Chabot College Administrative Services Program Review Report 2016 -2017 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Laboratory School and Children’s Center Year 2 of Program Review Cycle Submitted on Oct 29, 2015 Contact: Vanessa Cormier 510-723-7483 Table of Contents ___ Year 1 Section 1: Where We’ve Been Section 2: Where We Are Now Section 3: The Difference We Hope to Make ___ Year 2 Section A: What Progress Have We Made? Section B: What Changes Do We Suggest? ___ Year 3 Section A: What Have We Accomplished? Section B: What’s Next? Required Appendices: A: Budget History B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections C: Program Learning Outcomes D: A Few Questions E: New Initiatives F1: New Faculty Requests F2: Classified Staffing Requests F3: FTEF Requests F4: Academic Learning Support Requests F5: Supplies and Services Requests F6: Conference/Travel Requests F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests F8: Facilities A. What Progress Have We Made? We launched an awareness campaign. This was accomplished by consistently and continuously providing board presentations, speaking at campus wide meetings and talking amongst colleagues. Over the years, the Center has been viewed as a service program and not as an essential support for the ECD discipline. Most College, District and Board personnel are now aware that the Children’s Center Laboratory School: is an integral component of the Chabot’s Early Childhood Development certificate and degree programs. provides a laboratory for ECD practicum (over 150 annually) and observation (over 200 annually) students. is a Career Technical Education (CTE) program. is an academic program while simultaneously providing a student service. continues to rank as one of the top 10 disciplines awarding certificates AND degrees at Chabot College (over the last 10 years). manages three grants that provide more than $700,000 in program funding to the college each year. (1) Our main-year one Program Review goal was to avoid closure and to educate the college/ district constituency and survive the call for closure. Several times during the last 3 years the Center’s viability has been questioned and relevance doubted. The challenge was to provide an atmosphere for student-teachers, which include coaching and mentoring support with minimum funding. Funding has been challenging – some positions were eliminated, some reduced. Did we achieve the goal? Yes, we’re still open and we are grateful that those who were in a position to affect change listened. Yes, we reduced funding to a bare minimum and we were still able to provide services to ECD Students. Although proud of survival, the students did not receive the practicum support they deserved, staff is drained and administration exhausted. (2) The Center’s subsequent goal was to restore personnel positions (clerical support, Assistant Director, and the Teacher Assistant), reconstitute the evening program, and reopen the Two’s preschool classroom. We continue to have the nagging debate of needing Teacher Assistants and only being authorized to hire Specialists. We have received approval for restoration of the clerical support position (Staff Assistant, Range 31), prior to the classified prioritization process. We have yet to hire. Unfortunately we have not made progress towards restoring other personnel positions, reconstituting the evening program and reopening at least one classroom (preferably two’s). In spite of enormous adversity the Center Lab School continues to provide the practicum environment that allows students to: reach their career technical education goals, satisfy external career demands-ECD permits (CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing certification) attain College certificates and degrees (ECD discipline is #7 in Degrees/#1 in Certificates over the last 10 years). provide practicum support for other discipline’s approved curriculum, e.g., Nursing, Dental, Service Learning. I’m not sure if our program has been validated but I feel comfortable no one believes closure is justified. Most in the District now realize the Children’s Center Laboratory School should not have been subjected to possible closure and should be supported. Most also agree we not only need support, we deserve support. B. What Changes Do We Suggest? (1) Restore funding to Center Adequately fund the program so the Center can be staffed appropriately. Adequate is enough personnel to allow for the staff to take breaks and have lunch at predictable and reasonable times. This does not occur, it can’t. Additionally, scheduling for medical appointments, vacations and providing support on the occasional sick day is currently a nightmare. Immediately restore Staff Assistant (1.0 FTE), family resource coordinator and four on-call Assistant Teachers (2.0 FTE). (2) Review/reconfigure lab school structure and staffing Continue to review current lab school structure to ensure it efficiently supports student’s ECD program needs. Staff and faculty have consistently disagreed on how the center should be managed/operated and who has authority to do what. Current and impending retirements have created a window of opportunity to reinvent our program support structure. There are some procedures which support theory that cannot be changed. We now however have an opportunity to review our theory to practice model and make relevant changes. We must continue coordinating with ECD Faculty and management on the following processes: Review/combine overlapping roles of classified staff and faculty Review current program obligations and associated funding streams Compare/contrast pros and cons of Head Start continuance Maximize state funding Review feasibility of creating opportunities for more full tuition parents Increase educational levels of ECD specialists to coincide with upgrade Head Start and State requirements. Expand Course offerings to include Student-Parent classes (credit/non-credit) (3) Reconstitute the evening program which will remove the barrier of working students being able to complete the practicum in the lab and thus obtain associate’s degree program. Three ECD degrees and two certificate programs require completion of the practicum in the lab. (4) Build pathway to support new/continuing student-parents. Develop the following new ideas to improve/enhance student learning: Create a Student Parent College program to ensure students not only understand their college program but are aware of the educational needs of their children. This could be accomplished using credit, non-credit, and community education offerings. Create more classes to support student-parents. Creating courses and offering classes for parents demonstrates that Chabot