Curriculum Committee
October 7, 2014
Members Present : Laura Alarcon, A.J. Assef (SSCC), Debbie Buti, Mireille Giovanola, Lynn Klein,
Larry Leach, Arturo Lopez Yanez [3:20], Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu
Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Kaaren Krueg
Marcia Corcoran, Cristina Moon, Angela Villasana
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.
2. Minutes of September 30, 2014
Wayne corrected the second bullet under Chair’s report to read, “Wayne is working on
Accreditation Standard 2A2.
Lynn corrected her statement to read, “Communication among parties is a benefit…”
MSC (Buti/Alarcon) to approve the minutes of September 30, 2014 , with corrections as noted. [Vote: unanimous by those present]
Course Approval Vote
Changes have been made by the authors.
Architecture 2A, Architectural Drawing and Graphics I, 3 units
Prerequisite removed.
French 1A, Beginning French, 5 units (Modified)
French 1A1, Beginning French 1, 3 units (New)
French 1A2, Beginning French 2, 3 units (New)
French 1B, Elementary French, 5 units (Modified)
French 1B1, Elementary French 1, 3 units (New)
French 1B2, Elementary French 2, 3 units (New)
French 2A, Intermediate French, 5 units (Modified)
French 2B, Advanced French, 5 units (Modified)
Spanish 1A, Beginning Spanish, 5 units (Modified)
Spanish 1A1, Beginning Spanish 1, 3 units (New)
Spanish 1A2, Beginning Spanish 2, 3 units (New)
Spanish 1B1, Elementary Spanish 1, 3 units (New)
Spanish 1B2, Elementary Spanish 2, 3 units (New)
Spanish 2A, Intermediate Spanish, 5 units (Modified)
Spanish 2B, Advanced Spanish, 5 units (Modified)
MSC (Buti/Klein) to approve the courses listed , with changes made by the originating faculty. Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:25.
Chair’s Report (Wayne)
STEM 101, Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, 2 units
Wayne will talk to Laurie Dockter about SLOs and prerequisites. He will try to get a spot on a Senate agenda to gain approval for the new STEM discipline and minimum qualifications for teachers in the discipline. Kaaren commented that there is not time to complete
Curriculum Committee
10/7/14, Page 2 processing this course in time to offer it in Spring 2015. Wayne will request that the date be changed to Fall 2015.
Wayne expressed the need for a “CurricUNET Master” to take care of details and keep things moving in an orderly manner. Laura noted that Jane Church will be able to return in
January, and could help with details and training. There was discussion of this becoming a permanent classified position. Debbie suggested asking other schools if they have a support position.
Larry asked if there is a particular problem that people are having.
Wayne listed these issues:
Couldn’t edit programs
Don’t have access
Course is at wrong level
Failure to make a copy before editing
Wayne has found that one-on-one meetings seem to work best in answering these issues. He will try to make himself more available.
Lynn thinks the “CurricUNET Master” is a good idea. She feels that she could use more training herself, and asked about having something on flex day. There are some training videos on the Chabot CuricUNET Home Page. Wayne admitted that he had not paid too much attention to them, as he works better from a written list of instructions.
Because there has been a delay moving Science/Math presentations forward, they were not ready to be discussed today. Wayne said that we will meet the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to help us keep to our timeline.
Larry asked whether colloquia are repeatable. They are not, but they can have individual outlines, such as 9A, 9B, etc.
In answer to a question from Mireille about identifying SLOs on new courses, Wayne suggested emailing the author and asking what SLOs are being addressed. Mireille also stated that there is no place for authors to list SLOs on their proposals unless they attach a separate file. She commented that if they could not submit until they had provided the information, they would remember the next time. Wayne will ask Governet to reactivate the check box. For now, Mireille should email faculty who need SLOs, and tell them to reply to
Wayne, who can attach them to their proposals.
Lynn asked how people are checking for courses that have to be updated. Wayne hasn’t asked Governet about the report, but he will sometime this week.
Laura spoke to the importance of following our process, and completing our approval process before moving courses forward. It was noted that the Chabot CurricUNET system is separate from the State’s CurricUNET system, and the two do not interact.
As Curriculum Chair, Wayne sent the courses voted on today to the last level. [Note: Kaaren implemented the courses on October 7 and 8.]
6. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 PM .
Next meeting: October 14, 2014, in Room 2256. kk 10/8/14 c:\documents\word\curric\2014-15\10-7-14.min.docx