Library and Learning Connection 2014-15 Program Review Summary, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts, November 2013, page 1 of 5 Library and Learning Connection Accomplishments and Progress Made All Areas Curriculum & Assessment Outcomes and review of assessments informed updated curriculum Service Area Outcomes written, assessed and improvements made Culture of fac development, study of practices, review of data, design of innovative practice in and out of class Student Support Human Resources Outreach creating Work redistributed value and vision for and streamlined with library & LC as technology yet still centers of learning decreased access to on our campus students; Library Tech to start Spring 14 Increased hours Cost-effective Library film academic learning screenings, support infrastructure speakers, book pilot unsuccessful displays, storytelling for Early Childhood Faculty participation Dev in Academic Support and in Instructional Lap-top and camera Support - designed lending program interventions Technology Facilities Library into the Planned bldg Information Age— 100 renovation improved technological into Design tools and information Review with earthquake Enhanced web sites for retrofit included easy access of data and resources for students and faculty Researched and purchased new library management system: Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Worldshare Book/AV/Journals funded by bond Library and Learning Connection Goals and New Initiatives All Areas Curriculum/Assessment Student Support Human Resources Technology Increase # tutors and Learning Assistants to accommodate student and faculty needs Revisit possibility of Library and Learning Resources Dean Increase hours & service by hiring Instructional Assistant for Tutoring and Learning Connection Labs including Math/Science Increase technological Complete bldg 100 tools for students, renovation by especially those with summer 2014 (for less access to safety, program technology continuance and expansion, and Improve wireless student success) printing and Internet speeds in all areas Enhance online resources for students & faculty Reduce labor needs by new or better aligned systems for college (e.g., eSARs with Banner) Create more instructor-librarian collaborations Develop more discipline instructor leadership in tutoring and learning support Reach out internally and externally for Library & Learning Connection to promote as centers of academic learning at Chabot Pilot study groups Develop more enhanced academic events (film screenings, displays, speakers, etc.) for out-ofclass support Facilities Library and Learning Connection 2014-15 Program Review Summary, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts, November 2013, page 2 of 5 Library and Learning Connection Accomplishments and Progress Made by Area Curriculum/Assessment Student Support Human Resources Technology Facilities Library Assessed and improved library orientations SLOs/CLOs/PLOs review – changes included increased instruction and practice time on citing sources, plagiarizing, and distinguishing popular vs. scholarly journals Created libguides Updated Library Skills course curricula Expanded outreach to discipline faculty Promoted vision: Value the library and LC as “centers of learning” on our campus Offered events and lectures (e.g., Day of the Dead, book displays, storytime, student and faculty art displays) (see also bullets in columns to the right) Redistributed work load of Library Techs, cross-trained Updated responsibilities of Lib Coordinator Circulated job description of Academic Services Dean Hired temps to prevent library closing with absences & .5 Lib Tech hired to begin Spring 14 for evening hours Created a more inviting environment o New study tables and chairs o Silent study room o Soft furniture groupings to improve ambiance o Patio furniture o Improved signage o Reference computers Moved librarian into office Planned for bldg 100 main floor renovation (circulation, instruction room, offices) into Design Review Learning Connection: Academic Support Integrated SLOs and Service Area Outcomes (SAOs), quantitative and qualitative, to improve services Wrote report for Accreditation With Institutional Research, collected data revealing students who use tutoring have higher success rates than students in same course who do not Created and implemented new compensation model for tutoring and for student “scholars” for cost effectiveness of tutors (pilot unsuccessful; needs revision) Redesigned web pages Increased reliability of online catalog Added e-books (80,000) With bond money, broadened access to interdisciplinary materials in databases, periodicals, and audiovisuals Began migration into new Library Management System (from SIRSI to Worldshare)—more access and digital Installed electronic counters at each door Implemented online reservation system for group study rooms Reference—chat, phone Piloted research tools loaner program Replaced computers on mezzanine Built a Learning Connection website with resources and posted data Used eSARs for tutor scheduled appointments (first college to pilot this) Planned for bldg 100 first floor renovation into Design Review Library and Learning Connection 2014-15 Program Review Summary, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts, November 2013, page 3 of 5 Curriculum/Assessment Student Support Human Resources Technology Facilities Learning Connection: Academic Support (cont’d) Leveled TUTR 1A and 1B courses to allow repeatability Added TUTR 1Bs for Business, Allied Health, Soc Sciences Piloted and revised COMM 70A/B to give students credit rather than pay for being tutors or “learning scholars” Institutionalized ESLWriting across the Disciplines Workshop Data shows higher student success rates correlate with more time in tutoring Data shows courses with Learning Assistants (in-class tutors) students have higher engagement, especially in CTE Conversation groups in ESL and study groups in math/science Faculty awareness and participation increased Learning Faculty completed required assessment cycles, Used Title III funds Connection: reported