realizes the family/children are valuable and the task of raising children is important enough for formalized education. Create and pilot 4 ½ credit classes that support parent’s understanding of their child’s educational journey. Pilot classes for two years, review and determine long term viability. ECD department already has a successful liaison and has developed a contextualized course with ESL – this would be expanded and piloted. ECD Classes would continue to be collaborated with ESL. Additional coursework would be developed with English, Math and Student Services. Specific measurable goals: Pilot the program with Center and CalWORKs parents. (2015-17) Institutionalize program for any student on campus. (Fall 2017) Review course for elective use. (Spring 2018) Create Parents as Successful Students (PASS) certificate program, parents would ultimately be able to earn a 6 and/or 12 unit certificate. (Fall 2018) (5) Utilize current Professional Development Coordinator (PDC)* to continue to support Counseling Division in pre-advising role for all ECD Students**. Additionally, utilize PDC to provide/support above transitional programs. *PDC position was granted funding for 12 years; grant ends June 30, 2016. **PDC position currently recruits ECD students (on/off campus), supports enrollment activities, maintains two ECD cohorts, coordinates with English/ESL departments for contextualized courses, provides discipline specific advising and documentation for SEPs and advising on matriculation. (6) Change name of Chabot College Children’s Center What’s in a name? Plenty. We have come to realize that outside of the Early Childhood Community most (on/off campus) believed the only purpose of the building and those in it was to take care of children. Recommended name: Chabot Early Childhood Development Laboratory School (7)Change official title of Chabot College Children’s Center Manager ECD Laboratory School primarily serves students. The title should reflect our primary purpose. Recommended names: Director, Early Childhood Development Laboratory School; Director, Parent Education and Early Childhood Laboratory Appendix A: Budget History and Impact Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget Committee recommendations. Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget decisions. Category Classified Staffing – 4 positions Supplies & Services Technology/Equipment Other TOTAL 2015-16 Budget Requested $250,000 0 0 2015-16 Budget Received 0 0 0 2016-17 Budget Requested $315,000 $40,000 $2,500 $250,000 0 315,500 2016-17 Budget Received 1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved your service area outcomes? When you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the anticipated positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized. Did not receive any funds. 2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How have your service area outcomes or student learning outcomes been impacted, or safety compromised, or enrollment or retention negatively impacted? 1. Ability to serve students, children and parents have been effected. Without adequate staffing (enough staff to provide students with the ability to observe and interact with children from two age groups). Currently students only observe and interact with children ages 3-5; students need the opportunity to work with toddlers/two’s. Currently we do not have a toddler/two’s classroom open. Additional staffing is required. 2. Reduced funding has led to a delay in some services being offered to students. Students sometimes have to wait for coaching/mentoring because staff are out on appointments, vacations, and out sick. 3. Additional staffing is required to provide breaks and lunch at regular intervals. If a staff member calls in sick, the daily routine is adversely affected. Appendix B: Service Area Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Note: If your area provides a service to students, Service Areas Outcomes need to be written and assessed. Example: “The Learning Connection will maintain a supportive environment that enhances student learning.” OR “The Learning Connection will provide efficient front desk support to a diverse student body.” OR “The Learning Connection will provide effective academic support to students with diverse learning needs.” Please consider your primary role or function in relation to serving the campus. If your area does not interact with students directly, please consider writing Service Area and/or Program Area Outcomes. Service Area Outcomes: Audience: ECD Faculty/Staff Purpose: Collaboration/coordination with ECD Faculty to achieve NAEYC Accreditation Instructions: PLO/SAO SAO #1: Regular Collaboration with ECD Faculty SAO #2: Regular Coordination with ECD Faculty to develop comprehensive strategies for support laboratory students SAO #3: Combined trainings for ECD Faculty/Specialists How Measured When Measured Results/Discussion Weekly Combined Faculty/Staff Meetings Weekly Meetings with agreed upon agenda items Agreed upon expectations/seamless planning for lab students Weekly meetings w/Lab Faculty and ECD Specialists Agreed upon activities/strategies for ECD practicum students Agreed upon expectations/seamless planning for lab students Internal/External trainings simultaneously attended by ECD Faculty/Specialists At least two trainings each semester with Faculty and Specialists in attendance Agreed upon expectations/seamless planning for lab students Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no". For any questions answered "no", please provide an explanation. No explanation is required for "yes" answer. Write n/a if the question does not apply to your area. 1. Have all of your course outlines been updated within the past five years? NA 2. Have you deactivated all inactive courses? (courses that haven’t been taught in five years or won’t be taught in three years should be deactivated) NA 3. Have all of your courses been offered within the past five years? If no, why should those courses remain in our college catalog? NA 4. Do all of your courses have the required number of CLOs completed, with corresponding rubrics? If no, identify the CLO work you still need to complete, and your timeline for completing that work this semester NA 5. Have you assessed all of your courses and completed "closing the loop" forms for all of your courses within the past three years? If no, identify which courses still require this work, and your timeline for completing that work this semester. NA 6. Have you developed and assessed PLOs for all of your programs? If no, identify programs which still require this work, and your timeline to complete that work this semester. NA 7. If you have course sequences, is success