ChabotCollege AcademicServices ProgramReviewReport 2016-2017 YearintheCycle:Year1 Program:Chemistry Submittedon10/26/15 Contact:WaynePitcher FINAL9/24/15 TableofContents _X_Year1 Section1:WhoWeAre Section2:WhereWeAreNow Section3:TheDifferenceWeHopetoMake ___Year2 Section1:WhatProgressHaveWeMade? Section2:WhatChangesDoWeSuggest? ___ Year 3 Section1:WhatHaveWeAccomplished? Section2:What’sNext? RequiredAppendices: A:BudgetHistory B1:CourseLearningOutcomesAssessmentSchedule B2:“ClosingtheLoop”AssessmentReflections C:ProgramLearningOutcomes D:AFewQuestions E:NewandOngoingInitiativesandProjects F1A:NewFacultyRequests F1B:ReassignTimeRequests F2A:ClassifiedStaffingRequests F2B:StudentAssistantRequests F3:FTEFRequests F4:AcademicLearningSupportRequests F5:SuppliesRequests F6:Services/ContractsandConference/TravelRequests F7:TechnologyandOtherEquipmentRequests F8:Facilities YEAR ONE ResourceRequestSpreadsheetDirections: Inadditiontocompletingthenarrativeportionofprogramreview,addallyourrequeststoasingle ResourceRequestSpreadsheet: a. FollowthelinktothespreadsheetprovidedinAppendixF1A,savethespreadsheetwhereyou cancontinuetoaccessitandaddrequestedresourcesfromeachappendixtoitasappropriate. Oncecompleted,submittoyourDean/AreaManagerwiththisfinalizedProgramReview Narrative. b. Requestsshouldbemadeforaugmented/additionalresources(morethanwhatyouarealready receiving).Ifyouhavequestionsaboutwhatconstitutesan“additional/augmented”request, pleasetalkwithyouradministratorwhocantellyouwhatmaintenanceresourcesyouare alreadyreceiving. c. Prioritizeyourrequestsusingthecriteriaonthespreadsheet.YourAdministratorwillcompilea masterspreadsheetandprioritizeforhisorherentirearea. d. Submitresourcerequestsontimesoadministratorscanincluderequestsintheirprioritization anddiscusswiththeirareaatNovemberdivisionmeetings. 1.WhoWeAre Limityournarrativetonomorethanonepage.Describeyourprogram--yourmission,vision, responsibilitiesandthegoalsofyourarea.Howdoesyourareasupportthecollege?Whatimpactdo youhaveonstudentlearning?Describethenumberandtypeoffacultyinyourarea. The Chemistry program at Chabot College prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions in a variety of majors. These include Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, and many others. It is also initial preparation for future careers in a variety of fields, including scientific research, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. Chemistry is a fundamental building block in the study of many sciences, so students pursing majors other than Chemistry will have to take Chemistry courses while at Chabot. Our mission is to educate students in the area of Chemistry. We aim to help students learn course-specific material and foster a deeper understanding of science in general and the world around us. This mission is reflected in our Program-level Learning Outcomes, particularly outcome #3: Recognize and appreciate the impact of the scientific principles of chemistry in dayto-day life. The Chemistry program aims to provide a quality, pertinent educational experience that will give students a firm foundation for later courses and success later in life. A major goal is to provide students with lab experiences that involve modern techniques and equipment commonly used in in research and industry, such as NMR, FTIR, chromatography, and mass spectrometry. Chemistry supports the college by providing instruction in the vital STEM discipline of Chemistry. Students from a variety of majors and educational goals need to take chemistry courses at Chabot, and we are here to help them do that. We have a positive effect on student learning, as can be seen by student success rates that are slightly higher than the campus averages. Also, our success rates increase as students go further along our course sequences. One interpretation of this is that our students are improving with each additional chemistry course they take at Chabot. 