Planning, Review and Budget Council September 24th, 2014

Planning, Review and Budget Council
September 24th, 2014
Attendees: Mike Sherburne, Kathy Kelley, Gordon Watt, Connie Willis, Heather Hernandez, Mireille
Giovanola, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Trish Shannon, Diane Zulliani, Wanda Wong, Jim Matthews, Carolyn
Arnold, Marcia Corcoran, Christine Warda, Stacy Thompson, Bob Buell, Carla Walker, Catherine Powell,
Jane Wolford, Bianca Bullock, Kathleen Allen, Rosafel Adriano, Matt Kritscher, Jeanne Wilson
Called to order at 3:05
Approval of Minutes
Move to approve with edits, by Jim Matthews and seconded by Kathy Kelley.
Committee Updates and Reports
Academic Senate: Academics senate is considering Prioritization and Shared
Governance. Three retreats will be held to review our Shared Governance process this
semester. Academic, Classified, and Student Senates will be invited along with PRBC,
College Council, and any interested parties. The dates are most likely October 17th,
October 31st, and November 14th. The president approves and is involved in the
Prioritization: Prioritization meets next on October 6 with plans to continue discussing
updates to forms, membership, its process, the length of presentations, and data
coherence. Matt, Stacy, and Kathy will be meeting to discuss Prioritization as well, as
charged by College Council.
Classified Prioritization will report to PRBC the next time it meets.
CoOL: CoOL met with the chair of the Curriculum Committee and set up a process for
reporting. They are working to streamline CoOL processes with Curricunet.
Budget: Budget sent instruction to the campus on how to request Instructional funds.
Connie reminds us to carefully read instructions as the funds can be used for items we
haven’t been able to previously purchase. Areas need to read the instructions, use the
forms, do their research, and follow the timeline. Connie answered questions:
Bones, chalk boards, and musical instruments qualify. Repairs to instruments do
not qualify.
Use the most current pricing available.
Shared Governance Website Updates: Rachael Tupper-Eoff has been approved to
support updating websites for shared governance committees. Chairs should email
Gordon to approve access to the websites. Chasity Whiteside has been approved to
support the SLOAC website.
Webmaster: The webmaster position has posted.
Program Review forms: Updates to the forms were discussed, including language
added around the Educational Master Plan. Sections related to the Educational Master
Plan were revised in include more explicit mention of the 6 year time frame. The line
“The drafters of the Educational Master Plan will be mining Program Review for
contributions to the plan” was added along with more explicit instructions in the
question section and the note that IR is available to contribute environmental scan data.
Deonne will send an email to the campus reminding them when program review is due
and noting the inclusion of the master plan.
Educational Master Plan: Kathy Kelley reports that her meeting with the firm hired to
write our next educational master plan want to be as collaborative as possible. They
asked to see is Program Preview. The plan will last six years.
The writers of the Educational Master plan asked to see our Programs Review forms.
They are currently reading our Environmental Scan. Part of their plan is to come to the
campus early on to talk with people
Shared Governance Retreats: All stake holders are invited. The first meeting on
October 10th will focus on examining our current documents and identifying issues that
need to be addressed. The second meeting one October 31st will focus on generating
potential ideas to address areas of concern. The third meeting on November 14th will
focus on production, including identifying what we can do now and what will need to be
addressed in the long term.
Student Life: The calendar is up in GroupWise. Bianca attempted to show us how to
access from our GroupWise account. A campus wide event, “Sex Signals” is coming as
well as a Town Hall meeting.
GroupWise: The migration to Outlook is schedule for January.
PRBC Strategic Plan Initiatives
PRBC Strategic Initiatives were discussed. Committee members read the current document,
making what had been accomplished, what was under development, and what should be
excised and/or revised. Notes under each category were recorded on the white board.
Accomplishments of note included Passion and Purpose, FYE pilots, mandatory matriculation,
addressing bottlenecks in basic skills offerings, and Habit of Mind. Projects to add included
Equity Plans, the Great Debate, Research Symposium, and the Law and Democracy series.
With Carolyn Arnold’s assistance, Deonne will revise the document using gathered feedback. It
was noted that updates would be relatively small and that a new document would be under
work in spring.
PRBC Calendar for the Year
Meeting dates for November were adjusted to accommodate the retreats and Thanksgiving,
with the plan to meet on the 5th and 12th.
Habit of Mind would like to present in November
Classified Prioritization will report on October 8th
Prioritization Criteria and Shared Governance Retreat Prep will take place on October 8th
Accreditation and Shared Governance should be early on the spring schedule
Revision of PR forms should take place February
PRBC Website Updates
Membership was revised
For the good of the order.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.