o_ a- c 7; .0 15.0 10 O C O 0 1 0 20 10 30 Days Post-spray Figure 11. Degradation of methamidophos in leaf samples collected from 1992 potato fields at TLNWR, California. 65 100 90 0 O 70 _ 0 0 O 60 0 0 0 50 S. 0 ,.. 0 40 E = z c 30 0 0 2 20 10 0 0 12.72245 Prespray 2-day 9.074616 5-day 4.188045 2.780045 10-day 20-day Figure 12. Graph of the mean number of insects collected in 1992 potato fields at TLNWR, California. Values under columns depict mean concentrations of methamidophos in ppm, wet weight. Columns sharing the same letters are not significantly different from one another 66 cholinesterase activity (ANOVA, P=0.0001). Normal brain AChE activity of the savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) is also presented (Table 14). Following spray applications, 28 of 41 adult pheasants, collected in and around potato fields at TLNWR during 1990-92 field seasons, showed brain AChE inhibition ranging from 19 to 62% (Table 15). Six of these pheasants had brain AChE inhibition 55%, which is known to cause death in some individuals, but no adult Table 14. Brain cholinesterase activity of "control" adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and adult savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1990-92. Activity expressed in pmoles/min/g of brain tissue. Species N Mean ± SD (Range) Ring-necked pheasant Adult 40 16.95 ± 1.31 (14.63 Juvenile 43 20.32 ± 2.51 (13.52 - 25.16) 19 21.03 ± 2.28 (16.77 - 24.96) Savannah Sparrow 20.22) pheasants were found that died of OP poisoning (including radio- and non-radio­ equipped) during the 1990-1992 field seasons. Twenty-five of 41 adult pheasants collected had detectable residues of methamidophos, disyston, or parathion in food items taken from their upper GI tracts (Table 16). Parathion was detected in food from 1 hen collected in a potato field sprayed 10 days earlier with methamidophos. Food of 7 individual adults contained quantifiable residues of methamidophos, ranging from 0.18 to 2.10 ppm (wet weight). Parathion concentrations were too low to quantify. In 1992, an adult hen captured by hand near a potato field sprayed 2 days earlier with methamidophos in, appeared weak, uncoordinated, and was 67 drooling. Brain AChE activity of this hen was inhibited by 41 %, and food items from the upper GI tract contained 2.10 ppm methamidophos. Necropsy of this hen also revealed that she was infected with avian tuberculosis. Thirty-three of 53 juvenile pheasants, collected in and around potato fields sprayed with methamidophos, had brain AChE inhibited from 21 to 92% (Table 15). Of 34 juvenile pheasants with food items from upper GI tracts analyzed, 19 contained detectable levels of methamidophos and 2 of disyston. Five of the methamidophos detections were quantifiable, ranging from 0.43 to 16.00 (Table 16). The disyston concentrations were not quantifiable. Two juvenile pheasants were found that died of OP poisoning during the nearly 3 field seasons at TLNWR. They were about 45 days old and died together near a potato field sprayed 2 days earlier with methamidophos. Each showed 91 and 92% brain AChE inhibition with 3.90 and 16.0 ppm methamidophos, respectively, in food items taken from their upper GI tracts. Savannah sparrows showed brain AChE inhibition resulting from OP insecticide exposure. Inhibition was found in 38 of 84 (45%) and 19 of 39 (49%) sparrows collected in fields sprayed with methamidophos and disyston, respectively. AChE inhibition in sparrows exposed to methamidophos ranged from 20 to 54%, and 22 to 57% in sparrows exposed to disyston. Food items from upper GI tracts of savannah sparrows were not analyzed for OP insecticides. 68 Table 15. Brain cholinesterase inhibition in adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants and savannah sparrows (Grove unpublished data) collected from fields sprayed with disyston and methamidophos at TLNWR, 1990-92. Days Post Spray Age 0 2 I 5 10 15 I 20 Ring-necked Pheasant Methamidophos Adult 1/V 8/9 6/9 6/9 2/7 5/6 31b 62 57 56 42 42 41 35 22 59 35 34 34 30 27 40 38 37 29 25 22 60 22 55 38 24 23 19 9/13 11/15 3/10 2/5 8/10 92 91 66 41 32 30 29 22 21 47 46 44 41 41 38 37 27 26 25 24 40 37 25 37 30 39 37 35 32 31 30 Juvenile 23 21 Savannah Sparrow Methamidophos Adult -- 13/25 10/18 7/18 5/12 3/11 47 40 35 34 31 31 31 30 30 28 26 22 54 50 34 33 33 31 30 25 24 53 52 34 33 27 24 47 25 25 21 20 23 21 20 22 21 21 Disyston Adult -- 3/7 4/9 10/15 1/3 1/5 57 34 33 45 33 33 49 45 41 37 34 33 31 26 26 22 28 28 25 a Numerator = number of birds with inhibited brain cholinesterase activity; denominator = number of birds collected. b Percent inhibition of cholinesterase activity. 69 Table 16. Disyston, methamidophos, and parathion residue concentrations in food items of adult and juvenile ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR, 1990-92. Quantifiable residues expressed in ppm (wet weight), with the lowest level of quantitation at 0.1 ppm. Residues below 0.1 ppm defined as detections, but not quantifiable. Days Post-spray 0 2 I 5 I 10 15 20 3/7M 0/6 1/2M 3/8M Adult Detection 1/1Ma 9/9M 5/9M 7/8M 1/8P Quantified -- 0.21 0.31 1.34 2.10 0.18 0.36 0.53 Juvenile Detection 5/7M 2/7D Quantified 16.00 3.90 4/9M 6/8M -- 0.23 0.46 0.43 a Numerator = number of birds with detected residues; denominator = number of birds analyzed; D = disyston; M = methamidophos; P = parathion. Radio Telemetry as a Measure of Pheasant OP Exposure Grain was the most important habitat used at TLNWR, with roughly half of the telemetric locations in grain fields for 1991 and 1992, respectively (Table 17). Edge habitat (the interface between 2 or more habitat types) ranked second and potato fields third. Pheasant exposure to OP insecticides was assured because they spent much of their time in agricultural croplands. Nine of 19 (47%) radio-equipped hen pheasants were exposed (present in a field within 30 days of when it was sprayed) to OP insecticides at TLNWR in 1991, and 27 of 32 (84%) hens were exposed in 1992. Radio-equipped hen pheasants were exposed to OP insecticides in fields of known spray dates for disyston, methamidophos, and parathion for 1991 70 and 1992 (Tables 18 and 19). In fact, some pheasants were exposed to more than one OP insecticide during the year because of staggered spray dates. One hen was exposed to all three OPs in 1992. Radio-equipped hen pheasants (during the 30-day post-spray exposure period) were exposed to OP insecticides an average of 24% of 540 available exposure days at TLNWR in 1991 (total exposure days based on OP insecticide dissipation of about 30 days, multiplied by the number of hens available [19 for 1991 and 32 for 1992] during the spray season). Average exposure was 57% of 960 exposure days in 1992. Table 17 . Radio-equipped adult hen ring-necked pheasant habitat use at TLNWR, 1991-92 using telemetry locations. Data represents the number of locations in a particular habitat type. Edge habitat is defined as the interface between two habitat types, i.e., fields, marshes. Numbers in parentheses are percents of observations. 1991 1992 Grain 490 (52.1) 443 (44) Edge 322 (34.2) 436 (43) Potato 70 (7.4) 93 (9.3) Sugar Beet 22 (2.3) 1 (0.1) Onion 22 (2.3) Hay 12 (1.3) Habitat Type Marsh Total I 3 (0.3) 32 (3.2) 941 (99.9) 1005 (100.1) I 71 Table 18. Adult hen ring-necked pheasant exposure within 30 days of application date to organophosphorus insecticides at TLNWR, 1991. Methamidophos 7/17/91 - 8/20/91 Disyston 7/5/91 - 7/16/91 0-10 11-20 21-30 1003 3a 4 1 T005 10 10 9 7 3 1 6 5 1 1 10 10 ID Number 0-10 11-20 21-30 Parathion 7/19/91 8/22/91 0-10 11-20 21-30 TO01 1 T006 T007 1008 T009 TO14 T018 1020 T024 1025 9 9 4 T026 T027 T028 1 1029 1043 8 10 10 8 11 10 4 T044 1046 Subtotals Relative Exposure Time 29 32 26 8 9 4 87 21 29 15.3% 3.7% 5.1% Exposedb Total Exposure 24.1% a Days exposed in the 10 day interval. b Total days exposed / total days available (# of birds [19] x 30 days = 540 exposure days). 72 Table 19. Adult hen ring-necked pheasant exposure within 30 days of application date to organophosphorus insecticides at TLNWR, 1992. Methamidophos Disyston 7/18/92 6/23/92 2 2 8 4 8 6 8 6 T230 2 2 2 T232 10 8 T233 4 4 6 4 8 10 4 8 4 10 8 2 8 2 10 10 2 10 8 4 2 T003 21-30 4a 2 11-20 21-30 2 6 4 8/5/92 11-20 11-20 0-10 7/20/92 0-10 ID Number 0-10 Parathion 7/18/92 - 8/15/92 T005 6 4 8 T008 10 4 4 T009 2 4 4 8 2 T020 6 10 8 2 2 T025 6 2 4 T029 10 8 4 T228 6 6 2 T229 2 2 T234 8 8 10 T236 10 10 6 4 T237 T240 8 21-30 6 T241 T243 T249 T250 8 T251 6 6 T253 T254 4 T255 T256 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 2 6 6 4 2 6 T258 T259 T260 2 2 73 Table 19. Continued Disyston 6/23/92 - 7/18/92 ID Number 0-10 11-20 21-30 Methamidophos 7/18/92 8/15/92 0-10 11-20 21-30 Parathion 7/20/92 - 8/5/92 0-10 11-20 21-30 10 10 8 2 4 74 72 T261 T262 T264 T266 Subtotals 74 64 62 10 6 4 58 36 14 88 Relative Exposure 200 108 234 Time Exposed' 20.8% 11.3% 24.4% 56.5% Total Exposure ' Days exposed in the 10 day interval. b Total days exposed / total days available (# of birds [32] x 30 days = 960 exposure days). DISCUSSION The spring pheasant population at TLNWR declined 50% between 1989 and 1991 based on counts made by Zezulak (1990). Zezulak counted of 800 pheasants in the same 2,372 ha area as our study. Pheasant densities/50 ha of 16.86, 8.49, and 6.81 at TLNWR in 1989, 1991, and 1992, respectively, are a small fraction of the >62 density estimate reported by Hart et al. (1956). Our findings, which show a decline between 1991 and 1992, support the findings of others, i.e., the pheasant population at TLNWR is in a long-term decline that is continuing. Zezulak (1990) also reported significant annual decreases in roosters harvested at Klamath Basin Refuges from 1974 to 1989, with the exception of 1983. Average yearly rooster harvest during the 1960s and early 1970s was 3,791, with an unusual high of 7,707 74 roosters taken in 1974. Harvest numbers fell to an all time low of 240 in 1988, but increased slightly to 635 taken in 1989. Pheasant populations at TLNWR and LKNWR were nearly extirpated during the last winter of our study (1992-93). Above normal precipitation with snowfall exceeding 51 cm flattened existing cover (including the marsh), forcing pheasants to take refuge in pump station platforms, stacks of irrigation pipe, and open farm buildings. The birds were vulnerable to predation by mammalian and avian predators, especially eagles, hawks, and owls. Zezulak (1990) also reported 3 occasions in the past when snowfall exceeding 51 cm resulted in significant declines in pheasant harvest numbers (1974-75, 1983-84, 1987-88). The extremely low harvest in 1993 on refuge lands further supports the contention that the winter of 1992-93 nearly extirpated the pheasant population. Hard winters with excessive snowfall are undoubtedly a factor, but if other conditions are adequate, pheasant populations with their high biotic potential should rapidly rebound. In this study, we investigated a number of factors that others have suggested may be responsible for the plight of the ring-necked pheasant in other portions of its range in North America and elsewhere. Pre-nesting spring body weights of hens from England, Illinois, Michigan, and Nebraska ranged between 1020 to 1216 g (Wight 1945, Mohler 1959, Warner and Etter 1983, Hill and Robertson 1988). Body condition of TLNWR hen pheasants in the spring was significantly poorer than hens at LKNWR, with LKNWR hens on the lower end of body weights reported in the literature. Lower body weights suggest nutritional problems at TLNWR, and when compared to other studies, possibly at LKNWR. Hens collected in July and August of 1991 at TLNWR and 1992 at TLNWR and LKNWR were 20%, 25%, and 25% lighter, respectively, than hens weighed in the spring. Kabat et al. 75 (1956) and Breitenbach et al. (1963) showed that hen pheasants reach their physical peak prior to egg laying, and will lose approximately 20% of their body weight during egg laying, incubation, brooding, and molting (Labisky and Jackson 1969), but the birds in our study were already below normal in body condition prior to egg laying. It is common among pheasants, when body condition and food availability are adequate, to dump eggs (Dumke and Pils 1979), but no dump nests or dropped eggs were found during searches along "A" dike in 1991 or 1992 at TLNWR. Moreover, the fact that we found one radioed hen molting extra-ordinarily late (29 November 1991) suggests that inadequate body reserves were available for molting in late summer. Hens at TLNWR also had significantly shorter tarsi than at LKNWR. Reduction in skeletal size (i.e., repressed growth) probably resulted from (1) poor adult hen nutrition responsible for some hens nesting late, i.e., unable to lay eggs earlier due to low energy reserves, and/or (2) adult hens renesting several times do to poor nesting habitat and nest predation, with broods generally produced later in the nesting season. Young produced later in the season have less time grow prior to the onset of winter which could yield smaller and lighter birds. A shortage of appropriate food later in the nesting season, i.e., insects and young forbes during the early stages of growth, may also contribute to fewer and smaller pheasants. The lack of residual cover during winter and spring months at TLNWR restricted the activity of the majority of pheasants to the northern half of A dike, which is adjacent to a large bulrush marsh. Zezulak (1990) also found the majority of pheasants located in the northern portion of the refuge in 1989. Marsh habitat was the most important habitat type for pheasants at TLNWR during winter and spring months of this study, providing roosting cover, thermal protection, and 76 protection from predators (Zezulak 1990). Gatti et al. (1989) found marsh habitat an important cover component during winter and spring months for pheasants in Wisconsin, while Farris et al. (1977) described cattail sloughs as important cover during winter and spring months in Iowa. Pheasants at TLNWR, however, had to venture out into open-bare fields to forage (especially in spring), which made them vulnerable to predation. Pheasants flushed into the marsh along "A" (because of vehicle traffic or predators) would immediately return to the fields as soon as the threat of danger was removed. This suggests that what limited food resources available in the marsh had been depleted during the winter months. Little cover was available to pheasants away from "A" dike until after 1 June, when the height of crops was tall enough to provide adequate cover. Vegetation growth along dikes and field edges during spring and summer months did not provide enough adequate cover for pheasants at TLNWR in 1992. Fewer radioed hen pheasants were able to initiate incubation at TLNWR when compared to LKNWR for both years, which was probably due to the lack of adequate residual nesting cover and possibly malnutrition. Hen pheasants had a paucity of habitat available for early spring nesting at TLNWR. Later, spring planted crops (mainly cereal grains) provided concealment for nesting hens. Most early nesting attempts made in the sparse cover were almost immediately depredated by both avian and mammalian predators. Nest success was also low at LKNWR in 1991 where nests were usually on dikes of flooded impoundments, making them vulnerable to mammalian predators systematically searching the dikes. Continued drought conditions were probably responsible for increased pheasant nesting success at LKNWR in 1992, presumably because many of the impoundments remained dry, 77 allowing pheasants, waterfowl, and other waterbirds to nest away from the dikes and increasing their chances for success. Eighteen percent of radio-equipped hens renested at both refuges in 1991, with 10% at TLNWR and 31% at LKNWR renesting in 1992. Generally, more than 60% of female pheasants renest after losing their first clutch (Dumke and Pils 1979, Hill and Robertson 1988). Depressed renesting after abandonment or depredation suggests nutritional problems for both refuges in 1991 and for TLNWR in 1992. The only two hens (LK202, LK219) that successfully hatched eggs at 2 nests each in 1992 were at LKNWR (first brood lost early), suggesting better nutrition at LKNWR. Hatching two successful clutches in one season is quite rare in pheasants (Dumke and Pils 1979, Penrod et al. 1982). Smaller clutch sizes, and restlessness during incubation at TLNWR suggest nutritional problems, but the extended nesting season suggests that some hens had enough body reserves continue to renest. Mean clutch size reported in the literature ranged from 10.3 to 11.8 (Mohler 1959, Dumke and Pils 1979, Hill and Robertson 1988), with clutch size decreasing as the season progresses. Kabat et al. (1950) reported that much of the body reserve decline is due to egg laying, but Breitenbach et al. (1963) and Labisky and Jackson (1969) showed that egg weight and fertility did not decline due to substantial hen body weight loss as the nesting season progressed. It appears that even when food supplies are limited, some hen pheasants will sacrifice themselves (body condition and possibly survival) in order to ensure the production of quality eggs (Labisky and Jackson 1969, Hill and Robertson 1988). They may lay fewer eggs, but the quality and fertility of the eggs do not appear to be sacrificed. Once incubation begins, pheasant hens sit quietly, moving very little to avoid attracting attention (Breitenbach et al. 1965, Hill and Robertson 1988). 78 Observations of hens at TLNWR did not incubate as intensively or were more restless than hens at LKNWR for both 1991 and 1992 nesting seasons, further suggests possible nutritional problems. Wagner (1957) reported that survival after nesting was lower in hens of poor body condition. A radio-equipped hen with avian tuberculosis at TLNWR in 1991 (TL007) died soon after her eggs hatched. She lost 42.1% of her April trap weight. Another hen at LKNWR (LK048) in 1992 also died from avian tuberculosis during incubation. She lost 52.7% of her spring trap weight. Poor nutrition, lower body weight, and the stress of nesting may predispose hens to disease and thus threaten their survival. Low brood survival may result from poor habitat quality. Warner (1984) and Hill and Robertson (1988) report that hens with broods in large homogenous monocultural crop settings tend to range farther to forage. Broods in monocultural habitats with larger home ranges had higher incidences of mortality when compared with broods in more diverse habitat settings. Monocultures usually have low numbers and few species of insects associated with them (Warner 1979, Warner 1984, Warner et al. 1984). Brood survival at TLNWR was 33% and 13% for 1991 and 1992, respectively. Brood survival at LKNWR was also 33% in 1991, but increased to 37% in 1992. Pesticide (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides) applications during brooding have been shown to decrease the availability of insects for pheasant chicks (Messick et al. 1974, Warner 1984, Warner et al. 1984, Hill 1985, Hill and Robertson 1988). Depressed insect densities can cause broods to move greater distances, thus increasing chances for separation from the brood, depredation, and hunger. 