1 The full-time faculty have been at Chabot for between 10 and 40 years—experience that positively affects student learning. There are also currently ten part-time faculty approved to teach Chemistry at Chabot. The part-time faculty have between 1 and 25 years of experience teaching at Chabot. 2 2.WhereWeAreNow CompleteAppendicesA(BudgetHistory),B1,C(PLO's),andD(Afewquestions)priortowritingyour narrative.Youshouldalsoreviewyourmostrecentsuccess,equity,coursesequence,andenrollment dataat pages. AsyouenteranewProgramReviewcycle,reflectonyourachievementsoverthelastfewyears.What didyouwanttoaccomplish?WhatareyourStudentLearningOutcomes(SLOs)andServiceArea Outcomes(SAOs),andwhatprogresshaveyoumadetowardachievingthem?Whatareyoumostproud of? Reflectonyourcurriculumaswellasyoursuccess,retention,andenrollmentdata.Whattrendsdoyou observe?Doyouseedifferencesbasedongenderand/orethnicity?Betweenon-campusandonlineor hybridonlinecourses?Providecomparisonpoints(college-wideaverages,historywithinyourprogram, statewideaverages). Discussotherimportanttrendsthatwillhaveasignificantimpactonyourunitoverthenextthreeyears. Thosecouldincludetechnology,facilities,equipment,andstudentdemand. Describehowchangesinresourcesprovidedtoyourareahaveimpactedyourachievements.What opportunitiesandchallengesdoyourforeseeinthenextthreeyears? Over the last few years, Chemistry has been able to modernize our laboratory experiments and equipment. The faculty have also continued to provide excellent instruction. We are most proud of our students’ success after their time at Chabot, whether it is at a transfer institution or later in their careers. Our students have gone on to attain undergraduate degrees from a variety of institutions (UC’s, CSU’s, and even private schools). One former Chabot Chemistry student is currently pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at Caltech! The Chemistry SLOs are the following: 1. (Critical Thinking) Analyze experimental data and explain chemical processes at the molecular level. 2. (Communication) Communicate chemical concepts, understand definitions, and interpret experimental results. 3. (Development of the Whole Person) Recognize and appreciate the impact of the scientific principles of chemistry in day-to-day life. We are making good progress toward enabling our students to achieve these outcomes. Recently (last year) we adopted the SLO assessment method used by the Math sub-division. We have found that this method allows for more timely adjustments to pedagogy and greater potential for improved student learning. Please see the previously submitted (May 2015) report for details. As far as the Chemistry curriculum is concerned, our variety of courses has remained constant over the last few years. We offer courses in a STEM sequence (Introductory Chemistry (Chem 31), General Chemistry (Chem 1A and 1B), and Organic Chemistry (Chem 12A and 12B), an Allied Health sequence (Chem 30A and 30B), and General Education Chemistry (Chem 10, taught as a hybrid online course). The number of sections offered of each course has varied to meet student demand. For example, in Spring 2016 we are increasing the number of Chem 1A 3 sections and reducing the number of Chem 30B sections, all based on observed class sizes and fill rates. One course in the catalog that has not been taught recently is Quantative Analysis (Chem 5). We have not been able to offer Chem 5 for a number of years due to budget cuts. However, we plan to offer it in Summer or Fall 2016. This course is required for a number of transfer majors (e.g. Chemistry), so offering it at Chabot would benefit students in those majors. We also have not taught Chem 8, the Survey of Organic Chemistry course. Due to low demand we have not offered Chem 8 since Spring 2008. We do not have immediate plans to offer this course, so we have deactivated it. If demand for Chem 8 resurfaces, we will rewrite the course outline and revive the