All code given below is free of compilation errors. ... Your task: Consider the following statements one by one. ... main

CS2312 Problem Solving and Programming [2014-15 Semester B]
Quiz 2
Write your answers for Q1-4 in the answer paper.
Pay attention to code design, naming and code formatting.
Duration: 40 minutes. Total mark: 40 marks
Q1: 8 marks
Q2: 10 marks
Q3: 22 marks
Q4: 0.1 marks
Question 1 (8 marks)
All code given below is free of compilation errors. Upon execution, statements S1 and S2 of the
main method can successfully create 2 objects which are referred by a and b respectively.
public class A
public void m1() {}
public class B extends A
public void m2() {}
public class Main
public static void main(String [] args)
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
One statement to be filled
Your task: Consider the following statements one by one. Which one(s) would cause
compilation error or runtime error if it is inserted into the blank as statement S3? Explain.
A ta = b;
B tb = a;
A ta = ((A)b);
B tb = ((B)a);
Question 2 (10 marks)
(7 marks)
(i) What are the outputs from statements I-V below?
public class A {
public int value=500;
public class B extends A {
public int value=300;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public int algorithm() {
return this.getValue()-this.value;
public int algorithm() {
return super.algorithm()*2;
public class Main {
public static void main(String [] args)
A x = new B();
System.out.println(x.value); //Statement I
System.out.println(((B)x).value); //Statement II
System.out.println(x.getValue()); //Statement III
System.out.println(((B)x).getValue()); //Statement IV
System.out.println(x.algorithm()); //Statement V
(ii) Using any statement from the above program as an example, explain how dynamic binding happens.
Note: marks will be - given based on how good you express.
deducted for any incorrect wording.
(3 marks)
Question 3 (22 marks)
Complete the following program by implementing the Product class and the Customer class.
Explanation and Requirements:
The program creates objects for customers and products (classes Customer, and Product).
A customer will buy a promoted product if he has not bought the product yet, and if he has enough money.
Each customer has an amount of money initially, and each product has a fixed price.
For simplicity, int is used to handle money amount and pricing.
You should use an Arraylist to keep the products which have been bought by a customer.
You should apply for-each loop whenever it is appropriate.
The main program and output are given below:
public class Main {
public static void main(String [] args)
Customer c1 = new Customer(200); //has $200
Customer c2 = new Customer(150); //has $150
Product p1 = new Product(80);
Product p2 = new Product(100);
//default price is $80
//default price is $100; //Output: OK. I buy the product. I have $120 left.; //Output: No. I have got one already.; //Output: OK. I buy the product. I have $20 left.; //Output: OK. I buy the product.; //Output: No. I am out of money.
I have $50 left.
OK. I buy the product.
I have $120 left.
No. I have got one already.
OK. I buy the product.
I have $20 left.
OK. I buy the product.
I have $50 left.
No. I am out of money.
Question 4 (+0.1 for Q4 (partial mark up to 0.05 may be given for partial correctness /
[Question is given in P.1 of the answer paper.]
improper style )
CS2312 Problem Solving and Programming [2014-15 Semester B]
Quiz 2 [Answer paper]
Student ID No: ______________ (Seat Number: ______)
Question 1 (8 marks)
Which statement(s) will cause compilation error? List and briefly explain:
Which statement(s) will cause runtime error? List and briefly explain:
[Q1-3 only] Drawing for extra bonus of up to 2 mark per question; applicable only if the total doesn't sum
up beyond half of the total mark of that question.
Student ID No: ______________ (Seat Number: ______)
Question 2 (10 marks)
(i) What are the outputs from statements I-V?
I: ________
V: ________
II: ________
III: ________
IV: ________
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
(ii) Using any statement from the above program as an example, explain how dynamic binding happens.
Note: marks will be - given based on how good you express.
deducted for any incorrect wording.
(3 marks)
[Q1-3 only] Drawing for extra bonus of up to 2 mark per question; applicable only if the total doesn't sum
up beyond half of the total mark of that question.
Question 3 (22 marks)
Implement the Product class below (8 marks)
Implement the Customer class on next page. (14 marks)
public class Product {
(8 marks)
[Q1-3 only] Drawing for extra bonus of up to 2 mark per question; applicable only if the total doesn't sum
up beyond half of the total mark of that question.
Student ID No: ______________ (Seat Number: ______)
(14 marks)
- You should use an Arraylist to keep
the products which have been bought
by the customer.
- You should apply for-each loop
whenever it is appropriate.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Customer {
-- end of paper --
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