79 Most predation of adult pheasants occurred during spring months at TLNWR before crop cover was adequate for concealment. The timing was similar at LKNWR. The lack of cover made pheasants easy prey for golden eagles, the primary predator at TLNWR and also important at LKNWR. Continued drought conditions in the Klamath Basin was probably responsible for the large number of raptors observed at TLNWR and LKNWR during the last 2 years of the study. Once spring-planted crops provided adequate concealment for pheasants, predation sharply decreased. Spring­ to-fall survival of adult hen pheasants at both refuges were at or above the 30-35%, considered typical of self-sustaining populations in which reproduction keeps pace with mortality (Peterson et al. 1988). However, reproduction at TLNWR and LKNWR was not keeping pace with mortality. The majority of reproductive loss was due to mammalian predation, primarily raccoons and skunks. With less than 50% of the radio-equipped hens actually initiating incubation at TLNWR in 1991 and 1992, and a actual hatching success of 36 and 32%, respectively, and brood survival of only 33 and 12.5%, respectively, reproduction was woefully inadequate. Lack of alternative refuge or foraging habitat at TLNWR exposes pheasants and other wildlife to antiChE insecticides used on agricultural croplands. Over 95 percent of radio-equipped hen activity at TLNWR in 1991 and 1992 was associated with agricultural lands. Exposure to OP insecticides doubled between 1991 and 1992, yet no radio-equipped adult hen pheasants died as a result of OP intoxication during the two-year telemetry study. This finding is of particular interest because 15% of the pheasants collected at TLNWR had z 55% brain AChE inhibition when compared to controls, which is known in other studies to cause death in some inviduals. Most birds found dead as a result of antiChE poisoning have shown brain 80 AChE inhibition of >50% (usually >80-90%) when compared to controls of the same species (Ludke et al. 1975, Hill and Fleming 1982, Blus et al. 1989, Henny et al 1985, Hill 1992, Hart 1993). Sublethal effects of OP insecticide exposure to wildlife at TLNWR are of concern when considering possible changes in physiology and behavior. Most pheasants collected in this study appeared normal, except one hen with 41 % brain AChE inhibition. She was incoordinated and drooling; but this bird was also infected with avian tuberculosis. Thus, pheasants in a compromised physiological state may be more susceptible to antiChE exposure. Anorexia, disruption of thermoregulation, lethargy, muscle incoordination, piloerection often occur when wildlife is exposed to antiChE insecticides. Expression, duration, and intensity are dose dependent, even though there is variability between compounds. Adult pheasants may exhibit some of these effects, but telemetry-associated observations were unable to detect them. Two pheasants (approximately 45 days old) were found dead in 1990 as a result of methamidophos intoxication, but no others were located. Young pheasants may be more sensitive to antiChE insecticides than adults (Hudson et al. 1984, Hill 1992). Unfortunately, no pheasant young were radio-equipped in this study. CONCLUSIONS Direct mortality (2 pheasant yound found dead) and perhaps indirect effects via antiChE induced effects and reduced prey availability for short periods immediately after OP insecticide application adversely impacted the pheasant population to some extent. The magnitude of these effects on juvenile survival was uncertain (young were not radio-equipped), but direct toxicity of radio-equipped 81 adults did not occur. In fact, few adults died during the summer spray season. Also noteworthy is that most of the nesting failure of radio-equipped hens (58%) occurred before insecticide applications began. The overriding factor impacting the pheasant population at TLNWR and to a lesser extent LKNWR was poor habitat, especially in the winter and spring when most adult pheasant mortality occurred. Adult mortality rates in 1991 were toward at the high end of those reported in the literature; however, the 100% observed loss in 1992-93 almost documented the extirpation of ring-necked pheasants locally. Severe weather conditions during the winter of 1992­ 93 may have resulted in the mortality of 10 radio-equipped hens, 5 each at TLNWR and LKNWR, but probably more. Pheasants either starved to death or were depredated during the severe winter months. Few pheasants were seen in the study area during the spring of 1993 following the extremely hard winter of 1992-93. Lack of suitable cover and food also impacted nesting success. The recruitment rates (observed up to 1 September) we reported were extremely low when compared to the literature. With high mortality rates and low recruitment rates, this pheasant population could only decline, which is exactly what we observed. 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anonymous. 1990. Klamath Basin Refuges Narrative Report. Refuge Headquarters, Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Tule lake, CA. 200 pp. Bart, J. and D.S. Robson. 1982. Estimating survivorship when the subjects are visited periodically. Ecology 63:1078-1090. Bennett, R.S. and H.H. Prince. 1981. Influence of agricultural pesticides on food preference and consumption by ring-necked pheasants. Journal of Wildlife Management 45:74-82 Bent, A.C. 1932. Life histories of North American gallinaceous birds. 1963 republication. 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Tarsus Length (mm) Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge T001 164.250 04-03-91 TLNWR 820.0 T002 164.400 04-03-91 TLNWR 1070.0 T003 164.103 04-03-91 TLNWR 815.0 T004 164.022 04-04-91 TLNWR 840.0 T005 164.230 04-05-91 TLNWR 985.0 T006 164.320 04-05-91 TLNWR 840.0 T007 164.022 04-09-91 TLNWR 985.0 67.0 T008 164.090 04-09-91 TLNWR 965.0 T009 164.120 04-09-91 TLNWR T010 164.190 04-10-91 TO11 164.082 T012 ID Body Weight (g) Wing Chord Length (cm) Termination Date Termination Weight (g) 11-29-91 -­ 62.2 20.7 -­ 65.3 21.4 Type of Mortality D-R 05-03-91 -­ D-GE 08-21-92 702.1 C-RS 04-07-91 D-MK 08-20-92 835.3 C-RS 07-16-91 -­ D-00 21.6 07-16-91 570.0 M-TB 63.5 20.1 08-09-92 757.0 C-RS 1080.0 65.8 21.1 08-20-92 788.7 C-RS TLNWR 845.0 62.4 21.4 06-03-91 04-10-91 TLNWR 705.0 164.353 04-10-91 TLNWR 905.0 -­ 04-13-91 RH T013 164.202 04-10-91 TLNWR 970.0 -­ 06-02-91 D-GE 1014 164.380 04-10-91 TLNWR 900.0 05-23-92 D-GE T015 164.144 04-10-91 TLNWR 890.0 05-21-91 D-GE T016 164.040 04-11-91 TLNWR 880.0 -­ 06-05-91 -­ 05-18-91 D-GE -­ 874.0 D-GE D-GE Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Body Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge T017 164.283 04-12-91 TLNWR 880.0 T018 164.168 04-12-91 TLNWR 1070.0 T019 164.310 04-12-91 TLNWR 910.0 T020 164.340 04-12-91 TLNWR 940.0 T021 164.360 04-12-91 TLNWR 815.0 T022 164.036 04-12-92 TLNWR T023 164.052 04-12-91 T024 164.010 T025 ID Weight (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Wing Chord Length Termination (cm) Date -­ -­ 66.5 21.7 Termination Weight (g) Type of Mortality 06-23-91 D-MK 06-28-91 D-RA 04-18-91 -­ D-GE 08-20-92 797.5 C-RS 05-02-91 -­ D-GE 840.0 05-04-91 -­ D-GE TLNWR 1055.0 05-01-91 04-12-91 TLNWR 905.0 -­ 164.270 04-13-91 TLNWR 970.0 67.3 T026 164.180 04-13-91 TLNWR 1010.0 T027 164.062 04-13-91 TLNWR 1110.0 66.0 T028 164.310 04-19-91 TLNWR 890.0 63.4 -­ 06-04-92 T029 164.390 04-19-91 TLNWR 915.0 -­ -­ 08-12-92 T043 164.035 05-04-91 TLNWR 1020.0 -­ 09-26-91 D-R T044 164.400 05-04-91 TLNWR 1005.0 65.0 12-29-92 CNL T045 164.360 05-04-91 TLNWR 990.0 -­ 05-21-91 D-GE -­ -­ 21.6 09-24-91 08-20-92 D-GE -­ 822.7 C-RS D-00 07-16-91 06-12-92 D-GE -­ CNL D-GE -­ CNL Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Tarsus Length (mm) Chord Length (cm) Date 63.0 20.6 06-30-91 Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge Body Weight (g) T046 164.353 05-04-91 TLNWR 1040.0 T049 164.220 05-22-91 TLNWR 690.0 -­ 06-06-91 T228 164.070 04-22-92 TLNWR 925.0 62.0 03-15-93 T229 164.238 04-22-92 TLNWR 870.0 62.5 T230 164.220 04-22-92 TLNWR 865.0 65.0 T231 164.040 04-22-92 TLNWR 960.0 65.0 -­ 06-20-92 D-GE T232 164.360 04-23-92 TLNWR 980.0 70.0 -­ 03-15-93 D-R T233 164.143 04-23-92 TLNWR 970.0 66.0 12-29-92 CNL T234 164.300 04-23-92 TLNWR 955.0 66.0 12-29-92 -­ CNL T235 164.200 04-23-92 TLNWR 915.0 64.0 05-25-92 -­ D-GE T236 164.190 04-23-92 TLNWR 965.0 68.5 12-29-92 CNL T237 164.082 04-23-92 TLNWR 925.0 66.0 12-29-92 CNL T238 164.353 04-23-92 TLNWR 1015.0 65.0 04-27-92 -­ RO T239 164.283 04-23-92 TLNWR 860.0 64.0 06-21-92 -­ D-GE T240 164.167 04-24-93 TLNWR 1010.0 67.0 -­ 12-29-92 T241 164.159 04-24-92 TLNWR 1140.0 65.0 -­ 12-29-92 ID -­ 21.1 Termination Termination Weight (g) Type of Mortality D-NH -­ D-GE M-W 12-29-92 577.5 D-CO 08-24-92 668.6 D-RK M-? -­ CNL Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Tarsus Length (mm) Chord Length (cm) Termination 20.8 06-07-92 Termination Weight (g) Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge Body Weight (g) T242 164.180 04-24-92 TLNWR 950.0 64.8 T243 164.018 04-25-92 TLNWR 1005.0 67.0 07-31-92 CNL T244 164.320 04-25-92 TLNWR 1085.0 66.0 05-23-92 D-RA T245 164.372 04-25-92 TLNWR 925.0 62.5 05-05-92 D-RA T246 164.008 04-25-92 TLNWR 995.0 66.0 06-12-92 RO T247 164.034 04-25-92 TLNWR 945.0 68.0 06-01-92 -­ RO T248 164.260 04-25-92 TLNWR 735.0 57.0 06-25-92 -­ RO T249 164.246 04-26-92 TLNWR 915.0 62.5 12-29-92 CNL T250 164.053 04-26-92 TLNWR 1055.0 67.5 03-15-93 CNL T251 164.112 04-26-92 TLNWR 1015.0 65.5 12-29-92 -­ CNL T252 164.129 04-26-92 TLNWR 1075.0 67.0 05-27-92 -­ D-RA T253 164.151 04-26-92 TLNWR 925.0 65.0 03-15-93 T254 164.212 04-26-92 TLNWR 1035.0 70.0 12-29-92 -­ D-GE T255 164.233 04-26-92 TLNWR 995.0 68.0 03-15-93 -­ CNL T256 164.353 04-27-92 TLNWR 1125.0 69.0 12-29-92 -­ D-R T257 164.290 04-27-92 TLNWR 925.0 66.0 ID -­ -­ -­ Date 06-07-92 925.3 Type of Mortality M-ND M-? D-GE Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge Weight (g) Tarsus Length (mm) T258 164.330 04-27-92 TLNWR 1035.0 67.0 -­ 12-29-92 813.1 M-W T259 164.852 04-27-92 TLNWR 995.0 64.5 -­ 12-29-92 -­ D-GE T260 164.798 04-27-92 TLNWR 895.0 65.0 12-29-92 T261 164.839 04-27-92 TLNWR 965.0 60.5 07-13-92 T262 164.690 04-29-92 TLNWR 900.0 64.0 03-15-93 M-? T263 164.660 04-29-92 TLNWR 835.0 60.0 05-26-92 D-GE T264 164.910 04-29-92 TLNWR 1010.0 64.0 12-29-92 T266 164.372 05-07-92 TLNWR 945.0 63.0 03-15-93 CNL L030 164.300 04-23-91 LKNWR 940.0 06-04-91 D-GE L031 164.213 04-25-91 LKNWR 1225.0 67.5 21.0 08-24-92 834.4 C-RS L032 164.070 04-25-91 LKNWR 1115.0 67.5 21.7 05-16-91 1020.0 D-GE L033 164.330 04-28-91 LKNWR 970.0 68.2 20.2 08-21-92 696.9 C-RS L034 164.372 04-28-91 LKNWR 1095.0 L035 164.220 04-28-91 LKNWR 805.0 L036 164.130 04-28-91 LKNWR 985.0 L037 164.240 04-28-91 LKNWR 945.0 ID Body -­ Chord Length (cm) -­ -­ -­ Termination Date Termination Weight (g) Type of Mortality D-GE -­ -­ CNL D-R 08-21-91 -­ D-RA 05-16-91 -­ D-GE 04-14-92 -­ RO 05-24-91 D-GE Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Body Tarsus Length (mm) Chord Length (cm) Termination Termination Weight (g) Type of Mortality Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge L038 164.262 04-28-91 LKNWR 945.0 L039 164.290 04-28-91 LKNWR 925.0 L040 164.160 05-01-91 LKNWR 1065.0 L041 164.112 05-01-91 LKNWR 940.0 64.7 21.0 08-21-92 770.9 C-RS L042 164.052 05-02-91 LKNWR 1015.0 68.4 21.4 08-19-92 839.1 C-RS L047 164.150 05-04-91 LKNWR 895.0 63.0 07-13-92 750.0 M-ND L048 164.234 05-06-91 LKNWR 1030.0 65.4 06-13-92 487.4 M-TB L201 164.071 04-10-92 LKNWR 1145.0 65.0 12-28-92 -­ CNL L202 164.240 04-10-92 LKNWR 1175.0 66.5 -­ 01-13-93 -­ M-? L203 164.221 04-10-92 LKNWR 1105.0 69.0 21.2 05-26-92 760.3 D-MK L204 164.040 04-10-92 LKNWR 1215.0 65.5 12-28-92 804.3 D-NH L205 164.360 04-10-92 LKNWR 1005.0 65.5 L206 164.143 04-10-92 LKNWR 1045.0 64.5 L207 164.298 04-11-92 LKNWR 1195.0 68.8 L208 164.200 04-11-92 LKNWR 955.0 64.0 03-15-93 L209 164.190 04-11-92 LKNWR 855.0 63.0 07-13-92 ID Weight (g) Date 11-29-91 63.6 21.1 08-21-92 D-R 817.4 08-01-91 21.2 -­ 21.8 C-RS D-GE 12-28-92 CNL 12-15-92 C-H 08-19-92 838.8 -­ 750.0 C-I M-W M-ND Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radio-equipped ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge Weight (g) Tarsus Length (mm) L210 164.082 04-11-92 LKNWR 1065.0 66.0 04-25-92 L211 164.351 04-11-92 LKNWR 1065.0 69.0 05-13-92 L212 164.283 04-12-92 LKNWR 965.0 67.5 03-15-93 CNL L213 164.165 04-12-92 LKNWR 1135.0 67.0 04-20-92 D-GE L214 164.160 04-12-92 LKNWR 1105.0 66.2 L215 164.160 04-13-92 LKNWR 1035.0 68.0 L216 164.179 04-14-92 LKNWR 1175.0 L217 164.022 04-14-92 LKNWR L218 164.318 04-14-92 L219 164.369 L220 ID Body Chord Length (cm) 21.5 Termination Date 04-12-92 Termination Weight (g) Type of Mortality CNL 850.0 1105.0 D-FE M-D 07-28-92 D-GE 68.5 12-28-92 D-R 1100.0 69.0 12-28-92 LKNWR 960.0 65.5 -­ 12-28-92 D-GE 04-14-92 LKNWR 1055.0 70.0 -­ 01-13-93 M-? 164.006 04-14-92 LKNWR 1025.0 65.0 03-15-93 M-? L221 164.034 04-14-92 LKNWR 1005.0 64.4 L222 164.260 04-15-92 LKNWR 1035.0 66.5 03-15-93 L223 164.248 04-16-92 LKNWR 1075.0 69.5 05-22-92 D-GE L224 164.064 04-17-92 LKNWR 995.0 64.5 07-05-92 D-GE L225 164.092 04-17-92 LKNWR 1015.0 65.5 04-28-92 D-GE -­ 21.3 -­ 05-24-92 -­ 706.5 -­ CNL M-N CNL Appendix 1 (cont.). General data collected from radioe-equippd ring-necked pheasant hens. Wing Chord Length Termination (cm) Date 20.7 05-22-92 Number Radio Frequency Trap Date Refuge Weight (g) Tarsus Length (mm) L226 164.103 04-17-92 LKNWR 1015.0 68.6 L227 164.120 04-17-92 LKNWR 1105.0 74.0 07-20-92 L265 164.092 05-06-92 LKNWR 945.0 66.0 12-28-92 -­ CNL L267 164.165 05-07-92 LKNWR 1025.0 67.0 07-13-92 750.0 M-N ID CNL: C-RS: C-H: C-I: D-CO: D-GE: D-MK: D-NH: D-RA: D-RK: D-R: D-FE: M-D: M-N: M-ND: M-TB: M-W: M-?: RH: RO: Body COULD NOT LOCATE COLLECTED BY RESEARCHER COLLECTED BY HUNTER COLLECTED BECAUSE BIRD WAS BADLY INJURED DEPREDATED BY COYOTE DEPREDATED BY GOLDEN EAGLE DEPREDATED BY MINK DEPREDATED BY NORTHERN HARRIER DEPREDATED BY RACCOON DEPREDATED BY ROADKILL DEPREDATED BY RAPTOR DEPREDATED BY FIELD EQUIPMENT MORTALITY BY DROWNING MORTALITY BY NECKLACE MORTALITY BY DROWNING BECAUSE OF NECKLACE MORTALITY BY AVIAN TUBERCULOSIS MORTALITY FROM HARSH WINTER MORTALITY UNKNOWN, COULD NOT REACH CARCASS SITE RELEASED HEN AFTER REMOVING RADIO RADIO DETACHED FROM HEN -­ Termination Weight (g) 701.5 Type of Mortality D-NH RO 98 Appendix 2 Appendix 2. Nest data of radio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. Cover ID Number Nest Site Height (cm) Nest Initiation Number Of Eggs Nest Fate Date Determined Exposure Days Brood Survival Date Determined 1991 TLNWR TL001 Field2 55 07-14-91 8 H-8 08-16-91 19 3 08-29-91 TL005 Field2 79 07-02-91 5 H-4 08-01-91 7 0 08-29-91 TL006 Field2 73 06-27-91 ? D9 07-16-91 16 N/A TL007 Field2 60 06-15-91 6 H-6 07-16-91 15 0 TL018 Dike 60 06-02-91 9 D8 06-20-91 9 N/A N/A TL020 Field2 56 07-14-91 6 Al 07-30-91 4 N/A N/A TL025 Field2 82 07-17-91 6 Al 07-30-91 4 N/A N/A TL026 Field2 33 06-30-91 <3 D6 07-16-91 13 N/A N/A TL027 Dike 6 05-28-91 <3 D3 06-03-91 1 N/A N/A TL027 Field2 60 06-25-91 6 H-4 07-26-91 22 TL029 Dike 17 06-29-91 9 Al 07-20-91 12 N/A TL029 Field3 55 08-17-91 9 H-9 09-26-91 23 0 09-26-91 TL043 Field2 60 06-16-91 6 H-6 07-17-91 22 0 08-26-91 2 N/A 07-16-91 08-22-91 N/A Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of radio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. ID Number Nest Site Cover Height (cm) Nest Initiation Number of Eggs Nest Fate Date Determined Exposure Days Survival Date Determined Brood LKNWR LK031 Dike' 73 06-30-91 7 D12 07-12-91 3 N/A' N/A' LK033 Dike 74 06-11-91 11 D9 07-12-91 17 N/A N/A LK034 Dike 87 06-23-91 8 D8 07-15-91 11 N/A N/A LK036 Dike 60 06-25-91 11 D9 07-23-91 16 N/A N/A LK038 Dike 90 06-11-91 11 D8 07-12-91 17 N/A N/A LK039 Dike 51 07-07-91 ? D3 07-12-91 5 N/A N/A LK041 Dike 51 05-31-91 9 H-9 07-03-91 15 0 LK042 Dike 21 06-12-91 10 D8 06-30-91 5 N/A N/A LK047 Dike 45 06-16-91 7 D8 07-07-91 12 N/A N/A LK047 Dike 44 07-13-91 7 H-7 08-14-91 12 1 08-28-91 LK048 Field1 69 07-08-91 7 H-7 08-09-91 23 1 08-15-91 07-07-91 1992 TLNWR N/A TL003 Dike 58 05-13-92 6 D3 05-21-92 2 N/A TL003 Field2 74 05 -23 -92 10 H-9 06-24-92 22 0 07-28-92 TL005 Dike 36 04-24-92 10 H-10 05-30-92 7 0 08-29-92 Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of adio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. Cover Height (cm) Number of Eggs Nest Date Determined Exposure Days Brood Fate Survival Date Determined 5 Al 05-28-92 10 N/A N/A 07-15-92 5 Al 08-08-92 1 N/A N/A 83 05-14-92 7 D1 05-23-92 2 N/A N/A Field2 91 06-25-92 6 D1 07-16-92 13 N/A N/A TL025 Field2 83 05-14-92 12 H-12 06-22-92 21 0 TL029 Field4 58 07-13-92 8 Al 08-02-92 10 N/A TL230 Dike ? 04-18-92 6 H-6 05-19-92 1 1 TL232 Field2 91 07-16-92 7 H-7 08-17-92 14 ? TL233 Dike 20 ? D1 06-04-92 1 N/A N/A TL237 Dike 64 ? ? D9 06-10-92 8 N/A N/A TL237 Field2 86 06-23-92 6 H-5 07-24-92 11 TL239 Dike 69 05-12-92 9 D8 05-29-92 5 TL240 Marsh 44 05-30-92 7 H-7 07-01-92 21 0 TL243 Field2 76 06-15-92 11 A3 07-01-92 2 N/A TL249 Field2 119 07-07-92 9 H-9 08-11-92 6 0 TL251 Field2 86 07-15-92 >3 D9 08-06-92 18 N/A Number Nest Site TL008 Dike 27 05-17-92 TL008 Field4 61 TL009 Dike TL009 ID Nest Initiation ? 0 N/A 08-20-92 N/A 06-24-92 ? 08-12-92 N/A 07-01-92 N/A 08-20-92 N/A Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of adio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. Cover Height (cm) Nest Initiation Number of Eggs Fate Date Determined Nest Exposure Days Brood Survival Date Determined Number Nest Site TL253 Dike 55 05-22-92 2 D3 05-25-92 2 N/A N/A TL254 Dike 52 04-29-92 11 D9 05-25-92 1 N/A N/A TL257 Dike 52 05-13-92 8 D2 05-28-92 5 N/A N/A TL260 Field2 92 06-23-92 6 H-6 07-24-92 23 0 08-14-92 TL261 Dike 18 05-23-92 2 D2 05-30-92 4 N/A N/A TL263 Dike 41 05-05-92 12 D6 05-25-92 4 N/A N/A TL266 Dike 48 05-14-92 10 D8 05-30-92 3 N/A N/A LK031 Fieldl 22 04-10-92 18 H-16 05-25-92 25 9 LK033 Fieldl 64 04-23-92 11 D11 05-11-92 4 N/A N/A LK033 Fieldl 84 05-18-92 5 A3 05-28-92 0 N/A N/A LK041 Dike 76 05-12-92 9 H-8 06-16-92 25 1 08-06-92 LK042 Marsh 183 04-24-92 8 H-8 05-27-92 14 2 08-06-92 LK048 Fieldl 64 05-09-92 8 A2 06-05-92 17 N/A N/A LK201 Dike 108 05-05-92 8 Al 05-20-92 8 N/A N/A LK201 Fieldl 56 05-29-92 11 D9 06-28-92 19 N/A N/A ID LKNWR 08-24-92 Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of radio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. Cover Height (cm) Nest Initiation Number of Eggs Nest Fate Date Determined Exposure Days Survival Date Determined 06-15-92 Brood Number Nest Site LK202 Dike 80 05-05-92 11 H-9 06-09-92 23 0 LK202 Dike 98 06-26-92 7 H-6 07-28-92 26 ? LK203 Dike 56 04-18-92 14 H-1 05-26-92 22 0 LK204 Dike 101 04-24-92 12 Al 05-23-91 12 N/A LK204 Fieldl 71 05-27-92 12 H-12 07-05-92 20 4 LK205 Dike 64 05-04-92 9 D10 05-22-92 5 N/A LK205 Field1 41 06-09-92 7 H-6 07-11-92 20 0 08-06-92 LK206 Dike 75 05-15-92 ? D1 05-22-92 5 N/A N/A LK207 Dike 43 05-10-92 10 H-9 06-15-92 27 0 08-19-92 LK208 Dike 86 05-02-92 9 H-9 06-04-92 22 ? LK209 Fieldl 81 05-12-92 15 D12 05-29-92 2 N/A LK209 Dike 38 06-02-92 14 H-12 07-13-92 21 0 LK212 Dike 129 04-30-92 ? D12 05-30-92 17 N/A N/A LK215 Fieldl 81 05-16-92 10 D12 05-29-92 2 N/A N/A LK216 Fieldl 23 05-12-92 10 D13 05-29-92 4 N/A N/A LK216 Dike 66 06-04-92 8 H-5 07-07-92 22 3 ID ? 05-26-92 N/A 08-26-92 N/A ? N/A 07-13-92 08-26-92 Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of adio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. Cover Height (cm) Nest Initiation Number of Eggs Fate Date Determined Exposure Days Nest Brood Date Determined Number Nest Site LK217 Dike 32 04-26-92 9 H-9 05-31-92 20 0 06-01-92 LK218 Marsh 85 05-06-92 7 H-7 06-07-92 21 0 08-30-92 LK219 Dike 122 05-06-92 10 H-10 06-11-92 25 0 06-?-92 LK219 Dike 61 06-27-92 8 H-7 07-30-92 20 3 08-19-92 LK220 Dike 36 04-18-92 9 H-9 05-23-92 17 0 05-23-92 LK221 Dike 69 05-05-92 7 D10 05-22-92 7 N/A N/A LK222 Field1 89 05-09-92 9 D3 05-26-92 5 N/A N/A LK222 Dike 81 05-22-92 14 H-10 07-03-92 10 4 08-06-92 LK223 Dike 42 04-14-92 11 H-11 05-21-92 13 0 05-22-92 LK224 Fie Id1 74 05-06-92 9 H-8 06-10-92 23 0 07-06-92 LK226 Field1 60 05-11-92 7 D3 05-22-92 4 N/A LK227 Dike 52 05-15-92 12 H-10 06-23-92 22 ? LK265 Marsh 76 05-21-92 7 H-7 06-22-92 20 0 06-23-92 LK267 Dike 72 05-02-92 10 H-10 06-07-92 21 0 06-23-92 ID Survival N/A ? Appendix 2 (cont.). Nest data of radio-equipped adult ring-necked pheasant hens at LKNWR and TLNWR, 1991-92. 1 Nest site substrate. Dike refers to nests associated with dikes or drains. Field refers to nests associated with fields. Fie Idl = fallow, field2 = grain, field3 = onion, field4 = potato, field5 = sugar beet. 2 Fate of nests. H-1 = nest hatched 1 egg, Al = abandoned reason unknown, A2 = abandoned disease related, D1 = avian depredation, D2 = gull depredation, D3 = raven depredation, D4 = marsh hawk depredation, D5 = mammal depredation, D6 = coyote depredation, D7 = mink depredation, D8 = raccoon depredation, D9 = skunk depredation, D10 = weasel depredation, Dll = destroyed by flood, D12 = destroyed by fire, D13 = destroyed by farm equipment. 3 N/A means not applicable. 4 N/A means not applicable. 