Chabot College Student Services Program Review Report

Chabot College
Student Services
Program Review Report
2016 -2017
Year in the Cycle: 3
Program: Student Services,
Office of the Vice President
Submitted on: October 26, 2015
Contact: Vice President of Student Services
Matt Kritscher, Ed.D.
Phone: 510.723.6744
FINAL 9/24/15
Table of Contents
___ Year 1
Section 1: Who We Are
Section 2: Where We Are Now
Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make
___ Year 2
Section 1: What Progress Have We Made?
Section 2: What Changes Do We Suggest?
___ Year 3
Section 1: What Have We Accomplished?
Section 2: What’s Next?
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History
B1: Student Learning Outcomes/Services Area Outcomes Assessment Schedule
C: Program Learning Outcomes
D: A Few Questions
E: New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects
E1: Equity and BSI Fund Requests
F1A: New Faculty Requests
F1B: Reassign Time Requests
F2A: Classified Staffing Requests
F2B: Student Assistant Requests
F4: Academic Learning Support Requests
F5: Supplies Requests
F6: Services/Contracts and Conference/Travel Requests
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests
F8: Facilities
Resource Request Spreadsheet Directions:
In addition to completing the narrative portion of program review, add all your requests to a single
Resource Request Spreadsheet:
a. Follow the link to the spreadsheet provided in Appendix F1A, save the spreadsheet where you
can continue to access it and add requested resources from each appendix to it as appropriate.
Once completed, submit to your Dean/Area Manager with this finalized Program Review
b. Requests should be made for augmented/ additional resources (more than what you are already
receiving). If you have questions about what constitutes an “additional/augmented” request,
please talk with your administrator who can tell you what maintenance resources you are
already receiving.
c. Prioritize your requests using the criteria on the spreadsheet. Your Administrator will compile a
master spreadsheet and prioritize for his or her entire area.
d. Submit resource requests on time so administrators can include requests in their prioritization
and discuss with their area at November division meetings.
1. Who We Are
Limit your narrative to no more than one page. Describe your unit--your mission, vision, responsibilities
and the goals of your area. How does your unit support other student services, administrative, and
academic units? What impact do you have on student learning? Describe the number and types of staff
in your office.
2. Where We Are Now
Complete Appendix A (Budget History) and Appendix B (Student Learning Outcomes/Service Area
Outcomes Inventory) prior to writing your narrative. Limit your narrative to no more than two pages.
As you enter a new Program Review cycle, reflect on your achievements over the last few years. What
did you want to accomplish? What are your Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Service Area
Outcomes (SAOs), and what progress have you made toward achieving them? Describe how changes in
resources provided to your office have impacted your achievements. What are you most proud of?
Discuss important trends that will have a significant impact on your unit over the next three years.
Those could include technology, facilities, equipment, and student demand. What opportunities and
challenges do your foresee in the next three years?
3. The Difference We Hope to Make
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your narrative.
Please complete Appendices E (New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects) and F1-2 and 5-8 (Resource
Requests) as relevant to your needs to support your narrative. Limit your narrative here to one page and
reference appendices where further detail can be found.
 What initiatives or projects are or could be underway to support student learning outcomes,
equity, and/or the College Strategic Plan Goal?
Resource Request Spreadsheet Directions:
In addition to completing the narrative portion of program review, add all your requests to a single
Resource Request Spreadsheet:
a. Follow the link to the spreadsheet provided in Appendix F1A, save the spreadsheet where you
can continue to access it and add requested resources from each appendix to it as appropriate.
Once completed, submit to your Dean/Area Manager with this finalized Program Review
b. Requests should be made for augmented/ additional resources (more than what you are already
receiving). If you have questions about what constitutes an “additional/augmented” request,
please talk with your administrator who can tell you what maintenance resources you are
already receiving.
c. Prioritize your requests using the criteria on the spreadsheet. Your Administrator will compile a
master spreadsheet and prioritize for his or her entire area.
d. Submit resource requests on time so administrators can include requests in their prioritization
and discuss with their area at November division meetings.
