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(ML^KH`ZHNVVU-HJLIVVR[OLWVW\SHYVUSPUL social network, one of my former co-workers set his Z[H[\ZHZ¸>LSS[VUPNO[^HZ[OLÄUHSUPNO[MVYHSS`V\ JHULH[ZOYPTWZVVMJV\YZL0[VVRHK]HU[HNL,]LU after a [Caesar] salad and a bread roll I still beat my 0TWHJ[ZVM:OYPTW-HYTPUN YLJVYK:/9047)()@¹1HJVI^HZYLMLYYPUN [V [OL HUU\HS ¸,UKSLZZ :OYPTW -LZ[¹ H[ 9LK 3VIZ[LY -PYZ[ SL[»Z JVUZPKLY ZOYPTW MHYTPUN P[ZLSM :HS[^H[LYZOYPTWMHYTPUNYLX\PYLZJVHZ[HSSHUKPU[OL -VY[OLWHZ[ML^`LHYZ1HJVIOHZOHK HUK [YVWPJZ :OYPTW PZ J\S[P]H[LK PU LHY[OLU WVUKZ ÄSSLK ZOYPTW PU VUL ZP[[PUN H[ OPZ ULPNOIVYOVVK 9LK with a mix of freshwater and seawater. The creation 3VIZ[LY :LLPUN [OPZ -HJLIVVR Z[H[\Z VM OPZ 0 JV\SK of these earthen ponds usually involves conversion not help but return a comment, for I have extensively MYVT [YHKP[PVUHS HNYPJ\S[\YL SHUK VY UH[P]L OHIP[H[Z studied both the societal and environmental impacts Z\JO HZ THUNYV]L MVYLZ[Z HUK ZHS[ THYZOLZ -PN [OH[ YLZ\S[ MYVT ZOYPTW MHYTPUN 0 ^HU[LK [V NL[ T` The impact of land conversion is multidimensional. point across in as few words as possible, hoped not -PYZ[ [OL WV^LY K`UHTPJZ VM [OL SVJHS JVTT\UP[` [V IL JVUKLTUH[VY` HUK ^YV[L ¸-HYTLK ZOYPTW HYL HS[LYLK HSVUN ^P[O [OL JOHUNL PU SHUK \ZL ,1- PZ KLZ[YV`PUN JVHZ[HS OHIP[H[Z PU [OL [YVWPJZ;OL <: :VJPHSZ[HIPSP[`PZ\UKLYTPULK0U)HUNSHKLZO PTWVY[Z TVYL [OHU <: IPSSPVU VM P[ `LHYS` *67 locals who oppose shrimp farms have been raped, ;OL SHYNLZ[ ZOYPTW MHYT PZ PU 0UKVULZPH" murdered, or endured harassment and intimidation P[ PZ [OL ZPaL VM /VUN 2VUN 4\YWO` ¹ ,1- :LJVUK [OL HIPSP[` MVY SVJHS MVVK production is reduced and/or threatened, as local ;OL ZHK [OPUN PZ UV[ [OH[ 1HJVI YLWSPLK ¸;V /\P 0 YLZV\YJLZ HYL NLHYLK [V^HYK JVTTVKP[` WYVK\J[PVU think they should build more farms, the loss of coastal ]HU 4\SLRVT L[ HS :HY^HY HUK 2OHU habitat is worth the tastiness that is in my belly.” The Stonich and Bailey 2000). Third, the ecosystem ZHK[OPUNPZ[OH[1HJVIHUK0^LYLÄZOLYPLZVIZLY]LYZ services that the destroyed native habitats provide PU[OL)LYPUN:LH/LPZHJLY[PÄLK:*<)(KP]LYHUK HYL JVTWYVTPZLK 7YPTH]LYH -VY L_HTWSL THQVYLK PU THYPUL IPVSVN` PU (\Z[YHSPH +LZWP[L HSS ^P[OV\[ [OL UH[\YHS ]LNL[H[P]L IHYYPLY IL[^LLU SHUK OPZ RUV^SLKNL HUK L_WLYPLUJL ^P[O JVHZ[HS HUK and sea, the vulnerability of coastal communities marine natural resources, he does not seem to show [V [YVWPJHS