course. An additional course offering that Chemistry faculty participate in is STEM 1. Currently Laurie Dockter and Donna Gibson have taught portions of this course. Compared to Chabot College as a whole, Chemistry shows generally slightly higher student success rates. These data are summarized in the following table (note that percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding). Fall 2012-Spring 2015 data: Chemistry student success rates, % Success Non-success Withdrawal Overall 72 12 16 by Gender Men 70 14 17 Women 73 12 15 by Ethnicity African 62 17 21 American Asian 79 9 12 Filipino 68 14 18 Latino 67 14 18 Multiracial 65 15 21 Native 67* 25* 8* American Pacific 58 22 17 Islander White 78 9 13 *small sample size, data may not be representative Chabot student success rates, % Success Non-success Withdrawal 69 15 16 69 69 16 15 15 16 58 21 21 77 73 66 66 69 10 13 17 16 16 12 15 16 18 15 65 18 17 76 11 13 Differences in success rates between ethnic groups shows a similar trend in Chemistry as in the college as a whole. Thus any methods for addressing these differences at the college level should be applicable at the discipline level in Chemistry as well. Individual Chemistry courses show different success rates as well. These data are summarized in the following table. Fall 2012-Spring 2015 data: Chemistry Course Success Rate, % 1A 67 Non-success Rate, % 15 4 Withdrawal Rate, % 18 1B 10 12A 12B 30A 30B 31 75 73 79 84 74 76 68 12 15 12 6 11 10 16 34 12 9 10 15 15 16 The highest success rate can be found in Chem 12B (Organic Chemistry II), which is the terminal course for students transferring in Chemistry, Biological Sciences, or other preprofessional majors. This result is not surprising, as students will self-select for such an advanced course. Success rates in Chemistry courses have fluctuated some over the years. Recently (201314) we observed an increase in the persistence rates among Latino students throughout the STEM sequence. However, that trend has not continued over the last two years. In fact, there seems to be more year-to-year fluctuation in success rates than any noticeable long-term trend. This observation applies to all chemistry courses. The lack of a long-term trend and the year-to-year fluctuation in success rates is of great concern to us. We have had informal discussions, both amongst ourselves and with colleagues in other disciplines, about improving success rates among underrepresented groups. We feel more formalized discussions and planning to help these students will be beneficial. Donna Gibson has proposed a Faculty Inquiry Group to examine the obstacles to success for underrepresented groups in STEM. We hope this proposal will be approved and look forward to participating in it. Looking forward, we see only an increase in demand for STEM courses at Chabot College (and nationwide). The push for more STEM courses comes from the top—the very top; President Obama has repeatedly spoken about the need for more students to enter STEM disciplines. We agree with President Obama. The recent additions to our instructional equipment will enable us to better meet the needs of current students. Our additional equipment requests will further this ability to meet student needs. Like many STEM fields, modern Chemistry relies extensively on instrumentation. We introduce our students to as much modern chemistry instrumentation as possible at a community college. The recent purchase of an NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectrometer will enable students to gain valuable experience in an important experimental technique on a modern instrument. That students will be able to do so in a small class with significant instructor contact will help them going forward. Many students at fouryear institutions do not get the chance to take their own NMR spectra in lower division courses! 