106 Appendix 3 107 Appendix 3. Brain cholinesterase activity and chemistry data from radioed hens at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. ID Number Days Post Spray AChE Brain Activity in Weight (g) ,um/min/m1 GI Tract Sample Weight (g) OP Insecticide Detected' OP Quantified2 T003 3.35 17.095 7.90 NO N/A T005 3.59 17.095 28.80 NO N/A T007 -­ 3.54 16.250 12.24 NO N/A T008 4 3.16 11.895 11.10 NO N/A T009 -­ 3.29 13.130 26.70 YES NO T016 -­ 3.38 15.275 6.44 NS N/A 3.40 17.030 10.60 NO N/A 3.43 16.835 7.20 YES NO 3.40 14.820 0.00 NS N/A 3.23 17.160 16.10 NO N/A T242 3.07 18.330 0.00 NS N/A L031 2.99 17.615 10.00 NO N/A L032 3.64 16.250 0.00 NS N/A L033 3.36 17.225 0.00 NS N/A L037 3.50 15.535 0.00 NS N/A L039 3.47 16.185 11.90 NS N/A L041 3.32 17.810 14.60 NS N/A T020 T025 -­ T028 T230 -­ L042 -­ 3.63 17.225 20.20 NO N/A L048 -­ 3.24 18.135 0.00 NS N/A 3.59 16.835 0.00 NS N/A 3.58 16.315 0.00 NS N/A L214 3.49 16.445 0.00 NS N/A L215 2.79 16.705 0.00 NS N/A 3.10 18.005 17.00 NS N/A 3.36 18.265 0.00 NS N/A L203 L207 L221 L226 1 2 -­ -­ NO means no organophosphorus insecticide detected, NS means not sampled, and YES means organophosphorus insecticide detected. D means disyston detected, M means methamidophos detected, and P means parathion detected. N/A means not applicable. NO means not quantified 108 Appendix 4 Appendix Table 4. General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Field Wing Chord Length Brain Weight ChE (cm) (g) Activity' Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified' or ID # Date Collected Spray Interval Refuge Location in Days' Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) 000 4-24-90 TLNWR A Dike C AD F 907.4 59.5 21.5 3.57 15.925 NS 008 7-26-90 TLNWR 8314 0 AD F 910.0 63.2 21.6 3.52 11.765 +M 036 8-01-90 LKNWR Control C AD F 805.0 69.1 21.8 3.32 16.055 038 8-02-90 TLNWR 8316 2 AD F 960.0 66.7 21.9 3.54 7.475 +M 042 8-04-90 TLNWR 8337 2 AD F 855.0 67.3 21.3 2.22 11.050 0.31M 043A 8-04-90 TLNWR 8337 2 JU F 70.0 35.5 9.8 1.31 1.885 16.00M 043B 8-04-90 TLNWR 8337 2 JU M 80.0 36.8 10.2 1.16 1.625 3.90M 045 8-07-90 TLNWR 8337 5 AD M 1130.0 74.8 23.6 2.30 6.977 0.18M 046 8-07-90 TLNWR 8337 5 AD F 778.0 67.8 21.0 3.32 11.050 052 8-08-90 LKNWR Control C JU M 574.0 72.3 18.6 3.21 19.565 053 8-08-90 LKNWR Control C AD F 705.0 65.0 20.1 2.72 18.460 054 8-08-90 LKNWR Control C JU F 445.0 2.70 19.175 058A 8-09-90 LKNWR Control C JU M 600.0 3.09 20.215 NS 058B 8-09-90 LKNWR Control C JU F 510.0 2.71 19.175 NS 059A 8-09-90 LKNWR Control C AD F 730.0 3.10 20.215 Number Body Weight 67.7 20.4 Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Length Brain ChE (cm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified 66.7 17.3 2.82 18.655 NS 1160.0 76.4 24.2 2.64 12.740 F 757.0 61.5 21.0 2.46 11.960 NS AD F 1020.0 60.7 21.4 3.20 16.813 NS C AD M 1095.0 67.6 23.0 A Dike C AD F 750.0 60.4 19.8 3.08 17.680 NS TLNWR Eagle C AD F 63.0 21.0 7-10-91 TLNWR Mortality C JU 120 7-30-91 TLNWR 8323 2 AD 121A 7-30-91 TLNWR 8304 2 121B 7-30-91 TLNWR 8304 122A 7-30-91 TLNWR 122B 7-30-91 122C 123 Wing Field Chord (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Body ID # Date Collected Refuge Location Spray Interval in Days 059B 8-09-90 LKNWR Control C JU F 475.0 065 8-10-90 TLNWR 8315 10 AD M 066 8-10-90 TLNWR 8315 10 AD 101 4-02-91 TLNWR A Dike C 102 4-16-91 TLNWR Roadkill 105 4-02-91 TLNWR 108 6-14-91 111 Number Or Weight Age Sex NS 0.64 17.355 NS 24.3 3.64 13.260 +M 38.0 11.0 1.60 14.170 NS 118.5 37.4 11.0 1.66 13.845 NS 7 58.5 32.2 8.6 1.17 18.395 NS JU M 59.0 30.2 8.5 1.32 14.430 NS 2 JU M 64.0 31.1 8.6 1.18 15.860 NS 2 AD M 1046.0 72.8 25.1 2.71 6.435 +M 13.9 20.3 M 1098.0 70.9 JU M 120.8 2 JU M 8304 2 JU TLNWR 8304 2 7-30-91 TLNWR 8304 7-30-91 TLNWR 8315 Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Field Wing Chord Length Brain ChE (cm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Refuge Number or Location Spray Interval in Days Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) 8-02-91 TLNWR 8304 5 JU M 128.0 40.3 12.1 1.90 11.440 NS 125B 8-02-91 TLNWR 8304 5 JU F 115.0 38.0 11.1 1.78 12.805 NS 125C 8-02-91 TLNWR 8304 5 JU M 96.6 35.9 10.5 1.62 15.405 NS 125D 8-02-91 TLNWR 8304 5 JU M 69.5 32.2 9.2 15.080 NS 126 8-02-91 TLNWR 8323 5 AD F 744.5 57.1 19.1 3.94 12.350 128 8-03-91 TLNWR 8328 5 AD M 1310.0 83.1 23.6 3.54 11.180 129 8-05-91 TLNWR 8378 10 JU F 242.0 51.3 14.4 2.06 15.210 130 8-05-91 TLNWR 8394 10 JU F 85.7 33.9 9.9 1.53 12.740 131 8-08-91 LKNWR Control C AD F 791.8 67.4 21.2 3.38 14.950 132A 8-08-91 LKNWR Control C JU M 98.0 36.8 10.4 1.65 18.200 132B 8-08-91 LKNWR Control C JU M 257.0 49.8 14.0 1.66 Spilled 133 8-08-91 LKNWR Control C AD M 76.2 24.0 135 8-10-91 TLNWR 8302 2 AD M 1070.0 75.7 23.4 3.60 9.815 1.34M 136 8-10-91 TLNWR 8301 2 AD M 1152.0 72.2 23.9 3.62 10.010 +M 138 8-10-91 TLNWR 8378 15 AD M 1053.5 74.6 23.2 3.38 15.535 ID # Date Collected 125A Body Weight I_ +M NS NS 1 Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Chord Length (cm) Brain ChE (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Wing Field Body ID # Date Collected Refuge Location Spray Interval in Days 139 8-12-91 TLNWR 8304 15 AD M 1090.0 75.2 24.5 3.32 6.760 +M 142A 8-12-91 TLNWR 8303 15 AD F 675.7 59.5 20.1 3.20 15.990 +M 142B 8-12-91 TLNWR 8303 15 JU F 299.0 52.3 1.50 12.870 - 144 8-18-91 TLNWR 8301 10 AD F 785.5 64.4 21.3 2.86 17.485 0.36M 145 8-18-91 TLNWR 8302 10 AD M 1046.5 73.7 24.5 3.80 10.205 0.53M 147 8-20-91 TLNWR 8337 20 JU M 199.5 46.9 13.0 2.02 16.120 148 8-28-91 TLNWR 8302 20 AD F 873.5 66.4 21.3 3.08 10.530 149 8-28-91 TLNWR 8301 20 AD M 1047.5 75.0 23.0 3.44 12.870 161 8-26-91 TLNWR 8302 18 AD F 716.8 62.8 21.6 3.24 7.605 -? 163 8-27-91 TLNWR 8327 19 JU M 57.5 27.4 8.1 1.35 20.215 NS C1 91 MNWR Control C JU F 41.6 30.2 8.1 1.13 18.980 NS C2 91 MNWR Control C JU M 51.1 28.2 7.5 1.34 20.540 NS C3 91 MNWR Control C JU M 16.2 23.0 3.3 0.95 15.080 NS C4 91 MNWR Control C JU M 16.4 22.5 3.4 0.89 17.420 NS C5 91 MNWR Control C JU F 35.0 26.7 6.6 1.08 21.710 NS Number or Weight Age Sex -? 1.3 Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Chord Length (cm) Brain ChE Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Wing Field Location Spray Interval in Days Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) MNWR Control C JU M 33.8 27.0 6.3 1.02 22.490 NS 91 MNWR Control C JU F 22.7 25.1 5.1 0.81 25.220 NS C8 91 MNWR Control C JU M 26.6 25.7 5.1 0.84 22.880 NS C9 91 MNWR Control C JU F 20.4 24.9 3.8 1.03 21.580 NS 211 5-19-92 TLNWR 8326 C AD M 923.0 74.5 23.1 3.64 16.380 NS 213 6-14-92 TLNWR Eagle C AD M 75.7 25.1 3.32 16.055 NS 217 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 98.3 39.1 10.5 0.56 22.230 NS 218 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 698.4 67.7 21.2 3.45 16.380 NS 220 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 490.1 66.9 17.3 3.08 18.330 NS 222 8-17-92 TLNWR 8357 10 JU F 311.3 63.7 15.8 2.76 18.330 +M 223 8-24-92 TLNWR 8301 15 JU F 209.7 48.5 14.2 2.19 14.170 +M 224 8-24-92 TLNWR 8301 15 JU M 209.2 47.0 13.9 2.15 16.965 NS 225 8-24-92 TLNWR 8301 15 JU M 173.8 44.6 12.8 1.93 17.810 NS 229 8-15-92 TLNWR 8306 5 JU M 38.2 27.8 1.08 16.705 NS 230 8-15-92 TLNWR 8306 5 JU F 38.3 27.0 1.10 15.145 NS Number or ID # Date Collected Refuge C6 91 C7 Body Weight -., Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Field Wing Chord Length Brain ChE (cm) Weight Activity 2.09 16.770 Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Refuge Number or Location Spray Interval in Days Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) 7-19-92 TLNWR 8348 10 JU M 202.8 45.0 232 7-21-92 TLNWR 8305 C AD F 1.95 16.315 NS 233 7-21-92 TLNWR 8305 C AD F 2.48 17.160 NS 234 7-11-92 TLNWR 8351 2 JU M 214.7 45.4 13.7 2.04 19.370 +D 235 7-11-92 TLNWR 8351 2 JU M 198.5 44.7 12.9 1.92 19.630 +D El 6-07-92 LKNWR Control C JU 0.50 15.990 E2 6-07-92 LKNWR Control C JU 0.46 13.520 E3 5-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU F 18.6 20.9 2.1 0.59 24.050 E4 5-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 17.9 20.5 2.1 0.68 21.840 E5 5-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 21.1 20.6 2.1 0.83 18.980 E6 5-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU F 18.8 19.2 1.9 0.69 21.190 E7 5-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 18.1 20.9 2.1 0.76 23.270 236 7-05-92 Raised Control C JU M 39.0 28.2 1.15 22.230 NS 237 7-06-92 Raised Control C JU F 48.5 30.0 1.14 21.190 NS 238 7-06-92 Raised Control C JU M 62.2 30.1 1.48 20.085 NS ID # Date Collected 231 Body Weight Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Field Date Brain ChE Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Wing Number or Location Spray Interval in Days Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Body Weight Chord Length (cm) ID # Collected Refuge 246 6-21-92 Raised Control C JU F 32.4 27.3 0.85 21.515 NS 247 6-21-92 Raised Control C JU M 32.1 25.9 0.77 21.450 NS 248 6-19-92 Raised Control C JU M 17.9 23.1 0.62 14.820 NS 250 8-28-92 TLNWR 8349 ? AD F 767.5 64.9 21.7 3.59 17.355 251 8-14-92 TLNWR 8308 5 JU M 343.6 59.5 16.6 2.50 17.485 252 8-14-92 TLNWR 8308 5 JU M 586.7 73.1 16.6 2.78 16.965 253 8-27-92 TLNWR 8357 20 JU F 311.3 57.1 15.3 2.14 15.600 +M 254 8-27-92 TLNWR 8357 20 JU M 323.9 58.4 15.3 2.37 13.845 +M 255 8-28-92 TLNWR 8337 20 JU M 834.3 74.4 3.14 13.975 256 8-28-92 TLNWR 8337 20 JU M 836.4 77.2 3.94 14.235 257 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 778.3 67.6 2.84 17.875 259 8-30-92 TLNWR 8307 20 AD M 1285.0 76.9 23.2M 3.84 14.690 260 4-26-92 TLNWR Control C AD M 1133.2 75.5 24.2 3.76 19.305 262 8-22-92 TLNWR 8323 15 AD M 1129.2 75.5 24.6 3.76 15.600 263 8-23-92 TLNWR 8338 15 AD F 606.9 65.0 17.0 3.13 16.705 21.4 NS ­ NS ­ +M Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Wing Field Chord Length (cm) Brain ChE (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Weight Activity Body Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified Date or ID # Collected Refuge Location Spray Interval in Days 265 8-22-92 TLNWR 8323 15 AD F 743.3 62.6 20.6 3.57 13.260 266 8-22-92 TLNWR 8323 15 JU M 61.9 29.8 8.3 1.22 17.680 NS 267 8-17-92 TLNWR 8342 10 AD F 774.0 64.3 21.2 3.75 14.950 +M 268 8-17-92 TLNWR 8342 10 JU F 392.1 60.1 16.6 2.62 12.155 +M 269 8-17-92 TLNWR 8342 10 JU M 386.8 63.0 15.5 1.64 18.720 +M 270 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 AD M 983.8 76.3 22.7 2.42 14.820 +M 271 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 JU M 316.4 59.0 16.3 2.22 18.590 +M 272 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 JU F 319.3 56.6 16.0 2.16 19.175 +M 273 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 JU M 271.6 55.2 14.5 2.34 18.525 +M 274 8-28-92 TLNWR 8307 20 JU M 503.8 68.0 18.0 2.54 12.415 275 8-28-92 TLNWR 8307 20 JU M 505.1 67.0 2.43 13.260 276 8-28-92 TLNWR 8307 20 JU F 401.9 61.7 17.2 2.42 12.805 279 4-22-92 TLNWR Lost R. C AD F 871.3 63.9 20.3 3.23 18.395 281 8-26-92 LKNWR Control C JU F 369.5 61.6 14.9 2.38 21.125 283 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 AD F 647.9 66.8 18.5 3.05 10.595 Number Weight Age Sex +M NS +M,+P a) Append x 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Chord Length (cm) Brain ChE (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified +M Wing Field Number or Body Spray Interval in Days Age Sex Weight ID # Date Collected Refuge Location 284 8-18-92 TLNWR 8338 10 AD F 663.9 67.4 19.1 2.80 10.530 285 8-27-92 TLNWR 8357 20 AD M 1051.9 73.7 23.4 3.62 13.715 286 8-27-92 TLNWR 8357 20 AD F 566.1 58.8 19.0 2.87 13.000 287 8-27-92 TLNWR 8357 20 JU F 54.1 28.0 1.20 18.655 NS 288 8-14-92 TLNWR 8308 5 JU M 210.9 49.4 2.24 10.725 +M 289 5-06-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 2.90 16.445 NS 290 7-25-92 Raised Control C JU M 116.2 37.8 1.73 23.010 NS 291 7-25-92 Raised Control C JU M 131.0 40.9 1.79 21.840 NS 292 7-25-92 Raised Control C JU M 102.7 36.8 1.58 21.450 NS 293 8-06-92 TLNWR 8317 2 JU F 411.8 62.3 16.1 2.47 6.890 0.43M 294 8-13-92 TLNWR 8338 5 AD F 965.8 64.5 21.8 3.33 11.245 295 8-13-92 TLNWR 8338 5 AD F 623.0 63.0 18.5 3.08 16.510 +M 296 8-09-92 TLNWR 8357 2 AD F 617.4 63.1 20.8 3.65 9.880 2.10M 297 8-14-92 TLNWR 8308 5 AD F 790.8 65.7 22.3 3.19 16.315 +M 298 8-13-92 TLNWR 8338 5 JU F 492.8 64.4 17.0 1.76 10.985 Append x 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Wing Chord Length (cm) Brain ChE (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified 69.5 21.2 2.79 17.160 NS 2.29 16.380 Field Number ID # Collected Refuge Location Spray Interval in Days 299 8-11-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 819.3 300 8-14-92 TLNWR 8301 5 JU F 480.8 301 8-11-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 436.9 65.0 16.7 2.60 18.330 NS 302 8-11-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 737.2 64.6 20.1 3.13 14.625 NS 303 8-14-92 TLNWR 8308 5 JU M 658.8 75.3 16.7 3.43 14.885 304 8-13-92 TLNWR 8338 5 AD M 1059.5 75.6 22.7 3.34 17.030 +M 305 8-11-92 TLNWR 8309 2 AD M 1114.9 75.0 23.7 3.15 17.810 +M 307 8-07-92 TLNWR 8389 5 JU M 47.8 28.6 7.7 1.26 12.545 +M 308 8-07-92 TLNWR 8389 5 JU F 46.6 27.8 7.7 0.98 12.025 +M 309 8-07-92 TLNWR 8389 5 JU M 34.9 26.6 6.3 1.00 12.090 +M 310 8-10-92 TLNWR 8340 2 JU F 84.9 32.2 11.5 1.58 18.915 NS 311 8-10-92 TLNWR 8339 2 JU M 162.2 45.4 12.6 1.75 16.120 +M 312 7-31-92 TLNWR 8336 10 JU M 79.2 32.6 8.7 1.34 20.930 NS 313 8-10-92 TLNWR 8339 2 JU M 661.7 75.0 18.3 2.95 11.895 +M 314 8-09-92 TLNWR 8357 2 AD F 718.9 65.9 22.3 3.42 7.215 +M Date or Body Weight Age Sex oo Appendix 4 (cont.). General data from ring-necked pheasants collected at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991-92. OP Field Number Age Sex (g) Tarsus Length (mm) Body Wing Chord Length Brain ChE (cm) Weight Activity Insecticide Detected and/or Quantified ID # Date Collected Refuge Location Spray Interval in Days 317 8-24-92 TLNWR 8301 15 AD F 686.4 64.3 20.9 2.76 17.485 319 8-11-92 LKNWR Control C JU M 865.8 76.0 17.9 3.71 17.810 320 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 644.7 65.5 3.04 19.955 NS 321 8-13-92 LKNWR Control C AD F 783.9 69.0 21.2 3.58 17.160 NS 322 7-21-92 TLNWR ? C AD F 724.7 20.8 3.15 16.250 NS 323 7-21-92 TLNWR ? C AD F 0.95 15.340 NS or Weight ' C=Control b pmole/min/g of brain tissue. c Samples quantified are in ppm, wet weight. NS =No sample; + =A detection, but not quantified; =No detection; D=Disyston; M = Methamidophos; P = Parathion. 120 Appendix 5 121 Appendix Table 5. Radio telemetry data for hen pheasants at TLNWR and LKNWR, 1991 and 1992. Location of hens is in meters using UTM (Universal Tranverse Mercator) and bearing error is in hectors. Activity codes are described as: A =active, D =depredated, (=inactive, M = mortality, and N = nesting. Code Date.Time Northina Easting Error (ha) Activity 1991 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 T001 910719.0900 910720.0832 910722.1138 910723.1141 910724.1043 910725.1429 910726.1430 910727.0847 910729.1420 910730.1132 910731.1445 910801.1325 910802.1750 910803.1034 910804.1410 910807.1209 910808.0824 910809.0932 910810.1057 910812.1153 910813.0930 910814.1614 910815.1505 910816.1215 910819.0827 910820.1150 910821.1530 910822.0912 910823.1530 910826.1517 910827.1000 910828.1210 910829.1357 910830.1049 0626090 0625940 0625932 0626160 0626000 0625940 0625911 0625920 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0625885 0626160 0625900 0625730 0625760 0625740 0625930 0625870 0625970 0625780 0625770 0625800 4636980 4637000 4636990 4637090 4636910 4637000 4637010 4637000 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636970 4636895 4636900 4636480 4636591 4636750 4636750 4636770 4637510 4637090 4637061 4637030 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 1003 T003 1003 T003 T003 1003 1003 1003 T003 T003 T003 T003 1003 910622.1640 910623.0944 910624.1553 910625.0848 910626.1307 910627.0836 910628.1330 910630.1106 910701.1340 910702.1152 910703.0951 910704.1010 910705.1042 0625225 0625095 0625050 0625000 0625075 0624925 0624975 0624980 0625705 0627350 0627450 0627345 0627370 4636550 4636430 4636350 4636775 4636540 4636425 4636775 4636750 4637035 4636585 4636750 4636340 4636570 A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H 0.04 0.03 0.45 A A A A A A A 0.01 0.01 0.01 A A A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 122 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina 1003 T003 T003 T003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 T003 T003 1003 T003 T003 T003 T003 T003 1003 1003 1003 1003 T003 T003 1003 1003 1003 1003 T003 T003 T003 T003 T003 T003 T003 T003 1003 T003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 T003 T003 910706.0900 910707.0950 910708.1344 910709.1600 910710.2019 910711.0813 910712.1232 910713.1107 910714.1257 910715.1337 910716.2009 910717.1623 910718.1228 910719.0853 910720.0810 910722.1150 910723.1159 910724.1110 910725.1407 910726.1419 910727.0830 910728.1439 910729.1330 910730.1147 910731.1457 910801.1335 910802.1800 910803.1028 910804.1323 910807.1220 910808.0812 910809.0954 910810.1044 910812.1203 910813.0940 910814.1620 910815.1528 910816.1240 910819.0817 910820.1200 910821.1539 910822.0857 910823.1550 910824.1200 910826.1530 910827.0948 910828.1220 910829.1427 910830.0949 0627305 0627340 0627300 0627560 0627330 0628300 0628130 0627315 0627340 0627975 0628210 0627365 0627285 0627360 0627320 0627850 0627510 0627390 0627320 0627295 0627570 0627800 0627805 0627320 0627375 0627540 0627880 0627450 0627405 0627590 0627370 0627500 0627345 0627590 0627620 0627600 0627595 0627350 0627280 0627300 0627530 0627180 0627302 0627250 0627595 0627495 0627485 0627605 0627330 4636600 4636305 4636590 4636200 4636515 4636575 4636685 4636650 4636600 4636525 4636525 4636670 4636335 4636475 4636705 4636550 4636310 4636385 4636695 4636780 4636400 4636430 4636195 4636100 4636125 4636370 4636375 4636230 4636380 4636235 4636300 4636365 4636315 4636305 4636275 4636310 4636395 4636305 4636450 4636575 4636380 4636255 4636380 4636270 4636300 4636295 4636320 4636380 4636465 T005 T005 T005 1005 1005 1005 910622.1658 910623.0952 910624.1610 910625.0854 910626.1343 910628.1429 0624930 0624930 0624900 0624930 0625110 0624880 4639170 4638910 4638990 4639040 4638960 4639010 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 A A A A A A 123 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 1005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 1005 T005 T005 T005 1005 T005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 T005 T005 1005 T005 T005 1005 1005 T005 1005 T005 1005 1005 1005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 T005 1005 T005 910630.1149 910701.1352 910702.1043 910703.0729 910704.1105 910705.1130 910706.0930 910707.1036 910708.1424 910709.1446 910710.2050 910711.0939 910712.1138 910713.1203 910714.1408 910715.1430 910716.1915 910717.1520 910718.1258 910719.0930 910720.0907 910722.1048 910723.1100 910724.0937 910725.1454 910726.1457 910727.0927 910728.1355 910729.1519 910730.1048 910731.1349 910801.1236 910802.1650 910803.1109 910804.1440 910807.1130 910808.0856 910809.0840 910810.1137 910812.1114 910813.0835 910814.1529 910815.1420 910816.1130 910819.0850 910820.1115 910821.1458 910822.0957 910823.1503 910826.1442 910827.1058 910828.1136 910829.1335 910830.1021 0625240 0625100 0624880 0624830 0625081 0625130 0625090 0625071 0625140 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625021 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0624110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0625110 0624980 0625080 0625100 0625110 0625130 0625240 0625130 0625481 0625020 0625180 0625170 0624930 0624890 0624920 0624900 0624960 0625060 0624910 0624900 0624990 0624770 0624890 0624880 4639034 4638990 4639033 4639115 4639001 4639030 4639000 4638971 4639010 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639100 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4639000 4638740 4638930 4638940 4638991 4638870 4638950 4638890 4639240 4639061 4639100 4639012 4639100 4639140 4638830 4638820 4639172 4639200 4638895 4638950 4639250 4638880 4638790 4638715 T006 910622.1721 0625220 4640950 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.02 A A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.03 A 0.03 0.03 A A 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.18 0.02 0.04 0.04 N N N N N N N A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.32 A 0.01 124 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina T006 T006 T006 T006 1006 T006 T006 T006 1006 1006 1006 1006 T006 T006 1006 T006 T006 1006 1006 1006 T006 T006 T006 910623.1050 910624.1705 910625.0911 910626.1425 910627.0929 910628.1500 910630.1203 910701.1447 910702.1020 910703.0854 910704.1124 910705.1154 910706.1000 910707.1059 910708.1439 910709.1409 910710.2100 910711.0958 910712.1114 910713.1220 910714.1430 910715.1441 910716.1827 0625190 0625190 0625221 0625300 0625272 0625250 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625220 0625285 4640930 4640860 4640900 4640941 4640872 4640940 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640750 4640895 T007 T007 T007 T007 T007 T007 T007 T007 T007 1007 T007 1007 T007 T007 1007 1007 1007 T007 T007 T007 T007 1007 T007 T007 910622.1721 910623.1020 910624.1702 910625.0859 910626.1420 910627.0919 910628.1446 910630.1159 910701.1447 910702.1033 910703.0847 910704.1121 910705.1149 910706.0958 910707.1059 910708.1439 910709.1409 910710.2058 910711.0947 910712.1135 910713.1214 910714.1419 910715.1441 910716.1841 0624940 0624940 0624860 0624930 0624890 0624930 0624890 0624940 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624860 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624934 0624815 0624810 0624934 0624934 1008 1008 T008 1088 T008 T008 T008 910622.1658 910623.0952 910624.1608 910625.0854 910626.1325 910627.0844 910628.1350 0625040 0624910 0624890 0625000 0624880 0624900 0625030 Error (ha) Activity A 0.27 A 0.08 A 0.10 A 0.37 0.26 A A 0.33 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4640130 4640108 4640250 4640137 4640140 4640110 4640170 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640245 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640110 4640112 4640140 4640110 4640054 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 4638710 4638700 4638745 4638790 4638750 4638720 4638740 0.02 0.02 0.00 A A A A A A A 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 M A A A A A A A N N N N N N N A N N N N A A M M 125 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 1008 T008 T008 T008 T008 T008 1008 T008 T008 1008 T008 1008 1008 T008 1008 T008 T008 1008 1008 1008 1008 T008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 T008 1008 1008 T008 1008 1008 1008 T008 1008 1008 1008 1008 T008 1008 910630.1147 910701.1352 910702.1047 910703.0709 910705.1045 910706.0922 910707.0957 910708.1358 910709.1538 910710.2024 910711.0822 910712.1207 910713.1127 910714.1334 910715.1338 910716.1954 910717.1610 910718.1235 910719.0900 910720.0832 910722.1138 910723.1141 910724.1043 910725.1412 910726.1430 910727.0836 910728.1422 910729.1405 910730.1137 910731.1445 910801.1325 910802.1750 