Z[VYTZ PZ PUJYLHZLK )HYIPLY L[ HS concern about how his everyday actions could PUÅ\LUJLLU]PYVUTLU[HSPU[LNYP[`VMJVHZ[HSHYLHZPU ;OLZOYPTWWVUK^H[LYX\HSP[`PZTHPU[HPULK I` JVUZ[HU[ ^H[LY L_JOHUNL ^P[O [OL Z\YYV\UKPUN LU]PYVUTLU[ -YLZO^H[LY PZ VM[LU \ZLK MVY [OPZ Hui Cheng holds BS Biology from University of purpose, as shrimp is usually raised at salinity North Carolina at Chapel Hill and worked as a SV^LY [OHU [OH[ VM ZLH^H[LY ^OPJO PZ WW[ fisheries observer in the Bering Sea and Cen- (parts per thousand). The impact of constant ^H[LY L_JOHUNL PZ HSZV T\S[PKPTLUZPVUHS tral Pacific. Hui’s environmental interests are :VJPHSJVUÅPJ[ZJHUHYPZLV]LYJVTWL[P[PVUMVYMYLZO^H[LY coastal communities and coastal and marine between shrimp farmers and other water users, such as ecosystems. Hui intends to work for the govern- [YHKP[PVUHSHNYPJ\S[\YHSPZ[Z(KKP[PVUHSS`PUSVJH[PVUZ ment on coastal and marine resources issues. ^OLYL MYLZO^H[LY PZ KYH^U MYVT \UKLYNYV\UK 78 Volume 29, 2010 Exploring a new method of reducing environmental impacts from Shrimp Aquaculture Figure 1. An aerial photo of a large-scale shrimp farm in Indonesia. Smaller canals crisscross the entire aquaculture operation and lead to larger waterways that exchange water directly with the ocean beyond the strip of mangroves in the background. Photo obtained from http:// dinos.anesc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Small/reference/R0010shrim-s.jpg. HX\PMLYZ L_[LUZP]L ^P[OKYH^HSZ MVY ZOYPTW MHYTPUN :OYPTWMHYTPUNPZ\UKV\I[LKS`VULVM[OLTVZ[ OH]L JH\ZLK SHUK [V JH]L PU 7mLa6Z\UH LU]PYVUTLU[HSS`KHTHNPUNMVVKWYVK\J[PVUTL[OVKZ and the social impacts are not any less dramatic. ;OLYLSLHZLKZHSPUL^H[LY[\YUZ[OLZ\YYV\UKPUN ,ZZLU[PHSS`I`JVUZ\TPUNMHYTLKZOYPTWMYVTMVYLPNU ZVPSZHUKMYLZO^H[LYYLZV\YJLZZHS[`7YPTH]LYH lands, we import the tastiness that is in our bellies and :HSPUPaH[PVUVM[OLZVPSZYLK\JLZSVJHSIPVKP]LYZP[`HUK export all the societal and environmental impacts to YLUKLYZ[OLSHUK\UZ\P[HISLMVY[YHKP[PVUHSHNYPJ\S[\YL the low-income tropical countries that produce them. ,1-/HX\L0ZSHT:HS[`MYLZO^H[LY sources further reduce the availability of resources to <UHIH[LK+LTHUK V[OLY\ZLYZ7YPTH]LYH4VYLV]LY[OLYLSLHZLK water is overloaded with suspended solids, treatment :OYPTWOHZILLUWYVTV[LKI`-(6<UP[LK chemicals and excess nutrients from shrimp waste 5H[PVUZ -VVK HUK (NYPJ\S[\YL 6YNHUPaH[PVU HUK and leftover shrimp feed (ibid). The assimilation of ZPTPSHY VYNHUPaH[PVUZ HZ H ^H` [V YLWSHJL WYV[LPU [OPZOLH]PS`WVSS\[LKZHSPUL^H[LYPU[V[OLZ\YYV\UKPUN SVZ[ MYVT [OL KLWSL[PVU VM NSVIHS ÄZOLYPLZ -(6 L[ LJVZ`Z[LTZHS[LYZLJVSVN`HUKIPVKP]LYZP[`,1- HS 9VOLPT ;OPZ YLZ\S[PUN PUJYLHZL PU The polluted water also causes eutrophication, the NSVIHS ZOYPTW KLTHUK PU OPNOPUJVTL JV\U[YPLZ JVUKP[PVU VM ^H[LY IVKPLZ YLJLP]PUN L_JLZZ U\[YPLU[ JV\WSLK ^P[O KPTPUPZOPUN ^PSK ZOYPTW Z[VJRZ PU runoff that leads to reduced animal life, in coastal turn, resulted in the explosive expansion of shrimp ^H[LYZ7mLa6Z\UH7YPTH]LYH)LJH\ZL farms in supplier countries. The enormous demandmany marine animals spend their early lives in and-supply is illustrated by US shrimp imports, which JVHZ[HS^H[LYZ[OLULNH[P]LLMMLJ[ZVML\[YVWOPJH[PVU L_JLLK<:IPSSPVUVMZOYPTWHUU\HSS`-PN*67 are eventually felt in marine ecosystems. )LJH\ZL [OL WYVK\J[ PZ ZVSK [V JVUZ\TLYZ PU OPNOPUJVTLJV\U[YPLZZOYPTWMHYTPUNPZHS\JYH[P]L Tropical Resources Bulletin 79 Hui Cheng Figure 2. Breakdown of the United States annual seafood trade deficit. Source: COP, 2004. The most valuable imported seafood item in the US is shrimp, at over US$3 billion. Shrimp is followed by salmon, which is imported at less than US$1 billion. MVYLPNU L_JOHUNL LHYULY PU SV^PUJVTL JV\U[YPLZ VM [OL [YVWPJZ ^OLYL [LJOUVSVN` PZ SPTP[LK HUK environmental laws are lax (Stonich and Bailey 2000, ]HU4\SLRVT(ZVMP[PZLZ[PTH[LK[OH[ one to one and a half million ha of land worldwide HYL \UKLY ZOYPTW HX\HJ\S[\YL 7mLa6Z\UH :OYPTWMHYTPUNHZHUPUK\Z[Y`ILNHUPU(ZPH under the auspices of Asian Development Bank and the >VYSK)HUR)tUt;OLPUK\Z[Y`OHZNYHK\HSS` made its way to Latin America and Africa. The major producers currently are China, Thailand, Vietnam, 0UKVULZPH0UKPH)YHaPS4L_PJVHUK,J\HKVY)V`K :OYPTWMHYTPUNPZI`[OPZWVPU[HU\UZ[VWWHISL enterprise. Unless the demand for shrimp decreases, [OL WYVK\JLY JV\U[YPLZ ^PSS RLLW VU Z\WWS`PUN [OL JVTTVKP[`;OHURZ[V[OLTHYRL[PUNZ[YH[LNPLZVM9LK 3VIZ[LYHUKV[OLYZZ\JOHZ1HJVI»ZMH]VYP[L¸,UKSLZZ :OYPTW -LZ[¹ [OL KLTHUK PZ UV[ SPRLS` [V KLJYLHZL ¸)LZ[ *OVPJL¹¸.VVK HS[LYUH[P]L¹ VY ¸(]VPK¹ 0TWVY[LK MHYTLK ZOYPTW JVUZPKLYPUN V\Y WYL]PV\Z examination, is, predictably, on the Avoid list. But NP]LU[OH[VMZOYPTWJVUZ\TLKPU[OL<:VJJ\YZ PU YLZ[H\YHU[Z 4HUNYV]L (J[PVU 7YVQLJ[ how are we to know where our shrimp is from in VYKLY [V THRL VJLHUMYPLUKS` ZLHMVVK JOVPJLZ& Research Premise 