5 3.TheDifferenceWeHopetoMake ReviewtheStrategicPlangoalandkeystrategiesat PleasecompleteAppendicesE(NewandOngoingInitiativesandProjects)andF1-8(ResourceRequests) asrelevanttoyourneedstosupportyournarrative.Limityournarrativeheretoonepageandreference appendiceswherefurtherdetailcanbefound. • Overthenextthreeyears,whatimprovementswouldyouliketomaketoyourprogram(s)to supportstudentlearningoutcomes,equity,and/ortheCollegeStrategicPlanGoal? • Whatstepsdoyouplantotaketoachieveyourgoals?Describeyourtimeframe. • Wouldanyofyourgoalsrequirecollaborationwithotherdisciplinesorareasofthecollege? Howwillthatcollaborationoccur? • Whatsupportwillyouneedtoaccomplishyourgoals?(CompleteAppendicesandResource Requestspreadsheet.) Overthenextthreeyears,theChemistryprogramplanstodothefollowing: • WorkcloselywiththeMESAandSTEM/TRIOprogramstohelpimprovestudent successamongunderrepresentedgroups. • Continuetomodernizelaboratoryexperimentsandequipment. • Continuetoupdatelabmanuals. TheChemistryprogramalreadyhasanestablishedcurriculum.Itisthroughthemodernization ofourlabsthatthiscurriculumcanbebestimplemented.Wecanalsobestservetheneedsof ourstudentsbyworkingwithotherprograms(suchasMESA).Weplanoncontinuingthiswork overthenextthreeyears. 6 AppendixA:BudgetHistoryandImpact Audience:BudgetCommittee,PRBC,andAdministrators Purpose:Thisanalysisdescribesyourhistoryofbudgetrequestsfromtheprevioustwoyearsand theimpactsoffundsreceivedandneedsthatwerenotmet.Thishistoryofdocumentedneed canbothsupportyournarrativeinSectionAandprovideadditionalinformationforBudget Committeerecommendations. Instructions:Pleaseprovidetherequestedinformation,andfullyexplaintheimpactofthebudget decisions. Category ClassifiedStaffing(#ofpositions) Supplies&Services Technology/Equipment Other TOTAL 2014-15 2014-15 2015-16 2015-16 Budget Budget Budget Budget Requested Received Requested Received 0 0 0 0 $19,416 $19,416 $29,000 $22,541 $97,200 $26,000 $121,765 $115,565* $126,200 $45,416 $150,765 $138,106* *includingspecialinstructionalequipmentfunds 1. Howhasyourinvestmentofthebudgetmoniesyoudidreceiveimprovedstudentlearning?When yourequestedthefunding,youprovidedarationale.Inthissection,assessiftheanticipated positiveimpactsyouprojectedhave,infact,beenrealized. Yes,thebudgetmonieswereceivedhaveallowedforthepurchaseofequipmentandsuppliesthathave improvedthelaboratoryportionsofourcourses.Thishasimprovedstudentlearning. 2. Whathasbeentheimpactofnotreceivingsomeofyourrequestedfunding?Howhasstudent learningbeenimpacted,orsafetycompromised,orenrollmentorretentionnegativelyimpacted? Bynotreceivingsomeofourrequestedfunding,wehavehadto“makedo”withinefficientlaboratory set-ups.Thishasresultedinlabstakinglongerornotworkingproperly.Also,nothavingup-to-date equipmentmeansstudentsarenotexposedtomodernchemicalinstrumentationandmaybeata disadvantagelaterintheiracademiccareer.Alloftheseresultshaveanegativeeffectonstudent learning. 7 AppendixB1:StudentLearningOutcomesAssessmentReportingSchedule I. Course-LevelStudentLearningOutcomes&AssessmentReporting (CLO-ClosingtheLoop). A. CheckOneoftheFollowing:PleaseseeSLOreportsubmittedMay2015. ü NoCLO-CTLformswerecompletedduringthisPRyear.NoAppendixB2needstobe submittedwiththisYear’sProgramReview.Note:Allcoursesmustbeassessedonce atleastonceeverythreeyears. Yes,CLO-CTLwerecompletedforoneormorecoursesduringthecurrentYear’s ProgramReview.CompleteAppendixB2(CLO-CTLForm)foreachcourseassessed thisyearandincludeinthisProgramReview. B. CalendarInstructions: ListallcoursesconsideredinthisprogramreviewandindicatewhichyeareachcourseClosing TheLoopformwassubmittedinProgramReviewbymarkingsubmittedinthecorrectcolumn. Course *Listonecourseperline. Addmorerowsas needed. Chem1A Chem1B Chem12A SubmittedMay2015 2-YearsPrior *Note:Thesecourses mustbeassessedinthe nextPRyear. SubmittedMay2015 SubmittedMay2015 Chem12B SubmittedMay2015 Chem10 SubmittedMay2015 Chem31 SubmittedMay2015 Chem30A SubmittedMay2015 Chem30B SubmittedMay2015 ThisYear’sProgram Review *CTLformsmustbe includedwiththisPR. 