910803.1034 910804.1400 910807.1209 910808.0824 910809.0935 910810.1057 910812.1153 910813.0930 910814.1614 910815.1505 910816.1215 910819.0827 910820.1150 910821.1530 910822.0912 910823.1530 910826.1517 910827.1000 910828.1210 910829.1357 910830.1049 0624895 0624950 0625670 0627850 0625780 0625695 0625940 0625810 0626230 0625750 0625990 0626190 0625890 0625920 0626210 0625900 0625840 0626260 0626010 0625980 0626030 0625970 0626331 0626775 0625960 0626610 0626100 0626130 0626120 0625910 0626140 0626030 0626120 0626090 0626110 0626120 0626030 0626150 0626005 0625980 0626210 0626100 0625860 0626120 0626120 0625920 0626060 0625920 0626220 0626170 0626340 0626240 0626480 4638635 4638790 4637390 4636900 4636630 4636610 4636502 4636740 4636090 4636710 4636410 4636541 4636790 4636630 4636380 4636388 4636390 4636640 4636580 4636390 4636370 4636500 4635700 4636355 4636910 4636380 4636750 4636465 4636522 4636811 4636480 4636410 4636540 4636515 4636540 4636550 4636560 4636542 4636410 4636480 4636430 4636600 4636690 4636540 4636530 4636630 4636650 4636610 4636580 4636520 4636390 4636650 4636290 1009 910622.1721 T009 910623.1021 0624940 4640070 0624920 4640050 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 A 2.61 A 0.06 A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.01 A 0.27 A 0.01 A 0.05 A 0.14 A 0.02 A 0.02 A 0.06 A 0.03 A 0.02 A 0.11 A 0.04 A 0.04 A 0.10 A 0.03 A 1.26 A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.00 A 0.06 A 0.00 A 0.07 A 0.03 A 0.08 A 0.06 A 0.07 A 0.00 A 0.06 A 0.07 A 0.04 A 0.08 A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.11 A 0.06 A 0.02 A 0.07 A 0.10 A 0.03 A 0.07 A 0.03 A 0.03 A 0.06 A 0.20 A 0.10 A 0.32 0.01 0.01 A A 126 Code Date.Time Northing Easting 1009 1009 1009 T009 T009 T009 1009 T009 T009 T009 T009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 T009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 T009 T009 1009 T009 T009 T009 1009 1009 1009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 T009 1009 1009 1009 1009 T009 1009 910624.1656 910625.0900 910626.1357 910627.0905 910628.1544 910630.1127 910701.1432 910702.1057 910703.0829 910704.1047 910705.1108 910706.0930 910707.1031 910708.1406 910709.1525 910710.2032 910711.0852 910712.1149 910713.1137 910714.1347 910715.1359 910716.1933 910717.1552 910718.1249 910719.0917 910720.0847 910722.1125 910723.1123 910724.1017 910725.1441 910726.1457 910727.0927 910728.1409 910729.1450 910730.1119 910731.1430 910801.1316 910802.1735 910803.1047 910804.1422 910807.1157 910808.0830 910809.0907 910810.1107 910812.1134 910813.0910 910814.1554 910815.1450 910816.1157 910819.0840 910820.1130 910821.1510 910822.0930 910823.1518 910826.1504 910827.1027 0624990 0625680 0625405 0624850 0625650 0626000 0625811 0626040 0627350 0626221 0626079 0627400 0626200 0625990 0625850 0626010 0626060 0625680 0625710 0625950 0625760 0626685 0626690 0626517 0626000 0625940 0625790 0626420 0625695 0625690 0625950 0625740 0625695 0626010 0625720 0625695 0625690 0625760 0625700 0626171 0625700 0625730 0625782 0625970 0625770 0625840 0625860 0625891 0625710 0625780 0625720 0625950 0625720 0625700 0625680 0625750 4639580 4638600 4639515 4640040 4638510 4638390 4638482 4638570 4636565 4638650 4638596 4637420 4638870 4639020 4638730 4638760 4638731 4638290 4638340 4638403 4638640 4638460 4638450 4638147 4638320 4638322 4638240 4638700 4638445 4638705 4638480 4638583 4638590 4638160 4638541 4638480 4638495 4638370 4638680 4638650 4638450 4638260 4638850 4638620 4638520 4638720 4638810 4638560 4638680 4638910 4638600 4639210 4638910 4638715 4638770 4639060 Error (ha) Activity 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 A 0.06 A 0.05 A 0.11 A 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A 1.49 A 0.17 A 0.11 A 0.02 A 0.06 A 0.09 A A 0.00 0.01 A 0.04 A 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.60 A 0.09 A 0.07 A 0.04 A A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.13 A 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.25 A 0.00 A 0.17 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.01 A 0.07 A 0.06 A 0.05 A 0.05 A 0.06 A 0.00 A 0.03 A A 0.05 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 A 0.04 A 0.06 A 127 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T009 910828.1147 0625700 4638800 1009 910829.1349 0625680 4638740 T009 910830.1030 0625700 4638760 1014 T014 T014 1014 1014 T014 T014 T014 1014 T014 1014 T014 T014 T014 1014 1014 T014 T014 T014 1014 T014 T014 1014 1014 T014 T014 1014 T014 T014 T014 1014 T014 1014 1014 T014 1014 1014 1014 T014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 T014 910622.1810 910623.1052 910624.1708 910625.0910 910626.1456 910627.0923 910628.1503 910630.1203 910701.1447 910702.1024 910703.0851 910704.1134 910705.1155 910706.1010 910707.1105 910708.1439 910709.1407 910710.2100 910711.0956 910712.1113 910713.1224 910714.1424 910715.1451 910716.1832 910717.1506 910718.1315 910719.0947 910720.0930 910722.1028 910723.1041 910724.0846 910725.1556 910726.1627 910727.0934 910728.1321 910729.1530 910730.1022 910731.1326 910801.1213 910802.1640 910803.1142 910804.1455 910807.1116 910808.0910 910809.0824 910810.1149 910812.1055 910813.0812 910814.1455 910815.1407 910819.0900 910820.1100 0625110 0625180 0625210 0624920 0625210 0624920 0625180 0625230 0625220 0625060 0625170 0625040 0625290 0624990 0625193 0625311 0625323 0625280 0625572 0625320 0625380 0625200 0625520 0625354 0625400 0625443 0625448 0625400 0625370 0625392 0625373 0625421 0625290 0625364 0625318 0624861 0625080 0625224 0625364 0625290 0625280 0625342 0625000 0625460 0625370 0625445 0625353 0625351 0625352 0625431 0625357 0625354 4640950 4640690 4640933 4640940 4640820 4640700 4640660 4640683 4640690 4640680 4640660 4640680 4640760 4640673 4640630 4640362 4640660 4640460 4641180 4640630 4640640 4640570 4640320 4640580 4640662 4640800 4640580 4640654 4640651 4640601 4640541 4640600 4640586 4640600 4640620 4640653 4640440 4640572 4640581 4640564 4640595 4640600 4640430 4640610 4640600 4640600 4640513 4640580 4640500 4640444 4643940 4640463 Error (ha) Activity 0.02 A 0.03 A 0.02 A 0.05 0.11 0.28 0.01 0.17 0.85 0.09 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.40 0.04 0.20 0.03 0.08 0.15 0.18 0.12 0.76 0.13 0.17 0.08 0.25 0.18 0.23 0.33 0.23 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.19 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.17 0.13 0.00 0.18 0.02 0.25 0.20 0.28 0.16 0.16 0.22 0.25 0.20 0.15 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 128 Error (ha) Activity A 0.26 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.11 A Code Date.Time Northing Easting T014 T014 T014 T014 1014 T014 T014 1014 910821.1440 910822.1009 910823.1450 910826.1419 910827.1105 910828.1135 910829.1309 910830.1004 0625420 0625505 0625520 0625500 0625810 0625545 0625590 0625250 4640634 4640600 4640595 4640505 4640055 4640595 4640885 4640370 T017 T017 910622.1721 910623.1028 0624715 4639800 0624715 4639800 0.00 0.00 A A T018 T018 1018 1018 T018 1018 1018 910622.1707 910623.1019 910624.1638 910625.0857 910626.1416 910627.0903 910628.1435 0624350 0624900 0624925 0624870 0625465 0625125 0624575 4640225 4639495 4639490 4639820 4639695 4639550 4639860 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A T020 1020 1020 1020 T020 1020 1020 1020 T020 T020 1020 T020 T020 T020 1020 T020 T020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 T020 T020 T020 T020 1020 910622.1658 910623.0952 910624.1611 910625.0855 910627.0846 910628.1346 910630.1126 910701.1352 910702.1045 910703.0706 910704.1047 910705.1109 910706.0930 910707.1020 910708.1416 910709.1446 910710.2032 910711.0852 910712.1149 910713.1137 910714.1349 910715.1359 910716.1915 910717.1520 910718.1249 910719.0917 910720.0846 910722.1048 910723.1100 910724.1017 910725.1441 910726.1457 910727.0900 910728.1347 910729.1510 910730.1113 0625440 0625600 0625750 0625640 0625430 0625700 0625670 0625580 0625685 0625480 0625610 0625591 0625470 0624920 0625680 0624930 0625590 0625640 0625573 0625512 0625650 0625413 0625610 0625188 0625630 0625220 0625270 0625110 0625440 0625480 0625370 0625370 0625560 0625565 0625370 0625370 4638630 4638570 4638520 4638670 4638693 4638580 4639450 4638560 4638660 4638700 4638750 4638630 4639660 4638670 4638550 4638753 4638510 4638840 4638514 4638583 4638600 4638440 4638500 4638650 4638860 4638587 4638693 4638590 4638560 4638500 4638520 4638520 4638621 4638570 4638520 4638520 0.23 0.37 0.82 0.49 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.52 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.05 0.43 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.18 0.00 0.04 0.04 N N 0.01 0.01 A A 0.00 0.00 N N 129 Code Date.Time Northina Eastina T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 T020 1020 1020 T020 T020 910731.1424 910801.1236 910802.1650 910803.1109 910804.1440 910807.1130 910808.0830 910809.0840 910810.1107 910811.0830 910812.1134 910813.0910 910814.1554 910815.1450 910816.1157 910819.0840 910820.1130 910821.1510 910822.0930 910823.1518 910826.1504 910827.1027 910828.1147 910829.1349 910830.1030 0625600 0625540 0625690 0625576 0625532 0625330 0625680 0625492 0625580 0625580 0625650 0625525 0625585 0625585 0625650 0625605 0625620 0625605 0625580 0625605 0625550 0625585 0625605 0625505 0625530 4638900 4638630 4638430 4638633 4638720 4638630 4638461 4638470 4638695 4638695 4638605 4638935 4638700 4638555 4638700 4638705 4638795 4638650 4638885 4638680 4638715 4638780 4638875 4638695 4638870 T024 T024 T024 T024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 T024 T024 1024 1024 T024 1024 T024 1024 1024 T024 1024 T024 T024 1024 1024 T024 1024 T024 T024 T024 910622.1658 910623.0952 910624.1630 910625.0856 910626.1357 910627.1010 910628.1348 910630.1125 910701.1432 910702.1058 910703.0705 910704.1053 910705.1106 910706.0930 910707.1020 910708.1406 910709.1525 910710.2032 910711.0852 910712.1149 910713.1149 910714.1347 910715.1359 910716.1933 910717.1552 910718.1249 910719.0917 910720.0846 910722.1125 910723.1123 0626010 0625690 0625900 0625960 0625950 0626070 0626140 0625970 0626140 0626060 0626120 0626020 0625970 0626010 0625990 0625990 0625950 0625970 0626020 0625980 0625970 0626050 0625980 0625940 0625950 0626020 0625850 0625680 0626150 4638620 4638830 4638750 4638754 4638660 4638580 4638640 4638710 4638560 4638650 4638710 4638680 4638700 4638680 4638690 4638670 4638730 4638710 4638690 4638710 4638730 4638770 4638728 4638730 4638730 4638680 4638811 4638840 4639040 4639094 0625941 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.28 0.11 A A 0.08 A 0.01 A 0.08 0.54 A A 0.02 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 1.54 0.38 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.12 0.15 0.05 0.18 0.09 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.00 0.20 0.10 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 130 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T024 1024 T024 T024 T024 T024 1024 T024 1024 T024 1024 T024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 T024 T024 1024 1024 T024 1024 1024 1024 1024 T024 T024 T024 T024 910724.1017 910725.1441 910726.1457 910727.0927 910728.1415 910729.1501 910730.1119 910731.1430 910801.1316 910802.1735 910803.1047 910804.1422 910807.1157 910808.0830 910809.0907 910810.1107 910812.1134 910813.0910 910814.1554 910815.1450 910816.1157 910819.0840 910820.1130 910821.1510 910822.0930 910823.1518 910826.1504 910827.1027 910828.1147 910829.1349 910830.1030 0625962 0625875 0625970 0626000 0626120 0625830 0625960 0625936 0625840 0625820 0626150 0625950 0625830 0625950 0625951 0625970 0625920 0625930 0625920 0625950 0625920 0625940 0625940 0625930 0625704 0625750 0625730 0625720 0625700 0625705 0625105 4639101 4639380 4639250 4638710 4639100 4639860 4638780 4638972 4639250 4638900 4639140 4638921 4638869 4638919 4638922 4638920 4638890 4638920 4638910 4638930 4638910 4638920 4638920 4638920 4638970 4639395 4639302 4639245 4638850 4639380 4639420 T025 T025 T025 T025 1025 T025 1025 T025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 T025 1025 1025 T025 T025 1025 910622.1658 910623.0959 910624.1611 910625.0856 910626.1324 910627.0843 910628.1345 910630.1126 910701.1352 910702.1050 910703.0708 910704.1053 910705.1110 910706.0930 910707.1020 910708.1432 910709.1525 910710.2032 910711.0852 910712.1149 910713.1149 910714.1349 910715.1359 910716.1915 0625210 0624845 0624890 0625200 0625430 0625470 0625320 0625360 0625260 4638670 4638625 4638745 4639120 4638821 4638660 4638770 4638780 4638710 4638510 4638715 4638720 4638730 4639030 4638700 4638625 4638780 4638630 4638760 4638600 4638710 4638810 4638698 4638600 0625031 0624900 0625510 0624950 0625300 0624990 0624890 0625261 0625173 0625070 0625235 0625130 0624942 0624999 0625160 Error (hal Activity A 0.11 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.07 0.21 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.26 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06 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0625260 0624914 0625000 0625030 0624900 0625370 0625030 0625150 0625052 0624955 0625121 0624965 0624520 0624940 0624550 0624560 0624895 0624895 0624955 0624890 0624885 4638670 4639400 4638760 4638770 4638750 4638760 4638730 4638660 4638731 4638581 4638630 4638730 4638730 4638900 4638230 4638620 4638550 4638773 4638920 4638820 4638650 4638620 4638590 4638670 4638620 4639040 4638660 4638530 4638895 4638640 4638785 4638900 4638300 4638300 4638380 4638485 4638510 1026 1026 1026 T026 T026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 T026 1026 1026 1026 1026 910622.1821 910623.1108 910624.1720 910625.0907 910626.1459 910627.0951 910628.1525 910630.1326 910701.1513 910702.1206 910703.0909 910704.1159 910705.1220 910706.1015 910707.1115 910708.1505 910709.1400 910710.2115 0626895 0626855 0626780 0626780 0626780 0626550 0626780 0625820 0626950 0626950 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 4640750 4640825 4641610 4641610 4641610 4641055 4641250 4641020 4641190 4640875 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 Error (ha) Activity A 0.03 A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.05 A 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.33 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N 132 Error (hal Activity Code Date.Time Northing Eastina 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 910711.1015 910712.1105 910713.1230 910714.1511 910715.1510 910716.1720 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627300 0627275 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640670 4640720 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 T027 1027 1027 1027 1027 1027 T027 T027 T027 1027 1027 T027 T027 1027 T027 1027 T027 T027 T027 T027 1027 1027 1027 T027 1027 1027 T027 1027 T027 T027 1027 1027 1027 1027 1027 1027 T027 1027 1027 1027 T027 1027 1027 1027 1027 T027 T027 T027 T027 910622.1721 910623.1051 910624.1703 910625.0906 910626.1423 910627.0920 910628.1457 910630.1200 910701.1447 910702.1027 910703.0849 910704.1121 910705.1149 910706.0959 910707.1059 910708.1439 910709.1409 910710.2058 910711.0947 910712.1135 910713.1214 910714.1419 910715.1441 910716.1841 910717.1506 910718.1315 910719.0947 910720.0930 910722.1028 910723.1041 910724.0846 910725.1556 910726.1457 910727.0934 910728.1321 910729.1530 910730.1022 910731.1326 910801.1213 910802.1640 910803.1120 910804.1455 910807.1116 910808.0910 910809.0824 910810.1149 910812.1055 910813.0812 910814.1455 0625070 0624780 0624860 0624790 0624870 0624941 0624875 0624850 0624941 0624900 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624940 0624960 0624980 0624990 0624960 0624990 0624970 0624950 0624960 0624960 0625000 0625010 0625010 0625000 0625770 0624960 0624970 4640121 4640235 4640250 4640280 4640260 4640169 4640135 4640450 4640170 4640220 4640170 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640180 4640240 4640240 4640130 4640180 4640140 4640090 4640220 4640130 4640170 4640180 4640110 4640090 4640140 4638520 4640100 4640190 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.22 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.16 0.05 0.01 0.21 0.06 N N N N N M A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 133 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina T027 T027 T027 1027 T027 T027 T027 T027 T027 T027 T027 T027 910815.1407 910816.1102 910819.0900 910820.1100 910821.1440 910822.1009 910823.1450 910826.1419 910827.1105 910828.1135 910829.1309 910830.1004 0624990 0624865 0624865 0624880 0624995 0624865 0624860 0624880 0624885 0624895 0624885 0624880 4640100 4639950 4639960 4640510 4639830 4639820 4640105 4639920 4639980 4639605 4639635 4639890 T028 T028 T028 1028 T028 T028 1028 T028 T028 T028 T028 T028 T028 T028 1028 T028 T028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 T028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 T028 1028 1028 T028 910622.1721 910623.1050 910624.1723 910625.0905 910626.1424 910627.0928 910628.1448 910630.1201 910701.1447 910702.1028 910703.0850 910704.1121 910705.1153 910706.1003 910707.1059 910708.1454 910709.1407 910710.2100 910711.0959 910712.1113 910713.1226 910714.1424 910715.1451 910716.1832 910717.1506 910718.1315 910719.0947 910720.0930 910722.1028 910723.1041 910724.0846 910725.1556 910726.1627 910727.0934 910728.1321 910729.1530 910730.1022 910731.1326 910801.1213 910802.1640 910803.1120 910804.1455 910807.1116 0624820 0624840 0624882 0624830 0625060 0624870 0624890 0624920 0625070 0625072 0624890 0625280 0625371 0625320 0625060 0625260 0625280 0625050 0625320 0625150 0625340 0625110 0625190 0625130 0625073 0625035 0625068 0625280 0624990 0625060 0625190 0625030 0625190 0624880 0625490 0624865 0624920 0625050 0625230 0625350 0625280 0625171 4640660 4640630 4640523 4640580 4640450 4640561 4640620 4640490 4640490 4640340 4640360 4640590 4640910 4640910 4640822 4640841 4640882 4640500 4640840 4640830 4640864 4640660 4640520 4640551 0624961 4640701 4641225 4640673 4640700 4640680 4640500 4640560 4640520 4640620 4640470 4640590 4640270 4640462 4640066 4640550 4640610 4640620 4640570 4640480 Error (ha) Activity A 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.11 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.41 0.35 0.05 0.11 0.28 0.05 0.11 0.07 0.16 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.07 0.27 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.12 0.19 0.40 0.07 0.05 A 134 Code Date.Time Nor-thing Easting T028 T028 1028 T028 1028 1028 1028 T028 T028 1028 1028 1028 T028 1028 1028 T028 T028 1028 910808.0910 910809.0824 910810.1149 910812.1055 910813.0812 910814.1455 910815.1407 910816.1102 910819.0900 910820.1100 910821.1440 910822.1009 910823.1450 910826.1419 910827.1105 910828.1135 910829.1309 910830.1004 0624960 0625220 0625263 0625360 0625150 0625372 0625380 0625150 0625710 0625630 0625620 0624980 0624850 0625010 0625333 0624885 0624870 0624870 4640600 4640420 4640560 4640521 4640183 4640399 4640320 4640400 4640780 4640510 4640552 4640170 4640655 4640544 4640015 4640605 4640415 4640220 T029 1029 1029 1029 1029 1029 1029 T029 1029 1029 1029 T029 T029 T029 T029 T029 T029 1029 1029 1029 1029 T029 T029 T029 1029 T029 T029 T029 1029 1029 1029 1029 T029 T029 T029 T029 1029 910622.1630 910623.0933 910623.1546 910625.0826 910626.1259 910627.0819 910628.1321 910630.1039 910701.1321 910702.1157 910703.0642 910704.0957 910705.1041 910706.0814 910707.0920 910708.1334 910709.1617 910710.2014 910711.0808 910712.1241 910713.1104 910714.1251 910715.1331 910716.2015 910717.1630 910718.1220 910719.0849 910720.0758 910722.1156 910723.1206 910724.1115 910725.1400 910726.1415 910727.0825 910728.0945 910729.1315 910730.1151 0628100 0628110 0628110 0628315 0628125 0628130 0628145 0628120 0628100 0628100 0628130 0628120 0628090 0628120 0628275 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0628130 0627350 0627385 0628265 0628120 0628370 0628090 0628300 0628105 0628110 0628105 4636550 4636310 4636350 4636025 4636240 4636090 4635615 4636160 4636110 4636110 4636025 4636340 4636250 4636250 4636125 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636100 4636225 4635731 4635595 4635615 4635865 4635465 4635845 4636100 4636010 4635500 Error (hat Activity 0.04 A 0.09 A 0.12 A 0.17 0.16 0.20 0.23 0.08 0.62 0.38 0.38 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.12 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 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4636230 4636215 4636210 4636145 4636185 4636020 4636458 4636458 4636458 4636458 4636458 1043 T043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 T043 1043 1043 T043 1043 T043 1043 1043 1043 1043 T043 T043 T043 1043 1043 1043 1043 T043 T043 1043 1043 T043 T043 910622.1625 910623.0926 910624.1535 910625.0807 910626.1250 910627.0814 910628.1314 910630.1032 910701.1310 910702.1201 910703.0634 910704.0949 910705.1037 910706.0811 910707.0915 910708.1329 910709.1625 910710.2008 910711.0801 910712.1315 910713.1030 910714.1247 910715.1327 910716.2019 910717.1635 910718.1219 910719.0844 910720.0755 910722.1200 910723.1211 910724.1123 0628115 0628150 0628125 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627120 0627125 0628185 0628125 0628105 0628125 0628300 0628200 4639550 4639715 4639480 