1. What Progress Have We Made?
Complete Appendices A (Budget History), B1, C (PLO's), and D (A few questions) prior to writing your
narrative. You should also review your most recent success, equity, course sequence, and enrollment
data at
In year one, you established goals and action plans for program improvement. This section asks you to
reflect on the progress you have made toward those goals. This analysis will be used to inform future
budget decisions. In your narrative of two or less pages, address the following questions:
 What were your previous Program Review goals?
 Did you achieve those goals? Specifically describe your progress on the goals you set for student
learning, program learning, and Strategic Plan achievement.
 What are you most proud of?
 What challenges did you face that may have prevented achieving your goals?
 Cite relevant data in your narrative (e.g., efficiency, persistence, success, FT/PT faculty ratios,
SAO/PLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.).
2. What Changes Do We Suggest?
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your narrative.
Please complete Appendices E (New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects) and F1-8 (Resources
Requested) to support your narrative. Limit your narrative here to one page and reference appendices
where further detail can be found.
 What initiatives or projects are or could be underway to support student learning outcomes,
equity, and/or the College Strategic Plan Goal?
Resource Request Spreadsheet Directions:
In addition to completing the narrative portion of program review, add all your requests to a single
Resource Request Spreadsheet:
a. Follow the link to the spreadsheet provided in Appendix F1A, save the spreadsheet where you
can continue to access it and add requested resources from each appendix to it as appropriate.
Once completed, submit to your Dean/Area Manager with this finalized Program Review
b. Requests should be made for augmented/ additional resources (more than what you are already
receiving). If you have questions about what constitutes an “additional/augmented” request,
please talk with your administrator who can tell you what maintenance resources you are
already receiving.
c. Prioritize your requests using the criteria on the spreadsheet. Your Administrator will compile a
master spreadsheet and prioritize for his or her entire area.
d. Submit resource requests on time so administrators can include requests in their prioritization
and discuss with their area at November division meetings.
1. What Have We Accomplished?
Complete Appendices A (Budget History), B1, C (PLO's), and D (A few questions) prior to writing your
narrative. You should also review your most recent success, equity, course sequence, and enrollment
data at
In year one, you established goals and action plans for program improvement. This section asks you to
reflect on the progress you have made toward those goals. This analysis will be used to assess progress
toward achievement of our Strategic Plan and to inform future budget decisions. In your narrative of
two or less pages, address the following questions:
 What program improvement goals did you establish?
1. Increase the visibility of the office’s responsibilities for Student Conduct and Due Process
a. Conduct training on responding to violations of Student Conduct
b. Provide brochures/information sheets on how to respond to various student
conduct issues
Increase capacity to plan, budget and organize implementation and evaluation of Student
Equity Initiatives
Collaborate with restored Webmaster position to modernize Student Services Websites for
increased usability and dynamic interactions with students and community members
Increase support for FYE program, linking SSSP and Equity funding initiatives to students in
pathway cohorts
Develop a new Director of Student Conduct position
Develop Student Equity Director’s Office to coordinate the college’s Equity Plan, the
initiatives that are comprised, evaluation plans and reports, and budget management. Hire
Director of Student Equity and Administrative Assistant.
Increase FTES enrollment through marketing and advertising the college’s programs &
Did you achieve the goals you established for the three years? Specifically describe your
progress on goals you set for student learning, program learning, equity, and Strategic Plan
1. Increase the visibility of the office’s responsibilities for Student Conduct and Due
Process Policies
a. Conduct training on responding to violations of Student Conduct – VPSS
conducted meeting item at the AHSS division meeting in Spring 2015 on
responding to student conduct violations. Still need to present to other divisions.
b. Provide brochures/information sheets on how to respond to various student
conduct issues - VPSS presented on College Day the Student Code of Conduct
Guidelines and Violations of Standards of Student Conduct report Form A in the
opening general session; Title IX information and reporting forms were provided
to each VP and Deans’ office and President’s office.
