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For as long as I’ve been around we’ve all grown corn; even when my mother was a young girl, they grew corn.” - =PSSHNLY PU *HV_P\ *\U Introduction (JJVYKPUN [V L]LU [OL LSKLZ[ MHYTLYZ» YLJVSSLJ[PVUZ [OL HNYPJ\S[\YHS ÄLSKZ [OH[ KLJVYH[L the mountain slopes in Caoxiu Cun have always NYV^UJVYU-VYNLULYH[PVUZMHYT^VYROHZYL]VS]LK HYV\UK[OLWSHU[PUNVMJVYUPUZWYPUNHUKP[ZOHY]LZ[ PU H\[\TU" \U[PS YLJLU[S` [OPZ JYVW OHZ KPJ[H[LK [OL WH[[LYU VM HNYHYPHU SHUK \ZL HYV\UK [OPZ YLNPVU VM :V\[O^LZ[*OPUH0U*HV_P\*\UJ\U$]PSSHNL[OL UL^S` HKVW[LK WYHJ[PJL VM WSHU[PUN THNUVSPH [YLLZ HUK NVVZLILYY` ]PULZ [OH[ OHZ LTLYNLK PU [OL WHZ[ decade tells a tale of two recent state projects that are ZLLTPUNS`UL^I\[HJ[\HSS`MHTPSPHYTVKLSZ :[H[LWYVNYHTZPU[OLUHTLVMLU]PYVUTLU[HS protection and poverty alleviation in the recent KLJHKL OH]L LMMLJ[LK JOHUNL PU ]PSSHNLZ HJYVZZ [OL nation. In Caoxiu Cun, the displacement of corn is [LSSPUN VM [OLZL LMMVY[Z ;OL JOHUNLZ ]PZPISL VU [OL NYV\UK KV TVYL [OHU Q\Z[ KLZJYPIL [OL OV\ZLOVSKZ [OH[ HYL JOHUNPUN [OLPY WSHU[PUN JOVPJLZ [OL` HSZV YLÅLJ[[OLWVSP[PJZVM[OLJLU[YHSNV]LYUTLU[PU[OLZL social and environmental efforts. ^P[OHUHJJV\U[VM[^VWYVNYHTZLUJV\YHNPUNJOHUNL PUHNYPJ\S[\YHSWYHJ[PJLZPU[OPZWHY[PJ\SHY]PSSHNL;OPZ HJJV\U[I\PSKZMYVTKH[HJVSSLJ[LKPUHUL[OUVNYHWOPJ Z[\K` JVUK\J[LK PU *HV_P\ *\U MYVT 1\UL [OYV\NO December of 2009. With this information, I discuss the YVSLVM[OLZLWYVNYHTZPUHS[LYPUN[OLOV\ZLOVSKHUK Y\YHSHNYPJ\S[\YL0HYN\L[OH[WYVNYHTZ[HYNL[PUNY\YHS MHYTSHUK HWWS` H JVTTVU Z[YH[LN` ¶ KL]VS\[PVU VM responsibility onto households – to achieve improved LMÄJPLUJ`HUK\S[PTH[LS`[VKPYLJ[[OL[YHUZMVYTH[PVU VM Z\IZPZ[LUJL MHYTSHUK [V ÄLSKZ VM JHZO JYVWZ H [YHQLJ[VY` [OH[ YLZVUH[LZ ^P[O TVKLYU HNYPJ\S[\YHS development. 9LJLU[/PZ[VY`VM7LHZHU[ Agriculture in Caoxiu Cun -YVT [OL YLKPZ[YPI\[PVU VM ML\KHS SHUK [V WLHZHU[ OV\ZLOVSKZ HUK [OLU [V P[Z JVSSLJ[P]PaH[PVU [OLSHUKYPNO[ZVM*OPULZLWLHZHU[ZZOPM[LKKYHTH[PJHSS` under the formidable leadership of Chairman Mao )\[ KLZWP[L [OL [\T\S[\V\Z JOHUNLZ 0U[OPZHY[PJSL0ÄYZ[WYLZLU[HYLJLU[OPZ[VY`VM the cultivation of farmland in Caoxiu Cun remained WLHZHU[HNYPJ\S[\YLPU*HV_P\*\UHUK[OLU0MVSSV^ YLSH[P]LS` Z[HISL >OPSL ]PSSHNLZ HJYVZZ [OL JV\U[Y` H]PKS` WSHU[LK NYHPUZ HUK Z[YV]L MVY