4`YLZLHYJOPZIHZLKVU[OLMVSSV^PUNWYLTPZL! :OYPTW MHYTPUN PU [YVWPJHS JV\U[YPLZ JHUUV[ IL stopped due to enormous demand from the West and complex political economies. The numerous pervasive environmental impacts are caused by the need to maintain shrimp pond water. Thus, by PTWYV]PUN[OLX\HSP[`VM[OLLMÅ\LU[[OLKPZJOHYNLK ^H[LY[OLPTWHJ[ZVMZOYPTWMHYTPUN^V\SKOVWLM\SS` be reduced. In a nutshell, if we cannot stop it, how JHU ^L THRL P[ SLZZ LU]PYVUTLU[HSS` KHTHNPUN& :V^OH[JHUILKVUL&(JJVYKPUN[V:LHMVVK ;OL TVZ[ \W[VKH[L )L[[LY 4HUHNLTLU[ >H[JO VM 4VU[LYL` )H` (X\HYP\T [OL JVUZ\TLY can “make ocean-friendly seafood choices today” 7YHJ[PJLZ)47MVYZOYPTWWVUKLMÅ\LU[ZHYL!¸ ;OL :LHMVVK >H[JO YHURZ ZLHMVVK P[LTZ! JVTWS`^P[OHWWSPJHISLLMÅ\LU[Z[HUKHYKZ"YLK\JL 80 Volume 29, 2010 Exploring a new method of reducing environmental impacts from Shrimp Aquaculture ^H[LY L_JOHUNL" YLJPYJ\SH[L ^H[LY VU [OL MHYT K\YPUN ZOYPTW NYV^V\[" YL\ZL ^H[LY KPZJOHYNLK ^OLU WVUKZ HYL KYHPULK" \ZL ZL[[SPUN IHZPUZ [V YLTV]L VYNHUPJ WHY[PJSLZ MYVT KYHPUPUN LMÅ\LU[Z" \ZL THUNYV]L ^L[SHUKZ [V [YLH[ LMÅ\LU[Z" HUK TVUP[VY VMMZP[L ^H[LY X\HSP[`¹ )V`K 6M HSS [OL )L[[LY 4HUHNLTLU[ 7YHJ[PJLZ VUS` )47 HJ[\HSS` YLTV]LZ JOLTPJHSZ HUK U\[YPLU[Z MYVT [OL KPZJOHYNLK LMÅ\LU[ /V^L]LY [OL ZOVY[JVTPUN VM [OPZ )47 PZ [OH[ [OL HIZVYW[P]L JHWHJP[` VM [OL Z\YYV\UKPUN THUNYV]LZ [V JSLHU [OL WVSS\[LK LMÅ\LU[ PZ NYLH[S` L_JLLKLK K\L [V [OL KPTPUPZOPUN ^L[SHUKZ HUK [OL PUJYLHZPUN ZOYPTW WVUK OLJ[HYHNL 0U HKKP[PVU [OL ZOYPTWWYVK\JPUN SV^PUJVTL JV\U[YPLZ JHUUV[ [LJOUVSVNPJHSS` VY economically implement many of these BMPs. Experimental Concept hypothesis that if shrimp farmers had access to more land, they would convert it to more ponds rather [OHU H TP[PNH[PVU TLHZ\YL Z\JO HZ H ZL[[SPUN IHZPU (KKYLZZPUN [OLZL [OYLL X\LZ[PVUZ 0 L_WSVYLK [OL WYPUJPWSLZ VM HX\HWVUPJZ [OL J\S[P]H[PVU VM WSHU[ZHUKHX\H[PJHUPTHSZPUHYLJPYJ\SH[PUNZ`Z[LT ;OL VUS` U\[YPLU[ PUW\[ PU HX\HWVUPJZ PZ ÄZO MLLK ;OL YLJPYJ\SH[PUN Z`Z[LT PUJLZZHU[S` JPYJ\SH[LZ [OL U\[YPLU[YPJO^H[LYMYVT[OLÄZOJVTWHY[TLU[[V[OL hydroponic plant compartment and back. The plants YLTV]L[OLU\[YPLU[MYVTÄZO^HZ[LHUKSLM[V]LYÄZO feed from the water, and the cleaned water is returned [V [OL ÄZO JVTWHY[TLU[ (X\HWVUPJZ JHU YLK\JL ^H[LYKLTHUKVMHX\HJ\S[\YLHUKWYVK\JLHZLJVUK crop of food (Diver 2000, McMurtry 1997). As shrimp HX\HJ\S[\YL PZ ZHSPUL OHSVWO`[LZ ZHS[^H[LY WSHU[Z ^V\SKIL\[PSPaLK0UMHJ[OHSVWO`[LZNYV^UPUZVPSHUK