Increase capacity to plan, budget and organize implementation and evaluation of
Student Equity Initiatives – Held Student Equity Council Retreat in June 2015; Worked
with IR to present on data collection and analysis to Equity Council; Developed draft
Student Equity Director position description and received support from Equity Council
Collaborate with restored Webmaster position to modernize Student Services Websites
for increased usability and dynamic interactions with students and community members
– Spearheaded funding, job announcement posting, chairing screening/interviewing
committee and hire of new College Webmaster; Established working relationships to
empower Webmaster to begin immediate home page enhancements including:
marketing sliders, “What’s up @ Chabot” calendar of events, Student Services staterequired plans and documents, and complete Special Programs webpage re-design @
Increase support for FYE program, linking SSSP and Equity funding initiatives to students
in pathway cohorts – Supported FYE Coordination, Orientations, Follow-up Services
through SSSP funding and Summer Math Jam from Student Equity funding. Guided the
First Year Experience Program Coordinator in cohort management, program funding,
and infrastructure development (staffing, data collection, inter-department
coordination, etc.)
Develop a new Director of Student Conduct position – Received funds to pilot new
Ombudsperson or Conduct Officer position with Chancellor’s Innovation Funds FY 15-16
Develop Student Equity Office to coordinate the college’s Equity Plan, initiatives,
evaluation plans and budget. Hire Director of Student Equity and Administrative
Assistant. – Office space allocated in newly renovated Building 100 near Center for
Teaching and Learning, Institutional Research and Tutoring programs. Draft job
description for Student Equity Director drafted and sent through first round of SECC
review and feedback; draft description needs finalization and approval in FY 15-16 plan
Increase FTES enrollment through marketing and advertising the college’s programs &
services. Specifically, increase FTES enrollment for Spring, Summer and Fall 2015 by 2%
over 2014 through targeted marketing and advertising through high-impact, reasonable
cost mediums including TV/Radio, Print/Online Media, Direct Mail and targeted
outreach activities supported by quality brochures o Resources needed: Marketing assistance and strategic use of funds ($65,000) for
print media, mailing, and commercial advertising; College Webmaster – Attained
new College Webmaster, Wing Kam in April 2015. One time advertising funding
was received to from labor to services account of $100,000. Chabot TV
Commercial aired on CBS (KPIX) and KCBW. Postcard mailing project to 155,000
residents in service areas
 University (CAL, CSUEB, SDSU, SFSU, Cal Poly, SJSU) and local newsprint/online
 San Francisco Chronicle Feature Story Advertiser on City of Hayward
 Facebook Digital Ads
 Pandora Digital Ads
 Shopping Mall/Movie Theater advertising – See Office of Development
Other goals and coordination activities:
 Interfacing with District ITS on A&R and Financial Aid Student Administration
System/Banner upgrades that affect students pursuing certificates, degrees and/or
transfer admission – Coordinated about three meetings with key District ITS, college A&R
and Financial Aid Directors and staff to discuss changing federal regulations associated
with data reporting that affects Title IV eligibility.
 Assisting SSCC in expanding their capacity with appropriate staffing and advisor support
in addition to guidance around transportation initiative – Approved and prioritized an
Administrative Assistant I position for Student Life Office to assist in all administrative
details that include SSCC operations; Facilitated discussions about SSCC advising and
 Increasing student follow-up services to increase the number of students who apply for
certificates, degrees and transfer general education certification – Guided follow-up
interventions along with Transfer Degrees contributed to another significant increase in
associate degree completion from 839 in FY 13-14 to 847 in FY 14-15:
 Facilitating increased participation in African American Regional Education Alliance to
increase support for African American students attending college – Sponsored AAREA
Annual Student Awards event and included Chabot College students in the recognition
program for the first time. Hosted college resource fair for students and families
 Facilitating support for increasing Chicano/Latino population with addition of more bilingual staff and through supporting culturally-relevant activities in collaboration with
CLEA, Puente and HSI committee. Supported Title V grant development process, and will
support follow-up Title V grant application. – Supported Raza College Day events,
advised organizers on logistics and funding, granted sponsorship and welcomes;
developed list of Student Services Spanish speaking bi-lingual staff for increased access
coordination. Provided Puente Program Counselor Assistant position with SSSP funds.
