Curriculum Committee September 16, 2014 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Mireille Giovanola, Bobby John (ASCC) [3:00], Larry Leach, Arturo Lopez Yanez [3:15], Wayne Pitcher, Connie Telles, Patricia Wu Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Kaaren Krueg, Stacy Thompson [3:15] Guests: Bob Buell, Adrian Huang 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:15 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of September 9, 2014. MSC (Buti/Telles) to approve the minutes of September 9, 2014, as presented. [Vote: unanimous by those present] Mireille updated the committee on item #3. The Curriculum Committee recommends that faculty review all programs and courses being offered and deactivate courses that have not been taught in the past 5 years and will not be taught in the next 3 years, and revise or deactivate related programs accordingly. She brought the recommendation to PRBC. Wayne added that he has asked to be put on the next Senate agenda to present the recommendation there. Mireille also reported that Jeannine Methe has renewed the eLumen contract for another year, and Wayne cautioned against using it to collect new information. It would be safer to start a spreadsheet. Wayne contacted governet and requested that co-contributors be able to access all items on the checklist. The problem has been solved. He reminded members that they should remember to click the “copy” icon, and make changes to the copy. Don’t just click “edit.” The copy will start as “pending,” move to “launched,” and when it makes its way through the entire process, will become “active,” replacing the original program, which will be saved as “historical.” 3. Shared Governance Documents Wayne distributed the following: • • Curriculum Committee page from the August 2006 Shared Governance and Collegial Consultation Process. The 2012 revision to the “old” charge (Curriculum Committee: What We Do) Discussion included the need to better define the relationship between the Curriculum Committee and COOL; confusion over the meaning of the next to last bullet, “Recommend and oversee courses taught by distance learning.” Consensus was to remove this sentence. Wayne will meet with Wanda Wong and/or Minta Winsor to make sure that what is written accurately reflects what is happening. Another item of confusion was why the student rep has a vote. Curriculum Committee 9/9/14, Page 2 Wayne wants to ask Senate how the restructuring affects voting membership (i.e., two reps from AHSS.) 4. Curriculum Process Training Patricia asked whether division reps could have additional editing privileges, so they can correct typos and make minor formatting edits without sending the document back to the originator. Wayne will check with governed. Wayne demonstrated several CurricuNET screens. Dara would like to charge instructors with the task of identifying course transferability. Bob Buell asked what is the approved language for Methods of Presentation when the course is hybrid or may be taught sometimes face-to-face and sometimes online. Wayne will research and get back to Bob. Wayne told the committee that CurricUNET is pretty much learn by doing. If you run into problems or have questions, please ask him. 8. Good of the Order Adrian Huang asked about the status of Architecture 2A. He needs to delete the prerequisites in order to be able to revise his program. Wayne stated that since it was his fault for not processing the course over the summer, he will expedite the approval so the course can be offered in Spring 2015. 10. kk 9/18/14 The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM. Next meeting: September 23, 2014, in Room 2256. c:\documents\word\curric\2014-15\9-16-14.min.docx