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 4639515 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910823.1559 910826.1555 910827.0913 910828.1122 910829.1445 910830.0954 0626645 0628180 0628105 0628115 0628395 0628195 0628160 0628060 0628180 0628095 0629155 0628010 0628105 0628140 0627895 0628005 0627870 0628100 0627020 0627860 0627805 0627800 0628160 0628195 0628095 0627960 0628100 0628105 0628195 0628125 4639200 4639210 4639275 4639300 4638915 4639400 4639430 4639560 4639430 4639225 4639520 4640270 4640260 4640205 4639845 4640295 4640395 4639900 4640995 4639705 4639750 4639935 4639775 4639815 4640370 4639815 4639790 4639850 4639830 4639700 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 1044 T044 1044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 T044 1044 1044 1044 T044 910622.1721 910623.1053 910624.1709 910625.0913 910626.1458 910627.0923 910628.1450 910630.1216 910701.1447 910702.1025 910703.0902 910704.1121 910705.1157 910706.1015 910707.1105 910708.1459 910709.1407 910710.2100 910711.0956 910712.1113 910713.1224 910714.1424 910715.1451 910716.1832 910717.1506 0624983 0624853 0624930 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4640280 4640420 4640483 4640433 4640560 4640370 4640464 4640340 4640280 4640447 4640461 4640302 4640370 4640423 4640494 4640300 4640410 4640460 4640340 4640390 4640540 4640510 4640330 4640350 4640650 4640423 4640450 4640440 4640450 4640480 4640430 4640440 4640515 4640600 4640570 T046 T046 T046 1046 T046 T046 1046 1046 910622.1801 910623.1721 910624.1051 910625.1707 910626.0912 910627.1426 910628.0922 910630.1202 0625543 0625520 0625520 0625450 0625520 0625630 0625600 0625270 4640750 4640872 4640641 4640710 4640930 4640600 4640690 4640680 0.49 0.54 0.26 0.33 0.54 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 L030 910514.1537 910516.1430 910517.1235 910520.1630 910522.0930 910523.0900 910524.1600 910526.1030 910528.1405 910529.1320 0606835 0607025 0607432 0607400 0607163 0607317 0607488 0607399 0607030 0607012 4645377 4645535 4646049 4646665 4646008 4646317 4646470 4646202 4645535 4645261 0.41 0.31 A A A A A A A 0.15 D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.09 A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.20 0.00 0.20 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910707.1217 910708.0900 910709.1216 910710.0800 910711.1323 910712.0818 0606000 0606945 0606745 0606615 0606615 0606400 0606400 0606615 0606615 0606625 0606665 0606665 0606665 0606620 0606610 0606535 0606540 0606522 0606562 0606591 0606551 0606561 0606584 0606582 0606582 0606573 0606540 0606549 0606540 0606540 0606513 0606800 0607200 0606560 0606751 0606850 0607605 0606920 0606920 0606900 0606850 0606960 0606970 0606700 0606780 0606720 0606720 0606720 0606720 4647685 4647305 4647545 4647700 4647700 4647645 4647645 4647655 4647655 4647675 4647685 4647685 4647685 4647675 4647680 4647680 4647663 4647667 4647572 4647642 4647656 4647651 4647630 4647645 4647645 4647645 4647620 4647627 4647630 4647630 4647650 4647600 4647595 4647610 4647540 4647640 4647135 4647690 4647490 4647530 4647560 4647570 4647500 4647650 4647620 4647650 4647650 4647650 4647650 Error (ha) Activity A 0.30 0.10 A A 0.04 A 0.03 0.30 A 0.00 M 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 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910812.0818 910813.1044 910814.1307 910815.1204 910816.0814 910819.1028 910820.0910 910821.1248 910822.1133 910823.0929 910826.0855 910827.1321 910828.1400 910829.1041 910830.0733 0606940 0606950 0606880 0606710 0606880 0606700 0606650 0606620 0606620 0606730 0606770 0606510 0606785 0606580 0606510 0606730 0606710 0606500 0606700 0606760 0606690 0606970 0606760 0606879 0606720 0606595 0606560 0606590 0606710 0606750 0606530 0606520 0606710 0606640 0606500 0606560 4647530 4647560 4647540 4647510 4647470 4647665 4647640 4647610 4647620 4647340 4647350 4647660 4647530 4647620 4647660 4647530 4647520 4647650 4647660 4647460 4647650 4647490 4647390 4647301 4647530 4647690 4647650 4647580 4647520 4647440 4647560 4647550 4647540 4647550 4647600 4647690 L032 L032 910514.1537 0607415 910516.1445 0606365 4646655 4644825 0.00 0.00 A L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 910514.1537 910516.1430 910520.1435 910522.0930 910523.0900 910524.1600 910526.1030 910528.1215 910531.1117 910602.1020 910603.0856 910604.1127 910605.1340 910606.1515 910609.1246 910610.1532 0607400 0607395 0607400 0607375 0607404 0607438 0607389 0607454 0607388 0607285 0607398 0607441 0607360 0607372 0607250 0607382 4646665 4646675 4646665 4646676 4646681 4646583 4646675 4646605 4646690 4646835 4646687 4646636 4646680 4646614 4646865 4646730 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 M 0.01 A A A 0.00 0.00 A A 140 Code Date.Time Northing Easting L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 910611.1240 910612.1015 910613.1607 910614.1507 910618.1426 910619.1422 910620.0925 910621.1515 910623.1158 910624.1011 910625.1505 910626.0813 910626.0813 910627.1518 910628.0910 910629.0930 910630.0736 910701.0851 910702.0755 910703.1405 910704.0750 910705.0750 910706.1130 910707.1218 910708.0904 910709.1220 910710.0804 910711.1326 910712.0857 910713.0826 910714.0935 910715.1022 910716.1530 910717.1033 910718.1010 910719.1419 910722.0806 910723.0812 910724.1245 910725.0840 910726.0912 910729.1118 910730.0715 910731.1052 910801.0820 910802.1431 910807.0935 910808.1422 910809.1338 910810.1425 910812.0818 910813.1044 910814.1307 910815.1204 910816.0814 910819.1028 0607423 0607365 0607995 0607995 0607335 0607200 0607185 0607145 0606970 0607010 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0606895 0607480 0607000 0606900 0607060 0607172 0607142 0607210 0607130 0607020 0607170 0607295 0607000 0607008 0607137 0607125 0607100 0607150 0607070 0607150 0607070 0607098 0607100 0606960 0607100 0606861 0607100 0607120 0607210 4646664 4646685 4647215 4647215 4646663 4647000 4646995 4647175 4647250 4647210 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4647345 4646615 4647200 4646850 4646941 4646892 4646931 4646880 4646790 4646851 4646981 4646780 4646970 4646958 4646928 4646735 4646945 4646952 4646940 4646939 4646969 4646850 4646930 4646780 4646920 4647060 4646840 4646860 4646670 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.08 A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 141 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 910820.0910 910821.1248 910822.1133 910823.0929 910826.0855 910827.1321 910828.1400 910829.1041 910830.0733 0607260 0607130 0606770 0607110 0607120 0607130 0607070 0607115 0607242 4646890 4646740 4646413 4646970 4646680 4646950 4646990 4646960 4646903 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 L034 910514.1537 910516.1430 910517.1251 910520.1435 910522.0930 910523.0900 910524.1600 910526.1030 910528.1215 910529.1345 910530.1045 910531.1111 910602.1020 910603.0856 910604.1127 910605.1340 910606.1516 910607.0730 910609.1246 910610.1532 910611.1240 910612.1019 910613.1609 910614.1509 910616.0810 910617.0840 910618.1426 910619.1422 910620.0830 910621.1521 910623.1159 910624.1015 910625.1509 910626.0819 910627.1518 910628.0913 910629.0929 910630.0740 910701.0857 910702.0757 910703.1407 910704.0755 910705.0753 910707.1219 910708.0905 910709.1221 0607400 0607225 0607432 0607505 0607375 0607403 0607482 0607375 0607470 0607419 0607348 0607345 0607290 0607397 0607443 0607335 0607406 0607335 0607345 0607379 0607399 0607334 0607321 0607321 0607345 0607334 0607310 0607360 0607350 0607290 0607170 0607260 0607150 0606910 0606870 0607450 0607310 0607310 0607410 0607420 0607398 0607400 0607400 0607400 0607400 0607400 4646650 4646650 4646049 4646585 4646676 4646679 4646618 4646645 4646577 4646662 4646600 4646639 4646800 4646690 4646441 4646760 4646680 4646740 4646745 4646730 4646689 4646660 4646803 4646802 4646800 4646662 4646810 4646720 4646680 4646650 4646960 4646870 4646995 4647305 4647250 4646695 4646500 4646500 4646640 4646640 4646650 4646635 4646635 4646635 4646635 4646635 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 A A 0.13 0.53 A 0.01 A A 0.05 A 0.01 0.01 A A 0.01 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 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4645695 0.00 0.00 A L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 910514.1537 910516.1430 910517.1545 910520.1430 910522.0935 910523.0900 910524.1600 910526.1030 910528.1235 910529.1415 910530.1048 910531.1115 910602.1049 910603.0937 910604.1225 910605.1359 910606.1540 910607.0831 910609.1308 910610.1616 910611.1351 910612.1105 910613.1640 910614.1535 910616.0850 910617.0959 910618.1535 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0607300 0607325 0607305 0607310 0607323 0607432 0607575 0608750 0610345 0610145 0610035 0610150 0610100 0610100 0610100 0610300 0609950 0610200 0610330 0610090 0610090 0610020 0610020 0610020 0610195 0610250 0610260 4646645 4646680 4646655 4646584 4646647 4646590 4646345 4646855 4647300 4646840 4646805 4646900 4646850 4646845 4646850 4647000 4646805 4646905 4647035 4646850 4646850 4646835 4646835 4646835 4646925 4646975 4646880 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M 143 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 L036 910619.1517 910620.1000 910621.1625 910623.1218 910624.1115 910625.1534 910626.0851 910627.1535 910628.0936 910629.0942 910630.0806 910701.0914 910702.0817 910703.1424 910704.0812 910705.0850 910707.1259 910708.0918 910709.1241 910710.0820 910711.1350 910712.0942 910713.0908 910714.1050 910715.1121 910716.1603 910717.1143 910718.1050 910719.1440 910722.0840 910723.0845 910724.1459 910725.0930 910726.1027 910729.1151 910730.0827 910731.1126 910801.0900 910802.1509 910807.1015 910808.1535 910809.1434 910810.1452 910812.0907 910813.1142 910814.1338 910815.1231 910816.0939 910819.1115 910820.1000 910821.1315 910822.1229 910823.1010 910826.0929 910827.1357 910828.1432 0610260 0610225 0610300 0610205 0610210 0610115 0610100 0610150 0610025 0610160 0610095 0610165 0610100 0610415 0610130 0610245 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610250 0610300 0610385 0610365 0610345 0610595 0610240 0608340 0610095 0610395 0610390 0610302 0610185 0610400 0610435 0610180 0610225 0610390 0610350 0610300 0610695 0610245 0610235 0610250 0610280 0610100 0610100 4646880 4647265 4646990 4646945 4646865 4646905 4646890 4647160 4646885 4646910 4646975 4646940 4646850 4646800 4646825 4646905 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646910 4646935 4646975 4646985 4647160 4647035 4646885 4646650 4646960 4646895 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L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 910514.1537 910516.1430 910517.1245 910520.1440 910522.1250 910523.0910 910524.1610 910526.1035 910528.1221 910529.1307 910530.1050 910531.1115 910602.1130 910603.0923 910604.1210 910605.1345 910606.1528 910607.0745 910609.1258 910610.1543 910611.1250 910612.1034 910613.1625 910614.1511 910616.0838 910617.0919 910618.1440 910619.1445 910620.0900 910621.1535 910623.1206 910624.1029 910625.1513 910626.0834 910627.1522 910628.0919 910629.0932 910630.0746 910701.0904 910702.0800 910703.1413 910704.0758 910705.0759 910707.1057 910708.0910 0607479 0607520 0607555 0607550 0607565 0607565 0607525 0607530 0607525 0607515 0607565 0607530 0607525 0607515 0607525 0607515 0607513 0607495 0607525 0607525 0607525 0607525 0607525 0607525 0607700 0607555 0607555 0607510 0607510 0607510 0607505 0607510 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607505 4645371 4645575 4645575 4645525 4645325 4645575 4645275 4645345 4645380 4645235 4645340 4645200 4645350 4645365 4645225 4645245 4645625 4645350 4645350 4645350 4645350 4645320 4645320 4645315 4645500 4645370 4645380 4645355 4645325 4645325 4645345 4645320 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645305 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A M N N N N N N N N N N N N N 145 Code Date.Time Northina Easting L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 L038 910709.1227 910710.0810 910711.1332 910712.0847 910713.0852 910714.1000 910715.1104 910716.1545 910717.1054 910718.1027 910719.1427 910722.0815 910723.0826 910724.1345 910725.0917 910726.1003 910729.1133 910730.0800 910731.1114 910801.0840 910802.1452 910807.1006 910808.1455 910809.1405 910810.1442 910812.0845 910813.1108 910814.1327 910815.1218 910816.0842 910819.1100 910820.0930 910822.1215 910823.0958 910826.0917 910827.1347 910828.1420 910829.1048 910830.0759 0607505 0607505 0607505 0607695 0608220 0609934 0609460 0609560 0609590 0609900 0609600 0609682 0609905 0609700 0610265 0609900 0609420 0609860 0609825 0609900 0609955 0610200 0609680 0609830 0609930 0609885 0609720 0609665 0609840 0609515 0609695 0609905 0609800 0609910 0609880 0609875 0609995 0609905 0609805 4645305 4645305 4645305 4645620 4645480 4644607 4644210 4644340 4644240 4644505 4644410 4644330 4644580 4644710 4644340 4644500 4644890 4644485 4644125 4644450 4644585 4645500 4644420 4644700 4644555 4644495 4644770 4644750 4644595 4644920 4644700 4644480 4644645 4644520 4644500 4644590 4644755 4644560 4644605 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 910514.1537 910516.1430 910517.1245 910520.1435 910522.0930 910523.0900 910524.1600 910526.1030 910528.1215 910529.1350 910530.1045 910531.1117 910602.1025 910603.0856 910604.1127 910605.1350 0607300 0607325 0607226 0607253 0607303 0607361 0607367 0607398 0607290 0607270 0607283 0607302 0607343 0607362 0608522 0608650 4646645 4646680 4646563 4646543 4646639 4646609 4646591 4646687 4646638 4646620 4646627 4646639 4646662 4646671 4646729 4646875 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N N D 0.11 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A 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910813.1130 910814.1333 0608530 0608545 0608545 0608480 0608581 0608517 0608527 0608527 0608415 0608458 0608355 0608760 0608480 0608440 0608400 0608450 0608400 0608850 0608625 0608350 0608435 0608390 0608395 0608635 0608250 0608415 0608420 0608420 0608420 0608420 0608420 0608320 0608430 0608320 0608400 0608315 0608640 0608400 0608425 0608450 0608645 0608835 0608425 0608510 0608390 0608455 0608340 0608620 0607595 0608675 0608500 0608510 0608680 0608505 0608445 0608470 4646850 4646865 4646865 4646645 4646770 4646737 4646747 4646747 4646670 4646642 4646774 4646480 4646660 4646620 4646635 4646630 4646645 4646415 4646520 4646635 4646640 4646665 4646670 4646425 4646760 4646640 4646670 4646670 4646670 4646670 4646670 4646740 4646670 4646720 4646630 4646635 4646525 4646655 4646690 4646685 4646500 4646405 4646655 4646700 4646630 4646695 4646650 4646595 4646895 4646460 4646680 4646700 4646440 4646630 4646625 4646685 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.01 A 0.01 A 0.01 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.04 A A 0.00 0.01 A A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.00 0.00 A A 0.04 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 147 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 910815.1227 910816.0930 910819.1111 910820.0954 910821.1310 910822.1220 910823.1007 910826.0924 910827.1352 910828.1426 910829.1103 910830.0810 0608470 0608470 0608400 0608695 0608435 0608465 0608500 0608605 0608470 0608480 0608395 0608405 4646635 4646640 4646680 4646420 4646645 4646660 4646630 4646605 4646615 4646660 4646655 4646610 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 910516.1400 910517.1200 910520.1420 910521.1200 910522.0900 910523.0830 910524.1545 910526.1015 910528.1154 910529.1257 910530.1030 910531.1100 910602.0957 910603.0820 910604.1044 910605.1320 910606.1445 910607.0710 910609.1320 910616.0942 910619.1617 910620.1040 910621.1712 910623.1237 910625.1601 910626.0932 910627.1553 910628.0956 910629.1005 910630.0836 910701.0949 910702.0834 910703.1441 910704.0901 910705.0922 910707.1345 910708.1050 910709.1310 910710.0843 910711.1416 910712.1013 910713.0925 910714.1120 0607436 0607574 0607422 0607395 0607325 0607334 0607319 0607421 0607487 0607427 0607377 0607484 0607455 0607368 0607427 0607416 0607386 0607422 0607416 0608075 0608710 0608760 0608710 0608560 0608510 0608481 0608442 0608710 0608531 0608830 0608380 0608410 0609060 0608620 0608520 0608580 0608310 0608350 0608690 0608260 0608720 0608500 0608490 4650120 4650237 4650019 4650023 4650015 4650152 4650218 4650217 4650199 4650178 4650137 4650207 4650227 4650202 4650178 4650188 4650174 4650151 4650112 4650400 4649220 4649310 4649450 4649211 4648980 4649141 4649011 4649531 4649100 4649181 4649230 4649070 4649240 4649320 4649090 4648900 4649110 4649141 4649040 4649100 4649203 4649080 4649350 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.57 0.36 0.14 0.64 0.31 0.26 0.36 0.06 0.17 0.09 0.19 0.23 0.05 0.15 0.17 0.23 0.00 0.15 0.23 0.48 0.12 0.13 0.08 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 148 Code Date .Time Northing L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 L040 910715.1153 910716.1630 910717.0945 910718.1115 910719.1459 910722.0907 910723.0948 910724.1537 910725.1045 910726.1110 910801.1128 0608490 0608820 0608657 0608430 0608460 0608700 0608641 0608710 0608820 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 910514.1618 910517.1350 910520.1450 910522.1020 910523.0930 910524.1645 910526.1045 910528.1330 910529.1259 910530.1057 910531.1120 910602.1055 910603.0940 910604.1233 910605.1404 910606.1545 910607.0845 910609.1311 910610.1618 910611.1358 910612.1107 910613.1632 910614.1538 910616.0854 910617.0959 910618.1535 910619.1517 910620.1000 910621.1625 910623.1220 910624.1115 910625.1534 910626.0851 910627.1538 910628.0939 910629.0944 910630.0809 910701.0921 910702.0819 910703.1425 910704.0825 910705.0857 910707.1306 910708.0921 0610850 0610925 0611125 0611268 0611000 0611325 0611335 0610850 0610145 0610935 0610900 0610925 0610985 0610900 0610900 0610925 0611175 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610895 0610769 0610964 0610964 0611113 Eastinq 4649123 4649120 4648784 4649340 4649231 4649080 4649120 4649111 4649280 0608771 4649210 0609425 4647355 4648315 4647345 4647335 4647528 4647325 4647320 4647335 4647310 4646840 4647455 4647435 4647435 4647325 4647300 4647345 4647900 4647535 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4647285 4646601 4647258 4647320 4647471 Error (ha) Activity 0.26 A 0.20 A 0.00 A 0.14 A 0.16 A 0.12 A 0.13 A 0.11 A 0.06 A 0.08 A 0.00 M 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H A A A 149 Code L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 Date.Time Northinct Eastina 910709.1245 910710.0825 910711.1354 910712.0947 910713.0910 910714.1112 910715.1125 910716.1615 910717.1156 910718.1055 910719.1443 910722.0848 910723.0931 910724.1504 910725.1015 910726.1201 910729.1201 910730.0835 910731.1142 910801.0910 910802.1515 910807.1020 910808.1540 910809.1442 910810.1501 910812.0910 910813.1150 910814.1342 910815.1237 910816.0944 910819.1120 910820.1005 910821.1330 910822.1232 910823.1013 910826.0932 910827.1400 910828.1440 910829.1111 910830.0820 0611250 0611515 0611130 0611170 0611020 0611040 0611010 0611050 0611014 0611010 0611170 0610885 0611030 0610961 0610992 0611007 0611000 0610550 0611011 0611021 0610940 0611021 0610820 0610974 0610860 0610835 0610790 0611280 0611149 0611190 0611143 0611170 0611200 0611020 0611040 0611180 0611200 0611200 0611180 4647520 4647305 4647490 4647480 4647430 4647480 4647710 4647454 4647460 4647420 4647560 4647350 4647460 0611171 4647530 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 910514.1618 910516.1300 910517.1230 910520.1500 910522.1020 910523.0930 910524.1640 910526.1040 910528.1326 910529.1423 910530.1109 910531.1130 910602.1058 910603.0941 910604.1250 0610600 0610282 0610235 0611052 0611758 0610825 0611800 0611545 0611354 0610945 0611706 0610915 0611225 0610995 0611814 4648315 4647342 4646985 4647530 4647562 4647325 4647795 4647575 4648087 4647943 4647576 4647445 4647525 4647325 4647463 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 4647631 4647550 4647520 4647450 4647805 4647490 4647460 4647440 4647460 4647446 4647460 4647280 4647470 4647580 4647530 4647470 4647450 4647490 4647486 4647500 4647460 4647460 4647500 4647500 4647501 4647500 ErrQr (ha) 0.11 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Activity A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 150 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 910605.1405 910606.1550 910607.0845 910609.1313 910610.1621 910611.1400 910612.1114 910613.1638 910614.1540 910616.0903 910617.1007 910618.1543 910619.1525 910620.1017 910621.1636 910623.1223 910624.1123 910625.1549 910626.0853 910627.1539 910628.0940 910629.0955 910630.0810 910701.0923 910702.0820 910703.1427 910704.0831 910705.0905 910707.1308 910708.0921 910709.1245 910710.0825 910711.1354 910712.0947 910714.1112 910715.1125 910716.1615 910717.1156 910718.1055 910719.1443 910722.0848 910723.0931 910724.1504 910725.1015 910726.1045 910729.1201 910730.0835 910731.1142 910801.0910 910802.1515 910807.1020 910808.1540 910809.1442 910810.1501 910812.0910 910813.1150 0611570 0611450 0611175 0611325 0611785 0611675 0611675 0611500 0611675 0611275 0611450 0611450 0610935 0610935 0610935 0611095 0611410 0610300 0610300 0610300 0610300 0610300 0611395 0611125 0611270 0611235 0611240 0611224 0611345 0611082 