Position posted October 2015.
 Leading the college in the Student Success and Support Program planning process
including collaborations with LPC and District Administration and integration with
Student Equity Plan development, implementation, and evaluation – meeting the
required activities but need to fill administrative positions in Student Success and
Support and Equity Programs.
What best practices have you developed? Those could include pedagogical methods, strategies
to address Basic Skills needs of our students, methods of working within your discipline, and
The Student Equity Coordinating Council (SECC) passed a resolution by consensus that initiative
proposals that demonstrated collaboration between student and academic services will be
prioritized over those that do not to leverage the connections needed to increase target
population initiative participation.
The Student Success and Support Program (SSSP), Student Services Advisory Group (SSAG)
and Student Equity Coordinating Council (SECC )notes, agendas and plans are posted on Student
Services website in the left hand margin links:
The Student Conduct and Due Process Policies and Procedures are posted on the Student Services
The SSSP Plan includes increased use of Multiple Measures for course placement
The new Veterans Resource Center (Opening late January 2016) will be a comprehensive,
integrated one-stop shop for current student veterans and prospective students including
embedded counseling, tutoring, computing, printing, copying resources, conferencing and
workshop space as well as partnerships with community based organizations and the Veterans
Affairs Administration
Are these best practices replicable in other disciplines or areas?
I think posting on the website the critical meeting and committee minutes is replicable using
content management system and the assistance of our great new Webmaster.
Partnerships between student, academic and administrative services help increase
communication and inter-area effectiveness
What were your greatest challenges?
Budget, staffing up, multiple new initiatives, new administrators, new faculty, purchasing, A/P,
hiring, transfers, accreditation self-evaluation report, increased accountability, time on district
committees as well as college meetings and committees
 Were there institutional barriers to success?
 There are always institutional barriers to success, but we still have to do the best we can each
and every day to do what we can to move things along as productively and solidly within our
domain of contribution and control.
 Cite relevant data in your narrative (e.g., efficiency, persistence, success, FT/PT faculty ratios,
SAO/PLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.).
2. What’s Next?
This section may serve as the foundation for your next Program Review cycle, and will inform the
development of future strategic initiatives for the college. In your narrative of one page or less, address
the following questions. Please complete Appendices E (New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects) and
F1-8 (Resources Requested) to support your narrative.
 What goals do you have for future program improvement?
o Fully developed Student Equity Director’s Office with Director and Admin. Assistant in
place in 100
o Fully established VRC in building 2300 opening Spring 2016 semester
o Develop plan for new Health Center location
o Pilot Student Conduct/Ombudsperson position
o Continue Marketing Consultancy and Advertising program funding with increased call to
action data collection for better metrics analysis and sources of information
 What ideas do you have to achieve those goals?
Complete position description, including in Student Equity Plan, post, screen and hire
positions (Director and Admin. Assistant)
o Implement VRC renovation schedule and staffing
o Present needs to Facilities Committee Health Center services
o Discuss position framework for Student Conduct Officer
o Work with new Director of Marketing, Public Relations at CLPCCD on increasing
consistency of branding and response feedback to target markets
What must change about the institution to enable you to make greater progress in improving
student learning and overall student success?
o Increased communication from Business and District Services on actionable documents;
increased awareness of student services facility needs including student health center
and DSPS testing space; increased capacity to understand complexity of sustainable
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years
and the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented
need can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the
budget decisions.
Classified Staffing (# of
$19,300 VPSS
General Fund of
which $16,000 is
$3,300 for
$100,000 of
which $50,000
went to SSA
classified; 4
admin. (3
Consultant +
$100,000 $50,000 for
One time funds
Innovation Funds for
2015-16 Budget
1 temporary
1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved student learning? Which
service or learning outcome were supported? Have the anticipated positive impacts been realized?