WYLWVZ[LYV\ZS` OPNO`PLSKZ[VTLL[UH[PVUHSKLTHUKZ:OHWPYV the cultivation of corn in Caoxiu Cun endured. Christine Jane Trac is from Olympia, Washington. She graduated from the University of Washington with a BS in Environmental and Conservation Biology and from Yale F&ES with a Master of Environmental Science degree. Her research interests are broadly focused on the social implications of conservation programs and policies. Corn was the staple food crop for collective JVUZ\TW[PVU PU [OPZ ]PSSHNL \U[PS +LUN ?PHVWPUN VWLULK *OPUH \W [V LJVUVTPJ YLMVYT [OH[ JH[HS`aLK H JOHUNL YLHJOPUN V\[ [V L]LU [OL Y\YHS landscapes of the nation. In local narratives told by *HV_P\LSKLYZ+LUNPZYLZWVUZPISLMVY^OLUHUK^O` SPMLPTWYV]LK(YV\UK[OLSH[L ZHUKLHYS` Z Tropical Resources Bulletin 49 Christine Jane Trac Figure 1. Planted houpu. land was reallocated to individual households, MHYTLYZ ILNHU YHPZPUN WPNZ MHTPSPLZ JV\SK HMMVYK [V eat rice, and a new variety of hybrid corn, suitable for MLLKPUNSP]LZ[VJR^HZPU[YVK\JLK[V[OLÄLSKZ6]LY the years, as households increased the number of WPNZYHPZLKHJVUNY\V\ZPUJYLHZLPU[OLJ\S[P]H[PVUVM hybrid corn continued until households seeded most of their land with it. In the recent history of Caoxiu *\U JVYU OHY]LZ[Z ZOPM[LK MYVT MLLKPUN WLHZHU[ TV\[OZ[VMLLKPUN[OLPYSP]LZ[VJR"^P[O[OPZ[YHUZP[PVU WLVWSL NYHK\HSS` WOHZLK V\[ JVYU MYVT [OLPY KPL[Z HUK NHPULK LUV\NO HJJLZZ [V JHZO [V THRL YPJL purchased-at-market the staple food. Hybrid corn has ILLUM\UKHTLU[HS[V[OLOV\ZLOVSKMVYZ\WWVY[PUNH livestock sector that in turn has proved important to the nutrition and economy of the household. implementation in Caoxiu Cun. Grain-for-Green (also known as the Sloping Land Conversion Program) .YHPUMVY.YLLU ^HZ JVUJLP]LK HM[LY JH[HZ[YVWOPJÅVVKZOP[*OPUHPU[OLZ\TTLYVM *VUZPZ[LU[ ^P[O [OL ILSPLMZ [OH[ KLMVYLZ[H[PVU HSVUN [OL \WWLY YLHJOLZ VM *OPUH»Z THQVY YP]LY Z`Z[LTZ PZ [V ISHTL MVY [OL KV^UZ[YLHT KPZHZ[LYZ [OL WYVNYHT MVJ\ZLZWYLKVTPUHU[S`VU[OLJVU]LYZPVUVMTHYNPUHS JYVWSHUKPUVYKLY[VYLMVYLZ[*OPUH»Z^LZ[LYUWYV]PUJLZ AO\ L[ HS 0U PTWSLTLU[H[PVU VM [OL .YHPUMVY.YLLU WYVNYHT YLHJOLK *HV_P\ *\U HUK all households became immediate participants. To LUJV\YHNLWHY[PJPWH[PVU[OLWYVNYHTZ\IZPaLZMHYTLYZ :P[\H[PUN-VYLZ[Y`HUK7V]LY[`>P[OPU ^P[OJHZOZ\IZPKPLZ94)T\HWWYV_PTH[LS` T\"T\$OLJ[HYLHUKMYLL[YLLZLLKSPUNZ;OL