Chabot College Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Facilities Master Planning AGENDA 4-28-05 Project Status Recommended Master Plan Phasing & Implementation Design Guidelines Project Status E d uc a tio na l a nd F a cilitie s M a ste r P la n 2004 P ro p o se d S che d ule AUGUST 2 S T R A T E G IC R E V IE W Meet to review project scope TOUR & INT RODUCTIONS - Tour Stanford CFI - Introduce Team, Present Qualifications Collect and review information COMMITTEE MEET ING (August 26) - Review Process and Schedule - Define Project Goals A N A LY S IS O F E XIS T IN G CO N D IT IO N S Meet with key facility personnel Analyze existing campus COMMITTEE MEET ING (Sept. 23) - Review and Validate Physical Analysis - Define Key Planning Issues - Review Landscape Analysis E D U C AT IO N A L P LA N N IN G Space Inventory Assessment Forecast Data Collection Forecast Capacity/ WSCH/ ASF Stakeholder Meetings(Nov. 9,10 & 23) Translate ASF to Divisions COMMI TTEE MEETING (Oct. 26) - Review Space Program for Master Plan O P T IO N D E V E LO P M E N T Develop Planning Options Develop Evaluation Criteria COMMITTEE MEET ING (Dec. 9) - Review and Evaluate Options Revise Options COMMI TTEE MEET ING Select Preferred Option S O LU T IO N D E V E LO P M E N T Develop Master Plan Recommendations Identify Primary and Secondary Effects Develop Design Guidelines COMMITTEE MEET ING (FlexDay) - Review Recommendations - Discuss Project Linkages & Priorities - Review Design Guidelines Review and Validate Project Budgets Develop Phasing and Implementation Plans COMMI TTEE MEET ING - Review Plans and Guidelines Prepare Draft Report College Review of Draft Report Prepare Final Report 9 2005 SEPTEMBER 16 23 30 6 13 20 OCTOBER 27 4 11 NOVEMBER 18 25 1 8 15 DECEMBER 22 29 6 13 20 JANUARY 27 3 10 FEBRUARY 17 24 31 7 14 21 MARCH 28 7 14 APRIL 21 28 4 14 18 25 Chabot College Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Facilities Master Planning 2005 FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Maintenance Broadcast Center PE Facility Student Access Center FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Instructional/Office Building Chabot College Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Facilities Master Planning PHASING & IMPLEMENTATION P.E. Support Facilities Instructional/Office Buildings Maintenance Broadcast Center PE Facility Pool & Tennis Courts Student Access Center FACILITIES MASTER PLAN Instructional/Office Building Chabot College Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Facilities Master Planning DESIGN GUIDELINES Existing & New Planning Guidelines Elevation Studies Broadcast Center Entry Grand Court Walk § Use low emitting materials § Use materials high in recycled content and manufactured locally § Building Reuse-Maintain 100% of existing Shell and 50% Non-shell § Use certified wood products Cafeteria to Food Court Chabot College Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Facilities Master Planning FINAL STEP: DOCUMENTATION