0611173 0611163 0611010 0611080 0611170 0610680 0611178 0611200 0611030 0611380 0610700 0611030 0611100 0611130 0611120 0611093 0611210 0610920 0611306 0611402 0611180 0611303 0611250 0611090 0611331 0611190 4647570 4647325 4647535 4647335 4647550 4647450 4647450 4647360 4647450 4647315 4647315 4647315 4647360 4647360 4647360 4647315 4647315 4646995 4646995 4646995 4646995 4646995 4647590 4647330 4647320 4647520 4647537 4647488 4647550 4648050 4647970 4648010 4647800 4648070 4648520 4648270 4648060 4648450 4648251 4648330 4648050 4648150 4647980 4648140 4647980 4648140 4648030 4648102 4648103 4647990 4647831 4647625 4648090 4647600 4647940 4647790 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.47 0.35 0.41 0.15 0.51 0.10 0.00 0.50 0.34 0.23 0.15 0.00 0.13 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.18 0.17 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.04 0.14 0.07 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 151 Error (ha) Activity Code Date.Time Northing Eastina L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 910814.1342 910815.1237 910816.0944 910819.1120 910820.1005 910821.1508 910822.1527 910823.1013 910826.0932 910827.1400 910828.1440 910829.1111 910830.0820 0611200 0611184 0611210 0611180 0611190 0611190 0611190 0611190 0611190 0611120 0611210 0611230 0611180 4647880 4647901 4647860 4647900 4647800 4647840 4647860 4647840 4647884 4647860 4647840 4647810 4647610 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.04 A A A A A A A A A A A A A L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 L047 910514.1629 910516.1430 910517.1245 910520.1506 910522.1015 910523.0930 910524.1640 910526.1045 910528.1320 910529.1407 910530.1111 910531.1145 910602.1103 910603.0948 910604.1255 910605.1408 910606.1600 910607.0850 910609.1317 910610.1627 910611.1405 910612.1119 910616.0908 910617.1010 910618.1545 910619.1547 910620.1030 910621.1645 910623.1225 910624.1130 910625.1551 910626.0905 910627.1541 910628.0947 910629.0948 910630.0816 910701.0925 910702.0826 910703.1432 910704.0840 910705.0910 910707.1320 0611600 0611965 0611895 0612105 0611945 0611915 0611845 0611999 0611895 0611975 0611960 0611910 0611950 0611950 0611999 0612175 0611930 0611930 0611940 0612035 0612095 0611930 0611910 0611975 0611820 0612170 0611915 0611915 0612150 0612910 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0612080 0611925 4646120 4646885 4646945 4647965 4646965 4647000 4647200 4646960 4646985 4646765 4646985 4647800 4647975 4646870 4646945 4646960 4646900 4646900 4646965 4646605 4646900 4646925 4646950 4646785 4647195 4646910 4646870 4646870 4646965 4646285 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646980 4646910 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N N 152 Date.Time L047 910708.0921 L047 910709.1245 L047 910710.0825 L047 910711.1354 L047 910712.0947 L047 910713.0910 L047 910714.1112 L047 910715.1125 L047 910716.1615 L047 910717.1156 L047 910718.1055 L047 910719.1443 L047 910722.0848 L047 910723.0931 L047 910724.1504 L047 910725.1015 L047 910726.1045 L047 910729.1201 L047 910730.0835 L047 910731.1142 L047 910801.0910 L047 910802.1515 L047 910807.1020 L047 910808.1540 L047 910809.1442 L047 910810.1501 L047 910812.0910 L047 910813.1150 L047 910814.1342 L047 910815.1237 L047 910816.0944 L047 910819.1120 L047 910820.1005 L047 910821.1330 L047 910822.1232 L047 910823.1013 L047 910826.0932 L047 910827.1400 L047 910828.1440 L047 910829.1111 L047 910830.0820 Northing Easting 0611510 0611500 0612080 0611570 0611350 0611570 0611800 0611510 0611581 0611660 0611490 0611460 0611855 0611855 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611490 0611410 0611580 0611625 0611780 0611820 0611660 0611770 0611800 0611750 0611740 0611850 0611810 4646780 4646830 4647200 4646675 4646780 4646810 4646910 4646800 4647030 4646880 4647010 4646820 4647095 4646990 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4646780 4647130 4647010 4647280 4647180 4647160 4646884 4647190 4647151 4647120 4647100 4647060 4647240 910516.1430 910517.1230 910520.1400 910521.1240 910522.0945 910523.0830 910524.1545 910526.1015 910528.1148 910529.1301 910530.1030 910531.1100 910602.0957 910603.0820 0607545 0607487 0607158 0607146 0607372 0607501 0607485 0607477 0607472 0607453 0607373 0607469 0607532 0607481 4650260 4650325 4655227 4650240 4650236 4650299 4650387 4650413 4650380 4650787 4650381 4650380 4650440 4650350 Code L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 Error (ha) Activity A 0.07 A 0.06 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.05 0.07 A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H A A A A A A A A A A A A 153 Code Date.Time Northina Eastina L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 910604.1044 910605.1321 910606.1445 910607.0710 910609.1320 910610.1725 910611.1415 910612.1200 910613.1651 910616.0950 910617.1030 910618.1638 910619.1630 910620.1051 910621.1727 910623.1240 910624.1201 910625.1614 910626.0951 910627.1556 910628.1005 910630.0849 910701.0951 910702.0835 910703.1447 910704.0907 910705.0929 910707.1340 910708.1050 910709.1310 910710.0843 910711.1416 910712.1013 910713.0925 910714.1120 910716.1630 910717.0930 910718.1120 910719.1459 910722.0907 910723.0948 910724.1556 910725.1045 910726.1110 910729.1230 910730.0900 910731.1223 910801.0815 910802.1427 910807.1034 910808.1400 910809.1500 910810.1400 910812.0927 910813.1200 910814.1417 0607443 0607413 0607440 0607423 0607398 0607550 0607311 0607398 0607443 0607448 0607391 0607287 0607500 0607580 0607490 0607460 0607220 0607440 0607522 0607892 0607750 0608200 0608090 0607890 0607960 0607810 0608160 0608000 0607795 0607910 0607970 0607850 0607630 0607760 0607970 0607690 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607985 0607845 0607395 0607395 0607420 0607505 4650411 4650412 4650359 4650380 4650409 4650420 4650287 4650420 4650032 4650391 4650099 4649539 4649930 4649990 4649930 4650120 4648580 4649510 4649592 4649450 4649680 4649520 4649500 4649590 4649610 4646470 4649610 4649550 4649365 4649650 4649540 4649630 4649310 4649490 4649690 4649590 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4648784 4649950 4649730 4649760 4649855 4649750 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 A A 0.00 A 0.01 0.01 A 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.04 A 0.01 A A 0.08 0.01 A A 0.06 0.47 A A 0.08 0.06 A A 0.09 A 0.04 A 3.82 A 0.43 0.44 A 0.30 A 0.34 A A 0.24 0.12 A A 0.19 A 0.18 0.35 A 0.10 A A 0.11 A 0.00 0.13 A 0.17 A A 0.24 0.70 A 0.15 A 0.10 A 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A 154 Code L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 L048 Error (ha) Activity Date.Time Northing Eastina 910815.1157 910816.1000 910819.1139 910820.1020 910821.1321 910822.1256 910823.1030 910826.0950 910827.1419 910828.1500 910829.1134 910830.0844 0607620 0608550 0607650 0608590 0607850 0608570 0608580 0608640 0608370 0608470 0608570 0608460 4650035 4649480 4649650 4649680 4649520 4649780 4649870 4649790 4649810 4649800 4649730 4649750 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.24 0.11 0.04 0.11 A A A A A A A A A A A A 1992 1003 T003 1003 T003 T003 1003 1003 1003 T003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 T003 1003 1003 T003 1003 T003 1003 920623.1135 920625.1213 920627.1340 920629.1158 920701.1734 920703.1642 920705.1417 920707.1724 920709.1151 920713.1342 920715.1147 920717.1536 920719.1024 920721.1113 920723.1023 920725.1227 920727.1223 920729.1202 920731.1215 920802.1513 920803.1615 920805.1229 920807.1426 920810.1216 920812.1900 920814.1210 920816.1310 920818.1758 920820.0852 920821.0915 0628340 0628420 0628470 0628370 0628520 0628470 0628470 0628500 0628410 0628490 0628480 0628650 0628740 0628520 0628450 0628500 0628670 0628990 0628890 0628780 0628670 0628860 0628970 0628950 0628960 0629120 0628880 0629080 0628920 0629030 4635240 4635230 4635240 4635320 4635280 4635240 4635290 4635870 4635290 4635350 4635310 4635300 4635310 4635310 4635320 4635310 4635310 4635420 4635400 4635330 4635310 4635410 4635080 4635390 4635580 4635520 4635330 4635230 4635130 4635640 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N 0.06 0.07 0.08 A A A 0.11 A A 1005 T005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 T005 1005 1005 920623.1015 920625.1032 920627.1215 920629.0955 920701.1546 920703.1431 920705.1231 920707.1607 920709.0914 920713.1134 0624900 0624850 0624890 0624980 0624900 0625160 0625610 0625580 0625780 0625550 4638970 4639400 4638910 4639420 4638770 4638590 4638550 4638940 4638650 4638750 0.04 A A A 0.15 0.08 0.16 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.09 A A A A A A 0.11 A 0.26 0.30 0.15 0.71 A A A A A A 0.24 A 0.24 0.28 0.00 0.30 0.22 0.00 A A A A A C 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A 0.11 0.19 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.21 0.30 A 155 Code Date.Time Northino Easting T005 1005 T005 1005 1005 T005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 T005 1005 1005 T005 1005 1005 920715.0905 920717.1359 920719.1948 920721.0958 920723.0852 920725.1037 920727.1046 920729.0901 920731.0949 920802.1409 920803.1428 920805.1015 920807.1712 920809.1643 920810.1730 920812.0845 920814.1501 920816.1048 920818.1220 920820.1450 0625480 0625290 0625490 0625630 0625660 0625390 0625310 0625750 0625320 0625370 0625340 0625570 0625650 0625560 0625390 0625720 0625110 0625390 0625240 0625170 4638810 4638640 4638790 4638750 4638920 4638550 4638610 4638740 4638600 4638610 4638580 4638660 4638640 4638640 4638580 4638560 4639540 4639550 4639540 4639650 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 1008 T008 1008 1008 T008 T008 1008 1008 1008 920623.1120 920625.1133 920627.1315 920629.1150 920701.1715 920703.1625 920705.1400 920707.1706 920709.1105 920713.1323 920715.1126 920717.1519 920719.1036 920721.1058 920723.1001 920725.1213 920727.1213 920729.1143 920731.1143 920802.1459 920803.1536 920805.1205 920807.1200 920808.1030 920809.1430 0626180 0626280 0626100 0626110 0626260 0626120 0626200 0625870 0626210 0625880 0626250 0625930 0625830 0626190 0626200 0626180 0626230 0626240 0626140 0626130 0626000 0626200 0626110 0626250 0625630 1009 1009 1009 T009 T009 1009 1009 1009 T009 920623.1053 920625.1103 920627.1241 920629.1026 920701.1734 920703.1458 920705.1304 920707.1626 920709.1003 0625850 0625650 0625750 0625800 0625780 0625720 0625720 0625980 0625720 Error (ha) Activity A 0.05 A 0.11 A 0.23 A 0.05 A 0.05 A 0.06 A 0.06 A 0.01 A 0.08 A 0.20 A 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920723.1225 920725.1221 920727.1213 920729.1215 920731.1210 920802.1510 920803.1613 920805.1229 920807.1420 0626720 0628180 0628170 0628170 0628310 0628190 0628190 0628190 0628100 0628200 0627800 0627810 0628120 0627910 0627910 0627910 0627910 0627910 0627910 0628130 0628130 0628100 0628730 4635890 4635820 4635830 4635820 4635700 4635800 4635780 4635780 4636250 4635650 4636310 4636310 4636080 4636280 4636280 4636280 4636280 4636280 4636280 4636200 4636100 4636290 4636250 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A T228 T228 T228 T228 T228 920623.1003 0625240 4639690 920625.0945 0625430 4639690 920627.1207 0625480 4639600 920629.0936 0625440 4639470 920701.1546 0624480 4639630 0.09 0.19 A 0.11 A A A 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.16 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.50 0.26 0.00 0.47 0.13 0.11 0.18 0.17 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.32 0.34 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N 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920623.0930 920625.0859 920627.1137 920629.0936 920701.1456 920703.1400 920705.1135 920709.0829 920713.1047 920715.0845 920717.1310 920719.1902 920721.0920 920723.0810 920725.1013 920727.1001 920729.0814 920731.0903 920802.1342 920803.1402 920805.0949 920807.1702 920810.1705 920812.0825 920814.1458 920816.1034 0624910 0624880 0624940 0624780 0624900 0624890 0625750 0625610 0625650 0625570 0625670 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625550 0625620 0625670 0625590 0625620 0625660 0625780 0625630 0625680 0625620 0625680 0625540 4640170 4640160 4640210 4640410 4640190 4639560 4639650 4639990 4639950 4639950 4640020 4640140 4640030 4639890 4640000 4640010 4639910 4639660 4640090 4640020 4639960 4640020 4640020 4639790 4639800 4639800 Code T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 Error (ha) Activity A 0.11 A 0.09 0.13 A A 0.29 0.21 A 0.22 A A 0.10 0.12 A A 0.07 0.04 A 0.17 A A 0.24 A 0.15 A 0.20 A 0.39 A 0.32 A 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Time Northing Easting T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 T229 920818.1148 920820.1423 920822.1535 920824.1837 920826.1243 920828.1154 920830.0954 0625600 0625590 0625560 0625690 0625520 0625700 0625710 4640050 4640070 4639930 4640050 4639710 4639910 4639930 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 T230 920623.1015 920627.1154 920629.0942 920701.1518 920703.1427 920705.1231 920707.1607 920709.0906 920713.1134 920715.0905 920717.1359 920719.1948 920721.0958 920723.0852 920725.1037 920727.1048 920729.0901 920731.0949 920802.1409 920803.1428 920805.1015 920807.1712 920810.1730 920812.0845 920814.1510 920816.1048 920818.1220 920820.1450 920822.1552 920824.1915 0624970 0624910 0624900 0624900 0624870 0625570 0625500 0625720 0625540 0625670 0625560 0625530 0625620 0625670 0625620 0625510 0625740 0625650 0625700 0625640 0625720 0625700 0625650 0625400 0625840 0625470 0625690 0625560 0625480 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0.15 0.67 0.40 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.00 0.23 0.18 0.20 0.01 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.32 0.21 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A 160 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 T232 920729.0814 920731.0903 920802.1342 920803.1356 920805.0941 920807.1655 920810.1653 920812.0825 920814.1454 920816.1055 920818.1148 920820.1423 920822.1527 920824.1837 920826.1210 920828.1630 920830.1338 0625600 0625570 0625500 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625570 0625310 0625160 0625260 0625270 0625240 0625340 0625340 4640620 4640620 4640580 4640610 4640610 4640610 4640610 4640610 4640610 4640610 4640810 4640830 4640820 4640730 4640750 4640830 4640850 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 1233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 T233 920623.0910 920625.0859 920627.1123 920629.0852 920701.1546 920703.1455 920705.1223 920707.1607 920709.0914 920713.1212 920715.0832 920717.1310 920719.1855 920721.0920 920723.0759 920725.1013 920727.1001 920729.0837 920731.0930 920802.1351 920803.1414 920805.0949 920807.1702 920810.1705 920812.0833 920814.1458 920816.1048 920818.1206 920820.1445 920822.1537 920824.1857 920826.1210 920828.1630 920830.1327 0625020 0625030 0625010 0625020 0625870 0625780 0625630 0625620 0625750 0625640 0624910 0625130 0625450 0625170 0624940 0624850 0624960 0624970 0624930 0624770 0624860 0624920 0624860 0624900 0624930 0624880 0624880 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624780 0624880 0624940 0624900 Error (hal Activity A 0.22 A 0.16 A 0.20 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.07 0.12 0.16 N N N N N N N 4640110 4640120 4640130 4640110 4638010 4638550 4638890 4638760 4638960 4638900 4639760 4639460 4639430 4639780 4640220 4640070 4639960 4639980 4639950 4639940 4640010 4640000 4640000 4640380 4640050 4639890 4639760 4640240 4640150 4640060 4640030 4640100 4639910 4639720 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.52 0.05 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 A 0.16 0.05 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A T234 920625.1032 0625030 4638650 T234 920627.1215 0625140 4638470 T234 920701.1546 0625210 4638560 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.51 H A A A A A A A A A 161 Date.Time 920703.1431 920705.1231 920707.1620 920709.0930 920713.1151 920715.0929 920717.1411 920719.1948 920721.0958 920723.0852 920725.1037 920727.1048 920729.0901 920731.0949 920802.1423 920803.1428 920805.1015 920807.1712 920809.1643 920810.1730 920812.0845 920814.1510 920816.1107 920818.1242 920820.1450 920822.0930 920824.1935 920826.1258 920828.1141 920830.1059 Northing Eastino T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 T234 0625540 0625170 0624780 0625070 0625350 0625340 0625370 0625090 0625030 0624870 0624980 0625340 0625240 0625280 0624970 0625300 0625040 0625440 0625570 0625390 0625460 0625210 0626030 0625360 0625360 0624890 0624940 0624890 0625220 0624920 4638570 4639050 4638610 4638880 4638850 4638820 4638530 4638630 4638800 4638940 4638530 4638630 4638640 4638590 4638870 4638590 4638660 4638600 4638670 4638580 4638690 4638610 4638690 4638770 4638580 4639020 4638600 4639480 4638710 4639160 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 920623.0910 920625.0859 920627.1137 920629.0936 920701.1512 920703.1403 920705.1153 920707.1511 920709.0829 920713.1047 920715.0820 920717.1310 920719.1912 920721.0912 920723.0745 920725.1013 920727.1001 920729.0826 920731.0916 920802.1342 920803.1405 920805.0958 920807.1702 920810.1715 920812.0825 0624860 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624870 0624890 0624860 0624870 0624860 0625080 0624980 0624890 0624900 0624870 0624990 0624890 0624850 0624880 0624880 0624940 0625050 0624910 4639920 4640090 4640050 4640050 4640060 4639430 4640050 4640070 4640030 4640010 4639940 4639960 4639960 4640190 4640010 4640100 4640020 4639980 4640040 4640200 4640180 4639970 4640140 4639800 4640030 Code Error (ha) Activity A 0.27 A 0.07 A 0.41 A 0.03 A 0.09 A 0.13 A 0.12 A 0.06 A 0.04 A 0.00 0.12 0.18 0.08 0.15 0.05 0.16 0.02 0.25 A 0.01 A A A A A 0.07 0.03 0.11 0.93 0.07 0.20 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.25 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 162 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T236 T236 T236 T236 T236 1236 T236 T236 T236 920814.1458 920816.1048 920818.1202 920820.1423 920822.1545 920824.1850 920826.1221 920828.1615 920830.1331 0624870 0624890 0624860 0624870 0624880 0624880 0624870 0624860 0624860 4639500 4639680 4639790 4640290 4640190 4640400 4640110 4640230 4640090 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 T237 920623.1113 920625.1118 920627.1258 920629.1119 920701.1643 920703.1615 920705.1348 920707.1655 920709.1031 920713.1308 920715.1120 920717.1440 920719.1058 920721.1036 920723.0937 920725.1129 920727.1127 920729.0914 920731.1031 920802.1435 920803.1500 920805.1058 920807.1439 920810.1756 920812.1541 920814.1153 920816.1234 920818.1414 920820.1520 920822.1557 920824.2012 920826.1221 920828.0000 920830.0000 0626250 0626550 0626330 0626480 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626340 0626370 0626140 0626190 0626190 0626220 0625940 0626190 0626190 0626300 0626240 0626420 0626200 0626360 0626400 0626400 0626410 0626290 0626190 0626000 0626000 4638790 4639040 4639110 4639220 4639130 4649130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639130 4639220 4639140 4639100 4639120 4639080 4639110 4639200 4639370 4639370 4639480 4639260 4639600 4639770 4639160 4639230 4639370 4639400 4639590 4639000 4639000 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 920610.1025 920623.1340 920625.0835 920627.1040 920629.0828 920701.1436 920703.1236 920705.1110 920707.1440 920709.0750 920713.0918 0624740 0624740 0624740 0624740 0624740 0624740 0625160 0625190 0625030 0625100 0625180 4643210 4643210 4643210 4643210 4643210 4643210 4643290 4643340 4643510 4643380 4643350 Error (ha) Activity A 0.13 A 0.00 A 0.03 A 0.01 A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 A A A A N N N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N N N N N N 0.01 H 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.02 A A 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.05 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N H A A A A A 163 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 T240 920715.0751 920717.1245 920719.1832 920721.0820 920723.0713 920725.0939 920727.0932 920729.0739 920731.0844 920802.1328 920803.1346 920805.0908 920807.1644 920810.1636 920812.0811 920814.1447 920816.0957 920818.1135 920820.1128 920822.1435 920824.1828 920826.1146 920828.1609 920830.1349 0625230 0625270 0625210 0625190 0625200 0625190 0625260 0625190 0625170 0625120 0625200 0625240 0625190 0625200 0625140 0624980 0625060 0625250 0625240 0625200 0625210 0625160 0625280 0625600 4643360 4643570 4643390 4643500 4643250 4643610 4643460 4643610 4643630 4643620 4643570 4643610 4643570 4643610 4643600 4643670 4643630 4643590 4643600 4643630 4643590 4643590 4643820 4643480 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 T241 920623.0951 920625.0859 920627.1123 920629.0936 920701.1456 920703.1350 920705.1142 920707.1505 920709.0816 920713.1040 920715.0820 920717.1310 920719.1902 920721.0912 920723.0745 920725.1002 920727.1001 920729.0814 920731.0903 920802.1342 920803.1356 920805.0914 920807.1655 920810.1653 920812.0825 920814.1456 920816.1034 920818.1148 920820.1423 920822.1546 920824.1837 0624890 0624930 0624930 0624820 0624900 0624910 0624900 0624890 0624940 0624940 0624960 0624940 0624990 0624930 0624970 0624930 0624910 0624940 0624900 0624870 0624850 