PYYPNH[LK^P[OZHS[^H[LYHX\HJ\S[\YLLMÅ\LU[OH]LILLU ZOV^U[VYLTV]LZPNUPÄJHU[HTV\U[ZVMUP[YVNLUMYVT [OL^H[LY)YV^UHUK.SLUU )YV^UL[HS ;OL JVUJLW[ VM T` L_WLYPTLU[HS KLZPNU PZ IHZLK VU [OYLL X\LZ[PVUZ! /V^ JHU PTWSLTLU[PUN H TP[PNH[PVU TLHZ\YL HSZV IL H KPYLJ[ LJVUVTPJ Experimental Design PUJLU[P]LMVY[OLZOYPTWMHYTLYZ&>OH[^PSSILSV^ [LJO LUV\NO MVY YLHSPZ[PJ PTWSLTLU[H[PVU PU [OLZL To provide direct economic incentives for SV^PUJVTL JV\U[YPLZ& >OH[ ^PSS \ZL [OL SLHZ[ ZOYPTW MHYTLYZ 0 PKLU[PÄLK OHSVWO`[LZ [OH[ HYL HTV\U[ VM SHUK&;OL [OPYK X\LZ[PVU Z[LTZ MYVT [OL edible to humans. I selected the halophyte Atriplex Figure 3. Cultivating saltwater plants and shrimp in the same space. Plants were grown in a floating platform that sits on top of the water. Roots were allowed to extend into the water. The only nutrient input to the system was shrimp feed. Tropical Resources Bulletin 81 Hui Cheng hortensis, commonly called orache or mountain ZWPUHJO;OL WSHU[ PZ SLHM` HUK PZ YLN\SHYS` LH[LU PU JLU[YHS ,\YVWL [VKH`;V KL]PZL ZVTL[OPUN YLSH[P]LS` low-tech and also save land, I eliminated the YLJPYJ\SH[PUN JVTWVULU[ VM HX\HWVUPJZ HUK NYL^ WSHU[Z HUK ZOYPTW PU [OL ZHTL ZWHJL 4` YLZ\S[PUN L_WLYPTLU[HSKLZPNU^HZ[OH[OHSVWO`[LZ^LYLNYV^U O`KYVWVUPJHSS` PU H ÅVH[PUN WSH[MVYT KPYLJ[S` HIV]L [OLZOYPTW-PN;OLL_WLYPTLU[^HZJVUK\J[LKH[ <UP]LYZP[`VM/H^HP»PH[/PSV[VZPT\SH[L[OL[YVWPJHS climatic conditions of actual shrimp farms. I tested Ä]LWSHU[JV]LYHNLZ!UVUL*VU[YVS=LY`3V^3V^ 4LKP\T HUK /PNO 0 \ZLK JVTWSL[L ISVJR KLZPNU and had six blocks with each treatment represented VUJL WLY ISVJR MVY H [V[HS VM L_WLYPTLU[HS JLSSZ -PN ;^LU[`NHSSVU NSHZZ HX\HYPH ^LYL \ZLK HZ [OL L_WLYPTLU[HS JLSSZ ,HJO HX\HYP\T ^HZ Z[VJRLK ^P[O ZL]LU[LLUKH` VSK ZOYPTW 3P[VWLUHL\Z ]HUUHTLPWVZ[SHY]HLTH[JOPUN[OLZ[VJRPUNKLUZP[` VMHUPTHSZWLYZX\HYLKTL[LYPUPU[LUZP]LZOYPTW J\S[\YL(SSHX\HYPH^LYLÄSSLK^P[O[OLZHTLTP_[\YL of seawater and county water to obtain a salinity of 20 ppt. The daily input of shrimp feed was the same MVY HSS HX\HYPH 6]LY [OL JV\YZL VM LPNO[ ^LLRZ 0 TLHZ\YLK[OLJVUJLU[YH[PVUZVM[OYLLMVYTZVMVYNHUPJ UP[YVNLUPULHJOZ`Z[LT!UP[YH[LUP[YP[LHUKHTTVUPH 0O`WV[OLZPaLK[OH[UP[YVNLUJVUJLU[YH[PVU in treatments with plants would decrease to H NYLH[LY KLNYLL JVTWHYLK [V JVU[YVS" HUK UP[YVNLU JVUJLU[YH[PVU PU [YLH[TLU[Z VM OPNOLY WSHU[ JV]LYHNL ^V\SK KLJYLHZL [V H NYLH[LY KLNYLL [OHU [YLH[TLU[Z VM SV^LY WSHU[ JV]LYHNL Results and