Enrollments have increased by about 2.2% over Fall 2014 semester. The summer sessions wisely
crafted by VPAS Thompson, generated the highest summer enrollment in years with two back to back
five week, plus an eight and six week sessions. The marketing on university newspapers, and online
digital media along with the summer open house series and mall advertising with Chabot student
profiles are contributed to increase FTES needed for increasing student learning and success in and
out of the classroom. The one-time monies received late last year, and now earlier this year are
making significant progress toward the achievement of district-wide enrollment goals and funding
SSSP and Student Equity funds are changing the landscape of the college and continue to be critical
resources for student access, equity and success institution wide.
2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has student
learning or service been impacted, or safety compromised, or enrollment or retention negatively
Not receiving the SSSP and SE funding allocations from the state until the end of this month has
delayed the required plan drafts. The district did set up initial allocations so that these two categorical
as well as several of the other categorical funds could operate programs. One time funds could have
been set up earlier in July, but are very welcome as we move into the fall term.
Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes and/or Service Area Outcomes
Assessment Reporting Schedule.
Service Area Outcomes:
How Measured
Documentation (Where can assessments be found?
Provide link if possible)
SLO #1:
Instructors will
know how to
report student
code of conduct
Survey of all
using Survey
Monkey in
Spring and Fall
Survey not yet
developed; did
however provide
college wide
update on
conduct reporting
on College Day
SAO #1:
The Student
Websites will
be updated to
reflect current
services and
processes for
etc. including
website design
including video
vignettes of
service areas
The Student
The student
Equity Plan is now
published on the
websites will be student services
based upon the website, along
most accurate
with SECC meeting
and updated
agendas, notes
and draft FY 15-16
plan; SSSP
meeting agendas
and notes are also
posted as well as
the Student
Services Advisory
Group (SSAG) on
the Student
Services website
SAO #2:
capacity to
plan, budget
and organize
and evaluation
of Student
Student Equity
Initiatives will
be budgeted,
and evaluated
in time for the
annual report
each May
Student Equity
Plan budgeted for
twelve initiatives,
most of which
implemented and
some collected
data for plan
SAO #3:
support for FYE
linking SSSP
and Equity
initiatives to
students in
FYE program
will have
coordinator and
coaches in
place by the
spring to
support the
over the
summer and
into the fall
As FYE enters its
the longer term
viability of this
pilot program will
rest on data
analysis that will
inform program
staffing and
funding support.
Chabot Class Schedule – Fall 2014, Spring
2015, Fall 2015 (page 4):
Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes
Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level
discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes. Note: If your area assesses
Service Area Outcomes rather than PLO’s, skip this section. Some areas may use both PLO’s
and SAO’s dependent upon the program.
Program: ______
PLO #1:
PLO #2:
PLO #3:
PLO #4:
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of
students completing your program?
Program: _____
 PLO #1:
PLO #2:
PLO #3:
PLO #4:
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of
students completing your program?
Appendix D: A Few Questions
Please answer the following question with "yes" or "no". For a "no" answer, please provide an
explanation. No explanation is required for "yes" answer. Write n/a if the question does not
apply to your area.
1. Have you developed and assessed PLOs for all of your programs? If no, identify programs which
still require this work, and your timeline to complete that work this semester.
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project)
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
A Veterans Resource Center addresses the college’s Strategic Plan goal of helping this special group
of about 400 students have a one-stop shop to meet their unique student support needs. It also
addresses the under-representation of student veterans on campus as a disproportionately
impacted group for access to the college.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Increase student veterans population by at least 4% by end of 2016-2017. Increase persistence and
course completion rates by 2%.