8 LastYear’sProgram Review AppendixD:AFewQuestions Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestionswith"yes"or"no".Foranyquestionsanswered"no", pleaseprovideanexplanation.Noexplanationisrequiredfor"yes"answers.Writen/aifthe questiondoesnotapplytoyourarea. 1. Haveallofyourcourseoutlinesbeenupdatedwithinthepastfiveyears?Yes. 2. Haveyoudeactivatedallinactivecourses?(coursesthathaven’tbeentaughtinfiveyearsor won’tbetaughtinthreeyearsshouldbedeactivated)Yes. 3. Haveallofyourcoursesbeenofferedwithinthepastfiveyears?Ifno,whyshouldthose coursesremaininourcollegecatalog? No. We are planning on offering Chem 5 in Summer and/or Fall 2016. It is a course that a number of transfer majors would benefit from taking at Chabot. 4. DoallofyourcourseshavetherequirednumberofCLOscompleted,withcorresponding rubrics?Ifno,identifytheCLOworkyoustillneedtocomplete,andyourtimelinefor completingthatworkthissemesterYes. 5. Haveyouassessedallofyourcoursesandcompleted"closingtheloop"formsforallofyour courseswithinthepastthreeyears?Ifno,identifywhichcoursesstillrequirethiswork,and yourtimelineforcompletingthatworkthissemester.Yes. 6. HaveyoudevelopedandassessedPLOsforallofyourprograms?Ifno,identifyprogramswhich stillrequirethiswork,andyourtimelinetocompletethatworkthissemester.Yes. 7. Ifyouhavecoursesequences,issuccessinthefirstcourseagoodpredictorofsuccessinthe subsequentcourse(s)?Yes. 8. DoessuccessfulcompletionofCollege-levelMathand/orEnglishcorrelatepositivelywith successinyourcourses?Ifnot,explainwhyyouthinkthismaybe.Yes. 9 AppendixF1A:Full-TimeFacultyRequest(s)[Acct.Category1000] Audience:FacultyPrioritizationCommitteeandAdministrators Purpose:Providingexplanationandjustificationfornewandreplacementpositionsforfull-timefaculty Instructions:Pleasejustifytheneedforyourrequest.Discussanticipatedimprovementsinstudent learningandcontributiontotheStrategicPlangoal.Citeevidenceanddatatosupportyourrequest, includingenrollmentmanagementdata(EMSummarybyTerm)forthemostrecentthreeyears,student successandretentiondata,andanyotherpertinentinformation.Dataisavailableat: Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet.Youcan findthetemplateforthespreadsheethere: spreadsheetunderthe1000atabandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeenadded. Totalnumberofpositionsrequested(pleasefillinnumberofpositionsrequested): X 2 SummaryofpositionsrequestedcompletedinProgramReviewResourceRequest Spreadsheet(pleasecheckboxtoleft) CHABOT COLLEGE CRITERIA FOR FILLING CURRENT VACANCIES OR REQUESTING NEW FACULTY POSITIONS Discipline __Chemistry_________ Criteria 1. Percent of full-time faculty in department. Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 FTEF (Contract) 6.35 4.55 5.45 5.65 5.45 4.55 FTEF (Temporary) 3.88 5.68 5.30 4.40 5.50 5.50 # of Contract Faculty 6 6 6 6 6 6 Name of Recently Retired Faculty (in last 3 yrs) none 10 Date Retired Criteria 2. Semester end departmental enrollment pattern for last three years. Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 75% 72% 67% 73% 70% 68% 155.52 159.75 167.00 156.80 163.90 150.60 Success Rate: FTES: Briefly describe how a new hire will impact your success/retention rates. Hiring new full-time Chemistry instructors will positively affect our success and retention rates. All full-time Chemistry faculty have taught most of the courses in our curriculum at one point or another. This familiarity enables full-time faculty to provide more targeted instruction to better prepare students for courses later in the course sequence. This will improve both our success and retention rates. 2b. Librarian and Counselor faculty ratio. Divide head count by the number of full time faculty. For example, 8000 students divided by 3 full time faculty, 1:2666 Fall 2012 Criteria 3. Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Meets established class size. WSCH Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 4794 4889 5121 4758 5001 4581 159.75 30.60 167.00 30.66 156.80 30.34 163.90 30.51 150.60 30.42 FTES: 155.52 WSCH/FTES 30.83 If there are any external factors that limit class sizes, please explain. Laboratory sections are limited by the physical space available in the labs. Lab section size is set to 24 or fewer. No more than 28 students can work safely in a given lab room. Criteria 4. Current instructional gaps and program service needs. List the courses to fill the gaps, if applicable. 11 Criteria 5. Describe how courses and/or services in this discipline meet PRBC’s three tier criteria. These include: • Tier 1: outside mandates (e.g. to ensure the licensure of the program.) • Tier 2: program health, (e.g. addresses gaps in faculty expertise and creates pathways, alleviates bottlenecks, helps units where faculty have made large commitments outside the classroom to develop/implement initiatives that support the strategic plan goal, and helps move an already successful initiative forward. • Tier 3: Student need/equity, (e.g. addresses unmet needs as measured by unmet/backlogged advising needs, bottlenecks in GE areas and basic skills, impacted majors in which students cannot begin or continue their pathway.) Tier 1: The American Chemical Society states in their ACS Guidelines for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs: “Full-time, permanent faculty should be sufficient in number to teach the full range of courses on a regular basis, with the number of credit hours taught by permanent faculty exceeding 75% of the total chemistry offerings.” By this criterion, Chemistry needs additional full-time faculty to bring our percentage of courses taught by full-time faculty up to standard. The last time Chemistry had 75% of sections taught by full-time faculty was Fall 2006. Tier 2: Recently Chemistry has had some difficulty staffing all sections of our courses. In Spring 2015 an unstaffed course was staffed at the last minute by a new part-time instructor—the class actually had to start a week late due to the time involved in processing his hire. In Fall 2015 the same class was only staffed when a full-time instructor was able to teach overload. Furthermore, with Donna Gibson taking on the role of MESA/STEM TRIO Coordinator for the next 3-5 years, Chemistry needs at least a leave replacement position. The American Chemical Society also reports that the national average for sections taught by Full-time faculty is approximately 67%. By this measure, Chemistry at Chabot has been under the national average for the last three years. Tier 3: Additional full-time faculty would enable Chemistry to offer additional sections of impacted/high-demand courses such as Chem 1A. This would enable students to complete the Chemistry STEM sequence in a more timely manner. Criteria 6. Upon justification the college may be granted a faculty position to start a new program or to enhance an existing one. 12 Is this a new program or is it designed to enhance an existing program? Please explain. The requested faculty positions will allow for increased course offerings to better meet student need. Criteria 7. CTE Program Impact. none Criteria 8. Degree/Transfer Impact (if applicable) List the Certificates and/or AA degrees that your discipline/program offers. Provide information about the number of degrees awarded in the last three years. Degree/Certificate # Awarded AS degree 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 4 6 11 78 93 92 GE transfer requirement Declared major Criteria 9. Describe how courses and/or services in this discipline impact other disciplines and programs. Be brief and specific. Use your program review to complete this section. Chemistry courses are taken by students in a variety of majors. In the STEM pathway, students majoring in chemistry, biology, or chemical engineering, as well as students preparing for medical, veterinary, dental, or pharmacy school, have to take the full chemistry