Enhancing State Assessments Technology Survey Your User Identification Number ______________ Your Name: __________________________________________________________ Please answer each of the questions below. For each question use a pen or pencil to “bubble in” the box for the response that is most correct. Thank You! 1. Are you a boy or a girl? Boy Girl 2. Which best describes you? Please mark as many as apply. African American or Black Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino Native American White Other 3. What language other than English do you speak at home? ____________________ 4. About how many books of your own do you have at home, not counting your school books or comic books? 5 or fewer 6-25 26-50 51-100 More than 100 5. Do you have an IEP? Yes No Do not know 6. How many computers are there in your classroom? 0 1 2 3-4 5-8 9 or more 7. How often do you use a computer in school to: Never About Once a Month About once a week A couple of times a week Every Day 8. How often do you use a computer in school for each subject? Never About About Once a once a Month week Reading/Language Arts A couple of times a week Every Day A couple of times a week Every Day email someone write first drafts edit papers using a computer find information on the Internet create a Hyperstudio or PowerPoint presentation play games solve problems Social Studies Math Science 9. How often do you use a computer outside of school to: Never About Once a Month play games chat/instant message Email search the Internet for school search the Internet for fun mp3/music write papers for school create/edit digital photos or movies About once a week 10. How do you usually learn how to do new things with computers? I teach myself I learn from friends or classmates I learn from my teacher I learn from someone in my family 11. Which of these statements best describes your personal use of computers? I never use a computer. When I use a computer, I am usually afraid it won’t work properly or that I might break it. I use a computer on my own, but sometimes I have difficulty figuring out how to complete an unfamiliar task. I use a computer with confidence and can figure out how to do just about anything I need to do. 12. On a typical day, how many hours do you spend on the computer? Outside of School At School None 15 minutes or less 15-60 minutes An hour or two Over two hours 13. How many computers, if any, do you have at home? 0 1 2 3 or more If you do not have a computer in your home, please skip to the next page. 14. How long have you had a computer at home? Less than one year A year or two Three or four years As long as I can remember 15. Do you have an Internet connection at home? Yes No I do not know If you took the test on a computer, please answer the following questions. 14. Overall, was taking the test on a computer easier or more difficult than taking tests with paper and pencil? Why? 15. Describe any problems you had when taking the test on the computer? 16. When reading the passages, did you underline or highlight any text? Why or why not? 17. When taking the test, did you mark any questions that you were unsure about and wanted to work on later? Why or why not? 18. If given the choice, how would you prefer to take tests like this one? On computers With paper and pencil Thank you for completing our survey!