Discussion ;OL JOHUNLZ PU JVUJLU[YH[PVU VM UP[YH[L ^LYL TVZ[ PU[LYLZ[PUN JVTWHYLK [V [OL JOHUNLZ PU JVUJLU[YH[PVUZ VM UP[YP[L HUK HTTVUPH 5P[YH[L concentration in treatments with plants decreased H[ H YH[L VM H[ SLHZ[ MHZ[LY [OHU [OH[ VM *VU[YVS ;HISL^OPJOPZPUZ\WWVY[VM[OLÄYZ[O`WV[OLZPZ ;OL UP[YH[L JVUJLU[YH[PVU [OH[ ZOV^LK [OL NYLH[LZ[ YH[LVMKLJYLHZL^HZ[OH[VM/PNOWSHU[JV]LYHNLH[H YH[LVMMHZ[LY[OHU[OH[VM*VU[YVS;OV\NO/PNO WSHU[JV]LYHNLOHK[OLNYLH[LZ[YH[LVMKLJYLHZLHUK Control had the lowest rate of decrease, the second O`WV[OLZPZ[OH[UP[YVNLUJVUJLU[YH[PVUPU[YLH[TLU[Z VMOPNOLYWSHU[JV]LYHNL^V\SKKLJYLHZLH[HNYLH[LY KLNYLL[OHU[YLH[TLU[ZVMSV^LYWSHU[JV]LYHNL^HZ not supported. This, however, does not mean that OPNOLY WSHU[ JV]LYHNL ^V\SK UV[ YLK\JL UP[YH[L JVUJLU[YH[PVUH[HNYLH[LYYH[LHZ[OLWSHU[JV]LYHNL Figure 4. A block in the actual experiment. Each block consisted of a 300-gallon tank that held five glass aquaria for temperature control. Each of the five treatments was represented once per block. 82 Volume 29, 2010 Exploring a new method of reducing environmental impacts from Shrimp Aquaculture Treatment :SVWLVMUP[YH[LJOHUNLZV]LY time :SVWLVM[YLH[TLU[:SVWLVM Control Control 1 Very Low Low 1.71 Medium /PNO -0.0107 Table 1. Rate of nitrate decrease (slope of nitrate changes over time) was the least for Control and the highest for High plant coverage. Very Low, Low, and Medium plant coverage had similar rate of nitrate decrease. =LY`3V^3V^HUK4LKP\T^LYLZPTPSHYHSS\UKLY OH]L PUÅ\LUJLK [OLPY HIPSP[` [V \W[HRL UP[YVNLU ;OV\NO UP[YH[L JVUJLU[YH[PVUZ PU [YLH[TLU[Z ^P[O WSHU[Z ZPNUPÄJHU[S` KLJYLHZLK H[ H MHZ[LY YH[L than that of Control, the actual amount of decrease was minimal. This could be attributed to a few YLHZVUZ6ULWVZZPISLYLHZVUPZ[OH[[OLL_WLYPTLU[HS Z`Z[LT ^HZ [VV ZTHSS ,HJO NSHZZ HX\HYP\T OHK shrimp, which did not allow much nutrient input PU [OL ÄYZ[ WSHJL (KKP[PVUHSS` [OL ZTHSS HTV\U[ VM U\[YPLU[ TPNO[ UV[ OH]L ILLU LUV\NO [V Z\Z[HPU the proper development of the plants, which may :LJVUK NSHZZ HX\HYPH KV UV[ OH]L [OL earthen component of actual shrimp ponds. This JV\SK OH]L SLK [V H NYLH[LY HTV\U[ VM Z\ZWLUKLK ZVSPKZ [OH[ HMMLJ[LK [OL NYV^[O VM [OL WSHU[Z I` ZTV[OLYPUN [OL YVV[Z ILJH\ZL [OL ZVSPKZ KPK UV[ OH]L V[OLY H[[HJOHISL Z\YMHJLZ -PUHSS` [OL WSHU[Z did not respond well to the hydroponic system. This could be partly due to the previous two concerns HUKVY [OL WW[ ZHSPUP[` /PNO ZHS[ JVUJLU[YH[PVU has the same effect as low water availability. Many Figure 5. Hypothetical experimental set-up of halophyte hydroponics in a commercial shrimp pond. Tropical Resources Bulletin 83 Hui Cheng plants developed leaves that resemble succulent plants, which are adapted to arid environments. Conclusion Discourse, Policy Controversies and the Role of :JPLUJLPU[OL7VSP[PJZVM:OYPTW-HYTPUN+L]LSVW TLU[+L]LSVWTLU[7VSPJ`9L]PL^! )YV^U11HUK,7.SLUU 9L\ZLVMOPNOS`ZHSPUL HX\HJ\S[\YLLMÅ\LU[[VPYYPNH[LHWV[LU[PHSMVYHNL OHSVWO`[L:\HLKHLZ[LYVH(X\HJ\S[\YHS,UNPULLY PUN! +LZWP[L[OLZOVY[JVTPUNZPUT`L_WLYPTLU[HS KLZPNU [OH[ ULNH[P]LS` PUÅ\LUJLK [OL NYV^[O HUK development of the plants, nitrate still decreased at a faster rate in treatments with plants. This )YV^U11,7.SLUU24-P[aZPTTVUZ:,:TP[O /HSVWO`[LZMVY[OL[YLH[TLU[VMZHSPULHX\H Z\NNLZ[Z [OH[ OHSVWO`[L O`KYVWVUPJZ PZ JHWHISL VM YLTV]PUN UP[YH[L MYVT ZOYPTW HX\HJ\S[\YL ^H[LY J\S[\YLLMÅ\LU[(X\HJ\S[\YL! 0[^V\SKILVM]HS\L[V\[PSPaL[OLJVUJLW[VM [OPZL_WLYPTLU[VUHSHYNLYZ`Z[LTZ\JOHZHUHJ[\HS ZOYPTW WVUK -PN 0 ^HZ UV[ HISL [V W\YZ\L [OL SHYNLY ZJHSL L_WLYPTLU[ K\L [V SVNPZ[PJHS JVUZ[YHPU[Z \UYLSH[LK[V[OLL_WLYPTLU[HSKLZPNU0[PZWVZZPISL[OH[ Atriplex hortensis could respond more favorably to the conditions in an actual shrimp pond, as commercial WVUKZ [`WPJHSS` OH]L ZHSPUP[PLZ MYVT WW[ [V WW[ which translates into more water available for plant \W[HRLMVYNYV^[O(SZVKPMMLYLU[ZWLJPLZVMOHSVWO`[LZ JV\SK IL L_WSVYLK .P]LU [OH[ ZOYPTW MHYTPUN PZ ^YLHRPUN OH]VJ IV[O ZVJPHSS` HUK LU]PYVUTLU[HSS` in tropical countries, as responsible consumers, we T\Z[ ÄUK H MLHZPISL TL[OVK [V YLK\JL P[Z PTWHJ[Z Acknowledgements )V`K*SH\KL,)L[[LY4HUHNLTLU[7YHJ[PJLZMVY 4HYPUL:OYPTW(X\HJ\S[\YL0U,U]PYVUTLU[HS)LZ[ 4HUHNLTLU[7YHJ[PJLZMVY(X\HJ\S[\YLLKP[LKI` *YHPN:;\JRLYHUK1VOU(/HYNYLH]LZ0V^H!)SHJR ^LSS7\ISPZOPUN *67<:*VTTPZZPVUVU6JLHU7VSPJ`(U6JLHU )S\LWYPU[MVY[OLZ[*LU[\Y`-PUHS9LWVY[>HZO PUN[VU+* +P]LY:[L]L(X\HWVUPJZ¶PU[LNYH[PVUVMO`KYV WVUPJZ^P[OHX\HJ\S[\YL7\ISPJH[PVU5V07(; ;9(5H[PVUHS:\Z[HPUHISL(NYPJ\S[\YL0UMVYTH[PVU Service. ,U]PYVUTLU[HS1\Z[PJL-V\UKH[PVU,1-+LZLY[PU [OL+LS[H,U]PYVUTLU[HS1\Z[PJL-V\UKH[PVUPUWHY[ ULYZOPW^P[O6UL>VYSK(J[PVU3VUKVU 0 [OHUR @HSL -,: MHJ\S[` ^OV WYV]PKLK YLZLHYJO N\PKHUJL!