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
The service area outcome this project addresses is increasing support for veteran students beyond
the current veteran student services provided which is mostly packaging benefits and coordinating
special events and agency visits. This is a new center co-funded by the Kisco Foundation who is
granting $40,000 in FY 15-16, and possibly up to $100,000 in FY 16-17. The college needs to provide
a Veterans Program Coordinator (proposed through Student Equity funds), counselors (proposed
through SSSP funds) and Tutors who can be trained in the issues facing veteran students.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
January 25,
March 15,
April 2016
Activity (brief description)
Renovate old PATH Center
Hire Veterans Program Coordinator
Train Counselors, Peer Advisors and Tutors
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$200,000 small project
bond funds
$55,308 + benefits
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions 1
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Part-time Counselors through SSSP
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from):General Fund, SSSP, Student Equity, Kisco Foundation
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain: old PATH center currently under renovation
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain: variety of veterans related agencies and partners
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources: Kisco Foundation - $40,000 in FY 15-16; possibly
$100,000 in FY 16-17
Appendix E1: Equity and Basic Skills Initiative Fund Requests:
Project Name: Veterans Program Coordinator
Contact Name: Matt Kritscher
Division/Discipline/Program/Office: Student Services
Contact info: (email, campus phone, and cell phone) 510.723.6744
Check the student success indicator(s) your project will address
X ACCESS: Enroll more of a population group to match their representation in community.
__ COURSE COMPLETION: Increase success rates in identified courses.
Increase success rates in ESL or Basic Skills courses, and
Increase the completion of degree/transfer courses by ESL or Basic Skills students.
Increase percent of degrees/certificates among degree/certificate-seeking students.
Increase percent of transfers to 4-year colleges among transfer-directed students.
Check the type of project you are proposing
___ Curriculum/Program improvement X Outreach
X Direct student intervention
____ Instructional Support
___ Faculty development
____ Research and Evaluation
X Coordination and Planning
To determine whether your project can be funded by Equity funds:
1) Does your proposal address disproportionate impact for any of the following target student
populations marked with an “X”? Please highlight the “X” that corresponds with your target populations.
(Equity funds must address specific opportunity gaps identified below with an “X”)
Goal A:
Goal B:
/ Success
Goal C:
Foster Youth
Students with
Goal D2:
Goal E:
American Indian or
Alaska Native
Black or African
Hispanic or Latino
Hawaiian or Pacific
Goal D1:
In what ways does your project include collaboration between academic and student services and/or
with the community? (Equity proposals that partner to reach target populations are prioritized over
proposals that do not) The VRC project will embed tutors and counselors in the center, and provide
space for workshops conducted by counseling, library and discipline-based faculty on topic such as
Major Exploration, Transfer Degrees and Career-Technical Programs.
To determine how your project fits into your discipline’s or program’s planning:
1) Is your project mentioned in your area’s latest program review?
X Yes __ No
2) Does your immediate administrator support this project?
__ No X Yes
3) How have you shared this proposal with others in the relevant area, discipline, or division? When did
this conversation take place and who was involved? Yes, this proposal has been shared with the Student
Equity Coordinating Council, Student Services Administrators, Student Veterans Organization, Facilities
Committee and President’s Office.
What does your project hope to achieve overall?
Increase the equitable access of veteran students, increase in veteran student enrollment and student
Please provide data to support the need for your project and the solution you propose. and under “Student Equity”
Please list all the activities (A.1, A. 2, A.3, etc.) that you propose to do to reach your goal.
List activities by target date in chronological order.
Identify the responsible person/group for each activity, and who will be involved.
Activities include the facility renovation and furniture installation in preparation for a Grand Opening
scheduled for January 28, 2016 followed by hiring of Veterans Program Coordinator, identification of
counselors and tutors to work in the center, and mailing of postcard to service area communities to
publicize the new VRC.
Provide a budget that shows how the funds will be spent to support the activities.
Veterans Program Coordinator Salary and Benefits =
How will you know whether or not you have achieved your goal?
What measurable outcomes are you hoping to achieve for the student success indicator and target
population you chose?
How will you identify the students who are affected (are they part of a class, a program, or a service, or
will you need to track them individually)?