0624890 0624850 0624890 0624900 0624910 0624880 0624860 0624880 0624860 0624880 4640400 4640490 4640570 4640410 4640530 4640150 4640760 4640480 4640510 4640570 4640480 4640440 4640530 4640490 4640540 4640530 4640440 4640550 4640480 4640570 4640130 4640590 4640570 4640540 4640410 4640570 4640550 4640570 4640400 4640470 4640560 Error (ha) Activity A 0.05 A 0.08 A 0.06 A 0.05 A 0.06 A 0.06 A 0.07 A 0.06 A 0.05 A 0.07 A 0.09 A 0.07 A 0.09 A 0.09 A 0.07 A 0.04 A 0.06 0.11 A A 0.11 A 0.10 A 0.06 A 0.05 A 0.18 A 0.34 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 164 Date.Time Northing Eastina Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 Code T241 T241 T241 920826.1210 0624860 4640590 920828.1621 0624860 4640460 920830.1338 0624870 4640340 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 T243 920623.1003 920625.0959 920627.1115 920629.0905 920701.1456 920703.1527 920705.1135 920707.1458 920709.0816 920713.1040 920715.1024 920717.1347 920719.1936 920721.0905 920723.0736 920725.1030 920727.1135 920729.0935 4640210 4640680 4640300 4640270 4640270 4640270 4640140 4640410 4639960 4640160 4640050 4640020 4640200 4640220 4640110 4640100 4640160 4640100 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.29 0.97 0.00 0.02 0.04 T248 T248 920623.0910 0623740 4640640 920625.0859 0623710 4640590 0.62 0.00 A T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 1249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 T249 920623.0951 920625.0859 920627.1137 920629.0936 920701.1456 920703.1403 920705.1142 920707.1514 920709.0829 920713.1047 920715.0820 920717.1323 920719.1902 920721.0929 920723.0810 920725.1013 920727.1001 920729.0826 920731.0916 920802.1402 920803.1405 920805.0949 920807.0655 920810.1653 920812.0825 920814.1456 920816.1034 920818.1155 920820.1432 920822.1547 4640120 4639880 4640150 4640070 4640080 4639530 4640110 4639770 4639670 4639890 4639860 4639740 4639830 4639730 4639770 4639670 4639760 4639780 4639770 4639790 4639830 4639760 4639760 4639760 4639760 4639810 4639760 4640030 4639940 4639840 0.02 A A A A A 0625420 0625620 0625660 0625730 0625730 0626380 0625510 0626070 0625500 0626220 0626180 0626100 0626170 0625980 0626360 0626210 0626170 0626070 0624880 0624900 0624920 0624830 0624890 0624890 0624900 0625090 0625130 0625150 0625110 0625110 0625130 0625050 0625120 0625070 0625100 0625100 0625120 0625070 0625110 0625140 0625140 0625140 0625100 0625100 0625150 0624870 0624890 0624880 0.56 0.35 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.13 0.51 0.23 0.61 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.11 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.04 0.12 0.12 0.03 0.01 A A A N N A A A A A A A A A A A A A M A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N A A A A A A 165 Error (ha) Activity A 0.01 0.02 A 0.02 A A 0.00 Code Date.Time Northina Easting T249 T249 T249 T249 920824.1837 920826.1221 920828.1621 920830.1331 0624740 0624870 0624890 0624850 4640120 4640120 4640090 4640270 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 1250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 T250 920623.0951 920625.0835 920627.1040 920629.0828 920701.1436 920703.1326 920705.1110 920707.1440 920709.0750 920713.0918 920715.0751 920717.1245 920719.1832 920721.0820 920723.0713 920725.0939 920727.0932 920729.0739 920731.0844 920802.1328 920803.1346 920805.0918 920807.1644 920810.1636 920812.0811 920814.1447 920816.0957 920818.1135 920820.1130 920822.1526 920824.1832 920826.1150 920828.0000 920830.0000 0624810 0624890 0625010 0624890 0625040 0625000 0625180 0624870 0624850 0624850 0624840 0624860 0624860 0624850 0624830 0624860 0624850 0624850 0624840 0624840 0624840 0624860 0624840 0624870 0624860 0624870 0625180 0624720 0624880 0624840 0624830 0624820 0624000 0624000 4642360 4643100 4643120 4643100 4643110 4642980 4643100 4643070 4643140 4643040 4643080 4643320 4643180 4643120 4643250 4643230 4643220 4643180 4643120 4643090 4643090 4643300 4643110 4643170 4643110 4642990 4642180 4643240 4642990 4643180 4643120 4643010 4643000 4643000 0.00 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 920623.0851 920625.0835 920627.1040 920629.1009 920701.1436 920703.1326 920705.1110 920707.1440 920709.0750 920713.0918 920715.0751 920717.1245 920719.1832 920721.0820 920723.0713 920725.0939 0624980 0625070 0625080 0625010 0624830 0625140 0625140 0624910 0625040 0625050 0625060 0625050 0625040 0625050 0625050 0625050 4643400 4643280 4643270 4643480 4643110 4643320 4643630 4643460 4643240 4643240 4643240 4643390 4643220 4643230 4643230 4643230 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I I A I N N N 166 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 0.04 0.00 0.06 A 0.07 0.06 A 0.13 A A 0.00 A 0.07 Code T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 T251 Date.Time Northina Eastina 920727.0932 920729.0739 920731.0844 920802.1328 920803.1346 920805.0908 920807.1644 920810.1636 920812.0811 920814.1447 920816.0957 920818.1135 920820.1128 920822.1458 920824.1828 920826.1146 920828.1606 920830.1349 0625050 0625050 0625050 0625050 0624990 0625050 0625090 0625130 0625070 0625290 0624850 0624870 0624860 0624860 0624850 0624840 0624960 0624860 4643230 4643230 4643230 4643230 4643140 4643230 4643280 4643240 4643340 4643200 4643100 4643280 4643390 4643280 4642990 4643200 4643480 4643140 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T235 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 1253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 920623.0910 920625.0920 920627.1123 920629.0939 920701.1456 920703.1350 920705.1135 920707.1458 920709.0816 920713.1040 920715.0812 920717.1309 920719.1855 920721.0905 920723.0736 920725.1002 920727.0953 920729.0814 920731.0903 920802.1342 920803.1356 920805.0941 920807.1655 920810.1653 920812.0825 920814.1454 920816.1034 0624900 0624780 0624910 0624820 0624900 0624920 0624890 0624890 0624960 0624900 0624890 0624860 0625030 0624880 0625040 0625000 0625190 0624870 0624910 0624890 0624920 0624920 0624860 0624860 0624900 0624930 0624950 4640640 4640010 4640570 4640410 4640410 4640560 4640750 4640700 4640670 4640560 4640590 4640630 4640740 4640650 4640690 4640730 4640630 4640610 4640560 4640700 4640720 4640000 4640690 4640660 4640560 4640570 4640720 0.01 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 T253 920818.1148 920820.1423 920822.1547 920824.1837 920826.1210 920828.1621 920830.1338 0624850 0625050 0624930 0625050 0624860 0624870 0624870 4640630 4640730 4640730 4640720 4640690 4640640 4640670 0.01 0.01 0.01 A A A A A A A T254 920623.1015 0625380 4638850 0.12 A 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 167 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 1254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 T254 920627.1154 920629.1009 920701.1546 920703.1427 920705.1205 920707.1607 920709.0906 920713.1059 920715.0905 920717.1359 920719.1948 920721.0958 920723.0852 920725.1037 920727.1037 920729.0901 920731.0949 920802.1409 920803.1428 920805.1015 920807.1712 920809.1643 920810.1730 920812.0845 920814.1510 920816.1055 920818.1230 920820.1503 920822.1555 920824.1859 920826.1258 920828.1129 920830.1057 0625340 0625520 0625630 0625670 0625530 0625660 0625570 0625580 0625520 0625500 0625540 0625460 0625610 0625450 0625400 0625740 0625550 0625430 0625580 0625320 0625490 0625540 0625660 0625430 0625300 0626050 0625210 0625260 0625260 0625400 0625140 0625040 0625590 4638900 4638790 4638650 4638670 4638790 4638870 4638860 4639000 4638970 4638810 4638880 4638840 4638780 4638820 4638840 4638870 4638880 4638850 4638780 4638810 4638900 4638890 4638880 4638870 4638700 4638800 4638440 4638280 4638370 4638260 4638350 4638570 4638510 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 920623.0951 920625.1032 920627.1137 920629.1009 920701.1535 920703.1427 920705.1205 920707.1514 920709.0829 920713.1047 920715.0845 920717.1310 920719.1912 920721.0929 920723.0810 920725.1013 920727.1001 920729.0837 920731.0916 920802.1402 920803.1428 920805.0958 0625110 0625180 0625040 0624970 0624900 0625190 0625110 0625030 0625020 0625010 0625090 0625050 0625020 0624890 0625720 0624950 0625120 0625040 0625070 0624950 0624950 0625090 4639460 4639620 4639560 4639550 4639590 4638970 4639560 4639620 4639670 4639560 4639530 4639600 4639510 4639450 4638920 4639510 4639820 4639650 4639560 4639540 4639530 4639600 Error (ha) Activity A 0.39 A 0.25 A 0.31 A 0.24 A 0.10 A 0.02 A 0.16 A 0.16 A 0.06 A 0.23 A 0.06 A 0.20 A 0.04 A 0.05 A 0.12 A 0.01 A 0.06 A 0.18 A 0.05 A 0.09 A 0.21 A 0.01 A 0.06 A 0.18 A 0.13 A 0.89 A 0.07 A 0.10 A 0.08 A 0.06 A 0.08 A 0.27 A 0.01 0.72 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.95 0.10 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.10 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 168 Code Date.Time Northing Easting T255 1255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 T255 920807.1708 920810.1715 920812.0845 920814.1501 920816.1048 920818.1210 920820.1447 920822.1552 920824.1854 920826.1210 920828.1630 920830.1327 0624970 0624940 0624940 0624950 0625060 0625030 0624950 0625010 0625880 0624920 0624940 0624900 4639550 4639510 4639540 4639570 4639520 4639550 4639600 4639570 4639900 4639890 4639910 4639720 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 1256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 T256 920623.0951 920625.0859 920627.1115 920629.0852 920701.1456 920703.1527 920705.1135 920707.1514 920709.0816 920713.1047 920715.0820 920717.1310 920719.1855 920721.0912 920723.0745 920725.1000 920727.0953 920729.0814 920731.0903 920802.1342 920803.1356 920805.0941 920807.1702 920810.1653 920812.0837 920814.1458 920816.1034 920818.1148 920820.1423 920822.1555 920824.1837 920826.1210 920828.1630 920830.1327 0625310 0625940 0625760 0625710 0625540 0625390 0625650 0625430 0625440 0625440 0625650 0625630 0625620 0625600 0625600 0625550 0625710 0625810 0625490 0625650 0625700 0625190 0624960 0624860 0624890 0624870 0625390 0625380 0625690 0625730 0625580 0625580 0625660 0625740 4640050 4640170 4640120 4639890 4640310 4640280 4640110 4640230 4640240 4640230 4639970 4639980 4640010 4639990 4639810 4640070 4640360 4640330 4640310 4640160 4640740 4640280 4639620 4640160 4640200 4640130 4640660 4640300 4640610 4640310 4640450 4640560 4640300 4640200 T258 920623.0840 T258 920625.0846 T258 920627.1055 T258 920629.0840 T258 920701.1445 T258 920703.1335 T258 920705.1128 T258 920707.1450 0624960 0624930 0625060 0624950 0625100 0625020 0624880 0624880 4642260 4642230 4642250 4642180 4642260 4642380 4642320 4642260 Error (ha) Activity A 0.05 A 0.05 A 0.06 A 0.06 A 0.09 A 0.02 A 0.06 A 0.02 A 0.00 A 0.01 A 0.02 A 0.06 0.08 1.00 0.35 0.93 0.31 0.02 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.30 0.28 0.21 0.12 0.42 0.43 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.29 0.17 0.38 0.31 0.28 0.20 0.26 0.32 0.10 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 169 Date.Time Code T258 920709.0803 T258 920713.0930 T258 920715.0806 T258 920717.1258 T258 920719.1845 T258 920721.0825 T258 920723.0723 T258 920725.0952 T258 920727.0945 T258 920729.0752 T258 920731.0858 T258 920802.1337 T258 920803.1351 T258 920805.0915 T258 920807.1650 T258 920810.1646 T258 920812.0819 T258 920814.1451 T258 920816.1021 T258 920818.1141 T258 920820.1124 T258 920822.1445 T258 920824.1833 T258 920826.1159 T258 920828.1609 T258 920830.1345 Northina Eastina 0624970 0624870 0625000 0625030 0625010 0624950 0624860 0624700 0624880 0625020 0625020 0625020 0625020 0624960 0625000 0624940 0624890 0624850 0624840 0624880 0624940 0624900 0624900 0624850 0624870 0624850 4642240 4642250 4642250 4642370 4642370 4642390 4642410 4642110 4642310 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642190 4642290 4642270 4642230 4642280 4642270 4642250 4642360 4642280 4642240 4642230 4642200 4642240 920623.0840 920625.0846 920627.1055 920629.0840 920701.1445 920703.1335 920705.1345 920707.1237 920709.1050 920713.1300 920715.1111 920717.1449 920719.1130 920721.1049 920723.0948 920725.1207 920727.1200 920729.0954 920731.1108 920802.1536 920803.1528 920805.1129 920807.1100 920810.1810 920812.1530 920814.1122 920816.1223 920818.1434 920820.1412 0624750 0624690 0624870 0624730 0624750 0625690 0626740 0626230 0626340 0626340 0626330 0626430 0626450 0626400 0626470 0625410 0626410 0626390 0626410 0626400 0626400 0626400 0626400 0626430 0626410 0626400 0625530 0625640 0625560 4642410 4642280 4642360 4642370 4642390 4642410 4642310 4642140 4642650 4642490 4642850 4642310 4641860 4642450 4642690 4641770 4642080 4642270 4642080 4642320 4642440 4642580 4642310 4642450 4642390 4642440 4642330 4642530 4642520 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 Error (ha) Activity 0.02 A A 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.17 0.29 0.23 A A A A A A A N N N N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 170 Error (ha) Activity 0.16 A A 0.68 A 0.25 A 0.31 0.18 A Code Date.Time Northinci Eastina T259 T259 T259 T259 T259 920822.1420 920824.2030 920826.1146 920828.1212 920830.0959 0625620 0625220 0625620 0625660 0625650 4642600 4642440 4642470 4642590 4642540 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 T260 920623.1107 920625.1145 920627.1314 920629.1110 920701.1643 920703.1620 920705.1342 920707.1237 920709.1237 920713.1300 920715.1111 920717.1449 920719.1215 920721.1049 920723.0948 920725.1207 920727.1153 920729.0956 920731.1105 920802.1533 920803.1521 920805.1125 920807.1057 920810.1805 920812.1534 920814.1125 920816.1218 920818.1431 920820.1416 920822.1425 920824.2026 920826.1324 920828.1209 920830.0959 0626680 0626500 0626500 0626500 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626440 0626410 0626420 0626420 0626440 0626430 0626450 0626450 0626440 0626410 0626420 0626420 0626430 0626450 0626420 0626430 0626380 0626430 0626440 0626420 4642070 4642250 4642250 4642250 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642200 4642290 4641270 4642040 4641660 4641730 4641370 4641430 4641320 4641760 4641890 4641280 4641520 4641590 4641760 4641400 4641510 4641750 4642090 4642070 T261 T261 T261 T261 T261 T261 T261 T261 920623.0951 920625.0859 920627.1137 920629.0936 920701.1512 920703.1403 920705.1153 920707.1514 0624910 0624900 0624970 0624860 0624970 0624880 0624900 0624870 4640120 4639990 4639580 4639950 4640020 4639740 4639940 4639820 0.01 0.01 T262 920623.0851 T262 920625.0846 T262 920627.1055 T262 920629.0840 T262 920701.1445 T262 920703.1335 0624670 0624630 0624670 0624670 0624640 0624700 4642310 4642280 4642330 4642280 4642260 4642260 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.17 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 171 Code Date.Time Northing Eastina T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 T262 920705.1128 920707.1450 920709.0759 920713.0930 920715.0806 920717.1258 920719.1840 920721.0825 920723.0723 920725.0952 920727.0945 920729.0752 920731.0858 920802.1337 920803.1351 920805.0915 920807.1650 920810.1646 920812.0819 920814.1451 920816.1021 920818.1141 920820.1124 920822.1447 920824.1833 920826.1159 920828.1609 920830.1345 0624680 0624250 0624620 0624620 0624670 0624630 0624610 0624690 0624650 0624710 0624630 0624680 0624480 0624640 0624580 0624620 0624650 0624720 0624680 0624640 0624590 0624640 0624680 0624640 0624920 0624840 0624840 0624840 4642260 4643010 4642290 4642290 4642270 4642250 4642240 4642270 4642250 4642110 4642030 4642290 4642110 4642170 4642240 4642190 4642360 4642410 4642340 4642240 4642260 4642360 4642330 4642390 4642350 4642350 4642140 4642280 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 T264 920623.1003 920625.0959 920627.1137 920629.0955 920701.1512 920703.1414 920705.1223 920707.1514 920709.0829 920713.1120 920715.0820 920717.1359 920719.1912 920721.0920 920723.0759 920725.1006 920727.1001 920729.0826 920731.0916 920802.1357 920803.1414 920805.0949 920807.1702 920810.1715 920812.0837 920814.1501 920816.1048 0625050 0624910 0624920 0624930 0625040 0624880 0624870 0624900 0624900 0624880 0624890 0624960 0625000 0624990 0625030 0624970 0625340 0624970 0624940 0624900 0624930 0624900 0624900 0624910 0624970 0624930 0624890 4639570 4639850 4639710 4639630 4639960 4639760 4639640 4639700 4639700 4639660 4639750 4639790 4639870 4639860 4639870 4639780 4639630 4639800 4639790 4639800 4639720 4639750 4639710 4639700 4639820 4639720 4639800 Error (ha) Activity 0.01 A A 0.24 A 0.02 0.02 A 0.01 A A 0.02 0.02 A 0.01 A A 0.02 A 0.01 A 0.04 0.01 A A 0.07 A 0.02 0.03 A A 0.02 A 0.02 A 0.01 A 0.01 A 0.02 A 0.03 A 0.02 0.01 A A 0.02 0.01 A A 0.00 0.01 A A 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.31 0.18 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.32 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 172 Northing Eastina T264 920818.1202 T264 920820.1442 T264 920822.1547 T264 920824.1845 T264 920826.1221 T264 920828.1621 T264 920830.1331 0624900 0624880 0624870 0624880 0624880 0624890 0624860 4639750 4639930 4640090 4640270 4639970 4640110 4639400 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 T266 920623.1114 920625.1118 920627.1258 920629.1117 920701.1643 920703.1611 920705.1348 920707.1655 920709.1018 920713.1230 920715.1118 920717.1440 920719.1110 920721.1036 920723.0937 920725.1126 920727.1135 920729.0935 920731.1050 920802.1449 920803.1530 920805.1130 920807.1443 920810.1756 920812.1539 920814.1152 920816.1234 920818.1425 920820.1520 920822.1555 920824.2012 920826.1312 920828.1150 920830.1020 0626270 0626300 0626240 0626390 0626440 0626400 0626800 0626570 0626770 0626300 0626140 0626140 0626350 0626160 0626350 0626470 0626400 0626460 0626330 0626210 0626190 0626190 0626190 0626170 0626150 0626240 0626200 0626210 0626180 0626230 0626120 0626200 0626240 0626270 4639950 4639610 4639770 4639710 4639970 4639620 4639620 4639630 4639710 4639620 4639700 4639680 4640070 4639610 4640010 4639860 4639800 4640090 4640060 4639620 4639630 4639870 4639630 4640140 4639650 4639610 4639630 4639610 4639630 4639640 4639750 4639690 4639650 4639610 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 920430.1045 920622.0805 920624.1236 920626.0916 920628.0912 920630.1030 920702.1529 920704.1034 920706.1032 920708.0838 920710.0835 920714.1202 920716.1418 0606560 0606720 0606650 0606550 0606550 0606550 0606590 0606620 0606680 0606630 0606620 0606640 0606720 4647370 4647390 4647410 4647610 4647590 4647610 4647530 4647430 4647450 4647520 4647440 4647580 4647560 Code Date.Time Error (ha) Activity A 0.01 A 0.00 0.03 A A 0.00 A 0.00 A 0.02 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.03 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.00 N 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 173 Code L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 L031 Date.Time Northing Eastina 920718.0900 920720.0921 920722.1139 920724.0918 920728.1038 920730.0903 920802.1058 920804.0933 920806.0841 920811.1426 920813.1414 920817.1424 920824.1730 0606510 0606480 0606690 0606640 0606580 0606470 0606360 0606570 0606490 0606480 0606720 0606430 0606550 4647360 4647570 4647300 4647450 4647630 4647560 4647640 4647540 4647610 4647640 4647430 4647650 4647580 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 L033 920507.1356 920528.0851 920622.0845 920624.1237 920626.0851 920630.1042 920702.1529 920704.1041 920706.1041 920708.0843 920710.0858 920714.1216 920716.1426 920718.0912 920722.1145 920724.0923 920728.1044 920730.0910 920802.1106 920804.0942 920806.0854 920811.1432 920813.1419 920817.1429 920819.0837 920821.1330 0607010 0607110 0607500 0607770 0607740 0607720 0607730 0607770 0607590 0607730 0607620 0607770 0607760 0607800 0607370 0608160 0607580 0607500 0607680 0607780 0607720 0607620 0607750 0607670 0607670 0607780 4647050 4647200 4647220 4647090 4647060 4647010 4647090 4647960 4647010 4646840 4646900 4646960 4646700 4647040 4646870 4647130 4646650 4646860 4646650 4646820 4646830 4646900 4646690 4646690 4646670 4646680 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 920622.1012 920624.1350 920626.1109 920628.0920 920630.1042 920702.1545 920704.1056 920706.1050 920708.0854 920710.0907 920714.1227 920706.1431 920718.0922 920720.0948 920722.1151 0608340 0608410 0608400 0608400 0608470 0608030 0608550 0608450 0608100 0608490 0608410 0608380 0608510 0608430 0608390 4646800 4646820 4646680 4646700 4646590 4646680 4646550 4646550 4646690 4646580 4646600 4646640 4646590 4646620 4646500 Error (ha) Activity 0.06 A 0.01 A 0.02 A 0.01 A 0.01 A A 0.01 A 0.00 0.01 A 0.01 A 0.01 A 0.01 A A 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.12 0.10 0.88 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.07 N N 0.01 0.01 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.00 C 0.02 0.03 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.01 0.13 0.16 0.12 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 174 Code Date.Time Northing Easting L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 L039 920724.0933 920728.1046 920730.0914 920802.1109 920804.0945 920806.0845 920811.1435 920813.1422 920817.1431 920819.0841 920821.1330 0608400 0608260 0608320 0608190 0608180 0608250 0608210 0608400 0608350 0608210 0608380 4646550 4646550 4646620 4646580 4646620 4646560 4646570 4646600 4646570 4646630 4646600 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 