Chabot College Fall 2002 Computer Science 44A - Perl Programming I

Chabot College
Fall 2002
Removed Fall 2010
Course Outline for Computer Science 44A
Perl Programming I
Catalog Description:
Computer Science 44A - Perl Programming I
2 units
Introduction to the Perl programming language - data types, operators, variables, lists, arrays,
hashes, control structures, regular expressions, files and data, pipes, references, subroutines,
running and debugging Perl. Introduction to using Perl with the World Wide Web. Prerequisite:
Computer Science 14 and Computer Science 41 (both completed with a grade of C or higher).
Strongly recommended: Computer Science 42 and Computer Science 91 or Computer Applications
Systems 91 or Electronics and Computer Technology 91 (all may be taken concurrently). 1.5 hours
lecture, 1.5 hours lab.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 26.25, laboratory 26.25]
Prerequisite Skills:
Before entering the course the student should be able to:
1. follow the procedures used in the appropriate college computer laboratory to sign in and out,
and to write, edit, compile, run and debug programs;
2. demonstrate an elementary understanding of modern computational systems and their use;
3. demonstrate an elementary understanding of what steps are involved in program
4. use simple C++ data types in programs and understand how they are represented in the
5. form C++ expressions using selected operators, and understand the rules of precedence
used in their evaluation;
6. use the structured programming constructs: sequence, selection and iteration;
7. perform elementary interactive input and output operations;
8. code void and value-returning functions with value and reference parameters and use them in
a program;
9. define and use the structured C++ data types: array, string, struct in applications drawn from
mathematics, the sciences, and other areas;
10. use text files to record and retrieve information in elementary applications;
11. produce well-documented, user-friendly programs of short to medium length.
12. display a basic knowledge of UNIX operating system capabilities, history, evolution and
identify major variants;
13. differentiate capabilities of a multi-user operating system, UNIX, from those of a single user
system such as Windows 95/98/NT;
14. identify the components of a UNIX system: file system, utilities, shell (command interpreter),
15. use UNIX commands to log on and off a UNIX system and change passwords;
16. use UNIX commands to manage files and directories;
17. identify various UNIX shells, identify the login shell and recognize shell variables;
18. redirect input and output, pipe commands, and run commands in the background;
19. use (in a basic way) tools such as grep, find, cut, paste, join, sort;
20. send, read, and manage electronic mail;
21. use the vi and/or emacs editors;
22. edit, compile and run a simple C program under UNIX;
23. identify, locate, and use UNIX-based Internet resources.
Chabot College
Course Outline for Computer Science 44A
Perl Programming I
Fall Semester 2002
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Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge of the control structures of Perl;
2. use scalar and array variables, operators, lists, hashes, regular expressions, files and data,
pipes, references, and subroutines;
3. run and debug a Perl program in the Unix or Linux and Windows environments.
Course Content:
Origin and uses of Perl, how to obtain Perl
On UNIX or Linux systems
On Windows systems
Where to obtain Perl versions
Basic Perl programming
Commands, statements and blocks
Variables and literals
Input and Output
Operators and functions
Character strings and text manipulation
Numeric functions
Arrays and lists: construction and manipulation
Decision making and looping control structures
Executing Perl in the Unix/Linux environment
Executing Perl in the Windows environment
Basic debugging techniques
Perl File Types
Filenames, text files and directories
Opening and closing files
Reading and writing data to/from files
Piping data to Perl programs
Binary files
Using Perl on the Web (optional, as time permits)
Setting up a simple, variable HTML web page from within Perl
Methods of Presentation:
Lecture, discussion and classroom demonstrations
Student use of the computer laboratory
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Typical Assignments
Small Perl programs to illustrate points from lecture/reading
In-lab exercises
Methods of Evaluation Student Progress
Exams which may include quizzes, midterms and a required final examination
Design and writing of various and multiple assigned programs and other
assignments that utilize all topics included in the course of study.
Chabot College
Course Outline for Computer Science 44A
Perl Programming I
Fall Semester 2002
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Beginning Perl, Cozens, Wrox Publishers, 2000
Special Student Materials:
Computer lab fee
Optional zip disk
*Or equivalent
Revised: Mehl 10-14-01
CS 44A Outline Fall 2002
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