Student Name: ___________________________ CHABOT COLLEGE CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY I 3A- Lab Inventory / Scavenger Hunt Part 1: Select Rack A, B, C, or D to study. Prepare an inventory of the network equipment attached to the top of the rack. Complete the table - your list should include 3 routers, 3 hubs, 2 switches, and 2 patch panels. List these devices in order, from the top of the rack to the bottom (On rack B or D, skip the white box mounted at the very top of the rack.) The first line has been completed for you as a model. Use page 3.2.3 of the curriculum for reference. Note: Cisco routers in our lab have model numbers in the 25XX series. Cisco Ethernet switches in our lab have model numbers in the 19XX or 29XX series. Cisco Ethernet switch model names start with "Catalyst". Item Description Manufacturer Model # (if any) Router Cisco 2501 OSI Layer # 3 Part 2: List the serial number of the Cisco 2514 router mounted on your rack: __________________________ Part 3: Study the South Building IDF and then complete the following table Item Description Manufacturer Model # (if any) Light Interface Unit (LIU) Fiber Optic Jumper Cable (no model) Hub END | THREE-HOLE PUNCH | SUBMIT 1 OSI Layer #