in the first course a good predictor of success in the subsequent course(s)? – Please refer to EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM REVIEW 8. Does successful completion of College-level Math and/or English correlate positively with success in your courses? If not, explain why you think this may be. Please refer to EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM REVIEW Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative) Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and external funding. How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student learning? Supports Student Success What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? Offer parent education classes for all student-parents; provide parent education classes for all CalWORKs students. What is your action plan to achieve your goal? Activity (brief description) Offer 4 1/2 unit classes Target Completion Date Jun 2017 Required Budget (Split out personnel, supplies, other categories) $3,800.00 – Personnel $450 - Supplies How will you manage the personnel needs? New Hires: Faculty # of positions 2 Classified staff # of positions 1 X Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be: X Covered by overload or part-time employee(s) X Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s) Other, explain At the end of the project period, the proposed project will: Be completed (onetime only effort) X Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project (obtained by/from):EOPS/Student Success Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation? X No Yes, explain: Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements? No X Alameda County Dept of Social Services Yes, explain: Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project? No X Yes, list potential funding sources: Alameda County Dept of Social Services Appendix E1: Equity and Basic Skills Initiative Fund Requests: Project Name: Contact Name: Division/Discipline/Program/Office: Contact info: (email, campus phone, and cell phone) Check the student success indicator(s) your project will address __ ACCESS: Enroll more of a population group to match their representation in community. __ COURSE COMPLETION: Increase success rates in identified courses. __ ESL AND BASIC SKILLS COMPLETION: Increase success rates in ESL or Basic Skills courses, and Increase the completion of degree/transfer courses by ESL or Basic Skills students. __DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE COMPLETION: Increase percent of degrees/certificates among degree/certificate-seeking students. __TRANSFER Increase percent of transfers to 4-year colleges among transfer-directed students. Check the type of project you are proposing ___ Curriculum/Program improvement ____ Outreach ___ Direct student intervention ____ Instructional Support ___ Faculty development ____ Research and Evaluation ___Other: ____ Coordination and Planning To determine whether your project can be funded by Equity funds: 1) Does your proposal address disproportionate impact for any of the following target student populations marked with an “X”? Please highlight the “X” that corresponds with your target populations. (Equity funds must address specific opportunity gaps identified below with an “X”) GOALS Goal A: Access Goal B: Goal C: Goal D1: Goal D2: Cert Goal E: Course ESL/Basic Degree Completion Transfer Completion / Skills Success Completion Success Rates Males X Foster Youth Students with disabilities Low-income Veterans X X X X X X American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Filipino X X X X X X X X X X X X Hispanic or Latino Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White X X X X X X X X X X X X 2) COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS In what ways does your project include collaboration between academic and student services and/or with the community? (Equity proposals that partner to reach target populations are prioritized over proposals that do not) To determine how your project fits into your discipline’s or program’s planning: 1) Is your project mentioned in your area’s latest program review? __ Yes __ No 2) Does your immediate administrator support this project? __ No __ Yes 3) How have you shared this proposal with others in the relevant area, discipline, or division? When did this conversation take place and who was involved? PROJECT GOALS, ACTIVITIES, BUDGET, OUTCOMES, AND EVALUATION GOAL What does your project hope to achieve overall? DOCUMENTING NEED AND SOLUTION Please provide data to support the need for your project and the solution you propose. ACTIVITIES Please list all the activities (A.1, A. 2, A.3, etc.) that you propose to do to reach your goal. List activities by target date in chronological order. Identify the responsible person/group for each activity, and who will be involved. BUDGET Provide a budget that shows how the funds will be spent to support the activities. EXPECTED OUTCOMES and EVALUATION How will you know whether or not you have achieved your goal? What measurable outcomes are you hoping to achieve for the student success indicator and target population you chose? How will you identify the students who are affected (are they part of a class, a program, or a service, or will you need to track them individually)? Appendix F2A: Classified Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 2000] Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Classified Prioritization Committee Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and parttime regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff. Instructions: Please complete a separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form for each position requested and attach form(s) as an appendix to your Program Review. Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet AND a separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form must be completed for each position requested. You can find the template for the spreadsheet here: Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000a tab and check the box below once they’ve been added. Please click here to find the link to the Classified Professional Staffing Request form: This is a fillable PDF. Please save the form, fill it out, then save again and check the box below once you’ve done so. Submit your Classified Professionals Staffing Request form(s) along with your Program Review Narrative and Resource Request spreadsheet. Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested): 4-1 vacancy; 3 restoration (1.25FTE) ☒ Separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form completed and attached to Program Review for each position requested (please check box to left) ☒ Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check box to left) Appendix F2B: Student Assistant Requests [Acct. Category 2000] Audience: Administrators, PRBC Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for student assistant positions. Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff. Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, and accreditation issues. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. If these positions are categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded positions where continuation is contingent upon available funding. Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been added. Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested): ☒ 3 Summary of positions requested completed in Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check box to left) Rationale for proposed student assistant positions (please describe below): Maintain presence at front desk lobby, file documentation, make appointments for student observations, answer general phone inquiries, take messages Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposed positions (please describe below): Support efficiency and allows students an opportunity to improve communication and critical thinking skills and understand their individual and collective responsibility to a community. How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request? Provides opportunity for ECD student majors to gain more experience in a classroom setting. Appendix F5: Supplies Requests [Acct. Category 4000] Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of funds. Instructions: In the area below, please list additional/augmented funding requests for categories 4000. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix F6. Justify your request and explain in detail the need for any requested funds beyond those you received this year. Request and Rationale: Students use writing/drawing consumables with children to practice their plan, conduct and evaluate their interaction with children. How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request? When more projects completed, more supplies are needed. As a result more students are proficient. Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 4000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added. ☒ SUPPLIES tab (4000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check box to left) Appendix F6: Contracts & Services, Conference & Travel Requests [Acct. Category 5000] Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC Purpose: To request funding for contracts & services and conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development Committees in allocation of funds. Instructions: Please list contracts and services. For conferences/training programs, including specific information on the name of the conference and location. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal. Rationale for Contracts and Services: Speech Therapist is required to initially evaluate all Head Start enrolled children for speech (per board approved Head Start contract). Additionally therapist provides enhancement services for those children who don’t meet the threshold for referral but require support. Rationale for Conferences and Travel: Classified staff require contextualized team building activities to support their ability to collaborate with ECD Faculty. These workshops are offered at the CA Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC) Annual Conference. How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service area outcomes (SAO’s) support these requests? Supports classified staff. Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 5000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added. ☒ TRAVEL/SERVICES tab (5000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check box to left) Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology Committee. Instructions: Please follow the link here to make your request and summarize below Summary of request and rationale: Data collection for children has become detailed. Anecdotal notes are increasingly significant to the children’s collective portfolio. State documentation mandates are increasingly being required to be submitted via spreadsheets and transfer from paper to computer takes time. Tablets will allow staff to document as they go, including photos and video (previously an enhancement but now has become the norm). Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 6000 tab and check the box below once they’ve been added. ☒ EQUIPMENT tab (6000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check box to left) If you're requesting classroom technology, see for the brands/model numbers that are our current standards. Appendix F8: Facilities Requests Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee. Background: Although some of the college's greatest needs involving new facilities cannot be met with the limited amount of funding left from Measure B, smaller pressing needs can be addressed. Projects that can be legally funded with bond dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, and equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities." In addition to approving the funding of projects, the FC participates in addressing space needs on campus, catalogs repair concerns, and documents larger facilities needs that might be included in future bond measures. Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests .If requesting more than one facilities project, please rank order your requests. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Construct Hallway Security Wall and Entry Keypad, Equipping of Room 3521 – Replacement of Chalk Board, Tables and Chairs in Room 3521. Building/Location: Building 3500 (Entry Hallway and Room 3521) Type of Request ___ Space Need ___ Small Repair ___ Large Repair X Building Concern ___ Larger Facility Need ___ Other (grounds, signage…) Description of the facility or grounds project. Please be as specific as possible. Create a wall with door and security entry keypad at main entrance of center. Wall will restrict access to laboratory (children’s) classrooms. What educational programs or institutional purposes does this request support and with whom are you collaborating? Enhanced security for safety of students, staff and children; ECD Faculty/AHSS Division Briefly describe how your request supports the Strategic Plan Goal? Safety concerns will have been addressed, students train in a reasonably safe environment that has developed strategies that support the times in which we live. Providing enhanced security requirements indicate to the students we are being sensibly proactive when it relates to students, children, and families.