1. Increase in veteran student enrollment by 2% of total campus population by 12/31/16
1. Increase in veteran student benefits enrollment by 15% by 12/31/16
Appendix F1A: Full-Time Faculty Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]
Audience: Faculty Prioritization Committee and Administrators
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time faculty
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Cite evidence and data to support your request,
including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years, student
success and retention data, and any other pertinent information. Data is available at:
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. You can
find the template for the spreadsheet here: Add your requests to your
spreadsheet under the 1000a tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request
Spreadsheet (please check box to left)
Discipline ___________
Criteria 1.
Percent of full-time faculty in department.
Fall 2012 Spring 2013
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
# of Contract
Name of Recently Retired Faculty (in last 3 yrs)
Date Retired
Criteria 2.
Semester end departmental enrollment pattern for last three years.
Fall 2012
Fall 2013
Fall 2014
Success Rate:
Briefly describe how a new hire will impact your success/retention rates.
2b. Librarian and Counselor faculty ratio. Divide head count by the number of full
time faculty. For example, 8000 students divided by 3 full time faculty, 1:2666
Fall 2012
Criteria 3.
Spring 2013
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Meets established class size.
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Fall 2013 Spring 2014
If there are any external factors that limit class sizes, please explain.
Fall 2014
Criteria 4.
Current instructional gaps and program service needs. List the courses to fill
the gaps, if applicable.
Criteria 5.
Describe how courses and/or services in this discipline meet PRBC’s three
tier criteria. These include:
 Tier 1: outside mandates (e.g. to ensure the licensure of the program.)
 Tier 2: program health, (e.g. addresses gaps in faculty expertise and creates
pathways, alleviates bottlenecks, helps units where faculty have made large
commitments outside the classroom to develop/implement initiatives that
support the strategic plan goal, and helps move an already successful initiative
 Tier 3: Student need/equity, (e.g. addresses unmet needs as measured by
unmet/backlogged advising needs, bottlenecks in GE areas and basic skills,
impacted majors in which students cannot begin or continue their pathway.)
Criteria 6.
Upon justification the college may be granted a faculty position to start a new
program or to enhance an existing one.
Is this a new program or is it designed to enhance an existing program? Please
Criteria 7.
CTE Program Impact.
Criteria 8.
Degree/Transfer Impact (if applicable)
List the Certificates and/or AA degrees that your discipline/program offers.
Provide information about the number of degrees awarded in the last three years.
# Awarded
AA requirement
GE transfer requirement
Declared major
Criteria 9.
Describe how courses and/or services in this discipline impact other
disciplines and programs. Be brief and specific. Use your program review to
complete this section.
Criteria 10.
Additional justification e.g. availability of part time faculty (day/evening)
Please describe any additional criteria you wish to have considered in your
Appendix F1B: Reassign Time Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]
Audience: Administrators
Purpose: Provide explanation and justification for work to be completed. (Note: positions require job
responsibility descriptions that are approved by the appropriate administrator(s).)
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Cite evidence and data to support your request,
including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years, student
success and retention data, and any other pertinent information. Data is available at
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 1000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
Total number of hours requested and the type of contact hour:
Summary of hours requested completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet
(please check box to left)
Appendix F2A: Classified Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Classified Prioritization Committee
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and parttime regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement positions).
Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please complete a separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form for each position
requested and attach form(s) as an appendix to your Program Review.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet AND a
separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form must be completed for each position requested.
Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000a tab and check the box below once they’ve been
Please click here to find the link to the Classified Professional Staffing Request form:
This is a fillable PDF. Please save the form, fill it out, then save again and check the box below once you’ve
done so. Submit your Classified Professionals Staffing Request form(s) along with your Program Review
Narrative and Resource Request spreadsheet.
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form completed and attached to Program
Review for each position requested (please check box to left)
Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request
Spreadsheet (please check box to left)
Appendix F2B: Student Assistant Requests [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for student assistant positions. Remember, student
assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, and accreditation issues. Please
cite any evidence or data to support your request. If these positions are categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded positions where continuation is contingent upon
available funding.