the Farm conditions of the subsidies, however, are dependent ;OPZ YLJLU[ OPZ[VY` VM HNYPJ\S[\YL YLJV\U[Z upon how the land is converted. HULUK\YPUNZ[VY`VMJVYUJ\S[P]H[PVUM\UKHTLU[HS[V >OLU .YHPUMVY.YLLU ^HZ ÄYZ[ PU[YVK\JLK subsistence and market mechanisms of the households PU*HV_P\*\U0U[OLWHZ[[LU`LHYZ]PZPISLJOHUNLZ [V *HV_P\ ZLLKSPUNZ VM R\KPUNJOH Ilex latifolia), a to cropland that correspond to a reduction in corn bitter tea tree, were distributed free to participants, HUK PUJYLHZL PU WSHU[PUN VM [YLLZ HUK ]PULZ YLÅLJ[ OV^L]LYYLWVY[LKKPMÄJ\S[`^P[OZ\JJLZZM\SWSHU[PUN [OL PUÅ\LU[PHS PTWYPU[ VM [^V PU[LYLZ[PUN LMMVY[Z PU VM [OL ZWLJPLZ YLZ\S[LK PU ]PSSHNL^PKL HNYLLTLU[ [V [OPZ ]PSSHNL ;OL ÄYZ[ PZ H THZZP]L Z[H[LZWVUZVYLK instead independently purchase and plant houpu JVUZLY]H[PVUZL[HZPKLWYVNYHT[VYL[\YUJYVWSHUK[V (4HNUPMVSPH VMÄJPUHSPZ /V\W\ PZ H THNUVSPH [YLL MVYLZ[SHUK<JOPKHL[HS"[OLZLJVUKHWV]LY[` JVTTVUS` J\S[P]H[LK MVY P[Z TLKPJPUHS IHYR -PN\YL HSSL]PH[PVU WYVNYHT KL]V[LK [V LZ[HISPZOPUN H YV\[L )`KLÄUP[PVUVM[OL:[H[L-VYLZ[Y`(KTPUPZ[YH[PVU MVY JHZO NLULYH[PVU 0U [OL MVSSV^PUN WHYHNYHWOZ 0 OV\W\ Z[HUKZ X\HSPM` HZ ºLJVUVTPJ MVYLZ[» @L[ WYV]PKLTVYLKLZJYPW[PVUVM[OLZLWYVNYHTZHUK[OLPY [OLZL WSHU[PUNZ PU *HV_P\ ^LYL YLJVNUPaLK HZ 50 Volume 29, 2010 The Implementation of Environmental and Povery Programs in a SW Chinese Village ºLJVSVNPJHSMVYLZ[»NYHU[PUNOV\ZLOVSKZHULPNO[`LHY ;OL JVYL JVTWVULU[ VM [OL WYVNYHT ¶ LZZLU[PHSS` MVY LJVSVNPJHS YH[OLY [OHU Ä]L`LHY MVY LJVUVTPJ [OL WHY[ [OH[ PZ L_WLJ[LK [V IYPUN OV\ZLOVSKZ V\[ Z\IZPK`WLYPVKHZZ[PW\SH[LKI`[OLWYVNYHT of poverty and to the fruition of wealth – invests PU OV\ZLOVSK J\S[P]H[PVU VM H MY\P[PUN JHZO JYVW (ZPKLMYVT[OL]HS\LNP]LUI`[OLNV]LYUTLU[ NVVZLILYY` Actinidia chinensis). Prior to the Z\IZPK`OV\W\HSZVZLSSZ^LSSH[THYRL[[OV\NO[OL PU[YVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ WYVNYHT ZVTL OV\ZLOVSKZ OHK IHYR PZ OHY]LZ[LK VUS` HM[LY `LHYZ VM NYV^[O 0U HSYLHK` WSHU[LK NVVZLILYY` ]PULZ HM[LY ZLLPUN [OL P[ ^HZ W\YJOHZLK I` TPKKSLTLU MVY 94) Z\JJLZZVMHULPNOIVYPUN]PSSHNL[OH[WSHU[LK[OLZHTL QPU SI HUK MYVT L_WLYPLUJL [OL ]PSSHNLYZ OH]L ]HYPL[`VMNVVZLILYY`-PN\YL5VULOV^L]LYOHK found the rate has stayed fairly stable, unlike that YPZRLK Z\WWSHU[PUN HSS VM [OLPY JVYU HUK J\S[P]H[PUN