Curriculum Committee December 10, 2013

Curriculum Committee
December 10, 2013
Members Present:
Begoña Cirera-Perez, Homeira Foth, Mireille Giovanola, Mary Ines (SSCC),
Lynn Klein, Larry Leach, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Mary Dermody, Wayne Phillips, Cindy Stubblebine
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of December 3, 2013
MSC (Giovanola/Klein) to approve the minutes of December 3, 2013, as presented.
Approval of Consent List
Administration of Justice 80, Criminal Court Process, 3 units
Biology 6, Principles of Plant Biology and Ecology, 4 units
Biology 50, Anatomy and Physiology, 4 units
Human Services (AA/AS)
Multicultural Awareness/Relations for the Service Provider (Certificate of
Multicultural Awareness/Self-Reflection (Certificate of Proficiency)
Theatre Arts (AA-T)
Kinesiology 20, Introductory Fire Technology Fitness and Training, 2 units
The consent agenda was approved by consensus.
Course and Program Proposals
a. Electronic Systems Technology, Wayne Phillips presented. There was discussion
on the dates of the Open Source textbooks. Wayne Pitcher will insert dates (2013
for Vol. 1 and 2012 for Vol. 2 per Wayne Phillips).
Electronic Systems Technology 55A, Microcontroller Systems, 2 units
Electronic Systems Technology 57A, Process Control Systems, 2 units
Electronic Systems Technology 57B, PLC and Robotic System Components,
2 units
Electronic Systems Technology 60, Electronic Systems Analysis, 2 units
Mathematics 53 was added to the prerequisite.
Electronic Systems Technology 61, Electronic Systems Project Management,
2 units
b. Computer Network Technology, Wayne Phillips said we are adding some new
courses so that our program matches LPC’s; some revisions have been made in
anticipation of a change to the Cisco Networking Academy requirements. In a
discussion of textbook dates, Wayne stated that he used the dates on the outlines
currently in effect at LPC. He will be meeting with the LPC instructor over the
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break and will work with him to revise the dates; he will send revisions to Wayne
Pitcher or Kaaren for input into CurricUNET.
CNT 62A, Cisco Networking Academy CCNA 1 & 2, 4 units
CNT 62B, Cisco Networking Academy CCNA 3 & 4, 4 units
• Split the content into Lecture and Lab sections. Wayne Pitcher will
return the outline to Wayne Phillips so the changes can be made.
CNT 67, WiFi, Wireless, Hotspot Networks and Security CWNA, 3 units
CNT 69, Network Security Sec+, 3 units
CNT 7301, VoIP: Cisco and Asterisk IP Phones, 4 units
CNT 7401, Intro to Linux/Unix, Linux+, 4 units
CNT 7501, WhiteHat Hacker Penetration Testing, 4 units
CNT 7502, Wireshark, TCP/IP Analysis and Network, 4 units
CNT 7701, VMWare, Microsoft and Xen Virtual Machines, 4 units
CNT 84, Information Storage and Management, 4 units
CNT 85, Cloud Infrastructure and Services, 3 units
Electronic Systems Technology (AS) Revised to include new courses.
Information and Computer Technology Support (Certificate of Proficiency)
ITC Cloud Infrastructure (Certificate of Proficiency) New.
ITC Cloud Services (Certificate of Proficiency) New.
Edna spoke to the Certificates of Proficiency not being listed on transcripts, and
making more work for Admissions and Records. Wayne Phillips agreed that he
could transition these into Certificates of Achievement.
MSC (Klein/Wu) to approve the Electronic System Technology and Computer
Network Technology courses and programs, with the exception of CNT 62B,
and contingent upon textbooks being updated.
c. Entrepreneurship.
Information Technology Support Entrepreneur (Certificate of Achievement)
MSC (Klein/Giovanola) to approve the certificate as presented.
d. Mathematics 8, Discrete Mathematics, 4 units
Cindy Stubblebine reported that the course outline is being modified to meet the
C_ID descriptor requirements so that the course can remain on the Math AA-T and
the CSCI AA-T degrees.
MSC (Wu/Giovanola) to approve Mathematics 8 as presented.
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e. Computer Application Systems, Mary Dermody presented.
Computer Application Systems 54B, Microsoft Excel II, 3 units
Computer Application Systems 55, Virtual Office Technologies, 3 units
Title changed from Microsoft Office Integration. Modified to include
information on how to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations that can
be shared on-site or over the internet.
Computer Application Systems 66, Web Apps, Collaboration and Cloud
Computing, 2 units
[This course was presented as CAS, 56, which had already been used. CAS 66 is
the next number available in Banner.]
Mary said this course is being proposed as a core class in anticipation of a
Virtual Office Assistant certificate and a Virtual Assistant Entrepreneurship
certificate. Virtual Assistants are starting their own businesses and are also
employed by many corporations. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Virtual Assistants generated $250 million in revenues across the country in
2007. By 2015, virtual personal assistants are expected to generate $2 billion in
Edna suggested adding the course as an option to an existing certificate to avoid
its being a stand-alone.
MSC (Klein/Giovanola) to approve CAS 54B, 55, and 66.
Business 5, Auditing, 3 units
New course, presented by Lynn Klein. The course serves Accounting majors and
students getting education credit to sit for the CPA exam. It will be added as an
elective to the AS degree in Accounting.
MSC (Giovanola/Leach) to approve Business 5 as presented.
Good of the Order
Wayne Pitcher reported that prior to today’s meeting we had processed 152 courses and
programs this semester. Jane had explained her method of assigning courses to a consent
There was discussion on what scrutiny needs to happen to place courses on a
consent agenda. It was decided that a quorum (5 voting members besides the chair)
must have reviewed the course. All voting members should review everything in the
queue by 4 o’clock the day before each committee meeting. Jane will compile the
consent agenda after 4:00 on the Mondays before meetings.
[From the November 27, 2012, minutes]
At first, Wayne thought that this might equate to voting by email, which is forbidden by
the Brown Act. Discussion with Jane changed his mind, and he may expand his consent
lists accordingly.
Wayne asked that members read the remaining items on today’s list before the next
Lynn asked about Jane’s email requesting state approval paperwork “up front.” There
was a brief discussion about the value of being prepared and how it might speed up state
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Mireille said that she is glad she joined the committee. She thinks it is very interesting.
Wayne thanked everyone for their hard work this semester and wished them a good
Next semester we will be meeting in Room 2256 (upstairs in Building 2200.)
kk 12/13/13
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM
Next meeting: January 28, 2014, in Room 2256.