Rationale for proposed student assistant positions:
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service
area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Summary of positions requested completed in Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check
box to left)
Appendix F4: Academic Learning Support Requests [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Learning Connection
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement student assistants (tutors, learning
assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.).
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student learning and
contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If this position
is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where
continuation is contingent upon available funding.
Rationale for your proposal based on your program review conclusions. Include anticipated impact on student
learning outcomes and alignment with the strategic plan goal. Indicate if this request is for the same, more, or
fewer academic learning support positions.
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area
outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000B tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request
Spreadsheet (please check box to left)
Appendix F5: Supplies Requests [Acct. Category 4000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of funds.
Instructions: In the area below, please list additional/augmented funding requests for categories 4000. Do NOT
include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix F6. Justify your request and explain in detail
the need for any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Request and Rationale:
Supplies for operations of VPSS Office including confidential Executive Assistant and VPSS
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area
outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Assessments of the high volume of activity for the office along with complexities associated with
Title 5 regulations, California Education Code of Law, Governmental Code and Board Policies and
Administrative Procedures require supplies for the office such as paper, toner, file folders, staples,
pens, computer supplies, etc.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 4000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
SUPPLIES tab (4000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please
check box to left)
Appendix F6: Contracts & Services, Conference & Travel Requests [Acct. Category
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for contracts & services and conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and
Staff Development Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list contracts and services. For conferences/training programs, including specific
information on the name of the conference and location. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
Rationale for Contracts and Services:
Marketing Consultancy is needed to maintain advertising and marketing services; Study USA for
International Student recruitment advertising; Title IX Consultant to comply with Federal Laws;
Rationale for Conferences and Travel:
VPSS is required to attend annual SSSP/Student Equity Conferences, and wise to attend CSSO regional
and state-wide meetings as well as ACCCA, CCLC and Student Success Conferences by the RP Group. VPSS
also attends AB86/AB104 state-wide Adult Education Consortium annual and regional conferences, and
trainings related to legal and policy implications for student grievance, conduct and expression issues.
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area
outcomes (SAO’s) support these requests?
Adherence to state and federal laws, Title 5 regulations, CA Ed. Code, Board Policies and Administrative
Procedures allow Student Services operations and the VPSS Office support and assessment of the SAO’s
and area improvement goals are central to consideration of these requests.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 5000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
TRAVEL/SERVICES tab (5000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet
(please check box to left)
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please follow the link here to make your request and summarize below
Summary of request and rationale:
Surface Pro 4 for VPSS and Executive Assistant
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your
requests to your spreadsheet under the 6000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added.
EQUIPMENT tab (6000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please
check box to left)
If you're requesting classroom technology, see for the brands/model numbers
that are our current standards.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Although some of the college's greatest needs involving new facilities cannot be met with the
limited amount of funding left from Measure B, smaller pressing needs can be addressed. Projects that can be
legally funded with bond dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, and equipping of classrooms,
labs, sites and facilities." In addition to approving the funding of projects, the FC participates in addressing
space needs on campus, catalogs repair concerns, and documents larger facilities needs that might be included
in future bond measures. Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests .If requesting more than one facilities
project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Health Center
Type of Request
___ Space Need
___ Small Repair
___ Large Repair
___ Building Concern
X Larger Facility Need
___ Other (grounds, signage…)
Description of the facility or grounds project. Please be as specific as possible.
Approximately 2,000 square feet of space with four offices/exam rooms, toilet/sink and reception area plus
waiting room and our outreach space
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this request support and with whom are you
With the Health Center staff and Stanford/Valley Care, Facilities Committee, Dean of Counseling, and College
President have all been working on ideas for a more permanent home for the Health Center that supports the
student body health needs for mandatory health services fee
Briefly describe how your request supports the Strategic Plan Goal?
Supports student health and wellness including health education, clinical services, mental health counseling.