VM[OLR\KPUNJOH[LHSLH]LZ0[PZMVY[OPZYLHZVU[OH[ [OH[ JYVWSHUK ^P[O H UL^ MY\P[ JVTTVKP[`" H[ SLHZ[ ILMVYL .YHPUMVY.YLLU ILNHU PU *HV_P\ H OHUKM\S UV[ \U[PS [OL WV]LY[` HSSL]PH[PVU WYVNYHT Z\WWVY[LK of households already cultivated houpu. They used to [OPZ OV\ZLOVSK KLJPZPVU )` 6J[VILY L]LY` plant houpu mainly on peripheral areas just outside OV\ZLOVSK^HZLUNHNLKPU[OLWSHU[PUNVMNVVZLILYY` [OLPYJYVWSHUK"I\[UV^YV^ZHUKYV^ZVM[OPZUH[P]L ZLLKSPUNZVU[OLPYYLJLU[S`OHY]LZ[LKJVYUÄLSKZ;OL species take up considerable tracts of cropland once WHY[PJPWH[PVU^HZPTTLKPH[L)V_LZVMSPX\PKMLY[PSPaLY YLZLY]LK MVY JVYU -PN\YL ;OL PTTLKPH[L LMMLJ[Z ^LYL KPZ[YPI\[LK H[ ÄYZ[ [OLU ZLLKSPUNZ H JV\WSL VM VM[OPZSHUKJVU]LYZPVUWYVNYHT^LYLVI]PV\Z¶SLZZ days later, and by the end of the week, the farmers corn, more trees. Every household participated in the OHKWSHU[LKHSS[OLZLLKSPUNZ[OL`OHKILLUHSSVJH[LK SHUK JVU]LYZPVU [OH[ ^V\SK \S[PTH[LS` NYHU[ [OLT H +\YPUN [OL ÄYZ[ [OYLL `LHYZ [OL NVVZLILYY` ]PULZ ZL]LU[`Ä]L `LHY SLHZL [V [OPZ UL^S` MVYLZ[LK SHUK JHU IL PU[LYJYVWWLK HTVUN JVYU I\[ [OL WYVNYHT Households converted substantial fractions of their stipulates that after three years the land must be fully JYVWSHUK^OPJOOHZNYHU[LK[OLTTVYLZLJ\YL[LU\YL KLKPJH[LK [V WSHU[PUN VUS` NVVZLILYY` ]PULZ *VYU over it. must be abandoned, and livestock will have to (1) be raised from corn product purchased in town, and/ or (2) decrease in number. Even the households of Poverty Alleviation =PSSHNL.YV\W[OH[WYL]PV\ZS`JSHPTLK[OLLSL]H[PVU 0U SH[L Z\TTLY ?PJHV ^HZ THYRLK and conditions of their cropland would not support as a model site for poverty alleviation by the local [OL ZLSLJ[LK ZWLJPLZ VM NVVZLILYY` WHY[VVR PU [OL NV]LYUTLU[ HUK JV\U[`SL]LS )\YLH\ VM -PUHUJL WSHU[PUN;OPZ ^PKLZWYLHK PU]VS]LTLU[ L]LU HTPKZ[ Figure 2. Household farmland in June. Alternating rows of corn and potato (left) and rapeseed (right). Houpu occupies the peripheral farmland in the back near the edge of the private household forest. Tropical Resources Bulletin 51 Christine Jane Trac ZRLW[PJPZT TPNO[ IL L_WSHPULK I` VUL ]PSSHNLY;OPZ ]PSSHNLYL_WSHPUZ[OH[WSHU[PUNNVVZLILYYPLZPZPUMHJ[ PSSVNPJHS[OH[P[PZVUS`HNVVKJYVWPM[OL`HYLHISL[V ZLSSHSSVMP[:PUJLP[PZU»[ZVTL[OPUN[OH[JHUILZ[VYLK MVYSVUNWLYPVKZVM[PTLP[PZU»[WHY[PJ\SHYS`\ZLM\SMVY [OL OV\ZLOVSK )\[ ZPUJL [OL` T\Z[ WSHU[ [V NL[ [OL WYVNYHTZ\IZPK`[OL`HSSWSHU[ 9L[LSSPUN[OL:HTL:[VY`VM Agricultural Development Employing a common strategy ;V H SHYNL L_[LU[ [OL PTWSLTLU[H[PVU VM .YHPUMVY.YLLU HUK WV]LY[` HSSL]PH[PVU PU *HV_P\ Cun has worked to shape households in a fashion ZPTPSHY[V[OLHNYPJ\S[\YHSHUKSHUKYLMVYTZILNPUUPUN PU ;V PUJYLHZL WYVK\J[P]P[` HUK LMÄJPLUJ` VM [OL OV\ZLOVSK [OL YLMVYTZ MVJ\ZLK NYLH[S` VU KLJLU[YHSPaH[PVU VM WYVWLY[` YPNO[Z HUK N\HYHU[LLPUN land tenure. )` KL]VS]PUN YLZWVUZPIPSP[` MVY YLMVYLZ[H[PVU VU[VOV\ZLOVSKZ.YHPUMVY.YLLUKPZ[PUJ[S`KP]LYNLZ MYVT JVU]LU[PVUHS LMMVY[Z [OH[ [LUK [V LUNHNL PU community-level interactions for shared environmental Z[L^HYKZOPW;OLZOPM[PUNVMºMVYLZ[SHUK»VU[VMHYTSHUK has made individual households accountable for the V\[JVTLZ"M\Y[OLY[OLPKLHVMHULJVUVTPJMVYLZ[OHZ THKL P[ HK]HU[HNLV\Z [V [OPUR VM JYVWSHUK[\YULK MVYLZ[PULJVUVTPJHSS`LMÄJPLU[[LYTZ>OH[PZTVYL MVYLZ[PUN[OLSHUKL_[LUKZMVYLZ[SLHZLZ[VHNYPJ\S[\YHS SHUK NP]PUN OV\ZLOVSKZ TVYL ZLJ\YL [LU\YL VU [OLPY MHYTSHUK;OL WV]LY[` HSSL]PH[PVU WYVNYHT OHZ M\Y[OLYLK LJVUVTPJ [YLH[TLU[ VM [OL HNYPJ\S[\YHS ZLJ[VYI`WYVTV[PUNM\SSJVTTVKP[`WYVK\J[PVUV]LY OV\ZLOVSKZ\IZPZ[LUJLKLTHUKZ)V[OWYVNYHTZOH]L made cropland into a space that is economically WYVK\J[P]L ¶ Z\WWVY[PUN TVUL[HY` ]HS\H[PVU VM SHUK WYVK\J[P]P[` YH[OLY [OHU [OL PU[LUKLK LJVSVNPJHS health of the land or the security of the household. The THNUVSPH[YLLZHUKNVVZLILYY`]PULZVMIV[OWYVNYHTZ HYL MV\UK LUJYVHJOPUN [OL OV\ZLOVSK HNYPJ\S[\YHS ZLJ[VY H ZLJ[VY [OH[ OHZ ILLU [YLH[LK HZ ZVTL[OPUN [OH[JHUILTHKLWYVK\J[P]LHUKLMÄJPLU[)`THRPUN the household dependent on the cultivation of houpu HUKNVVZLILYYPLZ[OLZL[^VWYVNYHTZOH]LLMMLJ[P]LS` devolved responsibility onto the household. With that, the successful cultivation of these cash crops appears TVYL TLHUPUNM\S MVY HNYPJ\S[\YHS KL]LSVWTLU[ [OHU for forest conservation or poverty alleviation. *VTTVU ^P[O HNYPJ\S[\YHS YLMVYT [OL [^V WYVNYHTZ OH]L HSS VM [OL JOHYHJ[LYPZ[PJZ VM H NV]LYUTLU[ ZJOLTL [OH[ JYLH[LZ [OL TVKLYU ZLSM YLSPHU[ PUKP]PK\HS ;YPHU[PHÄSSV\ HUK 5PLSZLU Moreover, it simultaneously drives peasants to selfTHUHNL *OPUH»Z MVYLZ[Z HUK WV]LY[` :\IZPKPLZ PU HNYPJ\S[\YHS KL]LSVWTLU[ PU [OL WHZ[ KLJHKL OH]L JVTL [V YLWSHJL H SVUNOLSK HNYPJ\S[\YHS [H_ Z`Z[LT to relieve the stress on household economy, and as Figure 3. Gooseberry harvest in the neighboring village. Successful cultivation of gooseberries in this village pushed the efforts to introduce gooseberry vine plantations to Caoxiu Village. 