work, and set up assessment schedules for reassigned time: Instructional (as required by accreditation and as needed for o Center for Support increased student learning and success) Teaching & Learning/Staff Faculty Inquiry Groups – Small groups of Development faculty inquire about teaching and learning, Coordination (7.5 posing a question, reviewing literature, CAH/sem) collecting data, and proposing interventions o Learning both in and out of the classroom to better Assessment support student success (37 FIGs over 3 yrs) Coordination (3 Institutionalized best practices (such as Reading CAH/sem) Apprenticeship, Habits of Mind) o Data Presented data in collaboration with Coordination (3 Institutional Research CAH/sem) Shared information – “developed local experts,” “train the trainer” – sent faculty to conferences “Making Visible” video of students to better understand their experiences of and needs for academic learning support Learned about students’ experiences – “Student Voices” film projects used in classes and with faculty to stimulate discussion for improvement Used eLumen and developed new forms in Program Review for reporting assessment work Planned with faculty across campus for bldg 100 first floor renovation into Design Review Library and Learning Connection 2014-15 Program Review Summary, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts, November 2013, page 4 of 5 Library and Learning Connection Goals and New Initiatives by Area Curriculum/Assessment Student Support Library Work with more discipline faculty on providing information competency skills to students Increase story-time activities for ECD program Continue to assess LIBS 1 and LIBS 2 and use assessments to improve Learning Connection: Academic Support Visit other colleges to get ideas for innovation Need .12 FTEF increase for courses to accommodate new disciplines Human Resources Technology Facilities Create a library Reorganize with culture where all Library and Learning students and Resources Dean employees value the preferred MLIS library as a center of Increase # student learning on our assistants for campus improved shelf maintenance Expand library outreach (events and ($10,000 for library) lectures, exhibits) Increase adjunct librarian hours for Establish library collaboration with improved service Hayward Public Library and campus wide /community events like the Great Debate Plan for funding sources for library materials when bond runs out, or plan for securing money in a new bond, parcel tax, and other development. Complete migration into OCLC Worldshare system (Spring 14) Expand lending program for laptops and other technological tools for student research (e.g., flip cameras, voice recorders) Increase capabilities of wireless printing Increase Internet speed Secure stable funding for books, AV, journals, and databases for when bond and/or state monies are not available Offer more study group tutoring and conversation groups Continue to pilot Supplemental Instruction and Learning Assistants across disciplines Develop and support online tutoring Find more online materials for tutors Convert TUTR 1A and 1B to hybrid or online Complete building 100 update in scope: o More study spaces for students o 44-station Library Instruction Room (include software, video streaming, smart classroom) o Circulation and reference redesign o Reading areas redesign o Staff work areas renovation o Paint, furniture, carpets in study areas Include items in Bldg 100 out of scope: ADA compliant elevator and electrical upgrade requested Centralize academic learning support under 1 space (building 100 Work with district to revise compensation model for tutors Need Library Tech I for more open hours (.5 FTE) Need more Learning Assistants and Tutors Library and Learning Connection 2014-15 Program Review Summary, by Marcia Corcoran, Dean of Language Arts, November 2013, page 5 of 5 Curriculum/Assessment Student Support Human Resources Technology Facilities Design and develop Need Library and “community” for Learning Resources students (explore Dean interests and career Continue to visit options providing identified academic learning “successful” tutoring support and student programs; learn “best support services) practices” (need $800.00) Continue to measure to show increase in Continue to increase success rates faculty awareness and participation tailoring needs for additional disciplines Connect e-SARs with Banner for easy data collection (attendance accounting and research) Work with district to streamline systems for hiring and paying tutors Learning Advance teaching through: Provide institutional Connection: o exposure to current theories and best practices reassigned time (will Instructional o developing and evaluating teaching practices help meet Support o utilizing a variety of pedagogies accreditation o Faculty Inquiry Groups to create, implement, mandates): and assess new interventions o Center for Teaching o thoughtful and collaborative Flex Day activities & Learning/Staff in support of Strategic Plan (some district, some Development college, some division/discipline work) Coordination (3 CAH/semester) Collaborate with high school, university, and o Combined Learning community to increase student pathways and Assessment & Data completion Coordination (2 CAH/sem from district; need 1 CAH/sem from Chabot) Provide technology needs for new building space Provide website support for maintenance and streaming video support for Making Visible projects Collaborate with Television and Radio stations to optimize Faculty and Staff Development and to create outreach to high school and university counterparts Learning Connection: Academic Support (cont’d) o Ample student study space o Space for study and tutoring groups o Space for computer labs (ESL, WRAC, Math/Science, Social Sciences) o Software o Space for Law and Democracy, Opportunity and Freedom, Change It Now, Center Civic & Comm Engagemt Integrate Instructional Support space (building 100) o Space for Center for Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Institutional Research and Grants, Making Visible for faculty and students as coinquirers