L041 920522.0930 920622.1132 920624.1423 920626.1120 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1721 920704.1149 920706.1246 920708.1002 920710.1150 920714.1254 920716.1515 920718.1004 920720.1014 920722.1240 920724.0940 920728.1118 920730.1003 920802.1136 920804.1057 920806.1038 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 0610810 0610810 0610900 0610980 0610920 0610790 0610940 0610850 0610930 0610840 0610900 0610970 0610980 0610850 0610790 0610760 0610730 0611180 0610770 0610830 0610910 0610870 0611270 0610940 0610950 0610900 0611010 4647290 4647330 4647360 4647400 4647320 4647320 4647420 4647320 4647470 4647560 4647430 4647410 4647400 4647390 4647780 4647620 4647610 4647450 4647490 4647460 4647410 4647490 4647650 4647400 4647410 4647410 4647500 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 920513.0932 920622.1207 920624.0945 920626.1341 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 920704.1201 920706.1209 920708.0948 920710.1135 920714.1316 920716.1503 920718.1019 920720.1146 920722.1240 0609910 0611460 0611400 0611470 0611400 0611260 0611060 0611270 0610930 0610880 0611660 0611350 0611120 0611100 0611210 0611060 4646610 4647600 4647580 4647600 4647550 4648820 4648180 4647970 4648400 4647780 4647600 4647500 4647570 4647500 4647520 4647640 Error (ha) Activity 0.00 A 0.01 A 0.00 0.00 A 0.01 A A A A A A A 0.00 C 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.26 0.16 0.11 0.29 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 175 Code Date.Time Northing Eastino L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 L042 920724.1019 920728.1118 920730.1003 920802.1203 920804.1057 920811.1544 920817.1502 920819.1000 0611320 0611610 0611380 0611330 0611410 0611640 0611660 0611010 4647670 4647490 4647810 4647540 4647790 4647570 4647850 4647490 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 L201 920513.0935 920609.1356 920622.0943 920624.1323 920626.1048 920628.0925 920630.1108 920702.1554 920704.1107 920706.1059 920708.0901 920710.0914 920714.1236 920716.1455 920718.1004 920720.1014 920722.1200 920724.1003 920728.1114 920730.0921 920802.1116 920804.1025 920806.0906 920811.1443 920813.1445 920817.1442 920819.0902 920821.1346 920824.1621 920826.0944 920828.0000 920830.0000 0610710 0610200 0610200 0610200 0610200 0610360 0610100 0610180 0610180 0610200 0610230 0610260 0610210 0610210 0610150 0610210 0610190 0610230 0610050 0610220 0610150 0610060 0610190 0610180 0610650 0610880 0611060 0610670 0610790 0610680 0610000 0610000 4647180 4647200 4647200 4647200 4647200 4647270 4647520 4647480 4647360 4647500 4647470 4647550 4647280 4647260 4647290 4647360 4647260 4647260 4647340 4647300 4647280 4647020 4647280 4646900 4647100 4647240 4647460 4647740 4647560 4647680 4647000 4647000 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 920517.1123 920622.1551 920624.0845 920626.1123 920628.0950 920630.1108 920702.1554 920704.1107 920706.1059 920708.0901 920710.1031 920714.1236 920716.1435 920718.0930 0609790 0610600 0610650 0609360 0609860 0610300 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609790 4646820 4647110 4647700 4646400 4647030 4647190 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646840 Error (ha) Activity 0.19 A A 0.06 A 0.27 A 0.05 A 0.23 0.04 A 0.18 A 0.00 S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.09 0.14 0.05 0.29 0.05 N N N N 0.21 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.54 0.12 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N A A A A A N N N N N N N N 176 Error (ha) Activity Code Date.Time Northina Eastina L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 L202 920720.0955 920722.1200 920724.0940 920728.1059 920730.0921 920802.1127 920804.1045 920806.1005 920811.1455 920813.1457 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0944 920828.1441 920830.1434 0609790 0609790 0609790 0609791 0610590 0610720 0610570 0610570 0610710 0610610 0610570 0610760 0610850 0610700 0611000 0610520 0610670 4646840 4646840 4646840 4646842 4647630 4647570 4647740 4647790 4647690 4647850 4647850 4647450 4647500 4647580 4647360 4647340 4647530 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.02 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 L204 920511.1201 920613.0930 920615.1425 920617.1022 920619.1546 920622.1207 920624.0926 920628.0925 920630.1108 920702.1554 920704.1107 920706.1059 920708.0901 920710.1031 920714.1316 920716.1435 920718.0957 920720.1046 920722.1200 920724.0940 920728.1118 920730.1003 920802.1136 920804.1045 920806.1019 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0926 920828.0000 920830.0000 0610600 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0609990 0610000 0610350 0610200 0610360 0610370 0610320 0610500 0610450 0610420 0610710 0610540 0610300 0610170 0610190 0610190 0610180 0610520 0610370 0610190 0610300 0610450 0610000 0610000 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647330 4647220 4647730 4647000 4647840 4647830 4647850 4647680 4647770 4647820 4648330 4648790 4647840 4647860 4647900 4647840 4647920 4647680 4647660 4647780 4647740 4647910 4647000 4647000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.16 L205 L205 L205 920517.1340 0611490 4647320 920622.0915 0611690 4647490 920624.1052 0611690 4647490 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.54 0.26 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.45 2.45 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.33 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N N H A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N N N N N N N N N H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N N N 177 Error (ha) Activity Code Date.Time Northina Eastina L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 L205 920626.0936 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 920704.1136 920706.1209 920708.0948 920710.1150 920712.1340 920714.1316 920718.1004 920720.1146 920722.1200 920724.1090 920728.1118 920730.1003 920802.1136 920804.1057 920806.1036 920811.1517 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0953 920828.1441 920830.1434 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611690 0611210 0610960 0610970 0610840 0611650 0611470 0611350 0611040 0611410 0611310 0611630 0611510 0611490 0611410 0611450 0611080 0611240 0611430 0611390 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647490 4647500 4647490 4647500 4647360 4647660 4647580 4647670 4647760 4647440 4647780 4647890 4647700 4647570 4647680 4647750 4647790 4647460 4647630 4647610 4647560 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.60 0.33 0.09 0.02 0.29 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 L206 920517.1056 920622.0952 920624.1431 920626.1032 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 920704.1214 920706.1209 920708.0948 920710.1104 920714.1254 920716.1503 920718.0930 920720.1146 920724.1019 920728.1131 920730.1003 920802.1136 920804.1116 920806.1005 920811.1455 920813.1454 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 0611780 0611490 0611430 0611480 0611640 0611570 0611320 0611540 0611410 0611270 0612560 0611820 0611870 0611870 0611760 0611340 0612110 0611730 0611880 0611470 0612080 0611560 0611600 0611660 0612040 0611700 0611230 4647950 4647650 4647990 4647610 4648200 4647640 4647550 4648270 4647630 4647460 4649130 4648460 4649120 4648840 4648420 4647900 4648560 4648290 4648550 4647780 4648710 4648020 4648220 4648130 4648860 4647530 4647630 0.00 0.14 0.18 0.10 0.92 0.03 0.04 0.30 0.04 0.02 0.11 0.56 0.38 0.35 0.28 0.33 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.00 1.26 1.30 0.75 1.85 0.73 0.27 3.07 1.17 1.02 0.18 1.60 0.25 0.87 0.26 2.26 0.07 0.13 N N N N N N N N H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 178 Code L206 L206 L206 Date.Time Northing Easting 920826.0944 0611470 4647580 920828.1441 0611750 4647540 920830.1434 0611580 4647620 Error (ha) Activity 0.08 A 0.10 A A 0.16 L207 920519.1525 L207 920622.1015 L207 920624.1340 L207 920626.0915 L207 920628.0953 L207 920630.1150 L207 920702.1554 L207 920704.1107 L207 920706.1059 L207 920708.1150 L207 920710.0914 L207 920714.1316 L207 920716.1445 L207 920718.1004 L207 920720.1014 L207 920722.1200 L207 920724.1003 L207 920728.1118 L207 920730.0921 L207 920802.1127 L207 920806.1005 L207 920811.1443 L207 920813.1445 L207 920817.1442 L207 920819.0902 0610230 0609930 0610160 0609970 0609830 0609970 0610450 0610300 0610860 0610230 0610340 0610290 0610120 0609970 0609870 0609930 0610280 0609970 0610120 0610160 0610040 0610240 0610500 0610100 0610350 4647340 4647370 4647230 4647640 4647510 4647740 4647350 4647550 4647750 4647150 4647340 4647360 4647430 4647420 4647170 4647440 4647370 4647470 4647460 4647420 4647420 4647430 4647370 4647080 4647330 0.00 0.08 0.07 0.43 0.54 0.08 0.03 0.04 0.23 920513.1532 920622.0940 920624.1236 920626.1451 920628.1034 920630.1252 920702.1738 920704.1214 920706.1258 920708.1101 920710.1135 920714.1416 920716.1550 920718.1104 920720.1014 920722.1319 920724.1050 920728.1209 920730.1025 920802.1212 920804.1130 920806.1049 920811.1544 920813.1512 920817.1520 920819.0935 0609820 0611890 0611860 0611690 0611720 0611760 0611870 0611580 0611820 0611400 0611820 0611510 0611520 0611460 0611790 0611920 0611840 0611820 0611830 0611900 0611910 0611860 0611900 0611950 0612140 0611960 4646790 4646220 4646210 4646160 4646170 4646220 4646240 4646140 4646290 4646250 4646220 4646080 4646110 4646140 4646910 4646250 4646920 4646920 4646920 4647220 4647020 4647100 4646960 4646910 4646800 4646950 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.08 0.16 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.27 0.07 0.29 0.27 0.19 0.03 0.05 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.16 0.23 0.60 0.00 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.13 0.09 0.18 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.10 N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 179 Error (ha) Activity 0.02 A A 0.05 0.01 A A 0.00 A 0.09 Code Date.Time Northina Eastina L208 L208 L208 L208 L208 920821.1430 920824.1658 920826.0953 920828.1502 920830.1442 0611920 0611870 0610960 0611690 0611100 4647060 4647160 4647280 4647270 4647300 L209 920527.1123 L209 920622.0932 L209 920624.1152 L209 920626.1345 L209 920628.0953 L209 920630.1150 L209 920702.1703 L209 920704.1107 L209 920706.1209 L209 920708.0948 L209 920710.0914 L209 920714.1416 0611670 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 0611800 4646620 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N N N N N N N N N N L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 1212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 L212 920513.1235 920622.0926 920624.1340 920626.1028 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 920704.1149 920706.1209 920708.0948 920710.1031 920714.1316 920716.1503 920718.1004 920722.1340 920724.1019 920728.1131 920730.0921 920802.1136 920804.1057 920806.1005 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0953 920828.1441 920830.1434 0610680 0611090 0610690 0610980 0610980 0611100 0610770 0610640 0610730 0610710 0610840 0611090 0610950 0610870 0611140 0611010 0611070 0610730 0610820 0610840 0610800 0610620 0610920 0610700 0610910 0610670 0611070 0611040 0610970 0610840 4647600 4647340 4647330 4647470 4647430 4647430 4647550 4647350 4647200 4647580 4646550 4646430 4647420 4647610 4647440 4647530 4647430 4647560 4647490 4647660 4647570 4647760 4647390 4647700 4647380 4647340 4647460 4647470 4647420 4647290 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.02 N 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 920527.1458 920622.0915 920626.1235 920628.0950 920702.1603 920704.1136 0611730 0610250 0610320 0610260 0610370 0610320 4646640 4647430 4647240 4647120 4647170 4647050 0.00 1.72 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.00 A A A A A A 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.02 M A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 180 Code Date.Time Northing E_astina L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 L215 920706.1209 920710.0914 920714.1320 920716.1445 920718.1004 920720.1159 920722.1340 920724.1003 920728.1118 0610290 0610350 0611030 0611420 0611770 0611640 0611610 0611330 0611460 4647180 4647170 4647110 4647210 4647120 4647310 4647190 4647270 4647340 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 L216 920525.1841 920622.1256 920624.1328 920626.0815 920628.0953 920630.1108 920702.1703 920704.1107 920706.1209 920708.0948 920710.1120 920714.1316 920716.1503 920718.1019 920720.1146 920722.1200 920724.1003 920728.1131 920730.0921 920802.1136 920804.1045 920806.1038 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0953 920828.1441 920830.1434 0610950 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0611260 0610910 0610820 0610700 0610860 0610790 0610990 0611850 0611070 0611200 0611800 0610800 0610750 0611000 0611080 0610600 0610600 0610600 0610130 0610560 0610860 0610880 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 920511.1052 920622.0930 920604.1430 920626.1123 920628.1026 920630.1248 920702.1738 920704.1229 920706.1258 920708.1101 920710.1145 920714.1416 920716.1555 920720.1210 0613040 0612090 0612340 0612140 0612230 0612330 0612330 0612240 0612380 0612410 0612470 0612590 0612800 0612500 Error (ha) Activity A 0.17 A 0.01 A 0.03 0.50 0.03 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.07 A A A A 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647500 4647750 4647730 4647790 4647600 4647780 4647680 4647770 4647680 4647550 4647560 4647510 4647560 4647480 4647440 4647370 4647770 4647780 4647390 4647800 4647500 4647130 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.05 N N N N N N N N 4646590 4646890 4646700 4646800 4646750 4646680 4646610 4646740 4646870 4646840 4646850 4646500 4646640 4646850 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.14 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.04 0.00 A M N H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N A A A A A A A A A A A A A 181 Error (ha) Activity A 0.06 A 0.06 A 0.38 A 0.46 A 0.05 A 0.09 A 0.33 A 0.08 A 0.89 A 0.06 A 0.08 A 0.13 A 0.10 A 0.32 A 0.00 A 0.00 Code Date.Tim_e_ Northing Easting L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 L217 920722.1309 920724.1058 920728.1209 920730.1037 920802.1049 920804.1135 920806.1212 920811.1546 920813.1521 920817.1521 920819.0945 920821.1436 920824.1702 920826.1008 920828.0000 920830.0000 0612280 0612300 0612850 0612920 0612280 0612460 0612660 0612420 0612330 0612360 0612420 0612490 0612490 0612610 0612000 0612000 4646700 4646690 4646530 4646650 4646590 4646420 4646210 4646410 4647630 4646510 4646460 4646320 4646470 4646170 4646000 4646000 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 L218 920517.1436 920622.1315 920624.0912 920626.1251 920628.1043 920630.1252 920702.1742 920704.1235 920706.1304 920708.1113 920710.1150 920714.1427 920716.1555 920718.1110 920720.1210 920722.1323 920724.1053 920728.1218 920730.1037 920802.1220 920804.1135 920806.1054 920811.1553 920813.1500 920817.1529 920819.0945 920821.1436 920824.1702 920826.1008 920828.1508 920830.1504 0611820 0612180 0612050 0612140 0611890 0612050 0612050 0612400 0612400 0612400 0612230 0611890 0612010 0611960 0611790 0611880 0611780 0612020 0611840 0612170 0613370 0612210 0612350 0612350 0612330 0612290 0612290 0612400 0612390 0612390 0612200 4645240 4645670 4645650 4645660 4646860 4645700 4645700 4645400 4645400 4645400 4645640 4645450 4645650 4645530 4645450 4645480 4645310 4645740 4645610 4645820 4645620 4645810 4645690 4645700 4645820 4645810 4645810 4645490 4645600 4645500 4645700 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 920517.1516 920622.0843 920624.1325 920626.1032 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 0610770 0610700 0610860 0610920 0611170 0611050 0610710 4647310 4647480 4647300 4647450 4647300 4647420 4647590 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.07 0.13 0.61 0.91 0.34 0.05 0.14 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A N A A A A A A 182 Code Date .Time Northing Easting L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 L219 920704.1107 920706.1059 920708.0948 920710.1050 920714.1254 920716.1435 920718.0930 920720.0955 920722.1240 920724.1003 920728.1118 920730.0937 920802.1127 920804.1045 920806.1005 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1633 920826.0944 920828.1441 920830.1434 0610680 0610820 0610830 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610840 0610810 0610620 0611150 0611050 0611500 0611650 0611080 0611200 0611340 0611110 0611070 0611360 0611190 4647340 4647280 4647280 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647300 4647310 4647650 4647590 4647910 4648040 4648010 4647450 4647570 4647510 4647460 4647480 4647590 4647520 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 L220 920622.1230 920624.0930 920626.1030 920628.0925 920630.1108 920702.1603 920704.1107 920706.1059 920708.0901 920710.0914 920714.1236 920716.1455 920718.0957 920720.1014 920722.1214 920724.0940 920728.1059 920730.0921 920802.1116 920804.1025 920806.0917 920811.1447 920813.1434 920817.1502 920819.0854 920821.1354 920824.1621 920826.0944 920828.0000 920830.0000 0609850 0609920 0609930 0610180 0609450 0609970 0610330 0609780 0610140 0610160 0610290 0610250 0610140 0610280 0610160 0610310 0610410 0609650 0609590 0609890 0609960 0609850 0610170 0610760 0610490 0610160 0610580 0610160 0610580 0610170 4646980 4646990 4646900 4646900 4647230 4647060 4647060 4647020 4646960 4647040 4647180 4647150 4647060 4647330 4647140 4647610 4647190 4647190 4647270 4646980 4647170 4647200 4646790 4647210 4646990 4646880 4646940 4646780 4646940 4646800 Error (hal Activity A 0.02 A 0.08 A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.53 0.74 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.06 0.05 0.21 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.09 0.18 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.10 0.01 0.22 0.35 0.00 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 183 Error (hal Activity 0.00 A 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 A 0.23 A 0.09 A 0.28 A 0.17 A 0.13 A 0.09 A 0.03 A 0.14 A 0.03 Code Date.Time L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 L222 920521.1213 920622.0951 920624.1324 920626.0953 920628.1108 920630.1130 920702.1554 920704.1101 920706.1209 920708.1018 920710.0914 920714.1254 920716.1503 920718.1043 920720.1014 920722.1200 920724.1003 920730.0937 920802.1136 920804.1057 920806.1038 920811.1455 920813.1445 920817.1502 920819.0902 920821.1400 920824.1621 920826.0944 920828.1454 920830.1434 Northing 0610770 0610560 0610710 0610710 0610710 0610710 0610710 0610600 0610920 0611220 0611300 0611020 0611080 0611080 0610800 0610620 0610630 0610320 0610790 0610930 0610840 0610850 0611140 0610830 0610920 0610470 0611100 0610970 0611180 0610620 4646390 4646500 4646470 4646470 4646470 4646470 4646470 4646560 4646600 4646720 4646640 4646640 4646600 4646680 4647460 4647730 4647620 4646850 4647510 4647300 4647470 4647490 4647570 4647260 4647460 4647680 4647470 4647440 4647500 4647380 L224 L224 L224 L224 L224 L224 L224 L224 920518.1356 920622.0930 920626.1346 920628.1235 920630.1202 920702.0920 920704.1435 920706.1230 0611800 0610890 0611140 0610900 0611040 0610720 0610830 0610780 4645890 4647280 4647340 4647320 4647280 4647600 4647470 4647480 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.00 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 L227 920602.0948 920622.1430 920624.1032 920626.1326 920628.0953 920630.1150 920702.1703 920704.1149 920706.1234 920708.1002 920710.1120 920714.1316 920716.1503 920718.1019 920720.1046 0610610 0610610 0610750 0611170 0611000 0611050 0610710 0610780 0610740 0610680 0611200 0611130 0611180 0611160 0611230 4647850 4647850 4647600 4647520 4647430 4647430 4647610 4647570 4647590 4647650 4647470 4647440 4647460 4647450 4647600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 Easting 0.01 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 184 Code Date .Time Northing Eastina L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 L265 920602.0930 920622.1115 920624.0830 920626.1435 920628.1216 920630.1302 920702.1703 920704.1115 920706.1258 920708.1101 920710.0914 920714.1416 920716.1455 920718.1104 920720.1224 920722.1319 920724.1050 920728.1209 920730.1037 920802.1212 920804.1130 920806.1054 920811.1546 920813.1521 920817.1502 920819.0935 920821.1400 920824.1633 920826.0953 920828.1454 920830.1442 0610790 0610780 0610780 0611330 0611570 0611520 0610720 0610990 0610750 0610900 0610990 0610560 0610610 0610750 0610810 0611430 0610330 0611050 0611510 0611720 0611210 0611340 0610720 0610870 0610430 0610630 0610820 0610540 0610670 0610850 0610600 4645830 4645840 4645840 4645990 4645800 4646100 4645790 4645950 4645800 4645860 4645890 4646490 4646400 4645800 4646130 4645710 4645650 4645750 4646000 4646780 4645790 4645720 4645790 4645900 4646000 4646040 4646100 4645870 4645920 4645890 4646050 Error (ha) Activity A 0.00 A 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.23 0.79 2.02 0.53 1.87 1.40 0.05 0.04 0.16 0.62 0.07 0.28 0.34 0.64 0.26 0.06 0.60 0.46 1.98 0.62 0.86 0.72 1.23 1.35 0.59 0.52 0.44 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A