52 Volume 29, 2010 The Implementation of Environmental and Poverty Programs in a SW Chinese Village ZLLU ^P[O .YHPUMVY.YLLU HUK WV]LY[` HSSL]PH[PVU WYVNYHTZ Z\IZPKPLZ HYL N\PKPUN H WHY[PJ\SHY ZVY[ VM SHUK \ZL 4HRPUN JSLHYS` LJVUVTPJ JVU[YPI\[PVUZ [V KPYLJ[ [OL HNYPJ\S[\YHS ZLJ[VY VM OV\ZLOVSKZ [OL NV]LYUTLU[ KLTVUZ[YH[LZ P[Z JVU]PJ[PVU [OH[ HNYPJ\S[\YHS KL]LSVWTLU[ PZ JVYL [V ZVJPHS HUK LJVUVTPJ KL]LSVWTLU[ ?\ L[ HS /V^L]LY [OPZ ZHTL HWWSPJH[PVU VM HNYPJ\S[\YHS KL]LSVWTLU[ PU .YHPUMVY.YLLU YLWYLZLU[Z JHZO JYVW J\S[P]H[PVU rather than reforestation, and thus this environmental LMMVY[ HWWLHYZ VUS` [V IL H JVU]LUPLU[ KPZN\PZL MVY KL]LSVWTLU[,ZJVIHY Supporting the Subsistence base (S[OV\NO [OL ZOPM[ [V O`IYPK JVYU PU *HV_P\ *\UTHYRZHNYPJ\S[\YHSYLMVYTHUKYLÅLJ[ZHJOHUNL PU*OPUH»ZWVSP[PJHSJSPTH[L[OLJ\S[P]H[PVUVMJVYUYLNHYKSLZZVM[OL]HYPL[`PZYLWYLZLU[H[P]LVMJVUZPZ[LU[ Z\IZPZ[LUJL WYHJ[PJLZ;OV\NO O`IYPK JVYU YLWSHJLK [OL M\UKHTLU[HS MVVK WYVK\J[ NYV^U MVY OV\ZLOVSK JVUZ\TW[PVUPU[OLZP[MVZ[LYLKHUV[OLYMVVKWYVKuct now central to these peasant households – pork. Pork is valuable because it not only offers a source of protein but, additionally, a source of cash cultiva[PVU VM O`IYPK JVYU MVY YHPZPUN SP]LZ[VJR OHZ JVU[YPI\[LKNYLH[S`[V[OLTP_LKZ\IZPZ[LUJLJOHYHJ[LYVM[OL OV\ZLOVSK0[OHZKVULZVI`ZPT\S[HULV\ZS`LUNHNPUN[OLOV\ZLOVSKPU[OLTHYRL[ZLJ[VYHUKZ\WWVY[PUN a subsistence sector. With corn the household never renders itself completely vulnerable to risk. With the PU[YVK\J[PVUVMOV\W\[OYV\NO.YHPUMVY.YLLUHUK NVVZLILYY`[OYV\NOWV]LY[`HSSL]PH[PVU[OLKPZWSHJLTLU[ VM JVYU OHZ YLÅLJ[LK H JSLHY TV]LTLU[ MYVT Z\IZPZ[LUJL WYHJ[PJLZ [V^HYKZ THYRL[ LUNHNLTLU[ The role of subsidies has been to displace any perJLP]LKYPZRPUZ\WWSHU[PUNJVYU^P[OMVYLZ[SHUKVYMY\P[ WYVK\J[PVUPUVYKLY[VN\PKL[OLOV\ZLOVSKMHYT[V TVYLLJVUVTPJHSWYHJ[PJLZ)\[HJJVYKPUN[V5L[[PUN [OLOV\ZLOVSKTH`IL[OLTVZ[LU]PYVUTLU[HSS`LMÄJPLU[HUKJVUZPKLYH[L\UP[;OLYLMVYLPU[OL interest of environmental conservation we should, perhaps, support the subsistence sector and not allow the capitalist scheme to extend to all