course sequence. Other engineering majors must take general chemistry. In the Allied Health pathway, pre-nursing and predental hygiene students take chemistry courses. Lastly, Chem 10 is taken by non-science majors as a general education science course. Criteria 10. Additional justification e.g. availability of part time faculty (day/evening) Please describe any additional criteria you wish to have considered in your request. Again, recently Chemistry has had some difficulty staffing all sections of our courses. In Spring 2015 an unstaffed course was staffed at the last minute by a new part-time instructor—the class actually had to start a week late due to the time involved in processing his hire. In Fall 2015 the same class was only staffed when a full-time instructor was able to teach overload. For Spring 2016 we currently have a class that is unstaffed and do not have enough faculty (full- or part-time) to staff it. The new faculty positions would alleviate this problem. 13 AppendixF1B:ReassignTimeRequest(s)[Acct.Category1000] Audience:Administrators Purpose:Provideexplanationandjustificationforworktobecompleted.(Note:positionsrequirejob responsibilitydescriptionsthatareapprovedbytheappropriateadministrator(s).) Instructions:Pleasejustifytheneedforyourrequest.Discussanticipatedimprovementsinstudent learningandcontributiontotheStrategicPlangoal.Citeevidenceanddatatosupportyourrequest, includingenrollmentmanagementdata(EMSummarybyTerm)forthemostrecentthreeyears, studentsuccessandretentiondata,andanyotherpertinentinformation.Dataisavailableat Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet.Add yourrequeststoyourspreadsheetunderthe1000btabandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeen added. Totalnumberofhoursrequestedandthetypeofcontacthour: X SummaryofhoursrequestedcompletedinProgramReviewResourceRequestSpreadsheet (pleasecheckboxtoleft) 14 4CAHpersemester AppendixF2A:ClassifiedStaffingRequest(s)[Acct.Category2000] Audience:Administrators,PRBC,ClassifiedPrioritizationCommittee Purpose:Providingexplanationandjustificationfornewandreplacementpositionsforfull-timeand part-timeregular(permanent)classifiedprofessionalpositions(new,augmentedandreplacement positions).Remember,studentassistantsarenottoreplaceClassifiedProfessionalstaff. Instructions:PleasecompleteaseparateClassifiedProfessionalsStaffingRequestformforeachposition requestedandattachform(s)asanappendixtoyourProgramReview. Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheetANDa separateClassifiedProfessionalsStaffingRequestformmustbecompletedforeachpositionrequested. Addyourrequeststoyourspreadsheetunderthe2000atabandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’ve beenadded. PleaseclickheretofindthelinktotheClassifiedProfessionalStaffingRequestform: ThisisafillablePDF.Pleasesavetheform,fillitout,thensaveagainandchecktheboxbelowonce you’vedoneso.SubmityourClassifiedProfessionalsStaffingRequestform(s)alongwithyourProgram ReviewNarrativeandResourceRequestspreadsheet. Totalnumberofpositionsrequested(pleasefillinnumberofpositionsrequested): X X 5 SeparateClassifiedProfessionalsStaffingRequestformcompletedandattachedtoProgram Reviewforeachpositionrequested(pleasecheckboxtoleft) SummaryofpositionsrequestedcompletedinProgramReviewResourceRequest Spreadsheet(pleasecheckboxtoleft) 15 AppendixF2B:StudentAssistantRequests[Acct.Category2000] Audience:Administrators,PRBC Purpose:Providingexplanationandjustificationforstudentassistantpositions.Remember,student assistantsarenottoreplaceClassifiedProfessionalstaff. Instructions:Pleasejustifytheneedforyourrequest.Discussanticipatedimprovementsinstudent learningandcontributiontotheStrategicPlangoal,safety,mandates,andaccreditationissues.Please citeanyevidenceordatatosupportyourrequest.Ifthesepositionsarecategoricallyfunded,include anddesignatethefundingsourceofnewcategorically-fundedpositionswherecontinuationis contingentuponavailablefunding. Rationaleforproposedstudentassistantpositions: TwoStudentAssistantsareneededforbasicoperationofteachinglabs(set-upandtake-downoflabs). Howdotheassessmentsthatyoupreformedtomeasurestudentlearningoutcomes(SLO’s)orservice areaoutcomes(SAO’s)supportthisrequest? Thesmoothoperationofteachinglabsisessentiallyforstudentsuccessbyanymeasure,especially SLOs. Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet.Add yourrequeststoyourspreadsheetunderthe2000btabandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeen added. Totalnumberofpositionsrequested(pleasefillinnumberofpositions requested): SummaryofpositionsrequestedcompletedinResourceRequestSpreadsheet(pleasecheck boxtoleft) 16 2 AppendixF5:SuppliesRequests[Acct.Category4000] Audience:Administrators,BudgetCommittee,PRBC Purpose:Torequestfundingforsuppliesandservice,andtoguidetheBudgetCommitteeinallocation offunds. Instructions:Intheareabelow,pleaselistbothyouranticipatedbudgetsandadditionalfunding requestsforcategories4000.DoNOTincludeconferencesandtravel,whicharesubmittedonAppendix F6.Justifyyourrequestandexplainindetailtheneedforanyrequestedfundsbeyondthoseyou receivedthisyear.Pleasealsolookforopportunitiestoreducespending,asfundsarelimited. Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet. Followthelinkbelowandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeenadded. X SUPPLIEStab(4000)completedinProgramReviewResourceRequestSpreadsheet(please checkboxtoleft) Howdotheassessmentsthatyoupreformedtomeasurestudentlearningoutcomes(SLO’s)orservice areaoutcomes(SAO’s)supportthisrequest? Our requested increase in supplies budget requested due to increased supplies cost and increased number of sections taught. The lab portions of chemistry courses are integral to our helping students achieve the SLOs. 17 AppendixF6:Contracts&Services,Conference&TravelRequests[Acct. Category5000] Audience:StaffDevelopmentCommittee,Administrators,BudgetCommittee,PRBC Purpose:Torequestfundingforcontracts&servicesandconferenceattendance,andtoguidethe BudgetandStaffDevelopmentCommitteesinallocationoffunds. Instructions:Pleaselistspecificconferences/trainingprograms,includingspecificinformationonthe nameoftheconferenceandlocation.Yourrationaleshoulddiscussstudentlearninggoalsand/or connectiontotheStrategicPlangoal. Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet. Followthelinkbelowandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeenadded. 1. 2. There should be a separate line item for each contract or service. Travel costs should be broken out and then totaled (e.g., airfare, mileage, hotel, etc.) X TRAVEL/SERVICEStab(5000)completedinProgramReviewResourceRequestSpreadsheet (pleasecheckboxtoleft) Rationale: The requested service contract are needed to maintain expensive lab equipment in working order for normal operation of teaching labs. Howdotheassessmentsthatyouperformedtomeasurestudentlearningoutcomes(SLO’s)orservice areaoutcomes(SAO’s)supportthisrequest? The requested service contract are needed to maintain lab equipment in working order for normal operation of teaching labs. The lab portions of chemistry courses are integral to our helping students achieve the SLOs and PLOs. 18 AppendixF7:TechnologyandOtherEquipmentRequests[Acct.Category6000] Audience:BudgetCommittee,TechnologyCommittee,Administrators Purpose:TobereadandrespondedtobyBudgetCommitteeandtoinformprioritiesoftheTechnology Committee. Instructions:Pleasefillinthefollowingasneededtojustifyyourrequests.Ifyou'rerequesting classroomtechnology,see numbersthatareourcurrentstandards.Ifrequestingmultiplepiecesofequipment,pleaserankorder thoserequests.Includeshippingcostandtaxesinyourrequest. Spreadsheet:Tobeconsidered,requestsmustbeaddedtotheResourceRequestSpreadsheet. Followthelinkbelowandchecktheboxbelowoncethey’vebeenadded. X EQUIPMENTtab(6000)completedinProgramReviewResourceRequestSpreadsheet(please checkboxtoleft) Pleasefollowthelinkheretomakeyourrequestandsummarizebelow 19