+Y7L[LY9H`TVUK+Y/LST\[,YUZ[ILYNLY+Y 1VUH[OHU9L\UPUN:JOLYLYHUK+Y.YHLTL)LYS`U -(65(*(<5,7>)>>-0U[LYUH[PVUHS 7YPUJPWSLZMVY9LZWVUZPISL:OYPTW-HYTPUNO[[W! ^^^NSVILÄZOVYNÄSLZZOYPTWWYPUJPWSLZF WKM 0 [OHUR T` M\UKPUN ZV\YJLZ ^OV THKL T` L_WLYPTLU[HYLHSP[`!;YVWPJHS9LZV\YJLZ0UZ[P[\[L@HSL-,: :\TTLY .SVIHSPaH[PVU 9LZLHYJO -\UK HUK *HYWLU[LY :WLYY`9LZLHYJO-\UK /HX\L:(:HSPUP[`7YVISLTZHUK*YVW7YVK\J[PVU PU*VHZ[HS9LNPVUZVM)HUNSHKLZO7HRPZ[HU1V\YUHS VM)V[HU`! -VY T` L_WLYPTLU[ 0 [OHUR 3VYLUaV 1\HYLa 7YLZPKLU[ VM :OYPTW 0TWYV]LTLU[ :`Z[LTZ MVY KVUH[PUN ZOYPTW WVZ[SHY]HL 0 HSZV [OHUR +Y 2L]PU /VWRPUZ VM <UP]LYZP[` VM /H^HP»P H[ /PSV MVY WYV]PKPUN HX\HJ\S[\YL N\PKHUJL HUK YLZLHYJO MHJPSP[` HUK 4H[[OL^ )HY[VU HUK Brett Rodomsky of UH Hilo for assistance in experimental set-up. 9LMLYLUJLZ )HYIPLY,),>2VJO)9:PSSPTHU:+/HJRLY, >VSHUZRP17YPTH]LYH,-.YHULR:7VSHZR`: (Z^HUP3(*YHTLY+4:[VTZ*12LUULK`+ )HLS*=2HWWLS.4,7LYPSSV+19LLK *VHZ[HS,JVZ`Z[LT)HZLK4HUHNLTLU[^P[O5VU SPULHY,JVSVNPJHS-\UJ[PVUZHUK=HS\LZ:JPLUJL ! )tUt*OYPZ[VWOL;OL.VVK[OL)HKHUK[OL<NS`! 84 Volume 29, 2010 0ZSHT49HÄX\S,K>OLYL3HUK4LL[Z[OL:LH! (7YVÄSLVM[OL*VHZ[HSAVULVM)HUNSHKLZO+OHRH! The University Press Limited. 4HUNYV]L(J[PVU7YVQLJ[:OYPTW[YHKLKPZW\[L [OYLH[LUZTHYRL[MVYKPZ[PSSLYZNYHPUZO[[W!^^^ THUNYV]LHJ[PVUWYVQLJ[VYNUL^ZJ\YYLU[FOLHKSPULZ shrimp-trade-dispute-threatens-market-for-distillersNYHPUZ 4J4\Y[Y`49 ,MÄJPLUJ`VM>H[LY<ZLVMHU0U[LNY H[LK-PZO=LNL[HISL*V*\S[\YL:`Z[LT1V\YUHSVM [OL>VYSK(X\HJ\S[\YL:VJPL[`! 4VU[LYL`)H`(X\HYP\T :LHMVVK>H[JO¶>OH[ @V\*HU+VO[[W!^^^TVU[LYL`IH`HX\HYP\TVYN JYJYFZLHMVVK^H[JOZM^JVUZ\TLYZHZW_ Exploring a new method of reducing environmental impacts from Shrimp Aquaculture 4\YWO`+HU+LLWLYPU[V[OLTVYHZZ-HY,HZ[LYU Economic Review. 7mLa6Z\UH-LKLYPJV;OL,U]PYVUTLU[HS0TWHJ[VM :OYPTW(X\HJ\S[\YL!*H\ZLZ,MMLJ[ZHUK4P[PNH[PUN (S[LYUH[P]LZ,U]PYVUTLU[HS4HUHNLTLU[! 7YPTH]LYH1/6]LYJVTPUN[OLPTWHJ[ZVMHX\HJ\S [\YLVU[OLJVHZ[HSaVUL6JLHU*VHZ[HS4HUHNL TLU[ ! 9VOLPT*(:LHMVVK[YHKLSPILYHSPaH[PVUHUK PTWHJ[ZVUZ\Z[HPUHIPSP[`0U.SVIHS(X\HJ\S[\YHS ;YHKLHUK+L]LSVWPUN*V\U[YPLZLKP[LKI`4 ([HTHU4((RZV`HUK1*)LNOPU>VYSK)HUR! World Bank Publications. :HY^HY.4HUK4/2OHU:LH3L]LS9PZL!( ;OYLH[[V[OL*VHZ[VM)HUNSHKLZO0U[LYUH[PVUHSLZ (ZPLUMVY\T! :[VUPJO:*HUK*)HPSL`9LZPZ[PUN[OL)S\L 9L]VS\[PVU!*VU[LUKPUN*VHSP[PVUZ:\YYV\UKPUN 0UK\Z[YPHS:OYPTW-HYTPUN/\THU6YNHUPaH[PVU ! =HU4\SLRVT3((_LSZZVU,7)H[\UNIHJHS+ )H_[LY9:PYLNHY0KLSH;VYYL:,(-PZOMVY1\Z[PJL ;YHKLHUKL_WVY[VYPLU[H[PVUVMÄZOLYPLZPU :V\[OLHZ[(ZPH!<UKLYWYPJLKL_WVY[H[[OLL_WLUZL of domestic food security and local economies. 6JLHU*VHZ[HS4HUHNLTLU[ ! Tropical Resources Bulletin 85