ends. This chalSLUNLZ ^OL[OLY HNYPJ\S[\YHS KL]LSVWTLU[ TL[OVKZ can effectively direct environmental or social efforts PU[OLTVZ[ILULÄJPHSKPYLJ[PVU4H`IL^LZOV\SKIL SVVRPUN[V[OLZ\IZPZ[LUJLZLJ[VYYH[OLY[OHU[OLTHYket, to address social concerns such as poverty and environmental concerns such of forest restoration. Conclusion In this paper, I have attempted to reveal how *OPUH»ZTVKLYUHWWYVHJO[VLU]PYVUTLU[HSHUKWV]LY[`WYVNYHTZYLZVUH[L^P[OZPTWSLHNYPJ\S[\YHSKL]LSVWTLU[HUKOV^[OPZZ[YH[LN`OHZPTWSPJH[PVUZMVY[OL OV\ZLOVSK HUK [OL LU]PYVUTLU[;OV\NO [OPZ WHWLY introduces more issues than can be expounded on in KLW[O0OVWL[OH[P[LUJV\YHNLZZVTLJVU[LTWSH[PVU VU[OLWLHZHU[OV\ZLOVSKHUKP[ZHNLUJ`PUPUÅ\LUJPUNZVJPHSLJVUVTPJHNYPJ\S[\YHSHUKLU]PYVUTLU[HS JOHUNL^OH[L]LYSHILS[OLWYVNYHTTH`OH]L Acknowledgements ;OL KH[H WYLZLU[LK PU [OPZ WHWLY LTLYNLK MYVT HUV[OLYZ[\K`T`4HZ[LY»ZYLZLHYJOWYVQLJ[¸9\YHS,ULYN` +L]LSVWTLU[ HZ H ;VVS MVY -VYLZ[ *VUZLY]H[PVU¹ ;OL opportunity to conduct this project was made possible by [OL NLULYV\Z Z\WWVY[ VM [OL ;YVWPJHS 9LZV\YJLZ 0UZ[P[\[L @HSL*V\UJPSVU,HZ[(ZPHU:[\KPLZ@HSL*,(:*OHYSLZ2HV 9LZLHYJO-\UK@HSL-,:*HYWLU[LY:WLYY`9LZLHYJO-\UK HUK@HSL-,:3LP[ULY-\UK0^V\SKHSZVSPRL[VHJRUV^SLKNL my advisors, Carol Carpenter and William Burch, for their PUJYLKPISLN\PKHUJLHUKZ\WWVY[-PUHSS`[OHUR`V\[V[OL ;90)\SSL[PUMVSRZMVYHSSV^PUNTL[VWYLZLU[T`^VYR 9LMLYLUJLZ ,ZJVIHY( ,UJV\U[LYPUN+L]LSVWTLU[!;OL4HRPUN HUK<UTHRPUNVM[OL;OPYK>VYSK7YPUJL[VU! Princeton University Press. 5L[[PUN94 :THSSOVSKLYOV\ZLOVSKLYZMYLLOVSK LYZ!^O`[OLMHTPS`MHYT^VYRZ^LSS^VYSK^PKL0U ;OL/V\ZLOVSK,JVUVT`!9LJVUZPKLYPUN[OL+V mestic Mode of Production, edited by R. R. Wilk. )V\SKLY!>LZ[]PL^7YLZZ :OHWPYV14HV»Z>HY(NHPUZ[5H[\YL!7VSP[PJZHUK the Environment in Revolutionary China. CamIYPKNL!*HTIYPKNL<UP]LYZP[`7YLZZ ;YPHU[HÄSSV\Z7HUK495PLSZLU7VSPJPUN,TWV^ LYTLU[!;OL4HRPUNVM*HWHISL:\IQLJ[Z/PZ[VY`VM [OL/\THU:JPLUJLZ! <JOPKH,1;?\HUK:9VaLSSL.YHPUMVY.YLLU! *VZ[,MMLJ[P]LULZZHUK:\Z[HPUHIPSP[`VM*OPUH»Z *VUZLY]H[PVU:L[(ZPKL7YVNYHT3HUK,JVUVTPJZ ! ?\A.4;)LUUL[[9;HVHUK1;?\*OPUH»Z :SVWPUN3HUK*VU]LYZPVU7YVNYHT-V\Y@LHYZ6U! *\YYLU[:P[\H[PVUHUK7LUKPUN0ZZ\LZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS -VYLZ[Y`9L]PL^! AO\*89;H`SVYHUK-.\VXPUN*OPUH»Z^VVK THYRL[[YHKLHUK[OLLU]PYVUTLU[>>-HUK Science Press, USA. Tropical Resources Bulletin 53