Curriculum Committee Meeting 2/17/2015 Wayne Pitcher (chair), Lynn Klein (3:00).

Curriculum Committee 2/17/14
Curriculum Committee
Meeting 2/17/2015
Members Present:
Laura Alarcon, Mirielle Giovanola, Arturo Yanez (2:40), Connie Telles,
Wayne Pitcher (chair), Lynn Klein (3:00).
Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Stacy Thompson 2:30
Guests: Francisco Zermeno to discuss Spanish 5 & 6. He will hold off on changing the courses.
Bob Buell (3:00) Scott Hildreth (3:00) Dmitry Kalyagin (3:05)
Wayne asked for a volunteer to take minutes. Connie Telles agreed. Stacy said she has put in a
request to hire a curriculum/SLOAC specialist. It may take up to a year. She will also OK
overtime if any Assistants want the work. 5 hours week. Pass the work. Wayne will send out an
email to college.
1. Call to Order
 The meeting called to order by the chair, Wayne Pitcher when a quorum arrived
at 2:45
2. Minutes December 9, 2014
Mirielle stated Psych 5 revised for CID, needed to be revised, already approved
by Dara. Now in Hold box. Is OK to move on per Wayne. Item 7 Good of the
Order Psych 5 has been launched.
 Mireille motioned to approve minutes as revised. Laura has seconded.
 Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:45
3. Spanish 5 Discussion: Referring to visits by F. Zermeno: Dara stated some changes were
made to Spanish AA and those are reflected with SPA 1A, 2A.
-If work further what is timing plan. Dara states the cleanest action is to not change the current
degree now and leave it as is in the catalog. The 5 or 10 students will not be able to take this
until the fall of 2016 when state approved.
4. Curriculum Approval Vote
 ENG19B reviewed by 5 members of the committee. We need semicolons, can fix
 ESL 19B: Lara made motion to approve and Mireille has seconded. Wayne will fix
semi-colons. Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:45
 GNST 58: needs to put into ladder, committee members need to read it. Sean needs
to review and make changes, then send forward. It is in the HOLD box.
Curriculum Committee 2/17/14
ESL 110B & 110C: Committee is reviewing this course. Lara has made the motion to
approve and contact the proposing faculty to add CLO’s to the courses. Lynn
seconded this motion. Vote: unanimous by those present at 3:10.
5. CPA Exam Prep Certificate (Program of Study)
a. Dara states, “CPA candidates must possess any Bachelor’s degree with 150 units”
needs to be clearer. First sentence needs to be corrected. Wayne made changes
and removed the 150 units.
b. Wayne has corrected the language.
c. Motion to approve the CPA Exam Prep Environment and Regulates and make
same changes to already approved Certificate. Motion to approve Lynn/Mirielle
seconded. Vote: unanimous by those present at 3:25.
6. Bob Buell on Thursday the State Fire Training will give final approved changes to
components of the exam.
a. When students finish the fire academy they need to finish a course at the
college. How does this affect the past students?
b. Can you write a course to take the test?
c. Computer exam and then skills portion that is 17 skills within 24 hours.
d. Assessment course for new fire academy requirements.
e. Bob will be working on this change and submit to CurricUNET
f. Concern with a non-credit course is apportionment
g. Wayne will look into this
7. Good of the Order:
a. Scott Hildreth
b. Changes include Tom Clark retired, and Wanda Wong is now co-coordinator for
this division
c. Scott is now Co-Chair with Minta Winser for the COOL Committee
d. Need to adjust the help of new proposals with the other colleagues with
e. Two deadlines now only one date
f. If new proposal it won’t be for the next term. A demonstration needs to take
g. Experienced instructors adding a proposal can teach the course the following
h. Attach handouts provided by Scott and Wayne
8. Goals for the Semester
Curriculum Committee 2/17/14
a. Cut and paste from Wayne’s handout
b. GNST 5 has different learning outcomes, it is now historical. Wayne will look into
c. We submit courses to the state in the fall and the following fall you should be
able to teach the course.
d. Find a not taker. Need to send out to campus.
The meeting was adjourned at 4 pm
Next meeting: March 3rd, 2015