The Regional Impacts of a CES ME G H AN MC G U I N N E S S R F F C L E AN E N E R G Y S T AN D AR D WO R K S H O P JULY 27, 2011 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 2 About the Bipartisan Policy Center The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and George Mitchell to develop and promote solutions that can attract public support and political momentum in order to achieve real progress. The BPC acts as an incubator for policy efforts that engage top political figures, advocates, academics and business leaders in the art of principled compromise. THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 3 The BPC Energy Project On April 12th, BPC launched its new Energy Project led by former Senators Trent Lott, Byron Dorgan, former National Security Advisor General Jim Jones (ret.), and former EPA Administrator William Reilly. Project Goals • Encourage substantive, bipartisan dialogue among key interest groups and decision makers on national energy goals and strategies; • Engage and shape near-term (pre-2012 election) energy policy agenda. • Develop consensus recommendations to guide national energy policy post-2012 elections. THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES The Administration’s CES Proposal – Achieve 80% of electricity from “clean” energy by 2035 • Renewables, nuclear, coal with CCS, and “efficient natural gas” – Few details, but includes the following goals: • • • • Promote efficiency through complementary policies Protect consumers Ensure regional fairness Promote development and deployment of new technologies 4 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES Overview of BPC’s CES Analysis – BPC has conducted analysis of a CES consistent with the President’s proposal, using ICF International’s Integrated Planning Model (IPM®) • Assumes eligible resources consistent with existing CES proposals (renewables, nuclear, and coal with CCS), as well as incremental and new natural gas combined cycle generation at 0.5 credit • Assumes gradual increase in CES requirement through 2035 • No alternative compliance payment • Efficiency not included as an eligible resource – Where possible, treatment of existing generation based on earlier CES proposals – Included a sensitivity case that reflects forthcoming EPA regulations, as well as a low gas price case 5 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 6 Definition of qualifying resources and treatment of existing generation has distributional implications – BPC assumes credits are awarded to technologies as follows: Technology Solar, wind, geothermal, dedicated biomass, and other non-hydro renewables Biomass co-firing Hydropower/MSW Advanced coal with CCS Nuclear Efficient Natural Gas (NGCC) Treatment Under BPC CES Existing and incremental/new Existing and incremental/new Existing excluded from baseline; credit for generation from incremental /new capacity New or retrofit Credit for generation from incremental/new capacity Credit for incremental generation (above baseline levels) and new capacity Key National Results 7 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 8 Projected Generation Mix, 2020 and 2030 5000 4500 4000 Other Dedicated Biomass 3000 Other Renewables 2500 Wind Hydro 2000 Nuclear 1500 Other Oil/Gas CT 1000 NGCC 500 Coal with CCS 0 2020 2030 CES_EPA Reference Case_EPA CES Low Gas CES Reference Case 1 CES_EPA Reference Case_EPA CES Low Gas CES Biomass Co-firing Reference Case 1 Thousand GWh 3500 Conventional Coal THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 9 Projected CES Credit Price 8 7 6 2010 cents/KWh 5 CES 4 CES_EPA CES Low Gas 3 2 1 0 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 Regional Impacts 10 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 11 Net Credit Position by Region, 2020 200,000 180,000 160,000 CES Generation (GWh) 140,000 120,000 Biomass 100,000 80,000 Other Renewable Wind Nuclear 60,000 NGCC Biomass Cofiring 40,000 20,000 - CES Requirement THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 12 Net Credit Position by Region, 2030 200,000 180,000 160,000 CES Generation (GWh) 140,000 120,000 100,000 Biomass Other Renewable Wind 80,000 60,000 40,000 Nuclear NGCC CCS Biomass Cofiring CES Requirement 20,000 - THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 13 Cumulative Coal Plant Retirements, 2030 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 MW 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - Reference Case CES THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 14 Cumulative Capacity Additions, 2030 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 MW Biomass 20,000 Other Renewable Wind 15,000 Nuclear NGCC 10,000 5,000 - Coal with CCS THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 15 Electricity Price Impacts will Depend on a Number of Factors – Electricity market structure • Cost of service regions: depends on change in production costs and net credit position of the region • Competitive regions: depends on impact of clean energy premium relative to change in marginal cost of generation – Mix of existing generation resources – Market and physical conditions for further clean energy development – Note that electricity price impacts under a CES will tend to be equalizing, i.e., smaller changes or decreases in regions with high prices, and larger increases in regions with low prices THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 16 Projected Retail Electricity Price Impacts Region Name Northeast Mid-Atlantic Southeast Florida Gulf Coast Southern Plains States Midwest Upper Midwest ERCOT WECC California Total US NERC Region NPCC RFC in PJM SERC (non-Delta) Florida SERC Delta SPP RFC (non-PJM) MRO TRE WECC (nonCalifornia) California Continental US Regulatory Status Mix Mix Regulated Regulated Regulated Mix Mix Regulated Competitive Regulated Regulated Mix Projected Average Rate Impact 2013 to 2020 2013 to 2030 -3% 7% 6% 1% 7% 1% 7% -6% -2% -4% 6% 8% 0% 9% 2% 8% -4% -5% 1% 2% -7% 1% -7% 1% THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 17 Alternative crediting approaches could reduce regional disparities – Remove existing renewables from the baseline? – Vary percentage targets based on current generation mix? – Credit more existing clean energy generation (i.e., nuclear or NGCC)? – First two alternatives may be seen as penalizing renewable energy investment; crediting existing nuclear likely to be controversial Given the CES target proposed by the Administration, difficult to avoid disproportionate impacts on coal-intensive regions BPC is conducting additional analysis on CES design and implications for regional impacts THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 18 Clean Energy Generation Resources by Region, 2009 500000 450000 400000 350000 GWh 300000 250000 Other Solar Geothermal 200000 Biomass Wind 150000 100000 Hydro Nuclear NGCC 50000 0 Source: EIA. Clean energy defined in accordance with President’s proposal, including 0.5 credit for gas For more information: Extra Slides 20 THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 21 Relationship between total clean energy goal and CES Requirement Year 2013 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Total Clean Energy Goal 45% 50% 55% 60% 70% 80% CES Requirement 11% 16% 23% 29% 40% 50% THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 22 Overview of Scenarios Analyzed •Reference Case 1: Reference case with most electricity market assumptions based on AEO 2010. Reference Case 1 contains the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) but does not contain any national level GHG, air toxics, or ash and water regulations. It also contains state renewable portfolio standards and state air quality regulations affecting the power sector. •CES: This scenario contains a CES consistent with the President’s targets, implemented with electricity market conditions as specified under Reference Case 1. •CES Low Gas: This scenario is the same as the CES case, except that the price of natural gas is assumed to be $1.00 per mmBtu lower over the model time horizon than the projected price in that case. •Reference Case_EPA: This case expands Reference Case 1 to capture the potential impacts of forthcoming EPA regulations that will impact the power sector (CATR, MACT, 316(b) coal ash residuals). •CES_EPA: This scenario implements the CES discussed above on top of electricity market conditions as specified in Reference Case_EPA. THE REGIONAL IMPACTS OF A CES 23 Projected CO2 Emissions 3,000 2,500 2,000 MMt CO2 Reference Case 1 Reference Case_EPA 1,500 CES CES Low Gas CES_EPA 1,000 500 0 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029